Top 10 Signs That You're A GENIUS

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Hey YouTube, Jim here! Welcome to Top10Archive! Have you ever felt that you're the smartest person in the room? That maybe nobody gets you because you're just too sophisticated? Well, there are a few ways for you to find out and prove it to those that doubt you. Go through this list of ten items to see just how much of a genius you are! If you can dumb yourself down to our level for a moment, why not give Top10Archive a subscribe and, for notifications on new videos, click the bell. If you liked this video, be sure to give it a like and comment with just how much of a genius you are. 10. You're Left-Handed You may have to put up with right-handed desks and other pitfalls of being left-handed, but you also get the chance to gloat about how smart you are. A joint study performed by the University of Liverpool, University of Milan, and Maastricht University found that left-handed people exhibit a more developed right-brain hemisphere. That hemisphere is directly responsible for processing spatial reasoning and rotating mental representations. Left-handed people also tend to have a greater link between the two hemispheres, which assists in information processing. 9. Your Sense of Humor is Unparalleled Have a problem where you tend to laugh at dark jokes? You may be a genius. A study in the Cognitive Processing journal concluded that people who enjoy dark humor tend to have a higher IQ. To prove the correlation between an inappropriate sense of humor and intelligence, 156 male and female subjects were read cartoons from The Black Book by Uli Stein. Each participant indicated whether they'd understood and appreciated the joke, then took a basic IQ test. In general, those that understood the joke and found it funny also scored higher on the IQ test. 8. You Enjoy the Night If this one's true, everyone at Team Top 10 is as smart as they come. Psychology Today once reported that people with higher intelligence are typically night owls. Young Americans were studied and it was determined that those with a higher IQ enjoyed staying up later. Psychologist at the London School of Economics and Political Science, Satoshi Kanazawa, followed this up with a report that claimed there is a direct relation between IQs and sleeping patterns. According to Kanazawa, the average brain has been conditioned to follow the same sleep patterns of primitive people, who rose and fell with the sun. 7. You Enjoy a Challenge If you're a true genius, you aren't going to be looking for the easy way out. You'll want the challenge and you'll want to learn every step of the way. A true genius may find themselves sacrificing sleep for the sake of a good riddle or solving an illusion or brain teaser. People of higher IQ and genius-level intellect don't find much joy in simplistic puzzles that even "commoners" could solve. 6. You Enjoy a Good Book It's not so much that "non-geniuses" don't read, but someone who qualifies as a genius or has a much higher IQ is more prone to spending a Saturday evening deep in a book. There is, however, believed to be a correlation between reading more and an increase in levels of the three types of intelligence: Emotional intelligence, crystallized intelligence, and book knowledge. It may also help if you start reading books written by geniuses or biographies about geniuses, but that's not an official study. 5. You're a Worrywart There's nothing worse than spending your days worrying about everything. The end of the world? It's always on your mind. Terrorism? Can't quite stop thinking about it, right? Well, there's a chance that overactive mind of yours may mean you're a genius. Dr. Adam Perkins, expert of Neurobiology of Personality at King's College in London believes he found a link between anxiety, overactive imaginations, and very intelligent people. One argument in favor of the belief is that this level of concerned imagination is a self-preservation. 4. You're Addicted to Something That may sound a little contradicting and you may immediately think that if someone gets addicted to something, they're already not smart for trying an addictive substance. If history says anything, though, people deemed genius were known for their addictive habits. Consider Charles Dickens and his love for opium or Edgar Allan Poe's struggle with alcohol. Recluse Howard Hughes checked off many "genius" boxes and topped it all off with his addiction to opiates. The list goes on and on and includes names like Sigmund Freud, Vincent van Gogh, and even fictional geniuses like Dr. Gregory House and Sherlock Holmes. (Although, personally, I think you’re smarter if you don’t get involved at all with any of these abused substances.) 3. You Have a Curious Mind It would make sense that a genius would be curious, right? It was Albert Einstein, who, by the way, was thought to have an addiction to tobacco and cocaine, that said "I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious." Research in 2016 from Adrian Furnham and Helen Cheng performed in London discussed the connection between childhood intelligence and the curiosity they show as an adult. It was determined that 11-year-olds that scored high on an IQ test were more open to life experiences at an older age. 2. You're Reserved The Gifted Development Center took a look at "gifted children" to determine what it was like to be a sort of childhood genius. What they determined was that, sometimes, the highly intelligent have a higher level of reservation. The study found that 60% of gifted and intelligent kids had introverted personalities. It also showed that more than 75% of people sporting an IQ of 160 or higher were also shy. 1. You Talk to Yourself Genius or crazy? it's a fun game to play in the subways of major cities. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology printed a study performed by psychologists Daniel Swigley and Gary Lupya that theorized that talking to yourself was actually pretty beneficial. The study set 20 people off in search of an object in a supermarket. First, they had to search for the item in silence. The second go around, they could speak to themselves and what was found was that those that spoke to themselves were able to complete the tasks more easily. Thanks for watching! Smart move! Remember to subscribe, click the bell, like this video, and leave your IQ in the comments below, rather than criticizing mine!
Channel: Top 10 Archive
Views: 465,069
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Keywords: test, iq test, tricky riddles, intelligence test, 10 signs you're a genius, mind, brain, genius test, 10 Photos To Test Your Personality, kids test, family freindly, education, top 10, signs you're normal, intelligence, 10 Signs You're Actually a Genius, genius, genius signs, signs you're a genius, top 10 archive, top10archive, signs your a genius, top ten archive, 10 signs, signs that you're a genius, signs of genius, top 10 list
Id: v3ekDvMMiYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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