Top 10 Power Systems in Anime [700k Special]

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okay I'm gonna be blunt any self-respecting fantasy action setting that does not have a phenomenal power system is doomed to absolute failure on many freakin levels there is no excuse for not making a good one or at least a decent one and I do have a few series in mind when I think of this not that I will necessarily name them because I don't see any purpose in doing so now I am always drawn in by an interesting power system because it could do so much more than merely an explanation for why this guy is shooting fire and this guy is shooting lightning as you all know every time I hit a different milestone of 100k sub-intervals I release a milestone special which is a more personalized video aside from the more general analysis or satire I unleash upon zelazo and this time I wanted to talk about my top 10 power systems in anime because it's such an intriguing topic and it's something I'm always excited to talk about now after compiling this list I noticed something very interesting about power systems and it is something I wanted to share because honestly it is Loki nutso bonkers cool so this video will sort of be a top 10 power systems in anime but I will also be covering how to make a powered system fantastic and what the gimmick is in each power system that will make it truly great the underlying theme for this video is the power system is only truly amazing when it doesn't just incorporate how different fighters can use different powers but where the power system itself is contingent on the core themes of the series itself now before actually mentioning my top 10 I would like to bring a few up so you can see what I mean you have something like Naruto Naruto is my go-to generic power system that I would like to explain not necessarily generic in the bad way but generic and how it handles the inner aura within everyone and how it expresses itself differently with different people based on chakra natures and jutsu affiliations as well as the breakdown between taijutsu genjutsu and in jutsu which is also great tapping into psychological attacks magic attacks and physical attacks so Naruto on a baseline does a fantastic job with this my hero academia also does a similar thing but it's far less training based and far more luck based you're born with the quirk you get yes you can improve it in search and but no if you're born with a quirk that makes your eyeballs have the ability to look at the inside of your head you will never be able to shoot laser beams I'm sorry and the other power system I wanted to bring up really is sort of to its noragami z-- and so leaders because both of them have a very similar idea of a partnership between either God and his weapon in origami or a soul reaper and their death scythe in Soul Eater where one part of the party becomes the weapon and the other part is the wielder now you have the ultimate focus on teamwork and growth as a team in order to succeed and get further and they're both fantastic but that's not really the point all of these do a great job on the fundamentals of a brilliant power system especially Naruto because it incorporated the brilliance of the sexy jutsu which is underrated in its originality skill and inspiration it's in fact almost as inspiring as the time Kentucky from Gintama was explaining the philosophy behind why wetting your bed is one of the most wonderful feelings in the world you don't need to get up to go to the bathroom no just let it flow the warmth okay fine let's not get into the philosophy again Tama that's a different story so for now here is my top 10 power systems in anime I'm curious to hear your thoughts below of course and thank you again a million bazillion times I'm at 700,000 subscribers that's actually insane so here's my seventh milestone special and through it to secret behind a brilliant power system in tenth place I actually have bleach now bleach is power system at first glance really seems like it is all over the place and I myself was surprised that it ended up landing in the top 10 because I didn't exactly like that oh my god ichigo's so great cuz he turns out not only is he a human but he's also a Soul Reaper holloa Quincy a full bringer and literally every other species that the series introduced throughout the entire odd very cool Ichigo very cool so while I don't exactly this is Sara Lee like how ichigo is built in that direction the actual power system is pretty cool I do like that there are different factions wielding different styles of powers and I do like especially what a zanpakuto represents a zanpakuto the sword is the culmination of one's being so therefore everyone has these inner battles with their reverse world spirit of their sword in order to grow further some of my favorite moment in Bleach our Ichigo against white Ichigo in his mind teaching you that this sword which is an extension of your being is not just a weapon but it is you as well as being its own individual it's an interesting dynamic and I don't want to stress on this point because honestly I would like to move on a little bit I want to get through this a slightly bit faster than my last milestone special just 40 minutes long and also because I'm doing this more to get the point out what makes a power system great and the actual interesting dynamics within each power system so my ninth favorite power system of all time is from Maggie the labyrinth of magic as well as Maggie the kingdom of magic and My giddy adventures of Sinbad and every other manga offshoot ever you should all watch slash read Maggie it's freaking amazing now the way this world is set up is that you have these dungeons and in order to get Djinn which are basically genies that each have a different power and attach themselves to metal vessels other Kings candidates that was selected by a Maggie if they