The Only GENUINE Overpowered Hero - (Meliodas from Seven Deadly Sins)

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Sothis up a sad day well if it isn't an Opie analysis on our favorite anime blond-haired pipsqueak and no I'm not talking about Edward Elric because the thing you should know about Melly Otis is he doesn't give a damn if you insult his height which is why no it does Edward does care and therefore everyone insults him let this be a lesson to you if someone tries to annoy you and you make believe it doesn't annoy you they'll stop because their brilliant stratagem has crumbled within their own hands which is why Melly Otis is the smartest enemy protagonist of all time thank you all so much for coming I hope you enjoyed definitely subscribe for future Opie analyses now that you understand the masterful tactician that is Melly Otis now if I may borrow your attention for a brief moment this video is kindly sponsored by Aurora legend sponsors helped make what I do possible and I'm all too happy to talk about this because Aurora legend was my first introduction to idol games and it's honestly amazing first and foremost unlike most RPGs each runs on an auto battle system which means your party is constantly grinding constantly training and constantly gathering cool golden dishes while you're offline they are doing it at all times real time you're gathering rewards while you're sleeping you get great surprises every time you log in and it saves the annoying steps of most games there's also of course the random app which is a roguelike dungeon where you can explore lots of unknown events filled with unique scenes where you'll need to be careful and have strategies in mind to explore them sometimes there are legendary quests where you get even more rare items if you like anime especially Naruto one piece or fate/stay night you get extra bonuses because the voice actors for Naruto Zorro and out Oriya are all in Aurora legend link is in the description but for now on with the video even though that was initially scripted as some form of gag the reality of the situation is not that far away Meli otis if you've watched any of my previous videos on the seven deadly sins tackling meliodas suffers from a big fat depression because of this the entire first season is this jovial happy series about magic knights gallivanting together to save the kingdom but in actuality you realize that not only was the story of facade and the themes run much deep as the narrative becomes much more tragic but melio disses happiness in itself is also a facade for inside he is suffering terribly I compare this to the little joke I made before because even if calling him short would bother him he'd shrug it off with his happy expression anyway because he doesn't let any of his actual emotions show through the entirety of the first season and onward the last time he did reveal emotions before that was during the war against the kingdom of Dan afore in this fight that took place he found his love was killed and his emotion got the best of him which resulted in him accidentally annihilating the entire kingdom of data for sorry data for sucks to be you but it also very much sucks to be Mellie Otis because of this curse placed upon him in his love it caused two things to take place his love would die and continuously be reincarnated into the next generation once she realizes who she is fated to continuously be reborn and reunited with Mellie Otis only for her to die again and Mellie Otis his curse was to be immortal while every time he would die more and more of his Souls and emotion are trapped in purgatory all this isn't revealed until later because Mellie Otis tries to block out his sorrow through his jovial facade especially around Elizabeth where he knows that he loves her but he can't tell her that or she'll get her memories back and ultimately die again this is how you set up a main character and I understand its summary without adding any new flavor but you have to realize this is the crux of Mellie Otis's journey unlike most overpowered shown in protagonists where they're ridiculously high power level that's over 9000 either stays in one place throughout the series 'red continues rising depending on the opponents they're facing in the new forms they get and all that greatness Mellie Otis is distinctly overpowered at three completely separate points of the story the first being in the first season when they're up against holy Knights and Mellie Otis is this crazy overpowered godlike dude when he goes demon MODY freakin wrecks everyone but even in normal form the guy is a force to be reckoned with the first 10 episodes he goes completely unchallenged taking down everyone in a single blow and even when someone launches this crazy powerful magic tag he has full counter full counter it's the know you to the your mom gay it's the magic cylinder to attack your life points directly it's the congratulations to the T series so needless to say with all those brilliant metaphors in mind Mellie Otis is overpowered in seven deadly sins season one in seven deadly sins season two when the ten commandments are introduced they are bodying him he is not