Top 10 Places To Visit In Norway

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what's up guys my name is ryan and i spent the last few summers exploring the beautiful country of norway and i want to show you my favorite places so here's my norway top 10. norway has to be one of my all-time favorite countries from the jaw-dropping fjords of western norway to the sea mountains of lafoten norway offers some of the world's most unique and diverse landscapes i just can't get enough of this country all right let's start this video off on the magical island of senja now senya is located in northern norway above the arctic circle and it's norway's second largest island zegna may be one of the best places in the world to witness the aurora borealis to get there i flew into tromso and rented a car and made the three hour drive the reason i wanted to go to senja was because i wanted to hike to segla anyways i drove to this town called fjord and i got to the base of the hike it was a surprisingly difficult hike but eventually i made it to the top and i was just baffled by the view the rock formation rose hundreds of meters out of the ocean it was just like nothing i've ever seen before now i was just having an amazing time and i decided i wanted to spend the night on top of the mountain so i could see the northern lights all i had was a blanket and i used my camera back as a pillar so i found this little mossy cliff ledge and i set up camp there and waited for the northern lights to show up around 11 pm i woke up to the aurora borealis above my head i couldn't believe what i was seeing they moved surprisingly fast like snakes in the arctic sky and seeing those lights made me feel like kid again and it will forever be one of the most special nights of my life some nights you don't need to fall asleep to start dreaming there are also other amazing places on the island of senya there's this place called tongan iset and offers an incredible view of the sea mountains across the fjord alright so after senja worn a head down south to the iconic la foten islands like senya lofoten is located in northern norway and even though it's in the arctic circle it feels like you're on a tropical island there i was lucky enough to go there about two summers ago and they had an incredible journey road tripping through lofoten our first pit stop was at this fishing village called henning's yard to see the world's most scenic football field when we got there we sadly didn't have a soccer ball but we had a good time playing on the field and enjoying the incredible views of henning's var we kept on driving and made it to the iconic town of rain now when you think of norway this is it it has those red houses surrounded by massive sea mountains in my opinion i'd have to say that rain is the most beautiful town in lofoten when i was planning my road to norway i remember seeing pictures of this place and i just couldn't believe it existed now if you want to do an amazing hike i'd recommend hiking to cavalvika beach now it's about a four kilometer trek and i promise it's worth it when you get to the beach you're going to be amazed by the landscape it has mountains that reminded me of switzerland ocean that looks like the caribbean and it's as green as a tropical island i just can't believe places like this exist especially in the arctic circle when we were there we really wanted to get a good vantage point for the sunset so we hiked up to this vantage point and i just got one of my all-time favorite shots i mean i just couldn't believe those colors from the orange mountain to the green slope to the crystal blue sea i can't think of a better place to watch the midnight sun after lofoten were to head to salt strewman to witness one of the world's largest real pools so over a hundred and ten billion gallons of water pass through this three kilometer straight every six hours making for one of the strongest currents in the world at water speeds can reach over 37 kilometers one of the coolest features of south stroman is the real pools that the changing tides make now while they aren't the whirlpools you'd imagine in movies like parrots the caribbean these whirlpools can get over 33 feet in diameter with a depth of over 16 feet you can take a boat ride through the current or you can witness the rope holes from the bridge above as for me i'm going to stay as far away from that water as possible after the real pools we're going to take a drive to one of norway's most famous routes the atlantic ocean road this 8.3 kilometer road runs across an archipelago of islands as it connects the islands of avaroi to the romesdale peninsula the atlantic ocean road was completed in 1989 and cost 122 million near wheaton crone to make it's made up of eight bridges and four resting places the route is an impressive feat of engineering and it won the norwegian construction of the century award so if you decide to go on a norway road trip you have to take a drive on the atlantic ocean road while we're still on the top of the roads if you drive just two hours south you'll reach another one of norway's most famous route trostigan now trostigan or the trolls path is a serpentine road that makes over 11 hairpin turns as it descends on a 10 percent decline to the value below trostigan has two powerful waterfalls that pass through the road the stig foster waterfall has a total height of 240 meters i mean that's just