beat a dungeon which most of them end up dying they will become a king's candidate a candidate to become the king of the entire world so this is without sugarcoating it even a little a battle for supreme rulership it is a political war between many different countries with many different sides rearing their ugly heads coming up with different strategies in order to well we can think all over the world the power system itself is interesting because now that someone has been selected as a king candidate and did conquer a dungeon so they did obtain a metal vest they can then have people of their household ie their Royal Guards or whatever gain offshoots of this metal vessels power in order to slowly but surely develop some sort of elite government under his rule now the main character in the beginning of Maggie is this fellow named Alibaba he is a king's candidate he gets a Jin but he doesn't like have a country or anything he's just some random Schmo walking around but it's not the point the point is he has the potential of becoming a king and he does grow tremendously throughout the series that is one part of the power system and Maggie on the other hand there are the Maggie themselves as well as magic like chakra or nen or ki or whatever the hell everyone has migoi within the metal vessels give them much more mago and allow them to you know administer massive attacks the likes of which most non metal vessel users will be totally screwed by but Maggie's can use ma GUI from their surroundings not just maguey from within them making them far more powerful but not necessarily stronger than a metal Vettel user himself now I go on this extremely long tangent because what makes this interesting is because you have your several Maggie's that go around selecting people to have the chance to become a king as candidates if they do conquer a dungeon and now the power system itself is interesting because once you conquer more than one dungeon you can constantly swap from one Djinn to the other depending on your scenario and make crazy combos in order to become really freakin badass the power of fate is also very much at play where someone can only really become a king if they were selected by Amagi to become a king and once someone was selected by Amagi to become a king if they are now a target of every other King in the world one of the world powers the KO Empire has many members in the royal family with jinn and they just continue to hunt down as well as try to recruit other metal vessel users so the reason why I feel like maggie's Hauer system itself is phenomenal is because it's more than just a very interesting way to have badass battles it's far more than that it adds to the political setting that makes Maggi thrive altogether and that is really sort of where I'm starting to get at when it comes to power system every power system has to enhance the actual themes of the world this power system is built directly on the political nature of the Maggi universe and that's what makes it great so moving on to number eight food to the addict you miss the booze and that is the only correct way to pronounce the series I don't want to hear any of this cultural appropriation Fullmetal Alchemist garbage hurts me to even say that because Full Metal Alchemist we're like the old metal alchemist gato again sorry again I'm here myself so the power system in foody man today IDK mister blue that is alchemy it is the power to transmit and transmute eight or energy into objects in order to break them down at the chemical level and shift them into something else just like how real-world alchemy was supposed to work effort was actually a thing what makes this power system so fascinating to me is more than just the intricate nuances that every different character and every different alchemists can think of to use their how kamee in different ways you have kimbley who likes making explosions you have Roy who likes making fireballs you have ed who likes transmuting metal goddamn everywhere there's metal freakin everywhere his full body is metal while half his body is metal my foot down this Siri should be called half Metal Alchemist Brotherhood no one wants to listen to me but what I like about the power system in fallen alchemists much more than its base parts is how it's used in regards to Ed's philosophy in life so as we know in IRL 3 really terrifying letters when put together I know when science began to really take off and discover more and more about the known world where now you don't have to say oh it isn't magic after all that's really where atheism started as well until you couldn't explain normal science and physics there is no logical explanation aside from God with alchemy it's just taking science to the next level it's looking at magic from a scientific standpoint where and this is why I think through dementia to edicom is to 2003 starts off stronger than foodie metadata commits to Brotherhood in the first episode of the 2003 version it takes place with Ed in Lior where father cornello was being worshipped by everyone in the city and Eadie was saying this man is a cheat he is not exacting the will of God and it's this very fascinating dichotomy throughout the entire series of voodoo metadata chemists between science and faith that is one of the grandiose themes throughout so the fact that alchemy is completely science-based no matter who is using whatever facet of alchemy they can come up with it makes it far more compelling to not need to believe into the mystical and then you get the really creepy truth guy face with smile thing go that's somehow interdimensional when the guy tried to human transmutation or something and then you're like oh my god nothing equals a human soul what is a human so I don't understand and that's where the interesting dichotomy starts a lot of these themes are present in Full Metal Alchemist and it's only pushed so much