June Reading Plans | 2021

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hey guys it's laura welcome back to another video today's video is going to be my june tbr happy pride month i cannot believe that it's june already like where is this year going i don't understand but today's tbr is going to be a little bit different in fact my tbrs going forward are going to be a little bit different i'm hoping that this will work out better for me because i have turned into uh quite a bit of a mood reader lately well i've always been a mood reader and i've been trying to ignore that about myself so i've you know continued to make monthly tbrs and to create this list of books that i want to get to and then i don't get to them and it especially hit me this past month because in the second half of may particularly i completely ignored my tbr completely which is not something i usually do and just read whatever i wanted to read and you know what it felt so good so i'm hoping to give myself a lot more freedom in my tbrs so here's what we're going to do instead of picking a list of books to read i'm going to pick a list of prompts to fulfill it's going to be fun it's going to be like doing a mini readathon every month basically i can read any books any book that i want to read in any genre that fits this prompt so the my monthly tbrs are going to be more focused on fulfilling prompts rather than specific books to read for that month does that make sense so i am going to pick out books to go with the prompts in uh my monthly tbr's but if i don't read those that's fine i can read something else as long as it fits the prompt i'm also giving myself a lot more freedom when it comes to the amount of books i'm going to read because i am picking out 10 prompts every month but i can double up or even triple up on prompts so if i have one book that fulfills three prompts then i will read that one book and that's it so i'm not gonna stress out about how many books i'm gonna read within a month or what specific books i'm gonna read in a month so hopefully you guys enjoy this hopefully i enjoy this and hopefully if you want to you can read along with me and fulfill these prompts with whatever books you want to read in the month so let's start off with the first prompt that i have which is for the diverseathon 2021 the diverseathon is a year-long readathon that i am co-hosting it is all about diversifying your reading throughout the year every month there is a different host and a different prompt so the host for june is danielle at danny dot alva over on instagram definitely give her a follow a lot of the hosts have been doing giveaways for their particular month and danielle is doing a giveaway as well so make sure you go follow her but the prompt for this month is an lgbtq plus main character which works out perfectly for pride month i have several options um to fulfill this prompt but i think the one that i'm gonna go for is house in the cerulean sea by tj cloon i have heard non-stop good things about this book and i feel like everyone has read this and loved it already besides me so i'm really excited to give this a read this month and see how it goes in this we are following linus baker he is a by the book case worker in the department in charge of magical youth he ends up getting this assignment to go to this house where there are a particular set of magical children that he has to decide whether they are too dangerous in fact dangerous enough to bring about the end of days and i think while he's there he ends up developing a romance with the um owner the master of the um orphanage i think that this is going to be absolutely delightful and like i said i've just heard nonstop good things like everyone talks about how beautiful this book is how whimsical how it's like a big hug in a book and i'm just really excited to get into it this month i will leave all the information down in the description box for the diverseathon 2021 so you can go follow all the hosts and check out all of the prompts throughout the year so make sure you check out the description box if you want to hear more about that read-a-thon okay so that was the first prompt like i said i'm gonna pick 10 prompts every month um and the way i'm going to pick them is from this little game here that i got in the owlcrate box this is etcetera by owlcrate it is a book lovers trivia game which is really cool but i'm actually going to use these as tbr prompt cards so here's what they look like and i'm just going to give them a little shuffle we're going to pick out 10 or not 10 nine if we're gonna pick out nine and we're gonna see what prompts i get and what books i will pick for them so here we go here's the first one it is books featuring ghost or haunted houses interesting okay so i guess this is a spoiler for my uh upcoming book haul but i recently picked up the haunting of brookwood house by darcy coates i've heard a lot of great things about darcy codes as an author um in the horror genre and i have been i've been doing a little mood buying last of this month if that's a thing and been picking up a few horrors because i'm kind of in the mood for that so this actually works out perfectly it definitely was something that i was planning to save for the autumn spooky time season but i mean who doesn't love a good horror in the summer so yeah i know absolutely nothing about this book i saw it at my local used bookstore i saw that it was a haunted house story and by an author that i've heard really great things about so i picked up um let's see she's always watching when guy finds the deed to a house in his mother's attic it seems like an incredible stroke of luck sure it hasn't been inhabited in years and vines strangled the age-stained walls but guys convinced he can clean up the building and sell it record house may be hours away from its nearest neighbor but he can't escape the feeling that he's being watched still he decides to camp in the crumbling old mansion while he does repairs surely nothing too bad can happen in the space of a week but there's a reason no one lives in rookwood house and the dilapidated rooms aren't as empty as they seem this sounds so so good i love haunted house stories so so much so really excited to give this one a read and see how i feel about it okay that was kind of unexpected but i'm excited let's pick the next prompt books published this year okay so i need to find a book published this year i have the perfect book another uh spoiler alert for my book haul um but remote control by nettie okorafor was actually published in january of this year and i think i put this on my january tbr i really wanted to get to it then but never did so perfect opportunity to read it now this is um a little novella nedi okorafor wrote the binti trilogy which i really really enjoyed so i've been wanting to read more from her ever since then and just never picked up anything but this is about the adopted child of the angel of death beware of her mind her death guards her like one of its own and i really don't want to read any more of the synopsis because i want to go into this unaware and just experience it like i did with the binti trilogy so i'm really excited to give this a read and it's a nice short one so that'll work out great for this month okay next prompt authors whose books you have never read before