even in their league but then after a little bit of a training arc he unlocks the sealed 90% of his power and he is once again overpowered he can take down any of the commandments with ease at this point he walks into their base takes one of them down he's like hey I'm just here let you all know I'm crazy overpowered I'm gonna kill y'all and then just leaves like the beautiful smug ass bad ass that he is and this is the case until pretty much the end of where the anime is up to in the manga the opponents that the seven deadly sins are facing are on a whole nother level Chandler and Cusack aside the goddamn demon king is a force to be reckoned with now this video will contain manga spoilers but I think it goes without saying that obviously Melly Otis as the main character manages to overpower and by the end of the series and that makes him overpowered once again now I'm not even cluding the overpowered miss of him having the ability to grow Elizabeth at all times before even getting to really know her where she somehow isn't defended and tries to slap him now that is overpowered done right if you know what I'm saying but then again that's a different type of oh penis if you know what I'm saying haha okay just had to do that I'm sorry but as far as these three different points of Melly Otis being overpowered in the series there each done right and it's the combination of these three things that makes Melly Otis one of my favorite anime protagonists ever now to break it down quickly because I've already talked about why him being overpowered in the first season of the seven deadly sins is brilliant his mental state mirrors his perspective overpowered nacinda series now I've said the same thing about bond because I just made an overpowered analysis on bond because he's my favorite character in the series when my favorite anime characters ever and with bond it runs much deeper in this one distinct way Melly Otis is happy-go-lucky in the beginning and he's taking down his opponents without even a sweat upon his brow he's being overpowered even though in actuality if you look at the greater series at this point is power levels 3000 freakin whim bow just like superficially he seems to be happy but when you look at the entirety of the series he's mentally destroyed that mirror between the superficial aspects and contrast of his power levels to the entire series and his mental state to the entire series is what makes him Opie Don Wright in season 1 in season 2 once we realized that this show is not the happy-go-lucky show that we think it is we get to learn a little bit more about his past about his curse and about his mental state altogether he enters a training arc with the ruins his training ark is to constantly relive the death of his love at donna for again and again and again until he can hold himself back from releasing his rage and destroying the entire kingdom the torment he feels is real every single time and the rage consumes him time and time again eventually when he knows that he has to figure this out because it's his only hope he starts crying tears are just pouring out of his eyes finally fully accepting the loss of his love so when he relives it again he feels only sadness and not anger he's still in full control because he accepts reality for what it is now this comes hard to meliodas because for the entirety of the series this facade is his way of dealing with pain he's always outwardly happy even though we never really hear any of his inner monologues every shout in main character is inner monologues except from le otis because where his mind is and what his body is doing is always in two separate places now at long last Meli otis can control his emotions because he's accepting the tragedy that's befallen him it is one way of working out mental trauma that one can't get past it's not always easy to accept it but sometimes it's the healthiest thing to do Mele Otis's massive power up in season two had absolutely nothing to do with brute physical training he did him hundred push-ups and 100 sit-ups and ran ten kilometers his hair fell out and bam oh he's overpowered no the power was there and he just had to become mentally strong enough to accept it so his training arc was fully on a mental level which is what his character is supposed to be for the entirety of this series how perfectly beautiful is that but the real reason why I'm making this video is not to talk about why he's overpowered done right in season one or season two it's mostly to talk about the grand finale to the seven deadly sins story there is manga spoilers up ahead you have been warned as of recording this video we just saw the first chapter of the epilogue after the fight with the demon king has ended and one thing that left me hollow about the ending it wasn't necessarily that it was rushed I hear some people complaining about that it's that I did not feel like Mele Otis's character arc was satisfying to me at least until now one thing I've always said about the seven deadly sins yeah say agree plot-wise it has its issues power scaling wise yeah it definitely could have used some work here and there I mean Mele Oda is probably as a power level