Top 10 SCARY & Obscure Monsters From Warhammer 40k

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this video is brought to you by squarespace the 40k universe is filled with terrifying aliens and monsters and since the franchise is actually pretty big most people are familiar with some of the big ones such as the terrifying undead alien robots with galaxy killing weapons known as the necrons the sado masochist bdsm elves of the dark eldar or even the voracious tyranid swarm but the galaxy is a pretty big place and there's some truly terrifying aliens out there that don't get nearly enough attention like a race of alien parasites that feed off of religious worship or a floating brain jellyfish that takes over your head and turns your emotions into a weapon so today we're going to take a look at 10 super scary and obscure aliens from 40k that you've probably never heard of let's get into the grimdark in the number 10 spot we have the chimera let's start this list with a creature that literally feeds on nightmares they're known as the chimera and resemble large skinless dogs or cats made out of raw muscle and bone they're like an amalgamation of flesh teeth and talons their skulls have multiple small black eyes like that of a spider and it's said that their bodies glisten as if they're wet no matter how much illumination there is they are truly terrifying to look at the chimera are vicious predators that hunt by sensing the psychic presence given off by sentient creatures often this causes them to have a particular fondness for people with psychic abilities being drawn to them like sharks to the scent of blood whether hunting on instinct or being directed by a malicious entity that has somehow gained power over them they are absolutely ruthless killing machines often being tamed and employed by the dark eldar as a form of shock unit despite their terrifying appearance these creatures are not actually demons even though they are technically from the warp you see the warp is a parallel universe a realm of emotion and that includes all of the emotions felt by sentient creatures the psychic energy left by the emotions of fear and terror leave a particular footprint in the warp that sometimes a cyst can develop on as the cyst grows it will eventually birth a chimera as creatures of the warp the chimera do not have a physical form not really they tend to drift between the physical universe and the immaterial in fact the chimera are able to phase between the two existences at will this means that nothing can get in their way when in pursuit of prey barricades lock doors it doesn't matter if the chimera are locked onto you there is no escaping them they've even been known to materialize inside of the cockpits of aircrafts in armored troop transports or even on the decks of void-borne ships now what's really interesting about them is that through spreading fear and terror during their attacks the chimera are subsequently allowing for their continued existence not only do they feed on this torment but their presence will generate new waking nightmares in any survivors stories of their attacks will spread across the sector infecting the minds of other people which will then in turn generate fear in the warp for them to spawn on in the number 9 spot we have the medusa the medusa resemble large floating brains covered in tentacles now other than their truly unsettling appearance there isn't anything particularly horrifying or dangerous about them off the bat as a full-grown adult would have no problem fighting them off with a baseball bat however the medusa are far more dangerous than their initial appearance let's on you see they are empathetic hunters in that they eat emotions in order to hunt successfully they will attempt to attach to a living host and once in control of their body they will force the host to experience emotion to ludicrously heightened levels what's truly terrifying about the medusa is that by all accounts it is the ultimate parasite as unlike other parasitic creatures it doesn't just feed off of its host but literally becomes one with them the medusa will attempt to attach to the victim taking over the back of their head and injecting them with mini whip-like appendages each of these resembles a spinal cord and once inside the victim's body the appendages will link with its neural system and begin to take over even though they tend to take over the host body they mostly leave the minds intact in fact the host is still able to experience everything they maintain their mind and all of their senses an individual who has been infected by a medusa becomes incredibly dangerous it is said that just by meeting their gaze the creature can cause emotional hemorrhaging within the victim causing a complete overload of their brains as they're flooded with emotion when in battle a medusa and its host can generate emotion-based psychic powers to wreak havoc on their enemies they expose their victims to overpowering feelings of anguish and terror the waves of dread they emanate are so powerful that they can cause humans to collapse into a comatose state where these creatures come from is currently unknown and some suggest that they're not native to this galaxy although it is also theorized that similar to the chimera they are a hybrid of matter and emotion from the physical and immaterial universes the medusa are frequently spotted alongside the dark eldar and are normally attached to their slaves and it's not really surprising why because it's also documented that if you were to eat a medusa you would experience all of that stored up emotion inside of the creature a tidal wave of pain and pleasure dread and euphoria that will absolutely wreak havoc on your neural system and since the dark eldar are kinda into this it's probable that they raise them as pets or food not just his living weapons in at number eight we have the mega racnets considering that these things come from a planet known simply as murder you can kinda guess just how horrifying they are you see the mega arachnids were first discovered by