Top 25 New Single Player Games in Unreal Engine 5 & Unity coming in 2024

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[Music] there were few people on the streets as the Cincinnati Arch Can the police to [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] Carter is that you [Music] B [Music] [Music] what have I done wrong when the unknown yellow flowers [Music] bloom the season of her death [Music] returns I could not realize that first what was coming from [Music] me what would happen to me their memories [Music] fade but the pain lingers necks [Music] severed bodies ripped apart this nightmare will haunt me for eternity heartless beings like yourselves could never know my Agony my torment when she mourned before my eyes body torn into pieces so do not [Music] [Music] weep hey are you receiving me nor do you leave [Music] me if you hear this don't take any risks we need [Music] you Laura please answer the area is not sa I repeat I [Music] are [Music] [Music] you must be [Music] [Music] y [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] bloods in Australia spot is emerged there are webs everywhere ew thank God I don't live in Australia gross spiders well buddy how did you get out [Music] night keeper PP Connelly we'll bring fresh meat soon and wait for notifications for now get to work and don't mess it [Music] up [Music] [Music] hey guys lunch time [Music] hey cuties see you Daisy hey hey don't fight damn I need to hurry up time to take your medicine buddy you are no man of God you're an Abomination a filth why are you back Isaac I'm looking for [Music] [Music] someone you're too late they're all gone you won't make [Music] it everyone wears a mask you too this is a real face he let you live what secret did you sell him only a dead person kill with [Music] secret go where this Dam place you're suicidal one last toast and we're all done [Music] yeah I've seen the Dark Universe yawning where the black planets roll without aim where they roll in their horor unheeded without knowledge or luster or name h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a you in I might see [Music] [Music] you m [Music] [Music] MO I did not think mindor demons could get through what happened to the guards frun rest in peace these damn demons don't worry about me just get out of here hey I can still fight on gra you're here dad hide formation Big Dipper C this do not leave the formation what happened to the support watch Dad watch out more [Music] p hey [Music] [Music] stop damn it each of you represents some of the most powerful criminal organizations in the Galaxy Pikes Crimson Dawn Huts it's a golden age for the Underworld the Empire controls every corner of the Galaxy but they're distracted by a rebellion that won't quit it's an opportunity to make millions K vest the underworld's favorite new scoundrel we meet at last what do you want zeric bash they're new rich and lethal you crossed their boss SLO and now he wants you gone Rob his fortune and buy your freedom this job it's a death wish I'm in out here you live and die by your reputation you want to survive know the players you're new to this world what's your problem come back when you're not daa right look don't try anything I've got a whole clue surrounding the okay we're skipping that part for about as long as I can remember it's just been me and Nyx doing what we have to to survive this job is my one shot at freedom but if we're going to pull this off we need the right crew and the right ship yes hang on I hire you because you are one of the best hunters in the outer rim she's more connected than you let on cero best is mixed up in something bigger the outer rim is a dangerous place everyone is fighting for their piece of the Galaxy but all I want is to live free so I'm going to risk it all son dick Star Wars outlaw [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] guys that's H that from is spine hello there holy [ __ ] bro she killed Tony going to kill you inadequately optimistic piece of cake it's starting to rain don't get your guns wet justice department down on the ground don't move come at me creepy come on don't damage your SP that's an order down down [Music] amateures Dam it Red Line Get Ready we've got guests let's welcome them [Music] properly but first it's time for dinner what a mess I hope there's finally something fresh on the menu tonight oh here we go let there be light and here come the first customers enjoy your meal so how do I start my day on the [Music] island just like any other normal person does I love the smell of the forest in the morning nothing invigorates you better than a jog in the fresh air living my best life on my way I sto for groceries a hearty and balanced breakfast is the foundation of a productive day usually the selection is not too diverse but sometimes you come across real Delicacies by the way I cook breakfast for myself I have to improvise but it always turns out Finger Licking Good afterwards I drive to work you have no idea how wonderful life is without traffic jams there I do my routine stuff trying my best not to get into any trouble finally I'm home you know this is the only place where I truly feel safe sometimes I overdo it a bit and then I need a small repair on myself my insurance is expired but the service here is not the best either the day is coming to an end and my faithful yellow friend and I are heading out to grab dinner and here we are the next Link in this crazy food chain who's [Music] next I still can't believe you went what are you thinking go to that place 11 wish you hadn't got yourself into this m but you did you can you run forever I know you were just trying to do right by me so I need you to do what's right by us now please [Music] car sh I am so tired of fighting I just want it to be over I want you home the girls want home but if you don't deal with this then we are done for good I love you but I won't wait [Music] [Music] forever [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] begin [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] spee like this [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] no [Music] [Music] power [Music] want [Music] [Music] he [Music] this is [Music] the [Music] rest [Music] [Music] hey Sarah my daughter's real sick she needs medicine with the world falling apart like it is I don't have much [Music] [Music] help son there's always hope you just have to know where to [Music] look hey there fellow survivors I'm Jeff and I'm the lead developer behind as when we survive a top- down post-apocalyptic Survival game it offers a unique combination of survival and Community Management mechanics let's talk about survival properly managing your character's vitals is key for Success hunger thirst temperature and fatigue we feature a full day night cycle and dynamic weather system that changes the ambient temperature every hour at night the world becomes much colder you'll need to find shelter or a heat source to avoid freezing scavenge abandoned buildings for food drink medicine and tools to keep you alive tools allow you to harvest resources in the world there are two categories of resources natural and reclaimed using this knife I can cut these curtains into Rags for raw bandages or crafting material let's talk about crafting my goal as a designer was to simplify the crafting process in terms of ease of use without sacrificing Freedom or creativity in combat you can take cover to avoid incoming fire try to neutralize threats before taking damage however once shot you'll suffer from the bleeding Affliction which gradually reduces your health over time and less treated applying a bandage will provide a small heal overtime effect and stop the Affliction from further draining your health depending on the type of bandage use there's a chance of suffering a wound infection that require antibiotics to heal this new Metro game wants to be truly NextGen with the most immersive environments yet and of course you atmosphere also the craziest and most realistic creatures yet and a full on exciting story continuation with arum most probably the next Metro game has been officially confirmed to be releasing in the near future either in 2024 or in 2025 normally when we hear about a sequel to a game it's because it's still quite early in development or in the middle of it but thanks to legit industry insiders we're hearing about this new Metro game because it is really close to completion and the develop kind of want to do a stealth release or some kind of stealth reveal meaning they'll reveal the new game very soon and then it releases just a couple of months later when the followup to Metro Exodus was announced back in 2020 no one knew just how long would have to wait to see the efforts and passion of 48 games for this next big game the next title is being built for Gen 9 consoles and PC with a complete overhaul of our engine of the environments animations and Etc and renderer to take advant AG of this new power also this new storage and Hardware supported rate racing afforded by the new consoles it's going to be a big [Music] game
Channel: MathChief - The Best of Gaming!
Views: 170,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming 2018, upcoming games
Id: ISbvubbF8kE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 25sec (2605 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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