Top 10 Overpowered Gloomhaven Cards (A Guide to the most OP abilities!)

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Enjoy the content guys, keep it up!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Coldblooded1337 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ooh as someone who's playing with their partner with a level 4 mindthief, brute and spellweaver is this Gunna have spoilers?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bdi89 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Lotttta different ways to break the game lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Beanfreak πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks to this video I saw your TTS tutorial and got mine set up. Thank you and keep up the great content.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SOGASAKOO πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Keep it up guys ! You definitely deserve more subscribers πŸ‘πŸΌ

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Reds0983 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

After our next play session, our group is adding a Music Note and Cthulu to the group. I'm really excited for that level 7 combo now.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ruricu πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 21 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
we're going to talk about the top 10 most overpowered cards [Music] we're rage badger gaming and we want to say thank you to all of our subscribers because we are at 1 000. now let's get into the cards [Music] number ten from the diviner class we have planner fissure place one roof token on any unoccupied hex within range four and then attack three target all enemies within range two of this rift token yeah muddle cool part is there's actually an enhancement pip on that attack so you can toss anything on there you want it's incredibly expensive but uh yeah level nine yeah yeah it's it's hilarious because a lot of people are getting excited like holy crap we can attack everything within this little honeycomb formation which is like seven hexes and this is more than double that there's the amount of coverage you have on attack everything within range two of a rift you can dump anything onto it like eagle-eyed goggles give advantage on the whole attack power potions at plus two to the whole attack and all of a sudden the amount of things you can dump into this is ridiculous you can basically kind of start to clear rooms and since it's a non-loss you can stand on a potion and do it again then the survivors of this have disadvantage on their next attacks well it is a level nine so kind of have to expect it to be good yeah there's a few level nines on this list there's a couple level ones though so yes yeah and the bottom half is actually a pretty solid summon but nothing to be considered overpowered it's just it exists you'll never use it [Music] from the tinkerer class number nine chimeric formula level nine again we're looking at the bottom half of this card one ally within range three may recover one lost card belonging to an ally adjacent to them two experience yeah uh basically uh it it creates some of the most silly combos like um if you give a lost card that's clearly not meant to be recovering to a spell weaver and then allowing them to reviving ether and do it again the top half allows people to use their level 9 cards repeatedly since they can lose other cards so the top is pretty good but that bottom you can do some crazy stuff i think more particular giving inferno to a brute with a immovable phalanx and balanced measure allows the brute to attack everything in the room like a spell weaver would but then with the bottom half of combining balance measure and the immovable phalanx you get to attack you go to the amount of damage you did with your inferno so uh you need a spell weaver root and you know it's and a tanqueray to pull that off but you can do some silly shenanigans that's just the start of the list you can clearly there's a there's a long list of things you can do that they're like that class is not meant to do that well here you go the temporary solved those problems it's kind of uh a very very interesting kind of gimmicky card but uh johnny from magic the gathering certainly appreciated [Music] number eight we have a spell weaver num level nine of course inferno this is this is my jam this is my class and when i got this car and i was like this scene is really awesome just clear a whole room yeah in the same boat as planner fissure with attack everything but this is attack everything in the same room the funny part is there's a one scenario in particular largely regarded as the most difficult scenario in glimhaven and this card kind of trivializes it especially when you compare these with them it's the same thing with plantar fascia you can dump a bunch of items into this and just kind of blow a whole room up and the you can stand on a potion do it again put the strengthen on mana bolts you have advantage on the whole attack yeah how is this not a loss yeah it's it's great that it's a just a non-losses hit everything also uh typically when you go through your whole deck like that you're gonna draw one of those plus two cards that also a spire so when you stamina potion you're already going to have the fire turned into an attack four boom yeah and if you're all level nine two damage yeah that's nothing that's that's not important [Music] number seven from the summoner class unending dominance it's a level one and we like both halves of this card yeah that um the one of the problems with the summoners all their lost summons but uh kind of like the reviving ether of the summoner this allows you to get four of your summons that you burned out back and then that really gives you a crap time experience because all those summons have loads of experience built into them [Music] also it's on the bottom so you can still do a powerful one of the top halfs of the summoner and speaking of one of the similar powerful top halves i think the lava golem might be the best summon in the game the funny part is because this has two enhancement pips on it and it's a level one it's actually really really inexpensive to buff this guy with the support cards which the summoner does have this guy actually can kind of solo some level like early level scenarios if you unlock the summoner early and even then in later levels if you get um some of the short scenarios like some of them that are just survive 10 rounds you're not going to be able to do the bottom part you can just put this into play it has retaliated range too so even ranged things that are shooting at it it's going to make them suffer two damage back at them it infuses fire every time it swings and it wounds every target it swings it always doesn't attack three every round yeah yeah so for a level one that ends up being really intense a lot of people hold the zord on the bottom which makes sense pro if you want longevity that'll get you that the top part also has a baked in for experience [Laughter] all right good job on ending dominance number six we have the beast tyrants disorienting roar which is a level one and i personally use this to great effect swap the positions of any two figures yeah there's a couple scenarios