Top 10 Science Fiction TBR | 2021

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hey guys it's laura welcome back to another video so last month i did a video showing you my top 10 fantasy tbr today's video is going to be my top 10 sci-fi tbr and similarly with my fantasy video these are all books that are on my physical tbr that are the top priority for me to read hopefully i can get through them soon or get to some of them soon at least but the idea with this list is that these are all books that i would really like to get to before the end of the year um i also wanted to briefly mention before we get into the official list the eighth book in the expanse series by james essay corey is the last book that is currently out before the ninth book comes out in november and that is probably a higher priority than the other books on this list but i don't physically own that book so i can't include it in this list but just know that i really need to get to that book and i keep forgetting to pick it up but anyway let's get into the official list my top 10 sci-fi books on my physical tbr and these are in no particular order i'm just i just grabbed them off my shelf so whatever order they're in is the order they're in but let's get into it the first book that i have to talk about is wool by hugh howie so i picked up wool after reading another book by this author which was beacon 23 it was a short little novella and i gave it five stars it was such a surprising read for me because i did not expect to love it as much as i did this is an author and a series that i've heard a lot of things about and i've heard i've seen a lot of enjoyment for my husband read it he really enjoyed it and so i think that i could absolutely love this definitely after reading the author's writing and really enjoying it really loving his humor and the themes and everything like that i knew that i had to read more by this author so i went ahead and picked up wool this is a trilogy i believe and i couldn't really tell you too much of what it's about um but here's what it says on the back of the book it says what would you do if the world outside was deadly and the air you breathed could kill and you lived in a place where every birth required a death and the choices you made could save lives or destroy them this is jules's story this is the world of wool and that's pretty much the extent of what i know so i'm really excited to give this one a try i have a feeling i'm really going to enjoy it after reading another book by this author so definitely one on my priority list the next book i have here is a book that i picked up last year with every intent of reading it right away because the movie adaptation was coming out however it got pushed back and so i didn't uh even think about prioritizing this book anymore but that is dune and this is by frank herbert this is pretty much a sci-fi classic at this point and i don't know too much about it i just know the things that i've heard i know that people have really enjoyed this the movie trailer looked interesting and really that's what got to me it was the movie trailer it looked so good i was like oh i definitely want to watch that so i need to read the book first because i can't i have to read the book first if there's a book so i picked this up the movie got pushed back and uh then i forgot about it so i don't i don't want to forget about it i want to keep i want to actually get to this before the end of the year another one that i don't know too much about but just have heard a lot of things about so it says on the back that set on a desert planet arrakis dune is the story of the boy paul who would become known as mod dib and have a great family's ambition to bring to fruition humankind's most ancient and unattainable dream a stunning blend of adventure and mysticism environmentalism and politics i'm just really excited to see what this is all about it just for whatever reason really intrigues me so it's definitely one i want to get to as soon as i can we'll see how when i don't know but i really want to read this the next one i have here is a book that i picked up not too long ago actually and it is exhalation by ted chang i read ted chang's other short story collection which was stories of your life and others i loved it it was so much fun and so interesting and just the concepts that he comes up with absolutely brilliant i've heard amazing things about this collection in particular and really am dying to get to it i just really enjoy ted chang's mind like i don't know his stories are so well thought out and so brilliant and ask questions that are just so thought-provoking so i'm just really excited to get into this collection and see how i feel about it hopefully i will love it just as much if not more than stories of your life and others the next book i have here is one that's been on my radar for years i finally picked up a copy i think it was sometime last year and i have really been excited to read it and for whatever reason just have not gotten to it and that is empress of forever this is by max gladstone so this is a sci-fi adult space opera and it's been compared a lot to guardians of the galaxy it just sounds like it's just going to be a wild crazy adventure and i'm so down for that ride so basically we're following this very successful innovator think uh female steve jobs she is known for radical thinking quick decision making and reckless action uh on the eve of her greatest achievement in one terrifying instant is catapulted from a chilly boston server farm to a deadly far future so she somehow travels far into the future where the entire galaxy is ruled by this very powerful empress that has the power to destroy worlds rebellion up until this point has been completely impossible until viv comes along from the past with some new innovative ideas and it just sounds like it's gonna be so good like seriously anything compared to guardians of the galaxy i'm all for it i'm just hoping that this is gonna be funny it's going to be adventurous it's gonna be wild and over the top i cannot wait to check this out i don't know why i haven't picked it up yet um but it's definitely one like i said that i've been wanting to read for years now i've heard really great things about max gladstone as an author and this is a book that i literally have seen absolutely no one talk about that just makes me even more excited to check it out for myself and see how it goes the next book i have here is one that i wasn't as excited about when i picked it up simply because of the time period it's somewhat of a historical fiction although it's alternative fiction um and that is the calculating stars by mary robinette kowal however i recently read a history of what comes next by sylvain novell which also takes place around this time period and deals a lot with rocketry people who are trying to make their way into space which i never thought that i would enjoy learning about rocketry so much but i