Top 10 Reasons NOT to Move to Canada

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/i-like-fire-walter 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
Oh Kannada with everything going on in the world right now you may have contemplated moving to another country and for my viewers from the states which is most of you guys obvious choice would be crossing the northern border to are often overlooked but incredibly peaceful neighbor Canada of course Americans love threatening to move to Canada especially after presidential elections the data shows that although many talk the talk Americans rarely walk the walk and they don't drive or fly either now if you are one of the 10,000 US citizens each year who actually do mean it I don't blame you since its founding in 1867 Canada has become a country with amazing public education low crime great food friendly residents and of course some of the world's finest nature the land of Banff Vancouver Island I Agri Falls Toronto and Montreal is also the second largest country on the planet ordering three oceans but despite its enormous size Canada still manages to do a great job juggling all of its responsibilities and taking care of its people I mean while the US only gave a one-time payment of $1,200 to its recently out-of-work residents Canada is giving $2,000 a month for the next four months and they have universal health care that's free at the point of service there's a reason Canada is consistently ranked as one of the best countries to live in the world speaking of which let's hit three thousand likes and I'll do a video on the top 10 best countries to live in the world anyways despite the amazing quality of life here the birthplace of pineapple pizza also isn't perfect find out why in my top 10 reasons not to move to Canada and yes pineapple pizza is originally from Ontario number 10 car insurance now you might not have even thought of this one but it's extremely expensive to own a car in Canada our insurance rates and most provinces are well above the rates in most states sure it can actually be pretty cheap in Quebec but in most provinces you can expect to pay at least $1,200 a year on average and if you live in Toronto or Vancouver Oh watch out because the average cost is over 2,100 dollars per year for a regular car and that's if you have years of a squeaky clean driving record if you've gotten a ticket or into an accident or you're just young car insurance could cost you up to five thousand hours a year now to be fair this is cuz Canada doesn't really offer a minimum coverage option like they do in America in many cases the minimum coverage in Canada is really like the best coverage you can get in most states so while Canadian drivers do have to pay a bit more upfront at least they don't have to worry about getting sued or going bankrupt from an accident number nine places are very spread out if you don't want to pay for expensive car insurance you probably aren't gonna get very far sure you'll be able to get around the cities with good public transportation like Vancouver Montreal or Toronto but it'll be a lot harder anywhere else like I said earlier Canada is the second largest country in the world but it's also one of the least densely populated countries with just around four people per square kilometre in comparison the US has a population density of over 36 people per square kilometer as you can probably guess this leaves a whole lot of room for a whole lot of nothing well technically not nothing more like a whole lot of beautiful load earnest as far as human civilization goes well it's exactly that far it takes over 80 hours to drive the near 7,500 kilometer trans-canada highway from coast to coast and most major cities are at least a six to seven hour drive apart but hey at least that also means there's a ton of gorgeous untouched nature to explore well that is if you can afford a car number eight health care now I know you're probably thinking what you said Canada has amazing health care with universal coverage that's free at the point of service well it does unless you had a major accident or earn life-threatening condition the wait times are long now to be fair and the US wait times are also pretty long and it actually takes 24 days on average to see a doctor for a first-time appointment verse only eight days in Canada but the median wait time for a minor surgery or treatment is nineteen point eight weeks in Canada which is more than three times longer than in the US it is free out-of-pocket though so at least there's no going bankrupt for medical expenses or having to worry about insurance premiums and deductibles and no losing health care coverage either if you lose your job also prescription drug and medicine prices are generally much cheaper in Canada than the US for the same exact Krug many of the residents in Canada really like their system as they prefer the longer wait times too expensive premiums and deductibles but if you're someone who just can't stand waiting around and you don't mind paying lots of money for immediate treatment or to see a specialist the u.s. is probably a better place for you number 7 lack of good paying jobs it's a good thing Canada has universal health care because a lot of people wouldn't have any coverage if it was employer based instead there just aren't many good paying jobs available here especially if you weren't born in Canada now to be fair Canada's economy has been booming well for Canada standards there actually are a lot of high end jobs but most of them are taken and whenever a new position does open up literally hundreds of way overqualified residents apply for it so the job markets extremely competitive of course this always varies depending on your province city and qualifications but as a whole it's pretty difficult to find a good-paying job in Canada if you aren't specialized in a skill that's in high demand and even if you are Canadian experience matters a lot to most employers this might help explain the 7.8% Canadian unemployment rate compared to just four point four percent in the US although if you do get a job incomes are slightly higher on average here than in the United States number six awful internet maybe you're thinking so what I don't care about jobs I already have a great job online I own an online business well in that case Canada probably isn't the best place for you either because the internet here is just plain awful sure most of the big cities have more options if you can afford a shout out over a hundred dollars a month to get decent internet by American standards like seventy five megabit download and 10 megabit upload but as soon as you start to get out into the suburbs and more rural areas decent internet speeds just aren't available at all and to make things even worse many of the plans even in the cities have data caps and in the rural areas they all have data caps if you go over your 80 gigabytes you could end up paying some serious