of like six hundred thousand right now and it sees one hit a power level of three thousand at least they didn't up this stake solve that much throughout the course of the series but I've always praised seven deadly sins for the character journeys every single member of the sins especially and the support cast as well had their own purpose and growth in this story most of what the seven deadly sins is in my personal opinion and my takes on this series in the past it's a mental story I would not be surprised at all if the creator of the seven deadly sins suffered from depression at one point in his life as I and so many else have because the writing for so many of these characters is so goddamn deep bond has always been my favorite cuz he hit closest to home but there are different mental struggles in every single character I made a video talking about each of the sins as opposed to many videos on individual ones especially bond and Eskin or this is what I love the series for and the climax of the show which is supposed to be Mellie Otis's big grand finale the main character beating the main villain who also happens to be his father that placed an eternal curse on him yes this was supposed to be bombastic physically but where was the character moments where was what made the seven deadly sins great to me I've been getting requests for months now to make a video on Mellie Otis and I've always been pushing them off because they just wasn't satisfied with how the story went in his regard I didn't understand what the point was in regard to his character the main reason why I made this video is because I wanted to love the seven deadly sins more than I did in the past that is the secret behind the motivation too many of my videos I like Mellie Otis as a character but I didn't understand why it fit him so this video is me whacking my head against the wall for about a date figuring it out and I think I kind of did and it's not only beautiful but it's freaking prudent if you look at the whole story and why I love all the characters in a nutshell they all had their times of crises their times where they needed to be helped given helping hand to leave this misery that they were wallowing in the seven deadly sins as a group is very different than let's say the straw hats from one piece in one piece every member of the crew gets together they joined the ship they become a family they're forging their paths forward because every single one of them has a dream a different dream that joining the straw hat pirates can help them realize one piece and the straw hats themselves are all about forging a future while the seven deadly sins every single member of the entire group is all about working past their pasts the easiest example of this is king king is a character who felt useless he felt like no matter what he did he could not accomplish anything and because of this he would preemptively shift blame onto someone else in order to fix himself he was not around where the entire fairy Kings forest was burnt to the ground where his sister's life was lost and he couldn't do anything about it he was not around when hell bram his friend died where again he could not do anything about it he learned that bond perhaps had something to do with the destruction of the fairy Kings garden and therefore he turned his anger towards him he tried to turn him to stone in the sanctuary of the dead ark in seven at least in season one he did not have the full story he knew that bond had something to do with something and he therefore immediately tried to shift the blame there you see the same character flaw in the second season when he learns that Mele Otis used to be a member of the ten commandments here's Mele Otis's remember the Ten Commandments they're demons Commandments are bad guys so in the Druids training Ark he turns against meliodas distrusting him despite also not knowing the full story because of his feelings of uselessness and futility he is constantly preemptively stacking a blame onto others and making rash decisions that he perhaps shouldn't in joining the seven deadly sins he is finding a purpose to life they're a group of noble knights that are protecting the kingdom they are accomplishing something for good not only that but he also likes Diane and that relationship actually works out he actually ends up saving her she actually ends up loving him back in the seven deadly sins he found purpose and worked past his issues which is why in the final arc where he becomes food bootiful rings King it's absolutely badass and we all love it it's where he's finally confident in himself able to look forward trusts and his friends fully understands the situation and acts for justice this is a very nice quick summary of the wrapping up of Kings story and that is how he used the seven deadly sins to survive it's not a group like the straw hats where they have a backstory that's very sad that makes them similar to other members of the straw hats now they also have a dream the best way to realize this dream join the crew now that was obviously simplified for the sake of simplification but the seven deadly sins is not about that at all I used Kings story as