Top 5 CREEPY Unsolved Mysteries. | Warhammer 40K Lore

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by the end of this video You're Gonna know everything you need to know about five of 40k's creepiest and most obscure Mysteries and this is a franchise that is absolutely chock full of super strange things that have gone unexplained for years or sometimes even decades at a time we're going to be talking about things like an entire Hive world's population that's suddenly and mysteriously vanished overnight and left behind some incredibly bizarre and unexplainable evidence to what had happened a terrifying black star that shows up out of nowhere and everyone who sees it turns into a fanatical raving cultist and some super creepy Ancient Alien Devices that grant their wielder immortality but eternal life comes at a terrifying price we're going to be talking about all that and a whole lot more but before we dive head first into the grimdark I'm gonna be honest with you I've got bills to pay so it's sponsor time but what do you think it's going to be I'm sure you've seen a million of these 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super useful stuff it'll all be waiting for you right here big thanks to raid for sponsoring this video number five comis the Tyrant star Warhammer 40K is no stranger to prophecies now whether they be chaotic xenos or even human in nature there are tons of examples of ancient prophecies that foretell a great far-off apocalypse one lesser known of these prophecies speaks of the engulfing darkness that will ultimately devour all of human civilization it's detailed in a manuscript the Inquisition refers to as the prophetica hereticus tenebrae this event is said to be heralded by all manner of signs that will gradually transmute human minds and make them ready to embrace Eternal Darkness the origin of the prophecy is currently a mystery to us as the audience as it is said to be held within the Bastion serpentus archives and none but Lord Inquisitor Zerbe are permitted to study it the Inquisition has a lot of different theories on the nature of this prophecy some claiming that it is clearly chaotic in nature whereas others point out that the word devour shows up pretty often in the text we don't know what species pin this prophecy but if it was the Eldar then the word devour is used by them pretty frequently in reference to the tyranids Comas itself is said to be either a black son or a Halo of black flame a Herald of the encroaching Darkness represented in the text Itself by as of this moment an unknown Rune that bears a striking resemblance to the clawed foot of a bird the symbol has never been seen in any other text so we don't really know its Origins on one hand we might be able to write this off as a spooky Prophecy from some unknown ancient Xeno species that all but certainly has gone extinct but not so fast as the calexis sector has been plagued by a bizarre reoccurring phenomena over the last century a monstrous black Sun matching the descriptions in the text suddenly and mysteriously appearing out of nowhere in various locations throughout the sector no two appearances have ever been quite the same but there are definitely discernible patterns that link them all together in most cases a ghostly star emanating black flames and esoteric unknown radiations spontaneously materializes within a planetary system the thing shines malevolently for a few days and then mysteriously vanishes Without a Trace sometimes the Black Star appears alongside a planet's normal one and sometimes it eclipses it entirely the phenomena has been documented at least 18 times but it's believed to have occurred far more than that sometimes the sun showing up in Far More subtle ways like in the reflection of a wine glass or only visible at night as a dark spot that's blacker than the night sky itself the tyrantine cabal of the Inquisition firmly believes that the spectral Sun phenomena is without a doubt the Tyrant star comos mentioned in the prophecy as it very closely matches its description however there are some competing theories on what this thing actually is some say that it is a ghostly image of a stellar body within the immaterium trying to shine through the fabric of real space in a similar vein some say the star is within the warp itself and is partially translating into the physical universe as if it is trying to find a way through there are others still even within the Inquisition that claim that it is a xenos artificial construct a weapon of unknown Origins that is incomprehensible to mankind whatever its or every single time the star appears its visitation has caused public unrest and geological instability for months before it shows up a planet will experience unnatural earthquakes and Volcanic up surges the social fabric of the world will begin to deteriorate as a psychic Madness infects the planet's population there will be uncontrolled rioting looting and uprisings of dozens if not hundreds of distinct fanatical Cults multitudes more psychers will either be born or become active during this time and mutation will run rampant throughout Society the signs of the stars coming will be widespread taking the form of bizarre yet identical birthmarks appearing on newborns and odd runic symbols appearing on walls without explanation the population will begin to see the sun itself in their nightmares and will even be haunted by unexplained visions of the sun's reflection in mirrors pools and puddles if the Inquisition is to be believed then after the sun disappears many