Top 10 Obnoxious Celebrities Getting Owned on GMB

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well I'm two feet away from three of the Diest people in Britain no joking only joking welcome to watch morej UK and today we're looking at times famous faces were put in their place on Good Morning Britain you are sinking to the gutter by talking about bleach before we begin we publish new content every day so be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos number 10 Piers Morgan waa what level's that zero H zero zero let's get this one out of the way he is a celebrity many find him obnoxious and as gmb's former cohost he's been owned on it more times than anybody else usually by Suzanna Reed we've talked countless times about his hypocrisy over demanding people debate him and then walking offset live on air but maybe the most legendary moment Piers was given what for came when they made him test a 10's machine this BL loves his far too much for sure what are you putting now Stan I'll go straight away to Let's Crank It Up let's Crank It Up 50 what is it on now he was wired up to prove just how painful childbirth is and was in agony on National Television what that not even 60 you going to surrender are you giving in and of course there was the time he got a pie in the face from Harry Hill after mocking Daniel Craig for wearing a Papo and because this pie is for all those men that wear papes number nine Mason noise he was booted off The xfactor and then started doing press but he began getting annoyed with Pier's Morgan as soon as he opened his mouth that day so what what is your name you have to go and Google it noise was definitely up there as one of the most arrogant contestants the show's ever had once dropping a mic at Simon Carl so it shouldn't have been a surprise that he kept on being rude on gmbb you know first of all like you say I was rude but um where was I rude in that in what I he flip the bird at cow didn't he Piers wanted to get to the bottom of noise's reputation as noise said he aspired to be as famous and successful as Justin Timberlake how good do you think you are M um people are there to judge and and people have their opinions how good you think you are I mean every entertaining these selfconfidence you clearly aren't La how how good do you think you are this was Pier's first day presenting the show back in 2015 and he got Right to Work grilling noise about his behavior number eight Amir Khan and Ian Lee I felt so guilty that I had to go and tell everyone what I'd done and Amir said well I'm not going to go and tell them the 2017 series of IMA celeb was marred with Scandal specifically the strawberry Gate scandal where boxer Amir Khan and presenter Ian Lee scoffed a treat of strawberries and cream intended to be shared with the camp then lied about it to quote him just a minute ago you stabbed him in the back and you're an idiot Amir what well did I use the word idiot when it came out they both played the blame game and a rift grew between them Lee appeared on gmbb to talk about his experience and then to his surprise KH arrived in the studio too so that the pair of them could hash it out this is awkward isn't it yeah listen this is what I'm saying none of it matters KH still tried to Shi the blame onto Lee despite Lee claiming adamantly that it wasn't his idea KH didn't come out of this one smelling of roses did you blame Ian for that incident yes you did cuz they showed me that when I came out when I came out the first thing they showed me was you going yeah it was all Ian's fault number seven Prince Harry and Megan Markle neither the Duke nor Duchess of Sussex has appeared on GMB themselves but the presenters certainly do love bringing them up they I don't think anyone's everever had better Pres courage in these two until the wedding and then when she disowned her dad and they started bleeting on about you know the environment and getting private jets all the time well they got criticism they were a favorite topic of Pier Morgan though his replacement Richard midley also has plenty of opinions he wants to share on Harry and Megan they've been well and truly rinsed by the shore and there are many people in the UK who are sick to death of hearing about them and have been for a while sorry I just think it's utterly utterly ridiculous we're getting completely played here some notable moments include Pier's ripping into the couple for Megan's now Infamous banana stunt and him sharing his many opinions about their interview with Opera renfrey which led to his resignation it does come across as patronizing it's not going to change anybody's lives it's a banana number six Matt Hancock yeah I'm only human sorry the whole country is only human Mr H yeah I I understand that why did we all have to stick to the rules but you were exempt if there's one person you don't want to be up against when it comes to Breaking covid rules it's Kate gway whose husband Derek sadly passed away after a year's Long battle with covid and its complications accountability you took accountability as you and you were quote open about it but you had no choice but to be open about it because the pictures of you in the Embrace were leaked to the media Hancock appeared on the show many times but this interview was from January 2023 as they grilled him on his attempts to rehabilitate his Public Image after the deaths of over 200,000 Brits can you explain now cuz I'm not sure people yet feel comfortable why you did it he squirmed under questioning of all three main anchors Reed badley and G about how he could have had that Affair and broken those rules knowing the sacrifices he was asking the country to make at the same time this is a policy that has been declared unlawful by the high court number five love Islanders all almost as much as he loved to make fun of Megan Markle Piers went after the stars of Love Island one of itv's biggest hits it seems to me like we put the Diest people in Britain to one Lair and you all just try and have sex with each other am I wrong he never