an example because King and Diane are kind of self-contained in this way they don't interact with the other sins nearly as much as the rest of them do with one another joining the sins though is instrumental in putting them on the path to start believing in their selves and work past their past traumas so thank you seven deadly sins you've saved King and I am and yes this is completely relevant in regards to Mellie Otis as well in my linear look at the series and how every single character had their own self-contained story and psychology that's developed throughout matching with the themes of the show descends everything is great this is what I like about it bond and Eskin or both had this very much and while I have expressed it in separate occasions I will now be doing it in a slightly different way bond my favorite character if you look at his journey throughout he went from incredibly depressed to even more depressed to slightly less depressed - wowie a complete character arc very cool I love the guy if you look at the character instrumental in all this it was obviously Mellie Otis after Lane died depressed Mellie Otis gets him to join the seven deadly sins slightly less depressed seven deadly sins breakup he ends up becoming full masochist mode very depressed Mellie Otis invites him back less depressed goddesses tell him kill Mellie Otis and he tries to do so which makes him way more depressed he almost killed the best friend that saved him from depression in the past very sad Mellie Otis decides to give him a big hug at the second vice he'll fight festival I still love you bond and bond was like captain not really but something like that and bond was way less depressed this is when bond took things in his own hands he went to try and save millio dhis from mr. osa to no avail which made him sad not quite depressed per se he left the projection of Elaine MLS Kula was creating to do so he worked past his sorrows for his best friend and then when his best friend ended up trapped in purgatory he took the leap of faith and literally jumped into hell to save him this is when he was cured of depression he walks out he used his gift instead of greed you know my whole spiel talking about bond bonds the best I love him but the point is obviously Mellie Otis was instrumental in his depression look at Eskin or for a moment why don't you ESCA nor was a character who in his past was ostracized from his village for being the most prideful godly son-of-a-bitch of all time because they looked at him as a monster they therefore excommunicated him and he was left alone it was only after quite a bit of foreboding loan time that Mellie Otis extended a hand to him offering him to join the seven deadly sins this was a family that accepted him for who he was and he was forever grateful for it now there are two parts to Eskin or there is older brighter and United during the day he is the god of Pride he is so prideful it's amazing to watch but quite frankly not exactly the person that I would want to be a friend but then when we meet Knight esken or where he has no powers he is a humble grateful dude for ever showing gratitude to the seven deadly sins for allowing him into their ranks now what's extremely interesting is the dichotomy between these two personalities of his because they are two completely different simultaneously logical mental reactions to being as communicated from his village either he'll take the pride route saying I was too good for them and begin to look down at to everything this was Auto Bride - when he fought Esther Ossa he did not hate him he merely pitied him while in Auto Knight to form it's totally different he was excommunicated because he felt like people hated him for who he was therefore when Mellie Otis allowed him into the seven deadly sins with open arms he felt nothing but gratitude towards meliodas so if you look at these two sides of Eskin or the night side of Eskin or by just joining the sins alone felt fulfilled in a certain way he was crushed by being kicked out of the village but grateful to be reaccept 'add the day version of Eskin or on the other hand being that he is the most prideful bastard ever he did not feel this way he still had a long to go as I've mentioned esta rosa killed mellitus or at least so he thought before his eyes this is the Mellie Otis that saved him it saved him from his excommunication and from his complete loneliness he didn't hate esta rosa he was able to fight without being affected by Esther OSes commandant is this a friend his level of pride that he felt was far too strong he didn't hate anyone he merely pitied everyone he was still deep deep in this hellhole of mental suffering and he didn't even know it because he looked down at everyone in the war arc as I've mentioned in my war arc video of the seven deadly sins he finally grew past that he gave the sunshine power to my El to fight the sinner because he said this is something only you can do I cannot do it granted he was in his small form but it was during the day he was in older brighter pride mode when he gave away his power he gave a power that he held dear to someone because he couldn't do it admitting that someone