the blood angels during the great crusade when the planet was first encountered by the imperium it was emanating a strange signal from many tree-like growths on the planet's surface unfortunately for the blood angels they were not able to make heads or tails out of what the signal was trying to tell them and thus descended to the planet below the reality was that these signals were a warning that an incredibly dangerous species known as the mega arachnids had been quarantined here mega racnets are spider-like creatures with eight legs four of which end in long bladed appendages used for combat the massive strength generated by the creature's body along with the blade's insane sharpness meant that they could easily cleave through space marine armor as if it was made of wet paper the species was also hyper-intelligent and apparently at one point was capable of space travel however the species known as the interacts who had imprisoned them here had also stripped them of all of their technology the mega arachnids came in a variety of different shapes and sizes some of them were capable of flight while others developed biological weapons like the ability to spit acid or cocoon their victims in silk as dense and hard as cement there were even reports of some of the beg arachnids that were the size of imperial titans they also reproduced so quickly and laid so many eggs that the blood angels determined it was a waste of time to attempt to destroy their breeding grounds a combined force of blood angels and emperor's children campaigned against the mega arachnids for six months but at the last minute the species that had originally imprisoned them arrived on the world trying to figure out what was going on and they actually turned out to be an advanced species of human which the legions determined was a much more important thing to address and thus the mega arachnids were safe from extinction as the crusade immediately ended whether or not the megarachnids were able to repopulate is unknown and they very well might still be out there before we dive into the next entry i have a quick message from this week's sponsor it's 2022 and every day more and more businesses are moving online nowadays it's more important than ever to have your own website but most people don't even really know where to begin when it comes to making one squarespace takes the hassle out of website design and makes the entire process simple and fun they have hundreds of award-winning templates so you can get a crisp clean professional-looking site up and running in no time at all but if i'm being honest there's a lot more to running a website than just having a pretty interface there's analytics to tracks search engine optimization to perform and honestly a lot of that can be really overwhelming for a first-time website owner but thankfully squarespace gives its users access to some pretty cool analytic tools which gives you valuable insight into how 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cleave through the bones of even large herbivores with relative ease but this isn't the main weapon that a flock of razor wings utilize you see their names are actually quite literal in that the feathers of a razor wing are as sharp as monoblades this means a razor wing's entire body is a deadly weapon when hunting a flock of razor wings is often led by a single much larger individual known as an alpha it flies ahead of the rest of the flock and is often the first to initiate an attack after the alpha dives in the rest of the flock descends upon the victim like a storm of razor blades the swarm of birds rips apart their target incredibly quickly after their prey is dead the razor wings will carve up the carcass and carry the meat and bones to a nearby tree in order to eat seeing a tree covered in blood and guts being eaten by a bunch of hellbirds is something i definitely don't need to see but is also totally metal seeing as how the razor wings seem to have a particular fondness for devouring the bones of their victims many imperial scholars believe that the increased level of calcium in their diet is directly used to strengthen and sharpen their feathers into frightening weapons razor wings are also quite intelligent and are often able to be tamed by skilled drukari beastmasters coming in at number 6 is the unquenched the unquenched are basically dehydrated zombie-like creatures from the world of vaporus these creatures are cursed with an unquenchable thirst that never ends and worsens every single day causing them to seek out any form of moisture they can get their hands on whether that be cans of gasoline or even human blood there exists no formal reports about these things and information on them is incredibly scarce it seems like the only people who know the truth about the unquenched that is what they actually are and where they come from would be the priest kings of vaporus itself as they appeared around the same time that the priest kings took power now what we as the audience know is that all of the unquenched begin their lives as normal humans with some form of psychic ability but at some point after drinking the water within their city a form of corruption takes hold of them as soon as signs of this corruption are noticed they are reported to the priest kings and their warriors sweep in to capture them no one knows exactly what happens during the time period in which they're captured but there are rumors of dark rituals being conducted by the priest kings themselves after a time the individual will be taken far from civilization and cast out into the desert for the rest of their days they will wander the waste as a feral ghoulish predator desperately and frantically searching for any form of liquid they can find upon examination an unquenched is basically a feral dehydrated zombie their body is completely dead and the psychic energy that once gave them their unique abilities is refocused into keeping the body moving and creating a never-ending unquenchable thirst that drives them to madness interestingly enough they seem to retain