that gives me a lot of options so i have been wanting to read a book by kay ingram for quite some time i've heard really great things about her as an author and i recently picked up the wicker king by her and i've heard really great things about this book so definitely an author i have never read from before but one that i've been very interested in reading from for quite some time excited to get to this um i don't know how to explain what this is about but i think it's about two boys jack begins to have these hallucinations and august decides to help jack the only way he knows how by believing him and believing in the fantasy kingdom that creeps into the edges of the real world and i think there's a little bit of like mixed media in here as well and the pages get darker and darker the further you go in the book i'm really excited about this one i've been wanting to read something from this author for quite some time and actually ever since i picked up this book i just feel like it's been staring at me on my tbr so really happy to possibly get to it this month next prompt is books featuring tournaments or competitions okay i found one and this is ray bearer by jordan ifueko so this the synopsis says that when tarasai comes of age the lady sends her to the capital of the global empire of arister aerostar to compete with other children to be chosen as one of the crown prince's council of 11. so there is a competition in here so this works and it's one that i've been really wanting to get to for a while this prompt i'm actually going to leave pretty open i mean all of these prompts are pretty open i can read any books as long as i fit the prompts but if i happen to find something else on my shelf that also has competitions or tournaments that i'm more interested in reading i might pick that up but for right now i'm going to choose this um and i have heard really great things about this it is a i believe it's an african inspired ya fantasy so yeah this will definitely fit the prompt and i am excited to give it a try so hopefully this will be one that i get to in the month right next we have let's choose one on the bottom fictional bookworms oh you can think of a bunch that i've already read but i don't know what i have on my shelf that'll fit this okay the only i had to look through my shelf and the only one that i could find that could possibly work is uh son of the storm by suey davies okamboa this is a book that i recently picked up but the main character in here is a scholar um it says danzo is a clever scholar on the cusp of achieving greatness only he doesn't want it instead he prefers to chase forbidden stories about what lies outside the city wall he's a scholar so i feel like that counts so i'm gonna count it um we'll see if i actually get to this this month it's pretty large well actually it's only 450 pages it looks a lot thicker than that but that's not too bad so i might get to this one in the month i'll have to take another look through my shelf and see if there's anything else but it's hard to tell from like synopses sometimes until you actually read the book if the character is a bookworm so we'll see but this is the one i'm choosing for the prompt right now pick this one books featuring traveling time traveling road trips treks to far-off lands and more okay actually i've got the perfect book um i'm pretty sure there's gonna be traveling in here um there is there has been in the past several books so um i think that this will work this is blood witch by susan dennard this is the third book in the witchlin series which i have been rereading but i'm gonna be reading this one for the first time which i'm really excited about the way the second book left off several people were traveling and will be continuing to travel so i'm pretty sure that this will work for that prompt and i really want to read this and i really need to read it anyway the fourth book comes out this month actually later this month and i'm dying to read that i might read that so we're gonna go ahead and count this for that prompt the next prompt is characters who wield swords okay so the book i'm gonna pick for this is the well of ascension by brandon sanderson this will be a reread for me i reread the first book uh the final empire what was it last month or not or the month before um so i definitely want to continue on with my reread and i'll probably use this as an excuse to go out and buy myself a hardcover edition because i only own the paperbacks so yeah i think uh that's what i'm gonna do so well of ascension by brandon sanderson got two more prompts left books set in another country for a book set in another country i think i'm going to go for she would be king by wayatsumore so the synopsis mentions um west africa and jamaica so i'm pretty sure that at least some of this will be set in a different country several different countries it sounds like so i think that this will work with the prompts and it's one that i've been meaning to get to for some time i don't know much about this to be honest i've heard really good things about it though so i'm really excited to get into it and i did read the synopsis at one point but i i don't want to read it again because i just want to go into it unaware so i'm going to choose this for that prompt we have one more prompt to go the last prompt we have is books that have made you cry i'm going to take this to mean books that i think will make me cry i cry very easily so it could be anything um let's see i'm just going to go for it with this one i'm going to choose the puppy war by rf kuang i've heard that this is really intense and really brutal and i think that there may be aspects of this that might make me cry so i'm gonna choose this one um and it's definitely a book a series that i've been wanting to read and start for quite some time i think i featured this on my like top 10 fantasy tbr so i think it's i think it's time to get to it i'm really really excited about this hopefully i love it and i can binge read the entire series this year maybe even this month who knows how what my reading is going to do but yeah i think i'm going to choose this one this is an asian inspired fantasy we're following a girl named rin and i think she um ends up getting into this very prestigious military academy and then war breaks out maybe it'll make me cry we shall see but i mean it doesn't take much so so here are all the books that i am planning to read in the month of june of course who knows where my reading will take me it could take me anywhere as last month approved so if i don't feel in the mood to read any of these books it is totally fine as long as i fulfill the prompts that i picked out i do hope that you enjoyed this tbr do let me know down in the comments what you think about this idea about doing tbrs this way let me know if you'll be participating with me and maybe finding books of your own to fulfill some of these prompts i love hearing from you down in the comments but that is going to be it from me today so if you like this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up hit subscribe and i'll see you in my next one bye guys
Channel: A Book Circus
Views: 358
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: P1nKeQjjia4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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