Top 10 Movies That Bombed Hard Due to Bad Acting

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heart killed the dinosaurs there is a welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 movies that bombed hard due to bad acting what is wrong with you for this list we'll be looking at the worst films that contained poor showings from the cast and performed poorly at the box office it's hard to say that these movies bombed exclusively because of the acting but we can confidently state that the subpar performance has played a role did you manage to sit through these line readings let us know in the comments below number 10. The Love Guru comedy was not only bad it arguably helped end Mike Myers career as a funny live-action leading man imagination like an alligator soup and make it snappy because alligators are Snappy and at the same time I wanted prom he stars as the titular Love Guru who must help the best player on the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey team get through some personal problems Myers doesn't shine his brightest in the role and even won the Razzie award for worst actor I'd like to thank the academy wow these things are heavy yeah put me down a-hole okay but he's not the only one who disappoints many of the movie's Razzy nominations were for its acting with Jessica Alba Vern Troyer and Oscar winner Ben Kingsley also receiving nominations The Love Guru made a little over 40 million dollars on a 62 million dollar budget which tells you everything you need to know what's the capital of Thailand Bangkok exactly oh my Sharif my ball number nine The Mummy Tom Cruise doesn't miss often but when he does he misses hard what are you doing here Jenny looks good okay this is I mean really great really stop the mummy served as a reboot of the long-running horror franchise and it looked to kick-start a brand new shared World centered around the classic Universal Studios Monsters the film's budget reportedly fell between 125 to 195 million dollars and it grows to seemingly successful 410 million dollars but it appears no expense was spared on promotion which meant money was lost in the end like a curse around here that's just another word for Treasure and this guy this Henry guy he seems to want it pretty bad well now he's gonna have to pay double the mummy's failures were many and critics often pointed to the acting as a particular source of contention Cruz's performance didn't measure up to his career highs and he was aided by disappointing showings from The Supporting Cast including the Razzy nominated Russell Crowe and Sophia boutella [Music] foreign number eight The Adventures of Pluto Nash few movies have bombed as hard as The Adventures of Pluto Nash he'll help us couldn't sing a note if it weren't for me Utah Tony Francis how to sing No I convinced a bookie not to pour some acid down his throat it's one of the worst performing releases of all time grossing a pitiful 7.1 million dollars on a 100 million dollar budget the fact that disaster was on the horizon was evident from the jump both actor Joe pantoliano and director Ron Underwood have claimed that they knew the film left a lot to be desired even as they were making it as a cryogenic chihuahua it's a real dog oh yeah it's very delicate you know it's illegal to bring pets up here but I got a friend back in Juarez who knows how to freeze dry these things Underwood pointed to his star Eddie Murphy claiming that he wasn't feeling that funny this opinion was mirrored by critics who berated Murphy's lead performance and felt it was uncharacteristically dull it's safe to say it's certainly a blemish on the actor's otherwise legendary resume it is a pleasure to meet me number seven Batman and Robin when people look back and remember the great movie Batman's George Clooney probably isn't the first name to come to mind chicks dig the car is why Superman works alone now he's hardly Batman and Robin's only problem it's considered one of the worst movies out there with its campy tone and horrible script earning much higher but the cast was also the subject of some criticism many people disliked Alicia's silverstone's Batgirl and Arnold Schwarzenegger was found to be grossly miscast as Mr Freeze at least his drefl puns are legendary but most of the play was laid at Clooney's feet with critics finding him a poor and unconvincing Batman five of the actors received Razzie nominations with Silverstone winning it for worst actress using feminine wiles to get what you want trading on your looks read a book sister that passive aggressive number went out long ago chicks like you give women a bad name number six Kazam Shaquille O'Neal is a spectacular basketball player but in this case his acting chops didn't live up to his athletic skill on my head less Green Egg and hammock Kazam was released in 1996 the same year O'Neill won gold at the Olympics and moved from the magic to the Lakers it was a huge year for his career but he wasn't able to capitalize it with Kazam he plays the titular character a genie who grants three wishes to the young Max O'Neill's performance was enjoyed by some including critic Roger Ebert but most found it uninteresting and has since become the target of jokes the movie bombed grossing just under its budget of 20 million dollars and O'Neill later admitted that he only did it for the experience and money you realize who I am I'm your genie that's not a wish that's an insult number five Gili on paper Julie is a winner it was written and directed by the oscar-nominated Martin breast and featured