their sentience and sometimes even their personalities although admittedly this is incredibly rare and their vocal cords are normally the first thing to wither away the individual who turned into an unquenched would need to have the ability to communicate psychically in order to talk to a normal person the more time goes on the more the unquenched mind will start to deteriorate as the never-ending search for water drives them deeper and deeper into madness there are rumors of unquenched who are early into their transformation helping travelers escape the desert and marking places on their maps to avoid most commonly these are subterranean gathering spots for large groups of unquenched that have been around for a long time and have become completely deranged and are now no more than feral undead predators however there are also reports of rogue traders that come to vaporus specifically searching for such places as these are the areas where the unquenched will drag their victims to and are rumored to have incredible hordes of wealth accumulated from all of the victims that have been drained over the generations in these cave systems in the number 5 spot we have the hrud the frud are one of the most bizarre alien species on this list and this is because they have the unique ability to manipulate time and use it as a weapon there have been multiple documented encounters with the rudd but many of these reports have different accounts of what they actually look like their depictions have ranged from small rat like creatures that tend to infest dark places two tall vaguely humanoid aliens with segmented bodies and large black eyes this has led to multiple debates on whether or not there are a bunch of different species are one in the same all collectively known as the rud what is known is that the hrud emit a distortion field that makes it incredibly difficult for the eyes to focus on them they could be right in front of you and despite being directly in your path of vision they appear like a blurry after image your brain is trying to tell you that there's something threatening coming for you but even though you know it's there you just can't seem to focus on it what makes the hud particularly dangerous is that they emit a passive entropic field all around them that speeds up time the field gets larger and stronger the more crud gathered together and on a large scale this can cause infrastructure to collapse crops to wither and the human population of a world to age incredibly rapidly when in close proximity to them they're proud were able to ramp up the power of these fields to render their opponents old and feeble and thus unable to defend against their attacks in one instance when the iron warriors found themselves engaged with the rudd a space marine named antioch was aged 3 000 years he was still alive after this encounter but he was definitely a feeble old man so if anything good was to have come out of this battle it's that we learned that space marines do age just super slowly coming in at number four is the enslavers the enslavers are a parasitic warp creature that resembles a large tooth jellyfish they are drawn like hungry predators to the psychic energy generated by all living creatures but are particularly drawn to those with incredibly potent connections to the warp known as psychers when their prey is located the enslaver will take control of the individual's mind and will often attempt to twist and contort that person into a literal warp portal this is an incredibly painful and horrific process and once complete the portal will serve as a gateway for more enslavers who will use it to enter the physical universe not much is known about them and their records are fragmentory at best we do know that their first documented sightings was millions of years ago near the end of a period known as the war in heaven this was the largest period of war the galaxy has ever seen and primarily centered around the necrons and their ancient enemies known as the old ones the enslavers were able to pour into the universe in their trillions and the resulting enslaver plague as it was known is believed to have played a major role in the old one's extinction and the subsequent period where the necrons abandoned their pursuits and went to sleep within their tomb worlds for 60 million years there have been reported sightings of enslavers as recently as m41 by ordo mallius of the imperial inquisition so we know they're still out there but hopefully they remain a rarity in the number 3 spot we have the cranial leeches the cranial leeches are a voracious grub-like alien parasite that has plagued the escalant sector for generations their exact origins remain unclear but it is believed by the individuals that live in this sector that they are a form of organic weaponry grown by a malicious unknown alien species tales of cranial leeches attacking humans have existed for a long time and the reports indicate that the leech will attempt to forcibly burrow under the victim's skin using its razor-sharp lamprey-like maw to create an entry point or more commonly and disgustingly by attacking the victim's eyes or other soft tissue once inside the body the cranial leech will rapidly and hungrily begin to consume anything in its path as it tunnels towards the victim's brain the process on average takes about five minutes to complete and once the leech reaches the brain it'll unleash a series of tendrils from its body that connect to the victim's neural tissue it will then pulse out shock waves into the flesh that cause an intense feeling of agony causing the victim to convulse and seize once the leech is fully implemented the convulsions will cease and the individual will become incredibly suggestible as the leech messes with the victim's mind whoever the leech's controller is will then be able to manipulate the person into carrying out their bidding some reports state that these creatures have been spotted being sold in what is known as the faceless trade which you can think of as a black market that specializes in alien relics and