Top 10 Most Violent Counties in the US.

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today i'm going to show you where the most dangerous counties are in the united states counties seem to be a little more important to most of you than i had thought not sure why that's just me i also don't use dryer sheets i think it was winston churchill that said you can never trust the word of a dictator or the nobility of a man that doesn't use dryer sheets i guess interesting counties comes into play when there's a city you want to live near but not in anyway i've had a lot of requests for videos about where the most dangerous counties in the u.s are luckily for us the fbi keeps track of that type of stuff we're gonna look at how much higher the violent crime rate of these counties is compared to the national average got it get it good let's take a look number 10 the district of columbia yes the nation's capital is a great place to be if you've taken up violent crime as a hobby they do a good job of keeping the touristy areas kind of clean and kind of nice but you get outside of that area it gets pretty scary in a lot of different parts of washington dc more than once over the decades it has shown up as the murder capital of the country it's not doing as bad as it has in past decades they're doing kind of good right now not good as in their nice wonderful place to live good compared to how they've been in past decades the district of columbia is like a few other cities in the united states where they're a city and they're a county in itself san francisco is one of those violent crime rate in the district of columbia is 147 above the national average number nine marlboro county south carolina marlboro county is one of the few counties on this list that their numbers aren't being drugged down by a major city that's just a nightmare this whole county just kind of sucks when it comes to violent crime when you look at their normal crime like property crime and things like that they're not doing great there either but their violent crime rate is a lot higher than it needs to be they don't have any major cities in here bennettsville being the largest and that only has about 9 000 residents if you're looking for marlboro county on the map it is right there in that armpit looking thing of the north carolina border it's halfway between columbia south carolina and fayetteville north carolina a little closer to fayetteville right there on the north carolina border it's south and it's kind of west of north carolina but if you're looking to get beat up or shot on a country road this is a great place to live marlboro county has a violent crime rate that is 209 percent above the national average number eight bernalillo county new mexico have you ever heard of bernalillo county me either but we've all heard of what's in it albuquerque you know that lump of coal in the land of enchantment you know these days i feel bad when i have any bad stats to say about new mexico or especially the albuquerque area i met some really nice people when i went to san antonio and they're from there and i feel bad every time i want to call them go hey it's just the numbers it's not you albuquerque takes up most of bernalillo county so it drags the numbers down for the rest of the county the violent crime rate in albuquerque is 246 percent above the national average in bernalillo county it is 216 percent above the national average so if you take uh albuquerque out of the equation it's a really nice place to live i mean the crime rate for the rest of the county brings it down almost 30 that's not bad i did a video about albuquerque some years back like three or four years ago and it hasn't gotten much better it got so bad that the local news did a segment on my video what's funny is they went out to talk to people on the street and ask them about the video and things like that and pretty much all of them agreed with me a few of them took that standard thing you know where they're going well you don't stop talking bad about it why don't you come up with solutions that's not my job number seven newcastle delaware newcastle is another place that would probably be pretty good if it wasn't for one thing it has wilmington delaware within its borders wilmington delaware in case you don't know is a bit of a nightmare as an example the violent crime rate in wilmington delaware is 320 percent above the national average when you figure in the rest of newcastle it brings it down to 270 percent above the national average honestly i think it's like 80 percent of the population of newcastle delaware lives in wilmington it's too bad too wilmington you know you go there and you see it it's been a few years since i've been there about six and when you look at the town you're all this city has so much potential it's like a really historic and you can see the beauty in it it's just you know out in some of the residential areas it is a freaking war zone so it's just too bad like i said though the violent crime rate newcastle delaware is 270 percent above the national average number six jefferson county arkansas if you were to float your way down the arkansas river from little rock you'd eventually run into pine bluff arkansas and that would be the root of all the problems that are in jefferson county the one thing i really like about pine bluff they have a lot of old churches and old schools with really cool architecture speaking of schools in pine bluff and all of jefferson county i talked to a guy from pine bluff arkansas i met him on an amtrak train and he said he grew up in pine bluff many many years ago i'm thinking it was the 1950s or 60s and he said it was a really nice place to live and they had a lot of farming things and the school system so he learned a lot about farming while going to school in pine bluff he said these days they probably offer things like how to file a serial