further by the foundation of what alchemy actually is aside from being just a fantastic battle style it makes the fights all super exciting to see how they can use their imagination based on the physicalities of the world for combats just freakin great number 7 no game no life I fell in love with this power system the absolute moment it was introduced in this series you have a wonderful Issa Kai setting where the main character who is known as blank and his a brother and sister both get teleported to an alternate world and this world is governed by gay wars are not through swords shields and murder no it's through out gaming whichever adversary you are facing in whatever arbitrary game you are challenging them in everything in the world of this port is decided via games whether it's rock-paper-scissors its chess its poker or its interdimensional IRL Beastmaster fortnight which is pretty much what they do at one point is what point is the reason why this power system is beautiful is aside from the fact that it makes every battle just so fun is it has very much of that yugioh esque appeal now the yugioh power system is not exactly something I would call one of the greatest ever because hey you have to watch it through the goggles that if someone's trying to take over the world you can't say alright mr. guy trying to take over the world with dark magic I challenge you to a duel and if I defeat you you must stop taking over the world you know what Pharaoh I agree we should duel not exactly the most airtight plot behind the battle system but still the duels are epic in no game no life it makes sense why if you want to conquer another country challenge them to go fish and somehow it'll be the most badass game of Go Fish you will ever see in your entire life but the reason why this really appeals is aside from the fact that you have the most goddamn epic battles of wit and skill that the imagination can come up with and the fact that these simple seeming games have the most monumental stakes ever it very much follows the deeper themes of the series aside from the superficial ones that are just badass incarnate the central theme of no game no life is something that Sora says when he becomes the king of a manatee not humanity humanity because they get copyrighted for using the word human I'm not exactly sure what they'll philosophy was behind that but not the point when he gives his speech to e manatee the weakest race in dis board where everyone else has these crazy magic powers who can live forever or are super agile and they each have games based around their individual strengths a manatee has nothing they are just humans and his speech that he gives is that humanity will not be wiped off the map humanity will rule the water though it will take over and it will do this through its weakness humans are powerful because humans are weak while they're up against no matter the ad sorry they won't have to use their cunning and intellect such despite the fact that they are the ultimate underdog in their entire world they can reach the peak of their reality through wit alone because they are the underdog and because they are overlooked by every other race that is why they will have to try them one of the main themes and no game no life is that humans are strong because of their weakness and I don't want to get into a whole philosophical discussion about secret genius of no game no lie because there actually is what to talk about behind this entire philosophy the game mechanics itself completely match up to this because in these games they are at monumental disadvantages against any other race and despite these disadvantages they will use their weaknesses to their greatest strengths in order to win through charisma through out thinking their adversaries and through applying knowledge that they have that it's impossible that other people in this universe has in order to take the big fat w these games are won by humans because they are weak putting their skills up against a far greater force and coming out on top the fact that all fights have to be done through games puts a massive dampener on the strong and gives a chance to the weak and that is why no game no life power system is my seventh favorite power system in all of anime number six world trigger now a lot of people haven't watched road trigger and I think it's probably the least popular anime on this list but that doesn't stop the battle system from being absolutely enthralling I'm a superficial standpoint you have everything you want in a battle system in world trigger just like chakra net McGorry and whatever the hell there's tree on tree on is this special energy within people in order for them to use their power whatever blah blah blah point is there are these other dimensions that are bordering on there's and there's this organization called border for that very reason where there take mostly high school kids for some odd reason and they train them the art of killing neighbors which are these creatures from other dimension that are coming in and invading and stuff and whatever that's the basic premise it ends up getting a lot deeper because there are so many more aspects to the battle system that at first you don't understand like side effects if someone has way too much trium they develop some extra power or black triggers a black trigger on like regular triggers which gives you one of Border's basic weapon styles whether you're long range or close range mid range whatever there's just so many Freed's battle styles you could take and so many different strategies you can come up with with your squad depending on the battle side lack triggers are far more powerful than your average trigger and they are only created through someone actually sacrificing themself in battle to give their ally a black trigger they become the black trigger it becomes a far more interesting battle based so much