technology that have been deemed heretical by the inquisition and where these individuals are getting those leeches from is however still unknown in the number two spot we have the nephilim there were definitely a lot of parasitic and mind controlling type creatures within the 40k universe but the nephilim were probably the most bizarre in that they didn't feed off emotions like the medusa or fear like the chimera but they actually fed off of religious adulation the nephilim were first encountered on the human world of malkior said to be twice as tall as a space marine and slow moving the nephilim had round torsos and appeared in multiple different colors it was believed that these colors indicated some type of rank within their society with no mouse to eat any kind of organic matter the nephilim instead fed off the psychic energy generated specifically through religious worship when they would arrive on a planet they would greet the human colonists with open arms and preach of their religion and the rewards that awaited in heaven for all that followed in their path the aliens were said to be incredibly charismatic and were able to influence those around them through a combination of their honeyed words and the ability to psychically manipulate those around them they would even grant their followers masks made of their own flesh that would latch onto them and further pull them under their thrall over the years those who believed in the nephilim constructed many cathedrals and places of worship in their honor fully believing in the sermons the aliens had preached however the dark truth about the chapels was that the rapturous psychic energy created by the worship within their walls was like a feeding ground for the nephilim they gorged themselves on the beliefs of their flock draining the life force from the faithful leaving them as little more than dehydrated and desecrated husks after a world's population had been fully drained they would move on to a new world and begin the process again now thankfully the nephilim are believed to be extinct as their homeworld was eventually found by the white scars legion and subsequently exterminated however we don't really know how many worlds they actually spread to so there's no way of knowing if they were completely wiped out or not and in the number one spot we have the sloth the sloth are known as one of the most terrifying and horrific alien races that continue to plague the imperium it is said that they are responsible for the disappearance of entire populations of countless cities or even entire worlds they go by many names including the maggot men the dream eaters or the carrion masters and due to a lack of information on them most don't even believe they exist however there are multiple records within the inquisition's possession that confirm the terrifying alien species is all too real each individual sloth appears as a giant mound of sentient wriggling maggots that writhe together in a vaguely humanoid shape and are almost completely impervious to all forms of damage that don't completely obliterate them their technology is also seemingly incredibly advanced so much so that it is often mistaken as sorcery they're capable of constructing insanely powerful and esoteric weapons and a wide array of horrifying constructs that blend the organic with the inorganic the sloth are nomatic in nature and don't seem to have a homeworld at least not one documented by the imperium their fleets travel around the galaxy and they act like raiders and pirates they'll descend upon unsuspecting worlds and creep through the dead of night to abduct their victims their abductions start off small snatching one or two people off the street but over time more and more people will start to disappear quicker and quicker the fear and confusion these abductions spread with seemingly no cause can cause a world's population to descend into anarchy and civil war all directly according to the sloth's plans who pull on the heartstrings of a planet from the shadows they are hyper intelligent and fully capable of space travel but they don't seem to be interested in expanding their empire or taking any new territory so thankfully they remain few in number choosing instead to strike from the shadows on worlds across the galaxy what their ultimate goals are still remain a mystery however over the last several centuries the number of documented sightings of the sloth has begun to increase exponentially signaling the alarm bells within the inquisition and there we go that's 10 super creepy aliens from the 40k universe that you probably didn't know too much about which one of the ones on this list do you think is the scariest and why are you more afraid of the chimera who there's absolutely no getting away from or does having your brain be devoured by leeches just completely gross you out also if there's any other 40k monsters that you think deserve to be on this list that i didn't mention let me know about them down in the comments i tend to learn more from my comment section about 40k than pretty much any other source and i love hanging out and talking with you guys down there thanks again to my patrons for supporting this channel and helping me make new videos and if you'd like to help out the channel and get your name listed at the end of my videos my patreon is linked down in the description thanks again everybody and until next time happy wargaming
Channel: WesHammer
Views: 667,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer lore, top 10 scary, top 10 monsters, monsters, aliens, scary, lore, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40k lore, dark eldar, drukhari lore, drukhari, space marines, games workshop, scary creatures, scp, scary scp, scp top 10, xenos, 40k xenos, deep dive, weshammer, horror, scifi monsters, imperium of man, rogue trader, chaos gate, dark tide, imperium, 40k chaos, hrud, slaugth, medusae, horus heresy, horus heresy story, scary lore
Id: FgI6oUHMaA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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