a number of A-list celebrities with some on your hand your tongue would slap your brains out trying to get to it interested yeah the cast was led by Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck who starred as the titular Larry geely despite the duo being a real life couple when the movie was released folks felt they lacked on-screen spark and the movie floundered both received razzies and even won together for worst screen couple it's turkey time huh what even fabled actors like Al Pacino and Christopher Walken had nothing to work with but the latter giving a horribly over-the-top performance as a detective chasing Gili the movie made just over 7 million dollars on a 75.6 million dollar budget and effectively ended breast's directing career well in case you're interested my life sucks all right stick a fork in me I'm done number four glitter Mariah Carey likely hoped to become a film star with glitter but that didn't quite pan out oh I just I was just wondering wondering why is this a date no this is not a day the movie story feels derivative with Carrie playing an aspiring singer who falls for a DJ unoriginal scripts can still work with sharp writing and good performances but glitter contained neither Carrie's performance is considered particularly egregious there's more this Banner well I want something there it's been said that she often fails to emote and many of her scenes come across as painfully awkward but Carrie would be the first to admit that it was bad she spoke it at length about the movie's failure and the toll it took on her thankfully there's always the mega successful singing career to fall back on [Music] number three the Wicker man it's not it's Nicolas Cage the most memeed actor of all time if not he's certainly up there not the best eyes the Wicker man is two things a remake of a beloved horror movie from 1973 and a gold mine of unintentional laughs cage plays Edward mailis a cop who explores a pagan island off the coast of Washington for a missing girl he hams it up to an absurd degree and many people find his role overacted and hilarious how'd it get burned how'd it get burned how to get burned how to get burned I don't know look cage is a great actor but not here not with this level of terrible line delivery or reviews and bad word of mouth quickly spread not to mention the jokes and the movie failed to meet its 40 million dollar budget but hey we can never forget that not the B sequence I mean come on it's hilarious telling me won't bring back your goddamn honey number two show Girls yeah you've heard us talk about this one before many factors went into the bombing of Showgirls nice dress thanks it's a Versace it's Versace what Versace it's pronounced Versace for one thing the movie was released with an NC-17 rating meaning nobody under 17 could be admitted most mainstream movies avoid this rating as it's considered a death knell for box office success for another it just wasn't considered very good with most aspects of the production earning criticism the acting was often singled out for condemnation especially as Elizabeth Berkeley's lead performance as Nomi Malone what do you want um burger fries and soda give it some brown rice vegetables and a bowl of vegan Showgirls was nominated for a staggering 13 razzies with six coming from the acting categories Berkeley was notably awarded worst actress and the film's failure also marked the end of her time with the creative artist talent agency there's always someone younger and hungrier coming down the stairs we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one Battlefield Earth this notorious film seems to have been something of a passion project for John Travolta while you were still learning how to spell your name I was being trained to conquer Galaxy a Scientologist since the mid 70s he hoped to adapt L Ron Hubbard's Battlefield Earth for the big screen Hubbard had published the novel in 1982 long after founding the Church of Scientology Travolta even added his own money to the movie's budget which ballooned up to 73 million dollars everything backfired though Battlefield Earth was widely condemned with many finding fault in the movie's acting well according to the clinco historians the species is called dog yes obviously the superior race having the man animals chauffeured Iraq Travolta's Gonzo performance was mocked far and wide as were those of Barry Pepper Forest Whitaker and Kelly Preston basically no one came out looking good and the film grossed just under 30 million dollars suffice to say plans for a sequel film were abandoned we're going to be rich right right I am going to make you as happy as a baby psycho on a straight diet after a thing did you enjoy this video check out these other clips from WatchMojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our 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Views: 437,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DC, Drama, Film, Movies, acting, actor, actress, batman, ben affleck, best movies, biggest box office bombs, box office, box office bombs, celebrity, cinema, fantasy, film, hollywood, horror, jennifer lopez, list, mojo, movies that bombed, movies with the worst acting, sci fi, superhero, the mummy, tom cruise, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo, worst acting, worst acting in movies, worst actors, worst movies, worst acting performances, Worst acting in movies, Bad acting examples
Id: gMF6NguqzIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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