Top 10 Norse Gods

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get ready to cross the Rainbow Bridge into Asgard welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 Norse gods if the binding proved magical Viner would take the hand tier agreed for this list we're ranking the most famous Gods from the world of Norse mythology that is to say the formative fables and tales which hail from such countries as Norway Sweden and Denmark will be considering both tribes that make up the Norse pantheon from the more Familiar Eyes here to the gods of fertility wisdom and foresight of the Vanier ooler reserved secretive ooler does not represent the tankered Downing boast bellowing contemporaries of the Norse pantheon but pays respectful tribute to glory in all its forms number 10 bestla bestla is proof that even the allfather has to have an origin little is is known about her other than her marriage to bour and her role as the mythical mother of Odin and his brothers V and V in fact she receives very little mention in the poetic AA and Pros Eda the collections of ancient Norse poems and legends that make up much of Norse mythology however scholarly theories abound regarding her connections to other mythical beings including one hypothesis about her possibly being the cousin of mimir a deity whose severed head gives Odin wisdom and knowledge yep nor myths can get a little weird number [Applause] nine what do you do when your stepdad is Thor God of Thunder if you're you become the patron saint of ski yep you heard that right is the product of CF eventual wife of Thor and an unnamed father and seems to have at one time been pretty important based on Poetic and archaeological evidence though not much survives other gods might use the opportunity to abuse the power but ool's rule is merely an extension thereof so much so that only the innermost Circle even know that Odin is gone even today he's often pray too for the safety of skiers skiing hunting archery and shields may not be as glamorous as Thor's thunder and lightning theatrics but it was apparently enough for the god to appear in the New Zealand fantasy series The Almighty Johnson's a about a group of reincarnated Norse gods way to go I told you I'm o who is O when he's at harm god of the hunt among other things number eight H dollar welcome to Asgard this guardian of be frost the Rainbow Bridge that connects the human world of midgard with the God's realm of Asgard is not a deity with whom to be trifled H dollar born of nine mothers yes nine has teeth of gold as well as both super sight and hearing it's the role of HD dollar or the modern HD doll to sound the mighty Yer horn to signify the beginning of Ragnarok the for told Armageddon of nor Smith we're all dead can you not see it's during this time that H dollar and the trickster god Loki are destined to kill each other now that I am King and I say for your act of treason you are relieved of your duties as gatekeeper and no longer citizen of Asgard and I need no longer obey you until that time it's it's h Dollar's duty to stand guard at be frost where he watches and waits number seven tier i k the Mortal has been taken law wisdom and Justice these are the ideals that TI represents within the north Pantheon this God is described as being the son of either Odin or the giant hir depending on the source he's no pushover in either Incarnation fighting Fierce battles alongside his fellow ASG Guardians human Warriors often dedicated their weapons to TI in the hopes that the god might bless that weapon with power and help them in battle will your God's help they will sure as always I know te will help us norsan further celebrated His Name by offering a day of the week Tuesday in his honor the God would later find tragedy however losing his right hand during The Binding of the vicious wolf finer number six hell you can probably guess what this goddess is in charge of based on her name alone just as other cultures like the Greeks and the Romans have a god of the underworld hell acts as the guardian of the Dominion with which she shares her name located in the realm of nilame Hell also happens to be the daughter of Loki and possesses a devious intelligence and Charisma not far removed from her Infamous father one half half of her is dead and looks very very bad and the other half of her is beautiful indeed this goddess's reputation precedes her as a fearsome ruler and she's not someone any mortal or God would want to have as an enemy do it number five balur there's a wealth of tragedy behind the Asgardian Brothers Balor and Hodor Jesus time it's the death of the kind and benevolent Baldor that serves as one of the events that kickstarts Ragnarok thanks to a devastating bit of treachery at the hands of Loki you see Balor was almost invulnerable after his mother frig made everything in the world promis to do him no harm unfortunately she didn't make mistletoe take the same oath and Loki discovered balor's one weakness he then crafted a spear or arrow in some sources and and tricked the blind hodur to send the Fatal blow into baldor's heart Loki's Mischief proves very real and very fatal for the asgardians causing them to suffer the rare loss of one of their own number four Freya fierceness thy name is Freya this formidable Norse goddess has been associated with many things including love sex fertility and War I just like doing this as much as you but if it's not done now it gets trickier doesn't it she welcomes deceased Warriors into her home of folk vonger While others are sent to the meat Halls of Valhalla what's more Freya has been known to engage in bitter battles of words with such Gods as Loki against whom she Harbors particular ill will though she does bear many similarities to the Roman goddess Venus she boasts some awesome attributes of her own including a pet boar named hilus venie and a magnificent Chariot pulled by cats if that doesn't deserve an internet meme we don't don't know what does number three Loki I am a god you dull creature and I will not be bullied by to describe Loki's relationship with other asgardians as complex would be an understatement I was a king the rightful king of Asgard betrayed Loki's standing as trickster and shape shifter is well documented within the ancient poems and Norse Legends but at times he fights with and against the asgardians Loki this is madness is it Madness is it is it the severity of his pranks varies depending on the source though a trick of his does lead to the death of a god earning him a particularly gruesome punishment he is Shackled with the inerts of his son Natty as poison drops onto him from above don't worry though Loki will be set free at the time of Ragnarok when that happens the world shall end Gods shall die and water shall sweep the Earth leaving only two to repopulate the world and start a new number two Odin oh great Odin's Raven he is the all father of Asgard and the oneeyed old man who sees it all Odin possesses Divine wisdom and a fierce temper smiting down his enemies while riding upon his eight-legged Steed known as sleeper he remains one of the few Norse gods whose Legacy has endured with wide-reaching Commercial Appeal especially thanks to his portrayal by Anthony Hopkins in Marvel's series of Thor films you had a vain greedy cool boy and you are an old man and a fool he's even captured a special place within the hearts of gaming fans thanks to his appearance in the Final Fantasy series of RPGs yeah we think Odin's pretty badass too before we reveal our number one Norse god here are some honorable mentions [Music] number one Thor hello this God of Thunder is probably the best known as guardian of Norse mythology thanks to his reputation not only as a Pillar of Strength but also of fertility and healing he's known as a supporter of midgardian humanity and as the most fearsome God in battle in part thanks to his hammer Moler which can conjure up lightning bolts and thunderclaps with a mere swing Thursday is named in his honor and his Marvel comic book and cinematic representations are beloved by millions so it's no wonder Thor is our number one pick for the most epic Norse [Applause] god do you agree with our list which Norse god do you feel deserves top honors I cannot give you my blessing nor can I wish you good fortune for more thundering top 10s published every day be sure to subscribe to [Music]
Views: 1,047,595
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Keywords: politics, history, norse gods, norway, sweden, denmark, tyr, baldr, freyja, heimdallr, ullr, bestla, thor, sif, top 10, watchmojo, norse mythology, viking gods, famous gods, famous gods from the world of Norse mythology, fables and tales
Id: 2njJOV76iNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2016
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