more on tactics since for the most part you can predict what you're up against and you have to make do with what you have in the best way possible as far as strategic battles world trigger is one of my favourite anime in this regard and a lot of it is thanks to the paddle system which is built entirely around individual strengths but just as much on the strengths of a team and what they can do working together the battle system in world trigger in itself is the most superficial aspect to the overall narrative but at the same time it becomes a very central plot point because every dimension has certain amount of black triggers and they're considered different levels of strength and they end up needing to go dimension-hopping to save captured users of black triggers the most badass character jinn has to give up his black trigger for political reasons the reason why I like the battle system and world triggers so much is aside from the fact that the battles are entertaining as all hell the battle system itself is a very centralized point of the story and I think that goes overlooked by the like seven people that actually watch world trigger and enjoys it number five lack clover by clover is our system is actually fantastic as far as the generic shown and go I think it does a better job than most because like let's say Naruto are my hero academia it's very focused on hosta wanting to become the wizard king you know sort of like hoe deck who wants to become the greatest hero or like how Naruto wants to become the greatest Hokage we heard that before and in most of these growth-oriented Shonen you have a very basic style about the protagonist who's getting stronger throughout and because he cares about his friends I'm like borderline fake crying right now he'll push himself to new limits of power in order to defeat the enemy I know very touching not as touching as ghen toki speech about why pissing in your bed is one of the most serene and fantastic feelings you can ever experience but hey Who am I to judge the beauty of bed pissing when I myself have not yet mastered the art so I practice regularly I was but anywho in anime like my hero academia and Naruto you have adrenaline boosts and that makes sense in our real world if you're very passionate about something for whatever reason you can actually output more force than you would be able to if you were just casual about it adrenaline boosts make sense damn it or not always plot armor but they're sometimes plot army not calling out anything in specifics like Kirito versus gleam eyes or anything but plot armor is this very awkward moment where because you care so damn much you become so much stronger and because you're developing as a character again almost crying here you're actually gonna be able to make no sense and take down opponents you shouldn't be able to now on a narrative standpoint it's very important to develop your characters and if you're somehow developing your characters and at the same time using that development is a reason to become more powerful in game well then that's wonderful now most anime fail at combining these two very integral properties to a story on the one hand are becoming stronger and on the other hand they're developing as a character very often these two mesh into one as Deku manages to use and a hundred million gazillion percent smash when he's against muscular because you know he really cares instead Kota kicked him in the balls so they have a connection goddammit but black clovers power system actually manages to cement the combination between individual growth and the power system and that is the power of grimoires every grimoire has a bunch of pages and in all those bunches of pages you have a lot of spells now how does any character learn new spells is it by training actually no it's not by train training can only home the spells you actually know and use very basic techniques like flying in broomsticks and whatever the grimoire is pages get filled up by character development why yes so should the mirror dude run the black Bulls this guy only cared about himself and his sister and that was it and it's not at all weird and incest II it's slightly weird and incest II but that's not really the point I were just gonna gloss over that okay and because of that his mirror only was always able to show him a reflection of himself because he used mirror powers and he was able to shoot lasers refracting off the different mirrors to blast his opponents but the point is once he actually starts really caring about his teammates in the black bowls he develops as a person by caring about others and also through that another page of his grimoire gets filled and now he can make clones of his teammates as well what yes base is completely and entirely off individual character development it's like that with Noel that you're gonna see in a couple episodes in the anime which I will not spoil and it happens with Yami it happens with dozens of characters in the actual show where their power development is based entirely off their character development melding these two points together was a nominal and I have not seen anything do as good of a job except for my number one number four oh come on now I'm gonna be brief because most people don't read the Pokemon Adventures manga which is by the way one of the greatest manga vault hi but the Pokemon battle system in the anime is just used as a sport it's like yugioh sort of I mean why is every villain trying to take over the world not holding more than six Pokemon you're trying to take over everything you should have a goddamn army of Pokemon didn't know it's like oh I only have my six zubats that are gonna take over the world we cool the Pokemon Adventures manga Pokemon battles is not necessarily a sports like it is in the anime but it's a life and death situation you as the trainer are trying your absolute hardest to kill the