Top 10 BEST places to Live in the United States for 2021

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Every time one of these pops up I'm so glad to not see my area in the list. STAY AWAY PLEASE!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/scheckydamon 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
what is going on everyone welcome back to our year-end video today we're going to do something a little bit different 2021 is predicted to have the highest percentage of americans looking to relocate more than any other year in the last few decades there's a lot of reasons for this too the economy has been wrecked by a pandemic people are working from home or not working at all we've had riots protests joe exotics zoo is now owned by carol baskin his nemesis 2020 has been a nightmare for a lot of people and they want change especially joe exotic he's still in prison and he's hoping to get a pardon at the last minute from the president so if you're one of the people looking for change and your name's not joe exotic where are you gonna go i get no less than 10 emails a week from people asking for advice on where they should look and that's what i'm going to do today i'm going to list what places are and probably will remain great places to relocate to in 2021 this is going to be my opinion based on things i've learned researching this year's videos we'll go over some of the stats and tell you why i think these are great places to relocate to so no particular order here you go number 10 most of wisconsin now i say most of wisconsin because this is a state with very little crime great families great places to be it's just milwaukee and you know some of the other cities have a little bit of crime there's certain areas in milwaukee you should probably avoid but the rest of the state is great so much so that it is one of the states with the least amount of outward migration by people born and raised here there's some weird stats about how when people get out of high school and they go to a university in wisconsin they choose a state school more than any other state per capita and when they graduate they usually find jobs in the state people from wisconsin know this is a great state they love this state and they don't want to leave wisconsin is great for families that are looking to relocate and start a new life that can handle some cold weather it gets cold here but you have great cities like eau claire green bay appleton madison and like i said the milwaukee suburbs in most cases are really really nice you just know to avoid some of the areas land is relatively cheap schools are decent for the most part and they don't have a crazy expensive cost living number nine new england excluding connecticut other than cold and connecticut it's kind of hard to find a lot of bad things about new england new england states are amazing they get cold and they can get expensive but everything else about these states are great rhode island vermont new hampshire maine massachusetts pick one and move there if you're the outdoor types look at maine vermont new hampshire if you're looking to live in a city boston is a great city it is very very expensive but it's a great city there's a lot to do in new england and i think a lot of cases it's overlooked especially by people on the west coast it's not even on their radar most the time and that's a shame new england has a lot to offer great places to live their rural communities are outstanding connecticut like i said has some problems it has some crime more than any other state in new england but oddly enough connecticut has some of the richest neighborhoods in the country there just seems to be no middle class neighborhoods it's either really nasty poor ones are extremely wealthy ones it's weird number eight overland park kansas so kansas city doesn't have the best reputation and overland park is a suburb of kansas city in kansas and the state of kansas is known as being one of the most boring states in the union but here's the thing some of kansas city suburbs are outstanding overland park statistically is one of the best cities in the country right now great for family great schools low poverty next to no crime they have jobs cost living is decent actually ranks overland park as the best city to buy a house in america they're the absolute best right now and they don't have terrible weather it does get cold but the summers are nice and the spring is amazing number seven bend oregon bend oregon is a great place for people that are younger i would say there's a lot to do here it's amazing city for people that like beer and the outdoors bend is slowly getting filled up with people that have outgrown portland you know the people that thought portland was kind of cool in their 20s they start getting around 30 they're all i don't want to deal with this nonsense anymore so they leave and they head to bend oregon band oregon has a lot of things that are appealing one the cost of living is pretty decent housing isn't crazy expensive schools are great it's one of the healthiest cities in the country right now crime and safety is decent they've got jobs but the great outdoors and beer are what's bringing people in to bend oregon you have mount bachelor just west of the city which is nothing but great skiing and then you have the deschutes river that flows right through town this you could float on it boat on it fish on it it's big for fly fishing maybe not as much a round bend but up and down the river you could do some serious fly fishing there's a great channel called herman's outdoors which is a friend of mine he does a lot of videos on the deschutes river you should check those out i'll leave a link below on top of all that band oregon has the last remaining blockbuster video yeah they really do number six charleston south carolina charleston is a great city especially if you're a history buff they've got tons of colonial history and civil war history that you could spend half your life learning about that's how much they have here it's crazy and it's a beautiful city like all cities they have some rough spots that you probably should avoid so stop typing we all know that charleston is a coastal city with tons of history and a lot of tourism dollars coming in they have jobs they got some poverty not crazy poverty but it's there their schools are decent and houses are affordable in most cases you can get a decent house for you and your family two three bedrooms two bath something like that four in the neighborhood of two hundred twenty thousand dollars that's ready to move in that's decent i mean sure they go up way up this is a coastal city after all but you can get nice livable homes let's just say under two hundred fifty thousand dollars that's all in the suburbs the city itself does get expensive but it's still such a nice city charleston is one of my favorite cities just to walk around and look at the architecture of this place is some of the best in the country this place in savannah i really like savannah georgia's architecture these are just two cities that you just walk around and look at all the time statistically charleston is a nice place to live they've got plenty of things to do cost of living isn't crazy crime isn't crazy unemployment's decent housing is decent and the schools are decent now they're not knocking it out of the park on any of the stats except for maybe amenities they have plenty of things to do this is a coastal tourist town a lot of the dollars flowing in to charleston are tourism dollars so if you work in the hospitality industry hotels or something like that this is a good place to take a look at number five charleston west virginia that's right two charleston's in a row some of you just spit out your drink because you still think west virginia is filled with hillbillies and out-of-work pill fiends well the truth is they still have their backwoods folks and the pill thing is so 2017. west virginia and charleston for that matter turned the corner on the pill thing a few years back they're doing a lot better they still have a problem but it's so much better they were in bad shape with that and poverty because of the coal industry fading away for a lot of years west virginia