of these worlds will eventually return to business as normal the strange Celestial phenomenon bearing no can action to any of the events the planet had to endure however the Inquisition seems determined to track each one of these visitations and has worked tirelessly to carefully suppress any official confirmation of the sun's existence only time will tell if the Tyrant star really is the herald of Humanity's downfall or just another instance of unexplained phenomena number four the howling throughout 40k's extensive lore we find little Snippets here and there that show us just how horrifying the Galaxy really is there are creatures that lurk in the Dark Places between stars that are not only ludicrously powerful but also horrifically malevolent in their intent the truly baffling thing to me is a 40K fan is that many of these documented sightings of such terrifying entities often equate to little more than a footnote in the imperium's history an obscure piece of lore that is given little to no attention one such instance was known as The Howling where an alien cyborg psycher of Unknown Origin known only as the caco Dominus demonstrated ludicrously powerful and manipulative psychic abilities it was able to exert complete and utter control over every living thing in a massive area that contained around 1300 planetary systems this would make it one of the most powerful psychic entities we have ever witnessed within the physical Universe what Sinister purpose it had for dominating the minds of the untold billions of these worlds is currently unknown but its reign of domination would inevitably come to an end when it was slain by the black Templars in the 34th Millennium its Vengeance would come in the form of an immense psychic backlash an alien scream that reverberated through the warp growing in power with every subsequent Echo this creature's psychic death scream was so powerful that it managed to burn out the minds of a billion astropaths within its blast radius and not to mention distort the signal of the astronomicon itself all the way back on Terra Millions upon millions of ships were lost in the resulting chaos and it was said that entire sub-sectors were completely taken over by rampant barbarism as their societies descended into madness without the wisdom of the adeptus terror to guide them in my research I've only been able to find a handful of mentions of this event the first coming from the 5th edition 40K rule book and the second coming from the 8th Edition Space Marines codex other than that we're really not given a lot more insight into it what exactly was this thing was it a one-off creation a freak abnormality or a harbinger of a viciously powerful yet undocumented Xeno species the idea that there could be more of these things out there is truly terrifying to think of the legend of the caco Dominus does live on through the black Templars as they kept its skull as a relic and if you're a player of the Warhammer 40K tabletop game you can actually take this Relic on one of your black Templar characters it confers a stacking negative Aura to psychic tests and makes enemy psychers far more likely to suffer Perils of the warp which I thought was pretty neat hopefully this is a plotline that Games Workshop decides to revisit sometime in the future number three The Disappearance of fornax olive fornax Olive was the site of one of the most unnerving and inexplicable episodes within the Sabbat world's Crusade The Hive world had been determined to be an enemy Bastion one that had a significant Fleet Reserve and would put up an enormous fight nine regiments of the Imperial Guard were set to invade the planet and it was planned that they would be reinforced by the iron snake Space Marine chapter however the assault ended up getting delayed twice because of aggressive warp storm activity in the area these warp storms were so bad that the iron snake's battle barges were forced into a four-month holding pattern General elbeth serving under War Master Slato was set to command the Imperial Guard units but his fleets ended up getting scattered by the warp storms and when he arrived to the planet he did so with only a third of his compliment to make matters worse there was no sign of the iron snakes that were supposed to be there to support them now elbeth was a very cautious man and decided to abort the assault run the forces he had under his control were certainly nothing to scoff at but they wouldn't be enough to take an entire Hive world single-handedly he moved his fleets to the outer system and decided to hold there until reinforcements arrived that being said he didn't want to waste this opportunity so he directed a rapid Pursuit forget the Ziegler to undertake an intruder pass through the inner system this would be done to assess the enemy's strengths and disposition however to the General's complete bafflement the Ziegler encountered zero resistance and no orbital batteries fired on it no ships were launched to engage the Ziegler even reported that all of the orbital yards were entirely empty of ships both military and civilian most peculiar of all they detected no electromagnetic activity anywhere on the planet no Vox substrate no power industry no motion of any kind the great hives of fornax olive appeared to be empty and dead General elbeth believed that maybe the population had retreated to the countryside so over the next several weeks he would deploy many more Cruisers to scout out different parts of the planet all of them however came up empty there was no life that could be