enemy trainer that's a bad dude or a good dude depending on what side you're on yes they will use their Pokemon to protect themselves you will use your Pokemon to attack them you'll ambush them you'll stab them you'll freeze them to death these are things that happen in the Pokemon manga Pokemon battles in the manga are basically chess games where your opponent doesn't know exactly which pieces you're using but his goal is to take down the king you have to protect your king and take down the enemy King as well and you don't know what they will be thinking and what they will be doing with their pieces because everyone has a slightly different power of course the King can also attack just like in the Pokemon manga the trainer can sometimes attack not saying attack another Pokemon because have a very bad experience with punching dragons just never worked out for me but Bruno has like nunchucks and pokeballs at the end of the nunchuck so we'll throw out his Pokemon from the end of the nunchuck which is much closer to the enemy trainer so hitman Lee gets sent out past Reds defenses to immediately try and take him down before Bruno starts his fight to terrain he's on is a subterranean Onix that is ready to just charge up and wreak havoc on everyone Pokemon battles in the manga are goddamn chess games and they're absolutely brilliant but it's more in a chess game chess games you don't actually have a connection with your pieces because this isn't no game Noah in a chess game they are merely your pawns so your disposal see what I did there that's pretty genius I know here you care about them they care about you and you have to really work in sync with these pokemon and know them very goddamn well which stresses the friendship theme of Pokemon so much and makes every battle such a pleasure and heart-rending terror to watch depending on who's kicking who's by moving on number three it's a tie even though I don't really do ties this one you'll see why I let it pass it's one punch man and mob psycho both created by one both have a very similar theme in their power system that makes each of them great but mob is coming from a slightly less satirical place than one punch man better and for worse both of these are purely based on the characters mental situation which will be expressed in different ways that both the focuses of these series are on the main character and their own version of depression which stems from an entirely different thing I've made videos in both go watch those I'm not gonna get into that here changes your entire outlook on the series to be on a much more mindful wavelength than the power based Shonen were used to monsters in one punch man become monsters because they cave into obsession for some reasons just like the psychic powers of psychics is based on the different mental ridicu man's they found themselves in I really don't want to go in length on this because I will be talking about it more very soon so we're just gonna move on to number two right now and talk about JoJo's Bizarre Adventure on a superficial level JoJo's is my favorite power system of all time every fight is more bombastic than the last everyone has a stand power and everyone stand power has very goddamn unique abilities that if you don't know what they are you're screwed but if you know what they are you could come up with many multitudes of ways to defeat that's why when the Stardust Crusaders are on their journey even though there's like five of them and each of them have a moderate to great stand except for Joseph cuz Herman Purple's a disaster even when they're up against one single adversary that opponent is an absolute terror he knows what they could do but they don't know what he can and he can potentially take out all of them so on a basic level so much mind flipper II is involved in every single fight which is insane because this guy's dead could shoot fire and this guy's dead could punch hard and then you realize that you're getting into like this fourth dimensional chess in order to defeat your opponent I mean one of the most fantastic fights in the entire JoJo's Bizarre Adventure was when Jojo was playing poker against Darby why are they playing poker well that's because of many spoilery things that would make this fight way less epic but it was epic regardless the different creative ways to use these very diverse wacky powers makes the fights in Joe Joe's the best fights in anime but the power system is more than that it's more than just making the best fights in anime which is like you know pretty cool also I mean not gonna lie that's high praise but let me use a stand as an example of this and I'm gonna pick my favorite standard green my favorite stand in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure now Killer Queen's basic ability is that whatever it touches now becomes a bomb that it can detonate at any time a very basic power that if you don't know what it does you'll end up touching that doorknob screen early to touch that thorn up and cut a new story but the beauty of Killer Queen is that it completely represents the stand user Hideyoshi cog and that is really how every stand works believe it or not even though stands and jojos are some of the wackiest abilities ever every single one is a beautiful manifestation of the spirit of the stand user the easiest example of all of this is Purple Haze from Joe Joe's part 5 being that on the outside it's this nicely dressed fing go but on the inside it's an absolute terrifying creature that melts everything around it which is not cool and the stand user outwardly is this nice composed genius but on the inside he killed someone by whacking him with a dictionary and when he was pissed off that someone got a math equation Draghi stabbed him in the face of the fork so on the inside this guy is a total savage nutcase on on the outside calm composed genius everyone could look up to this