really did that book made me really enjoy it after i finished that book i got even more excited to pick this up because it just seems like it has a lot of similar themes so in this one we are following an alternative history where a meteorite crashes to earth and will eventually render earth unlivable for humankind which makes us being able to get to space and even greater priority i've heard a lot of great things about this to be honest like i was wary about it because of the time period i don't like things set in like the 50s um that's just not a time period i enjoy but honestly after reading that book by salve nouveau and it being set in that particular time period and how much i loved it how much i loved the actual history of it and learning more about that it got me really excited to pick this one up so hopefully i can do that soon um i originally picked this up because it was part of like this reading project that i was doing and i still need to get on that so hopefully i can pick this up within the next month or so because i really need to but also because i'm just really excited to get to it now the next book i have here is a memory called empire and this is by arcadie martine um i have heard so many great things about this book i don't really know what it's about i really don't but of all the people that i've heard talk about it it just got me really excited to read it i picked it up quite some time ago now and knew more about it then but now like the synopsis has kind of left my brain and i don't want to look into it too much because you know i like going into books not knowing a lot but um it says layered nuanced and startingly imaginative a memory a memory called empire is a sprawling space opera debut that puts a rare new stamp on the genre on the back it says ambassador mahit dismar is far from home her predecessor her predecessor has been murdered her one connection to home is gone silent so this just sounds really interesting and everyone that i've seen read this has really enjoyed it really excited to crack into this one and see how it goes for me not knowing hardly anything about it i really enjoy going into sci-fi in particular that way because there's just so much to discover when it comes to sci-fi especially if it's a space opera the next book i have here now i said that these are in no particular order but if they were this would probably be number one and that is project hail mary by andy weir now andy ware wrote my favorite sci-fi of all time which was the martian and i'm always gonna pick up whatever he writes ever this sounds like it's very high stakes it sounds like it's action-packed i think that it's gonna be fast-paced and exciting and i love andy ware's writing so so much but in this book we are following ryland grace he is the sole survivor on a desperate last chance mission and if he fails humanity and earth itself will perish so definitely sounds like it's going to be high stakes fast pace i'm really excited to check this one out because i adore andy ware's writing hopefully this will be closer in style and experience as the martian was which is always the what i'm trying what i'm looking for always a feeling i'm trying to recreate so hopefully i enjoy this one because i have a lot of expectation on it and i'm really excited to get to this i'm thinking of possibly picking it up this month so i might get to it sooner rather than later but definitely one of the first ones on this list i will probably pick up the next book that i have here is network effect by martha wells i don't know why i have not picked up this book yet this is the fifth book i believe it's the fifth book in the murderbot diaries murderbot is this um android security unit that their job is basically to work with humans on different missions to different planets and protect them and they hate this because they really don't like humans like all they want to do is just sit and watch their soap operas i have loved all the other books in the murderbot diaries that i've read before this is the first full-length novel so that gets me really excited and like the sixth book is already out by now so i really need to get on reading this one so that i can continue on in the series but i love murderbot they are hilarious and the situations that they find themselves in are always exciting and hilarious and i just really need to get to this book i don't know why i haven't picked it up yet it's been too long since i've read a murderbot book so i need to read this second to last we have a starsight by brandon sanderson this is the second book in the skyward series by brandon sanderson is a why a sci-fi series that follows spensa so in the first book spensa desperately wants to become a fighter pilot she lives on this planet where humans are constantly being attacked by this alien race called the krell the only defense they have is fighter pilot things happen it's so much fun i love doom slug and mbot and i just cannot wait to find out what happens next in spencer's story so i've been wanting to read this for quite some time i've had it for quite some time now i don't know why i haven't picked it up yet but it's definitely a book i need to get to soon and then the very last book that i have on my list is the space between worlds by micaiah johnson this is another one that i've just heard really amazing things about it's nice and short so this could be one that i could get through really quickly i believe that this is more of a sci-fi thriller so this takes place in a future where multiverse travel is possible however in order to travel to different universes you have to be dead in that universe and our main character happens to be dead in several universes which makes her a prime candidate to travel but i believe there's some sort of mystery when one of our main characters eight remaining doppelgangers dies mysteriously so it sounds really really good it sounds like something i would absolutely love i love the idea of multiverse travel this is a book that i recently picked up so it hasn't been sitting on my shelf for too long yet but i don't want it to sit on my shelf for too long so i definitely want to get to it soon and there you have it that is my top 10 sci-fi tbr all of the sci-fi books that i am most excited to read from my physical tbr do let me know down in the comments below if you have any thoughts or opinions on the books that i've mentioned in this video do let me know if you've read any of these what you thought of them let me know which ones you think that i need to get to first um i love hearing from you in the comments as usual but that's gonna be it from me today so if you enjoyed this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up hit subscribe and i'll see you in my next one bye guys
Channel: A Book Circus
Views: 165
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: jEFWb8rvDYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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