fees depending on where you live and how often you use the internet you might end up spending four to five hundred dollars a month for crappy five megabit download speeds number five high taxes no matter what your job is you're obviously gonna have to pay taxes if you move here I mean it's not like the health care and infrastructure are gonna pay for themselves you might see that the highest tax rate in Canada is only thirty three percent compared to thirty seven percent in the u.s. so look a little closer and you'll realize that that's because the highest bracket in Canada starts that income earned over two hundred and fourteen thousand Canadian dollars which is equivalent to about a hundred fifty three thousand US dollars well the highest bracket in the u.s. starts at five hundred ten thousand US dollars on top of that each province or territory has its own extremely high income tax as well expect to pay at least 10 to 12 percent in additional taxes for most salaries and most provinces and if you're in Quebec oh boy you're looking at an additional 26 percent in taxes on income earned over a hundred six thousand Canadian dollars to be fair there's a lot more covered for you here than in the US so you're kind of getting what you're paying for like keeping the cities clean paid family leave the Canadian pension plan and free health care just keep in mind that no matter where you move here half your salary is probably going to taxes not to mention sales tax is five percent across the country and can be an additional six to ten percent depending on the province and to top it all off for your first few years of living in Canada you might also have to pay US taxes or taxes to your original country number four it's getting expensive if you thought the taxes were bad enough wait until you check out the real estate market unless you make a lot of money purchasing a home in Canada is going to be incredibly difficult especially in Ontario Alberta and British Columbia where the prices are rising way faster than the incomes can keep up with in fact Vancouver is currently the second least affordable city in North America behind only San Francisco the median home value is around nine hundred and seventy thousand US dollars in Toronto is a much better with a median home value at five hundred seventeen thousand US dollars of course the further you get from the cities the cheaper things are but we already discussed how expensive it is to own a car for that commute housing aside the cost of living here is just high in general many Canadians even travel across the border into the u.s. to buy clothes and furniture at lower prices and gas is usually way too in the States as well but at least groceries and essential goods are pretty on par in price for the most part number three passive-aggressive residents the whole Canadians are just so friendly saying isn't exactly true Hawaii for sure but friendly wouldn't be the best word to describe them Canadians for the most part are very well-mannered but they often aren't honest about their feelings except with close friends this can lead to a somewhat passive-aggressive and avoiding culture in the u.s. people are usually more comfortable saying they don't want to be friends or that they don't want to hang out but in Canada people just make plans that they don't stick to because they don't want to say no to your face now in small Canadian towns residents are usually a lot more genuine and will go out of their way with kindness but in larger cities people are much less genuinely hospitable and more just non confrontational this is nice when you're just visiting and it seems like everyone's so friendly but if you live here for a while you might get annoyed and not knowing what people really think of you and having to interpret what they really mean basically if a Canadian tells you thanks for coming out or I'm in a hurry sorry they probably mean F off number two it gets cold now while there are many problems in Canada they all pale in comparison to the cold considering most of the country lies above the 49th parallel winter in most parts of Canada means six to eight months of not being able to feel your face two to three months of insane cold dangerous roads and a whole lot of crazy storms and when I say most parts I really mean like every part except Vancouver and Victoria and while they are more similar in climate to Seattle so they never get too too cold they still aren't exactly a tropical vacation either and every other city in Canada gets well below freezing places like Quebec Edmonton Regina or Winnipeg routinely drop below negative 30 Celsius which is negative 22 degrees Fahrenheit most cities get around 50 inches of snow per year but places like Ottawa or Montreal can get over 90 let's just say you better like shoveling the cold is pretty much the reason why over 90 percent of Canadians live within a hundred 50 miles of the US border go any farther north and well just look at what temperatures in Yellowknife were earlier this year number one the immigration process is difficult speaking of the US border unless you're a highly desired worker with a special skill there's a lot you'll have to go through to even be able to move to Canada although US citizens don't need any type of visa or authorization to visit Canada this is definitely not the case for immigrating to Canada in order to qualify for residency you have to have either a highly desired skill that can be used in a Canadian business a job waiting for you in Canada relatives or friends who have nominated you for permanent residency or you got to be an entrepreneur with a high net worth and you can basically forget about applying if you've ever been convicted of a crime have a serious health risk are in financial trouble or if one of your family members has been banned from Canada the process isn't easy or cheap and even if you marry a Canadian citizen you won't necessarily get citizenship now be sure to leave a like and subscribe if you're interested in more videos about Canada or other countries let me know in the comments I honestly love the great white north as it's such a beautiful country with some amazing cities as well if you don't mind the cold Canada is one of the best countries you could live in
Channel: From Here to There
Views: 2,159,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canada, Top 10, best cities to live in, moving to canada, best countries in the world, best places to live in Canada, Worst things about Canada, where to live in Canada, Top 10 reasons not to, move to, toronto, worst cities to live in, ontario, living in canada, immigration, things to do in canada, canada pros and cons, worst cities, best places to live, vancouver, bc, geography, ottawa, calgary, best countries to live in, montreal, quebec, best cities, Travel, worst places to live
Id: 9Hp2wVoqFYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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