detected anywhere on the planet elbeth decided to launch a spearhead Force instead of waiting for reinforcements deploying two full regiments of heavy infantry the 34th and 52nd fighting felids he would also deploy the vitrien 10th armored Brigade which totaled to about 16 000 men and women and 800 fighting Vehicles much like what happened with the rapid Pursuit frigates they met no resistance the world was entirely devoid of life it was as if the vast population had suddenly vanished in an instant there were half-eaten meagles on Hab tables unfinished games of regicide in the street parlors there wasn't even power but that was admittedly easily restored as showing no indication of sabotage if the planet had been evacuated there would surely be unmistakable evidence of this and if a Great Plague had taken the population there would be bodies everywhere there were however no corpses to be found no burial pits or any sign of struggle or disaster the entire population had disappeared without explanation leaving behind an eerie vacant World a unfortunately the only thing we really have to go on is the transcribed reports that elbeth gave back to warmaster Slato and those reports indicate that him and the men under his control were incredibly unnerved despite the uneasiness they felt they ended up fortifying their position to wait for reinforcements the men were getting more and more nervous each and every day and during the night they would report the sound of bone-chilling Screams of Anguish echoing throughout the hive despite search efforts the source of the screaming was never located on the first day of 758 m41 all transmissions from Elvis Liberation Force abruptly ceased it would be 80 more days after this when the iron snakes who had been delayed by the warp storms would finally arrive as reinforcements 300 of them immediately made planetfall and made their way to elbe's last recorded position it was said that the iron snakes were a very serious chapter that were not easily Disturbed but their initial contact back to the war Master Slato lacked their character touristic demeanor they seem to be at a loss for words their report only saying that there was no one here there was no evidence that elbeth and his forces had ever been there if they had fortified a position it could not be located whatever happened to the planet's population had claimed elbeth and the men and women under his command as well the iron snakes would spend the next month scouring every single inch of the world for Clues to what had happened for the most part their search came up disappointingly empty with one exception impossibly a single Lehman rust battle tank was discovered 80 stories up on the roof of a Hab stack all of the Vox headsets inside were missing except for the last 30 centimeters of their cords that had been plugged into the outlets the cords themselves had been severed and somehow fused at a molecular level the only human remains that were discovered was a single Gauntlet in which a calcified human hand was found still gripping the gearbox lever within the tank no formal explanation of what happened on this world was ever established and year years later the planet would be repopulated now thankfully since then there have been no mysterious Mass disappearances or anything like that but to this day the population has continued to report unexplained screams in the dead of night number two the Labyrinth of thanotep the Labyrinth of thanotep is a tesseract Labyrinth the size of an entire planet now this infinite prison trembles in being so terrible that not even the necrons dare to enslave them for War what I just read to you is literally all the information on the Labyrinth that exists it was only ever mentioned briefly within the 9th Edition necron codex and then subsequently never even so much as referenced again so our imaginations are kind of allowed to run wild with this one I just want to put it into perspective out of all of the terrifying things contained within the Labyrinth the necrons have deemed them too dangerous to be enslaved for war this is a faction that literally did just that to their gods turning against the Catan shattering them into dozens of fragments and then subsequently enslaving those fragments and throwing them out on the battlefield like Pokemon the only difference between the Katan shards and Pokemon is the Katan have the devastating power to completely Sunder reality yet whatever lurks within the depths of the labyrinth has the these God Killers spooked out of their robot Minds the idea that there could be entities out there far older than the Katan which are said to be as old as the universe itself and vastly more powerful than them or even the chaos Gods is not that unheard of as in the novel godlight there's an instance where an eldari farseer is talking of the Katan he calls them the gods of the materium and that there are other more ancient and even more terrible things out there whatever the Eldar was referring to may very well be what the necrons have contained within the Labyrinth but that's just me speculating we really don't have a lot to go on yet with a lot of the 40K Mysteries that exist we're able to piece together little bits of information from across Decades of contributions to the lore now whether they take the form of full-fledged novels campaign books codexes white dwarfs or even the various video games and audio dramas that have been released by piecing all this together we can slowly work our way towards an answer a lot of the time however something will