hid his distin for the sh constantly slamming its contestants for perhaps not being the brightest tools in the shed but there are plenty of Brits who share his L opinion of Love Island and wanted to see him take them to the cleaners with a general knowledge quiz if you go on a plane and go to another place that's still United Kingdom depends where where do you want to so Spain that's not United Europe that's Europe he really went after haly Hughes for her misunderstanding of brexit going as far as to ask her whether she speaks English on live TV you like English yeah can you speak English I'm speaking English right now so rude and then he proved he doesn't know a thing about triangles warning himself once again number four Joel Swinson and you don't just don't want to have another vote now you want to literally stop brexit happening you want to do the very thing that Patty Ashdown said he would find unforgivable onetime leader of the liberal Democrats Joel Swinson appeared in late 2019 to talk about brexit only a few months before that Year's snap election Swinson was in opposition to the Tories and labor by saying she'd hold a second referendum and potentially cancel brexit but your name is the liberal Democrats I mean Democrats is lit literally part of your name not part of any other party's name it's part of your name she was brought on to answer for this since it is baffling to pledge to do something that a majority of Brits voted against and indeed the Liv Dems were demolished in the December election as Suzanna pointed out it's mindblowing that a party that claims to uphold democracy has a leg to stand on where overturning a democratic process is concerned we're expected to respect that Democratic vote but your immediate action as a democratically elected government would be to cancel a democratic vote number three Ean Dale in 2019 there was a horrendous attack on a young boy where he was thrown From A Balcony at the Tate modern luckily he survived but numerous experts were brought onto gmbb to discuss how social workers failed the asant who had told carers he was planning to do something like this UT utter rubbish if I may say so it's nothing to do with cuts this is to do with people doing the sensible thing and reporting something e deal from LBC was one of the panelists but he didn't like the way the debate went and ended up getting up and walking out okay I won't speak come on we like you to okay right that's it we'd like you to no no no Ian don't go like despite it being a serious and relatively measured conversation about an important issue deal proved how obnoxious he really is by getting up and leaving just because other people were disagreeing with him in a debate after less than 5 minutes wow well wow what a fit of peak what a grownup War uh it's it I he's a West Ham fan you no platform yourself that's a shame I would like to have heard what Ian had to say number two Eric Bristo I'd like you to have the good manners if you could to actually hear what I'm going to say is that possible in 2019 the late darts Champion evic Bristol wrote some appalling tweets saying that the victims of the football abuse Scandal were notot proper men I find you the most deeply offensive man that's breathed oxygen and quite frankly if I had a set of darts I would stick them where the sun don't shine as a result of this controversy he was brought onto gmbb along with the mother of three of the victims who well and truly tore into him for the nation to see and let me tell you what abuse is shall I abuse is and I would like you to listen and I want you to explain to me what you got out of this what your motivation was please ask answer those shortly and I will then carry on pi and Suzanna also intered to question Bristol for what he said online which led to him losing some work Bristo eventually went back on his word and apologized for what he'd said but only after going tour to tour with Good Morning Britain twisting anything I'm I'm reading you your own words dce players tough it number one Nigel farage all of it to me was woefully irresponsible no no no no no no no end this nonsense many times he's appeared as a pundit or interviewee on Good Morning Britain first was him admitting only the day after the brexit referendum that the claim about sending EU money to the NHS was a lie and then there was him denying things we all saw happen during covid do not allow your viewers to believe we literally all heard him Nigel what are you talking about are you seriously telling me that he said bleach yes do you not remember wrong do you not remember wrong this was in the runup to the 2020 us election where pi and farage clashed over Trump with farage saying PE was spinning obvious lies even when we all know that Trump did suggest injecting people with bleach grow up stop being fake news sorry Nigel just just to clarify these are the words of Donald Trump grow up and stop being fake news he never said ble they ultimately ran the clip proving that pierce was telling the truth though farage inexplicably kept denying it sorry am I have I made that up yes okay we just saw the let us know in the comments who you prefer Piers Morgan or Richard midley that's what you talking about St talking utter rubbish do you agree with our pics check out this other recent clip from watch Mojo UK and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music] [Music]
Channel: WatchMojoUK
Views: 30,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: List, Mojo, Top 10, WMUK, Watch Mojo, WatchMojo, WatchMojo UK, WatchMojoUK, awkward celebrities, celebrities, celebrities who always cause controversy, celebrity, celebrity backlash, celebrity scandals, controversial celebrities, cringe celebrities, disliked celebrities, female football, hated celebrities, iain dale, joey barton, katie hopkins humiliated, love island, madeley, piers morgan, piers morgan humiliated, piers morgan owned, simon cowell, susanna reid
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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