Top 10 NYC PIZZA You MUST try Before you DIE

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when you think of New York City you think of pizza Wow from the sauce to the crust to the crisp it's absolutely phenomenal I've in New York City pizza my entire life and in this video I wanted to show you guys my top ten favorite pizza shops in lower Manhattan that are all just a walk away ah I didn't see you there it'sa me Bruno I'm so happy to see you today we are going to be eating some of the most delicious and incredible pizza here in New York City almost as good as my motherland and the first place that we are going to be going to is a Joe's pizzeria ok guys so welcome to this pizza tour video I am here with Hayley and we're gonna be hitting up 10 different places all throughout lower Manhattan and for the first place we had to go to the classic Joe's pizza here in the West Village this is such a staple New York City slice of pizza to be honest I do really like it I think it sometimes depends on the day where some days it's better than others it kind of just depends how it's cooked but for the most part it's it's a must-try here in New York Wow today is good nothing like that first bite of a classic Joe's New York slice the jowl needed to be crispier the cheese is really good I'm really hungry price it's three dollars and the taste it's pretty good but the consistency I guess it's not always 100% so you got to get lucky and get a good pie from Joe's make sure they printed just a little bit so you know typically I give Joe's pizzeria a nine but today forget about it it wasn't a very very good but still would so what today we all go with 8.0 now for our means of transportation throughout this pizza tour we have my super 73 I'm letting Haley Drive so that I can blog while we're doing this I'm a little scared four generations of sauce and a couple of months we're gonna start bottling it right I was not expecting that at all it was the nicest coolest most welcoming guy like you guys need to go there just for the employees they were so friendly I just asked to film a couple shots of their pizza it's like take whatever you want you have to try this slice all you are a blogger so cool we bought this formula from Italy like I am so excited to try this and this pizza slice Wow mm-hmm sound ten out of ten bite Wow it's like burnt toast right like a little crispy the cheese it's not stringy and not like pulling when you're biting into it the sauce is just right this is phenomenal I'm not gonna lie it's really good right has a lot of flavor to this is the four generations of sighs hmm Wow I feel like my taste buds just flew to Italy and flew back and are going crazy right now I was a flavor bomb yeah yeah I would say phenomenal keep that we have a pizza uniform going on today we both got hold it up we got matching checkered vans going on Bleecker Street pizza was marvelous a very delicious slice a pizza with very good sauce it remind me very much of my motherland so we all go with eight point seven I don't know what it is about pizza places I think just in New York but they have every celebrity that's ever been to the pizza joints on the wall I guess it does help sell it because this place was the most impressive as far as that the atmosphere and the wall decorations definitely has me intrigued and I have had this pizza place before it's a solid slice for a cheap slice it's very thin and it's not too filling but I kind of forgot how the taste is so we're gonna give it a try right now norman swain up it's like creepy very sharp very doughy tears very easily yeah no I totally agree what you're saying it's like almost eating a piece of like cheesy bread or something I don't know but it's tasty different like you said I was confused when you first said that but overall it's it's good not bad champion the pizza for a cheap slice it's good that's my favorite but good I give it [Music] 7.2 okay guys so next up we are here at Joey pepperonis which is located on Broadway and White Street right below Canal Street in Tribeca and when I used to live in Chinatown I first moved to the city this is what I used to live off of because then three years ago this was only one dollar now they upped it dollar fifty you know they got inflation I'm sure their rents went up so it's understandable but for a dollar fifty this is a good slice it's a lot bigger than the champion slice looks like it was cooked pretty properly and I'm excited to eat this I haven't had it in a couple of months so Joey pepperonis let's see what we got cheese is good very greasy not so much sauce but the bread that I used seems pretty solid for a very cheap place country I like the cheese too sauce ratio I'd honestly give this like an eight Wow really higher than Josie yeah like this is a better than but not better than the slice app um Bleecker Street Street Lee Geary is winning for me so far okay Wow Joey pepperonis though must try New York City if you want cheap pizza Joey pepperonis for a quick dollar slices a marvelous I must try in New York City always a quick always fresh and always cheap seven point eight okay now Prince Street pizza when I posted on Instagram about which place is my viewers favorite pizza place just about everyone said Joe's or Prince Street pizza and I am an avid go where to Prince repeats I've probably been there a hundred plus times it is phenomenal pizza and I think we got super lucky today because this slice just looks absolutely delicious in the spot the pizza spot it's good he's really good it's like crispy not too saucy the cheese isn't too like like you can like bite it without and being messy but still tastes really really good there's a unique taste to this slice I don't know if it's the cheese or the sauce or what it is but there's something about biting into that where it just is so flavorful bring three pizza it's absolutely beautifully sculpted Pizza a must must must must must try in New York City it'sa one of my favorites 8.3 so now we just made it here to a Williamsburg pizza in the Lower East Side and Williamsburg Pizza originated in Williamsburg Brooklyn but now they have a location here in the Lower East Side and I am so glad I've been to this location a bunch of times and they have phenomenal delicious crispy pizza and Haley over here starting to get a little full run these are six plates so we have back up Gabe the Santee is here to help us out and this is your favorite pizza place you