be mentioned briefly and then not acknowledged Again by the authors for years or perhaps even decades until they decide they're ready to expand upon it in a little bit more of a meta contextual analysis of 40K literature I think that's what we're seeing with the Labyrinth since its first mention was only a few years ago I feel like it's something that's being set up for a future expansion but only time will tell if Games Workshop wants to give us any more information on this admittedly cool and spooky place number one the Halo devices the Milky Way galaxy is impossibly ancient and from the time of its Inception countless different civilizations have risen and Fallen most of the species that saw themselves as the would-be inheritors of all of creation ended up falling short and were confined to the Halls of Extinction their great Empires succumbing to entropy every piece of evidence that they had ever even existed eventually crumbling to dust for some species however their great work endured long after The Echoes of their existence returned to nothingness sometimes these took the form of ancient alien ruins that denied the passage of time and stood defiantly for millions of years and most of them serve as a superficial reminder that nothing lasts forever whereas others seem to have been designed with a synthetic malevolence perilous devices of inhuman knowledge and unknown purpose that concede corruption twist the soul befoul the mind and profane the sacred human form one such artifact is what is known by the Rogue Traders and the Inquisition as the Halo devices in incredibly dangerous constructs of unknown alien origin that have been long forbidden to mankind despite the terrifying and dark nature of these constructs and many would still seek them out for the false gifts they promised it doesn't matter what terrifying price they demand as they offer something that all of humanity has craved since we first crawled our way out of the primordial ooze immortality the Halo device gets its name from the region of space known as the Halo Stars where they were first discovered they were found on lifeless alien worlds that orbited dead stars some resembling smooth talismans While others are orbs filled with an unknown fluid there was even one reported case of a Halo device that resembled a living worm-like creature all of them are glossy and smooth to the touch and defy analysis by auspect scanners they are impervious to harm and despite their impossible age show no evidence that time has any effect on them it's generally agreed upon that the worlds in which the devices were found were once part of a great and ancient civilization but as they left nothing but the divine devices behind we really don't know much about them and perhaps never will when one of these devices bonds with a human it will increase their strength knowledge and reaction time exponentially they will be granted youth Vigor and undying power but what makes them so horrifying is that this all comes at a terrifying cost you see the device will end up possessing their body and mind twisting their thoughts towards strange deranged thirst over time their life becomes not their own being completely dominated by the device like a sick puppet of Flesh whether or not the disturbing effects the Halo devices seem to have on human beings was by Design or simply a byproduct of them integrating with a biological species they were never designed to is still unknown if these morbid effects were intentional then it would indicate that the creators had an evil callous genius that would put even the homunculi of the dark eldart a shame there was one recorded instance of a Halo device being used by the head of a powerful Mercantile house a lord Inquisitor would deem the heretic so reviled that his name and all accounts of his deeds were to be expunged from Imperial records when he was discovered he had become a grotesque Fusion of polluted human flesh and xenos artifacts the later becoming so much part of him that it was impossible to tell where one began and the other ended he was said to be possessed of unnatural powers and could not die now we don't know much about what exactly he was capable of but it was said that his sins were so Grievous and disturbing to the Inquisition that they ordered the execution of not just him but of every living person within his house and all of the House's vassals as well they were so afraid of this guy that his execution came in the form of him literally being thrown into the planetary system's son the transformation induced by a Halo device becomes more pronounced over time and can be separated into three distinct phases it takes a few weeks for the device to fully bond with its user's flesh and after that point there is no way to remove it without killing the host their form will rejuvenate to the peak of Youth and health any physical diseases deformities or mutations will be negated and any part of the body that had been lost like a severed limb will miraculously regrow as their physical body begins to grow more powerful their mind will start to degrade at first they'll realize that they no longer find pleasure in normal sensory stimuli and they lose their sense of smell and food will begin to taste like ash in their mouth the host will begin to suffer violent mood swings and as time progresses they will find that they no longer require a full night's rest only a few hours of sleep every couple of weeks in which they will be haunted by terrifying alien dreams of strange dead cities beneath dark stars Phase 2 