Top 10 NEW FPS Games of 2024

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- [Falcon] First person shooters are a thriving genre, and 2024 has got a ton of good ones. Hi folks, it's Falcon, and today on Gameranx, the top 10 new FPS games of 2024. Starting off with number 10, it's "John Carpenter's Toxic Commando". Now, if you know anything about John Carpenter, you pretty much know what you're getting into here. This is a pretty intense-looking hoard shooter with co-op and a buddy road movie vibe that John Carpenter himself, the horror guy from the eighties, is collaborating with Saber Interactive to make. It is an interesting-looking game. It doesn't look exactly like anything I've seen. Obviously it's a trailer, we don't know exactly what the gameplay looks like, but if it looks like what they're trying to make it look like, it's gonna be a ride. They get some points for using Bon Jovi in the trailer as well. That's just not a normal thing to do in a zombie horror first person shooter trailer. So they're doing things to try to set themselves apart. That's great because, like I said, first person shooters are a thriving genre. There's a lot of first person shooters, so anything you can do that says this is definitely my game, this is something that you can only get from me, even if it's little signals and tone, it's a good idea. And partnering with John Carpenter is probably the best possible move you can make if you're making zombie stuff, so when "Toxic Commando" comes out on PS5, Xbox Series and PC sometime this year, you can bet I will be playing it. At number nine is "Phantom Fury", a new prequel to "Bombshell" and the follow up to "Ion Fury", which was the first Build Engine game to come out in a very long time. Now, "Ion Fury" was decidedly built on top of old technology, but "Phantom Fury" is not. "Phantom Fury" is built on Unreal 4, but it's still continuing the same look that we saw in "Ion Fury", that Build Engine aesthetic, and it really looks like a 3D Realms game, obviously a much more premium modern version of that, something that's not possible in the 1990s with the Build Engine, but that same style of design, the pixel art, it's all there. If you'd had showed me this and said, "Who made this," I'd say, "3D Realms." It's actually not 3D realms, it's Slipgate Ironworks, which is a company that got its start making mods for "Duke Nukem". Highly recommend looking into them. They're a very interesting story, but they have honed this to a science. I absolutely love what "Phantom Fury" looks like. It looks like the culmination of everything I remember from the 1990s with a commitment to retaining the aesthetic rather than abandoning it for something hyper real. 3D Realms probably should have been doing this the whole time. Like, this should have been "Duke Nukem Forever". If they were smart, they would acquire Slipgate Ironworks. They're exactly what 3D Realms needs. This game looks great, look at it. How can you not want to play this? I'm sure we'll see it on everything, but at the moment you'll be able to get it on PC, April 23rd. At number eight is Vreski's "Untitled FPS". Now, what this is is a game being developed by two people. Yes, this is a game being developed by two people. It's like if "Max Payne" was a first person shooter and extremely realistic-looking as opposed to, you know, "Max Payne". Nothing against "Max Payne", it's just a really old game. Toss in a little bit of "S.T.A.L.K.E.R" in terms of enemy physics and how they react to being shot, and you have something that just looks absolutely insane, particularly just this absolutely amazing lighting. I know that this is not something that is totally ignored by every FPS or anything, but there's just something about how the lighting interacts with the guns on screen that I just think is heightened above anything I've seen in recent memory at least. This is an absolutely beautiful-looking FPS that obviously doesn't have a name but is an absolutely amazing physics-simulation-looking bullet time, crazy thing. I mean, this is exactly what I wanna play. I can't wait to play wherever this goes, it looks amazing. At number seven is "Agent 64: Spies Never Die", which is a game that is very obviously attempting to look like "GoldenEye 64". It does a pretty good job, I might add, capturing that aesthetic. I think it's funny, the game's Steam page advertises it as using cutting edge 64-bit-powered enemy AI.