came just in time funny how that works look at that it looks so beautiful go down to that byte ten out of ten case hmm Wow they burned it just right like it's just a little bit crispy like just enough not too much the trees the sauce ratio superb amazing slice highly recommend like you're in New York you must trial Williamsburg pizza it's so good mmm it's the best pizza in all of New York yeah I think the sauce could be a little sweeter if you have crusts like that you're a winner my friend the game you really like this Williamsburg pizza and to be honest it is very very good I highly recommend this place 8.4 now next up we are here in the Lower East Side again at scars Pizza on Orchard streets and I've never been to this place but a lot of my friends who are New York born and raised that have lived here for 40 plus years all recommended this place they said that it's legit it has a delicious slice inside it's a must try here in New York City and by the looks of it it looks pretty darn delicious it looks very greasy but it looks cooked just right the cheese looks great the sauce looks great see that Wow definitely some like garlic and some flavor on there some seasoning Wow so far this has like made my my taste buds go the most wild it's crispy that's what makes a good New York slice is the crisp but the flavor is almost there not as good as Williamsburg pizza and give it like a seven so the next place scholars pizzeria it's very good it's a very traditional New York City slice remind me very much a back home in Italia my grandpappy will love this place Scala is a pizza eight one two okay so next up we are here in the Lower East Side again at sauce and this is one of the most different looking slices that we have gone to yet today where it almost looks like a margarita slice with the sauce just in separate locations from the cheese and then they even give you a side of sauce so I guess here our sauce there they're really like songs [Music] a lot of cheese and a lot of sauce and the bread is great the combination this is pretty incredible look at how amazing that looks right there that's phenomenal this is like top-of-the-line best pizza I've had in a long time no no God's oyster pizza but I'm not touching margarita saucy gal so I wouldn't go out of my way for it yeah but if you like sauce it is really good I'm just more of like the cheese on cheese on cheese I always go akiza now in my personal opinion this so far has been my favorite slice of pizza I really like sauce I love sauce and they give you an extra thing of sauce and there was a very fluffy but country I don't know how they do it a top of the chart slap a pizza 9.1 we are now here at East Village Pizza right in the East Village on First Avenue and ninth Street I used to live right here on 6th Street and would come to this pizza place a lot it's a good slice not bad it's one that I would recommend if you're coming to New York and you're looking for somewhere good to go or if you live in this neighborhoods this should be like your go-to spot it's definitely the best one in the East Village but there we go let's take the first bite y'all know I'm turning out a 10 bite no crush just by the best part about it cheese the sauce ratio could be a little bit better there's not too much sauce in there but the cheese does have that good stretch to it cheese this is a good slice I can really come 7.5 okay eetz village pizzeria it's it's very good that's all I really got to say about this place very good it's not incredibly but it's still very good 7.8 so if you guys saw my top 10 foods in general in New York City that you have to try this is village square pizza right in Alphabet City this is Jo one of the founders and when I came in I had only been here once before and it just blew my mind away that I had to include in that video and now we're back here again because you guys have you didn't to that video you have to come here this is my favorite slice of pizza ever I took Gabe here he loves it now hailey has not had it yet but I think I talked to her about it every day so I can't wait to show you guys what they have here at Village Square pizza okay here we go we just got fresh out of the oven just typical normal cheese slice hmm cook just right cheese the sauce ratio to bread it's just not too thin but not too thick it's like just perfect taste is good definitely tasted way better with the hot honey overall give us a seven point nine with the honey nine point five easily this is my favorite piece of food on the planet this is the most delicious thing I've ever tasted I didn't know that I'd like hot honey until I came here and just look at how beautiful this night is it's just like this exotic marinara with cheese and the crust and the Sicilian ish is absolutely beautiful it's just food porn at its finest mmm so good Wow it really gotten soft on the inside yeah the pepperonis sweep and the sauce is amazing I would give this slide I think it's hen but like you like it it's not like your cheese like it's not like I'm gonna grab a slice of cheese pizza it's like a meal on a plea that you're gonna be full for like the next three weeks but for me I can catch a whole pie of that no less than but not least Village Square pizza the cheese slice is marvelous I give it I don't know but that is a seven point nine tee-hee-hee so for the cheese slice seven point nine good score but the pepperoni with the hot honey oh my gosh we need to bring this back to Italia this is incredible if my grandpappy was still alive he would go crazy over this if you come to New York City you must try this it's a wonderful ok I think that's enough beat support today I am very very full and I think it's time for mice yes Dino but I will see you guys the next week for another video so Kayla you
Channel: Brett Conti
Views: 252,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top 10 NYC PIZZA You MUST try Before you DIE, Top 10, Pizza, NYC, Top 10 NYC Foods You MUST try Before you DIE, NYC food, New York City, Best Pizza in NYC, NYC vlogger, Brett Conti, food and travel, living bobby, travel nyc, INSIDER, cheap vs expensive, living in new york city, try before you die, BuzzFeedVideo, Joe's Pizza, Best Pizza Places, Where to eat in NYC, Top 10 Things to do in NYC, pizza review, travel, WORLD'S CHEAPEST PIZZA Vs. MOST EXPENSIVE PIZZA!, worth it
Id: Z-1lgAXOEc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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