happens after a period of a couple of years where the device will have fully implemented itself into the host's body becoming partially absorbed at a cellular level the point on their body where the device originally made contact will have been healed over by new skin the initial bonding location will twist with hardening Scar Tissue resembling something like a tough exoskeleton of an insect by this point the host muscular and skeletal systems will have Twisted in such a way that they are inhumanly fast strong and resilient they no longer sleep at all eat or drink normal food but as their mind descends further into the Halo devices synthetic Madness they will begin to develop Strange Addictions and insatiable hungers in order to keep up their appearance and strength these hungers will have to be regularly indulged or they will begin to grow increasingly unstable and sickly these addictions can come in the form of spending long isolated periods in total darkness or immersion and solar radiation their hunger can take a lot of different forms but most commonly it comes in the need to Feast on human flesh the drinking of blood and cranial fluids their minds will further contort to the point where their memories begin to be replaced with those of things they have never witnessed such as strange alien civilizations insights into heretical lore and unknown languages there are even some reports that if a person at this phase ends up getting killed but their body was not complete destroyed at the cellular level they over time will resurrect as they begin to stitch themselves back together in the few instances this was documented the individual was driven into full-blown Insanity phase 3 occurs after a host has been in contact with the device over multiple decades at this point there is no longer any separation between the user and the Halo device they still resemble a humanoid but their Humanity has been completely Stripped Away Now documented individuals that have proceeded to this stage are noted as having a corpse-like flesh burning eyes distorted gaunt features armor-like hides and even fingers that have fused into long Talons of exposed bone their strength will have advanced to the point where the host can rip a full-grown man's head clean from their shoulders with barely any effort a host in Phase 3 is said to be able to survive the void of space and can regenerate from Death remarkably quickly their mind that had once been bordering the whirlpool of madness has now completely descended into Insanity it is no longer the mind of a singular entity but an Unholy Union of deranged intellects if a rogue Trader was so inclined to seek these devices out and sell them under the counter each one would fetch an absolutely exorbitant price as the rumors of these devices mostly begin in end with the promise of Eternal youth due to the inquisition's Relentless efforts to cover up their existence if a would-be buyer does know anything of their more terrifying side effects they may view this as a price worth paying however the trade of these things is not only utterly illegal but an unforgivable heresy the Inquisition views the Halo devices as an immediate threat to the Imperium stability and thus has declared war on them and anyone who has ever even remotely come into contact with the Blasphemous alien technology they constantly scour the collectsis sector for any Rogue traders that would attempt to secure them or sell them in underground markets anyone found to have come into contact with a Halo device will be eradicated without Mercy as the the years go by more and more of these devices are Unearthed and how many of them are currently out there in circulation is currently unknown but considering the Inquisition has so far been unsuccessful at containing their plague of Madness it seems like an undeniable conclusion that they will eventually spread throughout the entirety of the Imperium and the amount of damage they'll be able to do is incalculable and that was five of the creepiest and most obscure 40K Mysteries which one was your favorite which one did you find the spookiest is there anything else you found in this franchise that you find super creepy and you'd love to hear me talk about it then let me know your thoughts down in the comments below if you've been watching my channel for a while then you know that I genuinely read just about everything y'all post and one of my favorite things to do is to hang out in the comments section and nerd out about 40K with y'all if you've made it this far in the video and you haven't subscribed to the channel yet then what are you even doing come on come on join the Wes Hammer party I'm gonna be posting a lot more cool stuff like this and I don't want you to miss out on it and while you're at it go ahead and roll the charge that like button big thanks to everyone who supports the work that I do and I'll catch y'all in the next one
Channel: WesHammer
Views: 490,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer horror, 40k horror, 40k lore, warhammer lore, warhammer 40k, 40k, warhammer 40000, games workshop, halo stars, halo device, ghoul stars, rogue trader, astra militarum lore, sabbat worlds crusade, warhammer xenos, xenos lore, tau, necrons, orks, eldar, drukhari, ctan, c'tan, necrons lore, astartes, space marines, imperial guard, warhammer horror stories, warhammer 40k lore
Id: 4TZMdgrsrIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 26sec (1586 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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