where it's like kill that boss you open the door and he's got a whole group of minions in there and you're like all right just like shuttle the boss into the room where you are strike and i surround them and just you know beat them up this is one of those where it's like get to the open up this treasure then get to this point in the map and you're like okay loot the treasure the person holding the treasure then just blinks to where he needs to be or sometimes you're just in a scenario and you open up the final room and it's like loaded with everything that's super annoying and this happened to us where there's two elite like level seven because we were playing at level seven at the time i knocks archers and then you just have the the beast tyrant was just sitting in the back first room playing netflix you know then they swap them so now we have an extra body to soak hits in that big room and then you have this elite einox archer slowly making his way through the dungeon while we kill all of his friends then we'll just kill him when he finally catches up in assets you could do that with so many scenarios it just ends up breaking scenarios as a result the top half ends up being pretty neat anyway but the bottom half really ends up there's just so many scenarios where there's just this win and uh anytime you play a scenario it's just hey i win i think there's a it needs to be on this list number five we have zeus singers disorienting dirge and we like both halves yeah that bottom half is honestly in that bottom half it was if it was in like so many other classes and it said lost people wouldn't blink you know they would have been nine i loved using this when i played it's all about enemy deck with curses and then put this song into play yeah the funny part is you can just be like i can use another song to start off and just yeah load up with curses and while you're doing that you just chuck a bunch of blesses so you're not only your friends going to be creating more often your enemies are just going to be drawing nothing and then once you have the song in play they're just going to be constant disadvantage you've got basically crit immunity at that point no one needs to wear iron helmets you're never going to get crit and you're hardly ever going to see any positives enemies are always either going to be missing especially with curses or just constantly be doing -1 and it feels like all the enemies attacks just end up being so soft after that point and uh it just breaks the difficulty scenarios it's it's too good it's the best song [Music] number four a plague harold painful hex and like we were just talking about with the sustainer's car if a curse causes an enemy to deal no damage during its attack this enemy suffers three damage yeah this uh persistent if you have this card and the previous card into play that's that's just steamroller it's a steamroll i'm speechless it's it's it's so powerful however uh given the play carol's ability to toss out so many curses into the deck it's no surprise that this ends up being incredibly powerful once you get it the bottom half is no slouch either move threes are always decent uh curse black girl doesn't necessarily want to get close to things the fact that the top is just so so terribly powerful it's a must take number three is kind of a tie between glass hammer and resolute stand from the berserker yeah is like whatever your health is that's how much they suffer yeah and uh with advantage you can you know clearly make this land and with crits it's ridiculous but the berserkers deck has too much rolling modifiers to really reliable reliably get a crit resolute stand on the other hand just says how much health you're missing you perform an attack if you use glass hammer and resolute stand at the max level berserker i mean it's only over 50 damage you know not a big deal it's reliable you don't even need to set it up like some of these cards you like if you put a bunch of items into it no this is just here just take 50 damage number two the night shroud swallowed by fear tech two but if you have dark in any other element kill any normal or elite instead it's like a better version of its spirit of the night which only requires one element but kill any target normal this can kill elites and they're both non-loss executes there's actually a lot of no there's a few non-loss executes that are just really powerful but this is clearly the best um since it does execute actually kills elites a lot of them have the you know kill normals or uh other clarifications this is just are they kim are you in melee it's dark and play is there any other element but just kill it it's not if it's not a boss that's dead yeah there's certain situations where it's hard to get through their shields and not only that but since it's since you don't end up losing it you can again with stamina potions and rests you can just say every time i rest i'm going to kill an elite which just with one half of a card it's too powerful it's broken before we get to number one hit that like and subscribe we want 100 likes do it and number one from the quartermaster bag of holding you and all adjacent allies may refresh all your consumed items yeah you could basically do a whole top 10 on the quartermaster itself but really when it comes down to at that bottom half especially if you've got high prosperity able to chuck out you know multiple power potions a pendant of dark packs be able to refill all those and then do it all over again you can turn attack once which he has and two very easily into attack 13s or better and it's very easy for him to just get advantage and untap everything and refill potions in the process just by pairing this with like catastrophic bomb which you end up attacking i think it's 11 hexes with attack one but you're like oh well it's just an attack one like okay but it's an actual attack 12 with advantage on everything in there and they're like oh i tap everything in the process so all those insanely powerful stamina potions power potions and all the other stuff that you put in play you refill it and then all your allies do that as well now you have other cards like reforge able to completely just get back anything like a stamina potion um with a non-lost card scroll over call allowing you to get back or forge and you can essentially get infinite stamina combos but bag of holding essentially is i'm going to cause so much burst damage i'm just removing this room from the game you pair it with reinforced steel and reforged wherever they come record all right let us know what card you think should have been on this list and thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Rage Badger Gaming
Views: 21,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top 10 gloomhaven, gloomhaven tips, top 10, gloomhaven board game, gloomhaven strategy, gloomhaven strategies, gloomhaven cards, board game, gloomhaven game, top 10 overpowered, broken, top 10 broken cards, gloomhaven top 10 powerful, gloomhaven best cards, gloomhaven most broken cards, gloomhaven top classes, gloomhaven review, gloomhaven cards explained, top 10 list, rage badger gaming, rage badger gaming stephanie, rage badger gaming wife
Id: 4Uek0DlqIOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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