(chuckles) But in all seriousness, it really does look like that same kind of husky, deliberate movement, but perhaps a little bit better controlled due to, you know, everything about FPS shooters that has happened since "GoldenEye 64". Like, this has the potential to be something really cool. We have seen projects kind of do this, but I've never felt like anybody's really truly, and it's shocking to say this actually, but really never truly followed up on "GoldenEye 64" outside of "TimeSplitters" and "Perfect Dark", which are, you know, just the developers trying to do their best here, you know? It's shocking nobody's really tried to pick up that torch and carry it, but it looks like Replicant D6 has managed to figure out how to do so. I'm really excited for this. It's coming sometime this year. Don't have a release date but I will be playing it, period. And number six is "Pioner", "Pioneer", I don't know exactly how to say it, but it's a post-apocalyptic Soviet island, and you're dropped onto it with various narrative, survival, crafting, etc. type stuff going on. You got PVE, you got PVP. In some ways it looks like "Fallout", in some ways it looks like "Borderlands", but you also see a lot of "Escape from Tarkov", "S.T.A.L.K.E.R" type stuff here. I don't know, it's a pretty interesting game that looks like it draws from a lot of different inspirations. And as with a lot of that type of idea, it really does depend on the execution of course. It looks like they're gonna be taking the premium game with microtransactions model, which is bound to piss people off, but we'll actually see the extent that the microtransactions affect the game. It may be that they aren't really a factor. It's a very pretty-looking game though. If it follows through on everything that it's trying to do and does it well, I think we're looking at something pretty sweet. At number five is "Mouse", a game that just does some absurd stuff. First off, it's intended to look like "Mickey Mouse". Now, "Mouse", in some ways, reminds me of "BioShock". First off, it's a noir-looking game. Second off, you have special powers that you can activate by ingesting things. Now, it's important to note that it actually isn't using the Steamboat Willie IP. At first glance, you might think, "Oh, well, Disney lost the copyright for Mickey Mouse. Of course they're doing this." It's actually not using that. It's an original IP. It just uses that style, which is cool. That's actually an aspect I like about it. I don't have criticism for people trying to make horror stuff with "Mickey Mouse" now that that IP is in the public domain, but I do respect the idea of just trying to do something your own way entirely. And on top of that, it looks like a lot of fun. It looks like an enjoyable game. I'm interested to see where it goes. We don't know exactly when it's coming out, but I'm excited. At number four is "Luna Abyss", a story-driven action adventure, which there is a demo available. I would recommend giving it a shot. It's a kind of a different game. While on the surface it might conjure some thoughts of some other games, but it's actually got a very distinct visual style, usually keeping one color on screen at a time, it seems like. Very minimal with its use of anything outside of a single color so when another color does show up, it's very striking. It's a cool way of doing things, in my opinion. Very, very striking visual style. The combat, both if you play the game and if you read the description of the game, is bullet hell stuff, and there's a lot of platforming. It's, I mean, really cool. You got something that looks nothing like "Mirror's Edge" that is gonna make you feel some of those vibes sometimes, which is really, I like that kind of thing. I see a lot of people comparing it to "BioShock", "NieR:Automata" and even "Returnal", but the platforming definitely sometimes gives me the "Mirror's Edge" feel. I dunno, this is a unique game. Play the demo, you gotta play the demo. At number three is "Clockwork Revolution", which, again, "BioShock", seemingly really heavy in the inspiration, really seriously in the minds of the first person shooter developers in this moment of the zeitgeist, although usually when we're talking about "BioShock", we're talking about inspiration that came from the original "BioShock". This looks a lot more like "BioShock Infinite", including the way that it handles time and changing the world. It seems to very much be in line with a lot of the stuff that we saw on display in "BioShock Infinite", granted there are some market differences in terms of how powers work, in terms of guns, in terms of maybe even action. I'm not 100% on that. I've seen a couple of things that make me think this might be a little bit faster paced but I don't know. I'm very interested in this 'cause I love the aesthetic, I love "BioShock Infinite", and I love the ideas that they have shown in the trailers. The narrative is intriguing to me. At number two is "ExeKiller", a narrative shooter, which is oriented specifically towards storytelling. You're a bounty hunter in a semi-open world environment. And, ultimately, what happens puts you on the run in your