fellow that's a very simple straightforward example Hideyoshi ka is my favorite villain because on the one hand he wants to live a very nice happy normal not weird at all non standout life but on the other hand he's a serial killer going around blowing people up and stealing their hands for his weird fetish these two ideals don't exactly mesh all of the time but still you get so involved in this character psychology you can almost understand where he's coming from as crazy as that sounds I made an entire video on Kiera I'm not gonna get into it but the reason why cute Green is my favorite stand-in JoJo's is because if it touches a doorknob you will not see anything wrong with that door that doorknob will function like every other doorknob on the planet when kita pushes that invisible button and detonates the doorknob there is an explosion if you know my taste son Kona Suba you know I like explosions it didn't sound very deep did now this invisible bomb that tooted Queen can place on anything very much mirrors the invisible bomb that is Kira Yoshika gate in society looking at society as it is he's just this nice happy you're lucky dude who wants to live a normal simple life he is nothing out of the ordinary at all functioning just like every other member of society is functioning but when he decides to push that button he is an explosion is a menace to society and it's that very fascinating combination between every stand and their stand user that makes it a physical embodiment of their spirit in action form I just have to say that on a superficial level those fun fights in old anime but on a deeper level for every individual characters various themes it's also one of my favorite power systems of all time definitely earning it its spot at number two my favorite power system to no one's surprise is nen from hunter hunter and that's because of the same reason that everyone likes nen and is based on personality depending on what your strengths are and what your weaknesses are and it also has these crazy conditions you could put upon yourself to make men stronger and of course all men is based on the psychology of any given user at any given time now I was really struggling back and forth whether I wanted to push JoJo's stands above men on this list but there's really no way I can justify doing that then is just far more intricate than anything ever you can literally write an entire book on how nen works and then a new chapter will come out flipping everything you ever thought you understood about nan on its head and it still somehow makes even more sense than before then is based 1000% on the mental state of the nen user at any individual given point in time if someone is pushed to the brink and they are willing to give their own life for the fight that will make a subconscious condition upon themselves sacrificing themselves he give them that ultimate boost gone versus Peto is one of the greatest fights and anime because it's not just oh he was very passionate so he had an adrenaline boost no it fits so perfectly within the folds of hunter hunter's world he subconsciously made a condition on himself and his power boost was completely in tangent with his psyche at that given moment in time I loved taking a deeper look at the different psychological standpoints of the different characters in anime and then is the embodiment of that psyche nothing really comes close to an end so I don't think anyone surprised that it's my number one but now to wrap up nicely the overarching theme of this entire video and why I decided that I would place these power systems above any other is very simply because not just that it has a gimmick that makes it more standout than something like chakra from Naruto but every single one in some shape or form is in itself a microcosm of the greater story whether it's the somatic elements of the story the psychological elements of the story the political elements of the story or the overall plot itself the power system could be more than just a means to do epic battle but it could be something that really evolves the entire world you're in I really only thought of this as an integral point to Power Systems while I was working on this video so obviously thank you guys for bombarding me on Twitter asking for my milestone special very epic link to my Twitter in the description and even more epic thank you really so goddamn much for seven hundred thousand subscribers I can't even fathom how I got this far I just sarcastically memeing about anime it's actually pretty nuts but I am glad that I kind of made this little breakthrough if ya'll thought of it already yourself I mean Howard to you very awesome but I'm always glad to see why I love something I know it sounds crazy but I end up liking everything I talk about so much more after I actually talk about it maybe I'm the nutcase here hmm thank you all so much for giving me this opportunity let me know in the comments what you want on the 800,000 subscriber milestone if we get there very cool leave a like on the video if you enjoyed subscribe if you're new remember to read Pokemon adventures and to have yourselves a most wonderful evening stay weird fam
Channel: Nux Taku
Views: 1,275,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nux taku, anime, nux taku anime, nux taku anime flex, biggest flexes in anime, power system, anime power system, hunter x hunter power system, no one understands, no one understands nux taku, best anime, best anime moments, anime fights, anime flexes, naruto power system, overpowered anime, nux taku overpowered, anime meme, power level anime, anime power levels, nux taku anime power levels, power scaling anime, nux taku shounen, strongest anime characters
Id: Yx5HXoym21E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 38sec (1838 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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