freaking huge another really cool place in the area is troll vengeance or the trolls wall is europe's tallest vertical overhanging rock face at about three thousand six hundred feet high which is unbelievable all right after troll streaking you can make the two hour drive south to visit the goringer fjord now ranger fjord is one of norway's most popular destinations the fjord is over 260 meters deep and is surrounded by massive mountains that are over 1600 meters high there are many viewpoints to get the best perspective of the fjord one of the most spectacular features of geranium fjord is the seven sisters waterfall the waterfall consists of seven separate streams that descend 410 meters to the water below the best way to see the fjord is by boat you can take a cruise ship or a one-hour ferry of gueringer to heli sealed for about 35 this is by far the best way to witness the waterfalls and majesty of the fjord another amazing nearby destination is levatnit the lake is about a two-hour drive from geranger now levotnet is home to some of the most beautiful lake water it has a unique turquoise hue with incredible backdrop of the mountains while lavatna is stunningly beautiful the area has had its fair share of tragedies over the last few centuries in 1905 a massive rock from the remnant field mountain came loose and fell 500 meters where it hit the water and it caused a 40 meter tidal wave that wiped out a small village completely off the map and killed many others despite the tragic history lavatna is a place you gotta visit it's hard to beat the beauty of this norwegian lake after levatnet we're going to head to the iconic trotunga now trotunga is possibly the most famous rock formation in norway as it shoots over two thousand feet from the lake below trolltonga is definitely one of the hardest hikes you'll ever do it's a 28 kilometer round trip track that takes anywhere from eight to twelve hours to do so make sure you give yourself plenty of time you can start the hike at the main trail head and hike in 14 kilometers in to reach the famous trolltonga rock if you go between june 1st and september 30th you don't need a tour guide but if you go in the winter months you definitely need one because this is a little sketch what is a strenuous hike it offers some of the best views in norway after chiltonga we're going to head over to lysibotin to drive down norway's craziest road now lysibotin is a small village that's about a six hour drive from oslo now what i think is so scenic about lysibotin is the road that leads down to it it consists of 27 hairpin turns that descend down the fjord to the village below when you're at the bottom you're going to be amazed by the surrounding walls of the fjord if you're down for a hike you can trek 12 kilometers to kiera bolton which is a famous first rock wedge between the cliff walls looks a little sketch to me but hey i'd send it after lisey bowden we're gonna head over to the nearby pulpit rock located in the same fjord as lucy built in pulpit rock is a famous flat top cliff with a straight drop of over 600 meters to get there you can park in the base camp and make the six kilometer hike the rock can be super packed so if you want to avoid the crowds you can wake up super early and get to pulpit rock before everybody else i just can't think of a better place to watch the sun rise i just can't believe how big the cliff holes are and then just go straight down to the fjord below i mean just such a stunning and unique place all right to finish this video we're gonna head back to the arctic circle to one of the world's northern most inhabited areas svalbard the svalbard is located right between the north pole and norway the capital of svalbard is this town called longyearin which has a population of a whopping 2 000 people what's cool about straubard is that it's a feast of free zone so basically anyone can move and work there the archipelago is also home to this failbard global seed vault where thousands of the road seeds are kept in case of a global catastrophe the biggest danger on svalbard is the arctic cold and polar bears in some places you're required to bring a gun to protect yourselves against them one of the most interesting places on starboard is the russian settlement of bahrainsburg barnsburg started as a dutch mining town in the 1920s but has sold to the soviet union in 1932. now the settlement has a population of over 400 people mainly from russia and ukraine i hear it reminds people of north korea because it's just such a strange and unique place well that is it for my norway top ten there's so many places i wish it could have included in this video so i'll have to make a part two norway's such a stunning country and hope you all can visit and witness its beauty where is your favorite place in norway let me know in the comments below if you guys want some free stock footage luts and travel guides check out my website in the description below you can find me on tick tock and instagram at shirley.films alright it's ryan and we'll see you later in the next video [Music]
Channel: Ryan Shirley
Views: 1,064,571
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Keywords: Norway, Places to visit in Norway, Norway Travel guide, norway travel, where to visit in Norway, Top places to visit in Norway
Id: TuOIW144_BY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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