can't do something is ultimate modesty had he remained in his prideful state he would have never done so he would have rather taken the El to his grave rather than admit someone else using his power would be more fitted to defeating his adversary now this is not a Bond video this is not an S can or video and this is not an all-round seven deadly sins video this is purely focused on Mellie Otis and what he is and this also answers the question that so many people are asking as to being unsatisfied with the ending of the seven deadly sins manga it's rushed it didn't develop Mellie Otis in a final fight didn't pack enough punch what people don't realise me included at first is that Mellie Otis's character arc goes full circle which is the greatest thing that they could have done for him I was looking at things linearly I was looking at bond story during my bond analysis at Eskin ORS story during Eskin ORS analysis how all of their personal interactions with other characters crafts who they are their journey the tragedy of their mind and their eventual Redemption but the reason why Mellie Otis is an overpowered character done right and one of my favorite main characters in anime is because he's all this and more he's not just about his individual character interaction and his linear story you want to know a finger to about power of friendship done right it's Mellie Otis beating the demon king Meli otis rising to the level of God in his founding of the seven deadly sins he did the ultimate good to every single member he approached to join them without its bond esken or King Diane and Goethe er would have continued wallowing in their suffering and would have never found their way out Merlin founded it with him so she's on somewhat of a lesser level than the rest of them by him extending his hand he's saved them and during this finale of the war arc where he finally wakes up his full power becoming as powerful of his father and unlocking Naruto's truth-seeking orb jutsu let's not lie it was directly based off of that this was all of the good actions he's done for everyone in the series where they gave back to him look at their stories bond fought his way out of depression because he finally jumped into purgatory to save Melly Otis s Kannur gave away his pride which was the source of his agony when he gave sunshine Tim il to defeat the sinner in order to save Mele Otis the reason why all the sins were fighting here was this war essentially to save Mele hoteis gopher finally found a motion and finally found a reason to love his friends he was the one who transferred all of their consciousness into the meliodas body that was possessed by the demon king so they could be physically there rooting for Mele Otis giving him his strength back every member of the sins was in purgatory at a point to support their friend everything he's done for everyone was paid back to him in the levels depending on the amount he cared for them arguably Merlin least in this war because in actuality he saved Merlin with his selflessness less than anyone else same with Diane Diane was second to least instrumental in this war I'd say because her story is more entwined with King next you had King King is the guy who defeated the Esther osa or Miele who absorbed four commandments then one smile woke up Eskin or gave into pride giving him sunshine to defeat the center and let's not forget that bond was the real MVP of the sins aside from Ellie Otis taking down the demon king once absorbed in melio diseased body this is the guy who jumped into hell for his friend and the story ends with Mellie Otis finally the demon king getting to a level of power pushing himself forward because everything he's done for everyone went full circle and health turn back somatically it's beautiful to the idea of giving back and how you selflessly helping someone will not only help you in the future but be the direct source to your salvation all the goodness that Mele Otis did for the sins is directly what saved him right here and now and the bittersweet beauty of it all is that Mele Otis pushed past his limits to defeat the demon king he beat the demon king he lifted the curse off Elizabeth and at the end of the first chapter of the epilogue bond says Tamela ODIs with a sad smile on his face I noticed man you're not long for this world are you Mele Otis his life ends in an ultimate sacrifice I mean no one really dies in the seven deadly sins so I wouldn't put it past them at all for something to still happen but it doesn't negate the fact that Mele Otis knew what he was doing when he was giving his life every sins major story arc ends with them getting out of the form of depression or mental trauma that was plaguing them for the oh so long time until this point and for Mele Otis interestingly enough that ended during the druid training arc that ended at the second stage of him being overpowered the third stage felt empty and Hollow because it wasn't him getting past his pain every character's climax was the finale to their mental development and what was bothering me and I think so many other people was that happened to Millie oat is back in the druid arc but that's because he's