really cool retrofuturistic hover car. "ExeKiller" looks badass. The trailer they made for it has, like, this perfect atmospheric pace. And if that translates into the real game, it's something that I want to play desperately. And at number one, how could you not? It's "S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2". Of course it's "S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2: Heart of Chernobyl". It's been a very long time since we've had a "S.T.A.L.K.E.R" game, and we've had some games that have recently shown us how great a next-generation "S.T.A.L.K.E.R" might be. And now we're getting that exact thing, a beautiful, incredibly cool-looking upgrade on the original "S.T.A.L.K.E.R" that just looks like a massive, ridiculous set of circumstances that you are going to be unleashed in. Of course, the setup is similar to the original "S.T.A.L.K.E.R". You're going into the heart of Chernobyl, of course. Like I said, a lot of games recently have shown us, hey, wouldn't it be great if there's a Next-gen "S.T.A.L.K.E.R"? But also, we're getting a Next-gen "S.T.A.L.K.E.R". We don't know exactly when, but it really looks like a fantastic addition to the "S.T.A.L.K.E.R" canon. I'm looking forward to it. We've got a few bonus games for you, "Terminator: Survivors" the first, an open world survival game. It's going to be a game that acts as a future times sequel to the first two films. Obviously a post-apocalyptic "Terminator" type game. Moving on is "Metro Awakening", a story-driven, first person adventure built exclusively for VR. "Metro", of course, is a very cool franchise. I love the way "Metro" games play out. They just are really unlike anything else, and VR is, I think, a very good idea for that type of a thing. I think it's a thing that will work quite well in VR. Next is "Delta Force:Hawk Ops", a new free-to-play multiplayer tactical shooter. Believe it or not, it's based on the movie "Black Hawk Dawn", at least the single player campaign. But I have a feeling the bigger thing is going to be the PVP action. Next is "Soulslinger: Envoy of Death", a western fantasy RPG. You don't really see a lot of western fantasy stuff, period, but mystical stuff and guns does mix pretty well. I will say the trailer for this makes me feel like it's gonna need some tightening in its gun play. I guess it's early access. I haven't played this one yet, I'm not gonna lie. I will probably give it a shot though 'cause I do really like what I'm seeing. It looks like some nice old school shooter action. Maybe not quite a boomer shooter but close if "Skyrim" was a boomer shooter maybe but the Wild West. Next is "ExoMecha", which, of course, you're going to immediately recognize as "Crisis" adjacent, but it needs to be said that it very much also feels "Halo" adjacent, and that is really what it's going after. It's a multiplayer competitive shooter that, to me, looks like if you combine those two games, and yeah, I'm there for that. That requires very little to get me in the door. Next is "Killing Floor 3". It's been a while since the last "Killing Floor", 2016 specifically. And this looks like the big AAA update for 2024. We talked about this a bit a few months ago. We still haven't been able to play it of course, and, to my knowledge, neither is anyone else, but it's a very cool-looking, much more intense, visually speaking, version of "Killing Floor". I'm there for that. Next is "Sand", a MMO FPS, where you go around the desert in walking ships. They look like steam ships but they got legs and there's no ocean, it's just a desert. It's cool-looking. We don't know a whole hell of a lot about the game play yet, but the world that that would have to take place in is automatically cool in my opinion. And finally, we got "Ferocious", a game that reminds me very much of a AAA current "Turok" looking game. You wanna shoot some dinosaurs? Well, that's "Ferocious", and I'm all there for it. We don't get enough dinosaur-oriented games, and we should be seeing more of those. Anyways, that's all for today. Leave us a comment, let us know what you think. 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Channel: gameranx
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Keywords: FPS Games of 2024, new FPS Games of 2024, top 10 new fps games 2024, top 10 upcoming fps games, top 10 best upcoming fps games 2024, Video game top 10 new fps games of 2024, Best multiplayer FPS games, Top 10 new fps games of 2024 ps5, Best single player FPS games, new fps games of 2024 xbox one, new fps games of 2024 ps5, new fps games of 2024 pc, Best shooter games PC, 10 new fps games of 2024 ps4, Best first-person shooter games, gameranx, falcon, new games
Id: SfbxulkcSjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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