is someplace people want to avoid these days charleston at least not so much charleston is a city with decent public schools decent housing it's a good place for families the commute is non-existent their cost of living is very low they have outdoor activities everywhere their crime and their safety is middle of the road but it's definitely not considered really bad now here's the best part about it the cost of living and cheap housing because of the lack of jobs that they've had over the years housing and cost living is really low in all of west virginia and especially charleston if you work from home your remote worker charleston is the perfect city for you they have decent internet and you know if you're not paying a lot for a house or rent or whatever this is a good way to save some money move to charleston you'll probably fall in love with the place and stay there forever now don't get me wrong they do have some problems but nothing near what they've had in the past they're doing a lot better so stop typing number four lake of the ozarks missouri if you made a triangle with the points being st louis kansas city and springfield missouri right in the center is lake of the ozarks this is an amazing place to live number one the lake is huge and it goes on forever it almost looks like a river from the satellite because it's just kind of long and whips around it's really neat as you can see right here now what's really cool about this place the cost of living is dirt cheap all around this area they have a ton of towns dotted all around the lake like osage beach lakeside lake ozark one called hurricane deck sunrise beach village of four seasons they've got all these little places you could live some of them are communities or whatever but this is the best part about living here you could get property just you know handful of yards off the lake for under fifty thousand dollars nice decent places you gotta put your own house there maybe a tiny home or buy a home that's already built there you could find land here for under fifty thousand dollars which is great you could find decent homes all over the place for around 200 000 and they're just dotted around the lake now if you want beachfront property that's still pretty cheap considering you're looking at in most cases somewhere around four hundred thousand dollars for right on the water you got a private dock i love this place i'm actually gonna go out there probably next summer because you know 2021 might still be a nightmare 2022 i'm definitely gonna go out and visit lake of the ozarks if this is a place you're interested in doing there's a great real estate agent that i've talked to a few times i'll leave her information down below number three san diego so san diego's on the list but keep one thing in mind you gotta have some money to live here comfortably it is one of the more expensive cities in the country but it's also one of the most desirable cities in the country san diego is considered to have the best weather in the united states and i agree with that one every time i've gone down there it's maybe overcast but most days it's sunny anyone in the navy knows that you want to end up in san diego at some point they've got nice military bases all around there but the city itself is beautiful stat wise like i said cost of living is through the roof but everything else is decent average schools average employment average crime but plenty of things to do that's their big strong point a-plus and amenities you'll never get bored in san diego number two idaho it's no secret idaho has become a very popular move to state people been migrating idaho for the last decade or so in big numbers mostly californians which irritates the hell out of most idaho natives but you know what they got a good thing going on there and that's gonna draw people in just like california drew people in for decades and decades now california's not as desirable and they're all heading other places and idaho is one of the most popular but it's not just californians people are moving there from colorado utah oregon and washington they have great cities with really low crime in most cases you know don't point out that some little place in twin falls had a series of shootings okay that that happens but for the most part the entire state is pretty low in the crime side they have amazing outdoors if you like to hunt fish camp boat this is the place for you actually another big one that's really popular here and i know a lot of people that do it they go camping on horseback that's pretty interesting kinda like the old west days idaho is a great place to live and that's why a lot of people are heading there and yeah they also have a decent cost of living and housing prices are always pretty good in idaho not sure how much longer that's going to go on because i mean as people move in prices will go up and that's kind of what's bothering the locals it happened here in oregon oregon used to be a pretty sleepy little place then somewhere around the 80s people decided they needed to move here and prices went up and now people are leaving and before we get to number one don't forget to hit that like button subscribe if you already haven't become a member of our community all right on to number one and number one rural pennsylvania and most of the dallas metro area that's right you get two on this one i couldn't decide which one i liked better so i'm putting them both down here rural pennsylvania is great for a lot of different reasons one outdoor activities if you like to fish camp hunt all that good stuff rural pennsylvania is your place decent people good land that's fairly inexpensive they got water everywhere creeks rivers streams lakes it's all in pennsylvania if you are an outdoor person move to rural pennsylvania just be prepared their winters get pretty harsh some of the nicest people in the world live in pennsylvania they're good yet pennsylvania dutch kind of resonates through the entire state it's weird on to dallas the dallas metro area even though it does have its problems again they have crime yes they have some poverty but in general the dallas metro area is one of the best major cities we have going right now in the country it's one of the only major cities that's still gaining tons of people every single month every single week and i'm sure this is gonna go on through 2021 they have jobs a decent cost of living for being a major city if you compare it to places like new york san francisco los angeles they're doing really good if you compare to jackson mississippi they're pricey you know depends on how you look at it i usually don't say good things about politicians but for years they've made some good moves which has kind of positioned texas as a great place to live and dallas is one of the best places in texas to live but if you're looking for a job in 2021 and you don't have one right now i would say honestly the dallas metro area is one of the best places to start your search for new job and a new life [Music] all right that is our video i hope you guys enjoyed it hope you got some information out of it you know take my videos in if you are in a situation where you're looking for someplace this is just giving you ideas of what to look at and where to look i mean do your own research every single one of us is an individual we have our own needs and our own wants so i'm here to just kind of give you an idea give you a little entertainment and then you go a little deeper if something i say kind of sparks some interest in you all right let's all hope we have a better 2021 than we did at 2020. everyone be safe be nice to each other
Channel: World According To Briggs
Views: 1,288,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Travel, where to live in America, Top 10, Top Ten Lists, Move to, best cities to live in, world according to Briggs, United States, Ranked, Lists, Best States, Best Cities, Relocate, Maps, New England, Best place, best places to live in the united states, best places to live in texas, where to live in america, best states in america, USA, best American cities to live
Id: P5-cTIULfmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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