number down on a firearm but again in pine bluff arkansas the violent crime rate is 372 percent above the national average but the entire county jefferson county it's 291 percent above the national average so obviously pine bluff is dragging them down quite a bit number five rapids parish louisiana you ever heard of it not many people have but it's got alexandria louisiana inside it rapids parish and alexandria have the red river flowing right through the middle of both of them now alexandria is the thing that really kills the stats on this place but some of their smaller towns around the county aren't helping out much the violent crime rate in alexandria is 377 percent above the national average and repeats parish it's 327 above the national average getting kind of high getting kind of scary number four st louis missouri st louis is another one of those places that's a city and it's a county all at the same time and they got some crime and we're not even including east st louis which is actually in illinois right across the river though that one oddly enough has a very high crime rate but east st louis the county that it's in has some really nice places too so their crime rate isn't that bad east st louis says the city is horrible but back to saint louis missouri they've had crime issues since forever and matter of fact i did a video discussing some of the worst neighborhoods they had when it came to violence one of them is an area that's kind of being built back up but it has a lot of bars so they had a lot of violent crime that was alcohol related really not any murders or anything like that i don't know how many times i explained to the people that kept email me whatever i'm just going by the stats the fbi gave anyway st louis like all major cities has some nice parts and it has some scary parts those parts for them are just a little scarier than they probably should be and their crime rate shows it st louis missouri has a violent crime rate that's 410 percent above the national average yeah like i said getting scary number three wayne county michigan wayne county michigan has a giant anchor around its neck called detroit it is not healthy to live in detroit maybe there's a few parts downtown's turning around like i've said before a little bit but it's still a pretty scary place to live and their crime rate is horrible their violent crime rate is shameful everybody knows detroit has had some struggles over the last handful of decades and you know it might be getting a little better here and there but they've got such a long way to go they're just gonna probably suck for most of our lives if you happen to be three years old watching this they might turn it around by the time you're 75. wayne county michigan has a violent crime rate that is 422 percent above the national average now stick around for the last two it gets a little entertaining number two shelby county tennessee shelby county is the westernmost county in tennessee as of the 2020 census the population was around 929 000 people that's a lot of people that's the largest of the 95 counties in tennessee both in terms of population and geographic area this county has the city equivalent of cement shoes just bringing them down that city is memphis tennessee one of the worst places to live these days in the united states this is another city that is in really bad shape for a very long time memphis tennessee has been a terribly dangerous place to live and for some reason people email me and tell me it's not that bad it's like okay fix your stats and we'll talk i explained to one guy i got these stats from the fbi he's all oh you're going to believe the fbi over some clown off the internet that just left a comment absolutely memphis has a violent crime rate that is 506 percent above the national average now their overall crime rate what's bad but it's not nearly as bad it's almost half it's it's 237 percent above the national average so they really excel in violent crime here the county helps drop that down a little bit because their violent crime rate in shelby county is 489 above the national average still horrible but better than actually in memphis all right before we get to number one don't forget we have another channel called on this date there's a link below we'd love it if you went over there click on some videos watch them to the end maybe watch a video that suggested at the end of the video alright on to number one and number one clinton county arkansas yes right across the river from memphis you'll find west memphis in crittenden county bad news for arkansas that crime rates i guess swim because right across the mississippi river is memphis that i'm sure is helping drive up the crime in clinton county i know this is going to be hard to believe but west memphis arkansas has a violent crime rate that's actually higher than memphis tennessee's memphis tennessee has the violent crime rate like we said that is 506 above the national average and the smaller memphis called west memphis has a violent crime rate that is 547 percent above the national average it's like they're trying to win something by having the highest violent crime rate all right that's today's video hope you guys liked it hope you got some information out of it now go out have a great day don't get involved in violent crimes and be nice to each other
Channel: World According To Briggs
Views: 184,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dangerous towns, where to live in America, Top 10, Top Ten Lists, world according to Briggs, United States, Ranked, Lists, Best States, Best Cities, Relocate, Travel Education, States, USA, US States, united states of america, Crime rate, Most dangerous, south carolina, st. louis, dangerous towns in america, dangerous towns in Amercia
Id: wbXYXrd_nqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2022
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