the perfect candidate for the main character of the series every character wraps up their tragic past and begins to look towards the future by the end of their character arcs that's what happens to Melly Otis by the druid arc what happens post that is his future it's all the goodness he's done in the past for all of the sins that comes back to help him out in his future and that is why Mele Oda is dying at the end of the seven deadly sins or at least giving his life is a perfect ending to Mele Otis becoming overpowered this third time despite how bittersweet that is again if you'll notice I'm not trying to answer any of the power scaling or plot decisions in the seven deadly sins via the superficial world that we seem to be living in nor via the narrative for me all this stuff is why I love the series why with this series ending it's probably around my 25th favorite anime which is actually saying a lot feel free to share this video around with anyone complaining about the end of the seven deadly sins or anyone that you think would like to see this alternate take on the end of the seven deadly sins as well as Mele Otis's character and his grand finale but this is why in my personal opinion Mele Otis is the perfect main character for a series like the seven deadly sins this is why he's a perfect overpowered protagonist in the way he was pro-trade and this is a perfect instance of power of friendship done right in most series you just happen to have a big bond with your friends or you somehow inspire them you've gone through similar situations Mele Otis actively saves all of them and it's just that that saves him in return fam be like Mele Otis be good to people for the sake of those people even if it's for selfish reasons like it may help you in the future oh it takes time lots of time but it's a time investment that you will not regret that's the finale of the seven deadly sins so with that said thank you so much for watching I hope you did enjoy this video and I hope your weight on me finally making a video on Mele Otis was worthwhile I just really wanted to get this right and I'm really satisfied with the way I did please subscribe for future anime analysis or satire videos be it seven deadly sins or anything of the like I do lots issues and speaking of the like feel free to leave a like damn that was so smart leave a like cuz that was so smart feel free to check out my Opie analysis of bond I cover different shiz and it's a video I was very proud of link is in the description to my twitter feel free to follow me there and I also have a link to my patreon all patrons are invited to the discord server where we hang and I especially wanted to thank kink beat my meets David and no Negus Negus burning bush rise warrants age of snake Justin Smith Wilson Fletcher team Sparky 65 the unknown otaku lazy ronin girthy worm Jim Toby Alison Stricker the wolf of gar JD Fincher cosine pitch after Z laser the ef'n reveal an Technic sans King tank games Kevin McLean Valesky dinga white noise nasty Frank's barbeque talon bestest daddy cross mitchell Garnett miriam Ramirez chazzy please Lord together Ganesha Billy Thompson cereal flex offender South says JJ Slade Rams the nitrites sergeant malarkey LJ Elijah T Borden Kaiser wanna crazy beats divine reigns taya cuy Skyler leg Samuel Guzman the 9th mastered karma and TM filly I wanted to thank the Lord tweeter ranked me zgz Anthony booth knocked wrister teen cream my pancake MD Adria pika everest and kyle the warrior thanks to the goddess a frank dark element Eduardo Flores poozer ker mu [ __ ] necro sunny parks and maurice louis-dreyfus Thank You Shane Hardin for having hashirama cells and thank you to the man the myth the legend Steve and the man the myth the legend exiled thank you all so much for pledging and for watching until this point it is greatly appreciated let me know below your thoughts on the ending of the seven deadly sins once again thanks Aurora legend for sponsoring the video I'm a huge fan of the auto battle system as well as the Japanese art style the plethora of heroes you can train in the game the combo teams where you maximize your advantage in battle by building combos with different hero skills and the meta aspect of the game like for example a fan art event is about to start so check the official announcement for more information on that once again link in the description thanks so much for the sponsor have yourselves the most wonderful evening and remember to stay weird fam [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Nux Taku
Views: 1,261,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nux taku, seven deadly sins, meliodas seven deadly sins, nux taku Seven Deadly Sins, Nux taku meliodas, nux taku overpowered, overpowered, overpowered anime, seven deadly sins overpowered, meliodas overpowered, meliodas, meliodas Overpowered seven deadly sins, Nanatsu to Taizai, Nanatsu no Taizai meliodas, one punch man, one punch man overpowered, one punch man season 2, meliodas vs Demon King seven deadly sins, ban and meliodas Seven Deadly Sins, Ban vs meliodas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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