Top 10 Wealthiest Counties in the US. (Richest)

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do you know what the wealthiest counties in the united states are i've gotten a lot of requests about county videos people want to see things about counties i talk about states cities and towns but never counties so here we are we're going to start off with the wealthiest counties in the united states we'll do other videos about other subjects but i thought this would be a fun one to start with this video is just the counties with the highest median household income according to the latest american survey from the u.s census bureau that's as of june 2022 right now here in 2022 the nation's median household income is right about 65 000. the median household income in these counties on this list are about double that that normally means they have a bunch of very wealthy households in that county you need quite a few millionaires to double that number so today's video is just about places most of us can't afford i think you'll be surprised which state has the most before we get going leave a comment tell me which state you think is gonna have the most wealthy counties in the top ten all right got it get it good let's take a look number 10 nassau county new york nassau county is on long island between queens and suffolk county this little patch of long island has around 30 golf courses and only eight of them are open to the public the rest are country clubs and unless you're wealthy or named fletch you ain't getting in if you want to buy a home here you probably should be expecting to pay over 550 000 the nicer ones minimum they're gonna be like seven eight hundred thousand and they have a lot of homes that are two and three and four million dollars if you find anything let's say under four hundred thousand you're probably gonna have to pull up the carpet because it's still got a chalk outline on it the median household income in nassau county is one hundred and twenty thousand thirty six dollars number nine douglas county colorado douglas county colorado is where a lot of rich people live and the real estate kind of shows it if you want to buy a house here and it's not like a condo or town home or something like that 90 of them are gonna be over 750 000 with a whole bunch of them being in the three four and five million dollar range douglas county is south of denver between denver and colorado springs it's got towns like parker highland ranch castle rock and castle pines their real estate gets a little crazy in this whole county i mean in most places most the decent places to live minimum you're going to have to pay about 700 000 for a home you might be able to find condos and townhomes that are a little bit cheaper but if you want something decent and you want something fairly new it's going to start off around 700 000 and work its way up into the millions i would say a majority of the decent homes just by eyeballing it from zillow and stuff are about 750 000 to about hundred thousand that's where you're going to find a bulk of the home prices if you ever do decide to move here or anywhere in colorado and you're coming from california i've said this before but when someone asks you where you're moving from it is actually better to say you're just getting out of prison than california they'll accept the prison thing a little bit better than they'll accept california the median household income in douglas county colorado is 121 393 number eight marin county california for the longest time marin county was considered to be the most expensive place to live on the west coast sometimes you hear that it's the most expensive place in the country but for the most part it was the most expensive place to live back in the 90s 2000s maybe even the 2010s since then there's been some other places that have stepped up even back in the 90s i questioned that because you have places like bel air california beverly hills that are just crazy expensive if you want to buy some property marin county let's say in tiburon or mill valley sausalito manzanita all these places are great places to live the houses are a little bit on top of each other you're not gonna really be getting two three acres here at a minimum for a single family home you're looking at 1.2 million dollars i would say about half the homes for sale right now in marin county are in between two and five million dollars with some of them getting up into the 10 in 15 million area a lot of famous people are from here lived here or currently live in marin county sean penn the late robin williams huey lewis george lucas has a huge place here governor gavin newsom director david fincher john doe if you don't know who he is he was the lead guitarist for the punk band x back in the 80s great band pete carroll lives there who's a nfl football coach and then too many nfl players and major league baseball players from the 49ers and the giants to name the median household income in marin county california is 121 671 i think a lot of that is brought down in price because when you have a prison in your county or your town or whatever their stats get mixed in san quentin is in marin county it's right on the beach too so if you can't afford a house there and you really want to live there commit a felony in california it's got to be a pretty bad one because they only send the worst of the worst to san quentin that or pelican bay yeah number seven arlington county virginia arlington county virginia is right across the potomac river from washington dc a good majority of the people that live here have something to do with the federal government in most cases they're kind of high up there in the rankings or they're a lobbyist that just has money falling out of their pockets this is where most people that make above like 60 grand in washington moved to nobody making good money in washington wants to actually live in washington unless they have to arlington county virginia is home to the pentagon reagan national airport and arlington national cemetery also got george mason university marymount university it's also the future home and co-headquarters of amazon now before anyone mentions this virginia's not a state it's a commonwealth now arlington county is kind of weird let me read what it says on their website arlington county is considered to be the second largest principal city of the washington dc metropolitan area although arlington county does not have a legal designation or independent city or incorporated town under virginia law so it's kind of weird how it's set up but for the purposes of this video we're calling it a county just like all the other ones if you want to buy a home in arlington county virginia it's expensive just a single family home if you could find one that is under 800 000 it's a shocker and it's probably a little run down you can find plenty of condos and town homes for around 450 to 700 000 but most homes here are going to be really close to a million bucks on up they have some homes here i was kind of looking around on zillow that are older homes that are really nice don't get me wrong they're really nice going for 2.5 million dollars if that home was in the middle of kansas or wisconsin or something like that you could probably get it for under 500 thousand the median household income in arlington county virginia is one hundred and twenty two thousand six hundred and four dollars annually number six howard county maryland howard county is just west of baltimore and it is part of the washington baltimore arlington combined statistical area it's not a metro area it's a combined statistical area what's the difference i don't know and i don't think it's really important but i'm sure some government nerds gonna jump in the comment section and tell me where i'm wrong but i did look it up in a nutshell it just basically means overlapping metro areas in 2016 howard county was the second highest county in terms of median household income back then it was 120 000 and it hasn't grown that much that's probably why they're at number six oddly in this county you can find some affordable homes they have a bunch that are under 300 000 that are livable they're decent they have some really nice ones that are in the 500 to 600 000 area but they also have a whole bunch that are well over a million dollars you can get a condo here nice one for about 250 000 which compared to the other places on this list that's outstanding the median household income in howard county and 2022 is one hundred twenty four thousand forty two dollars annually number five fairfax county virginia back to virginia we go and again this is part of the dc metropolitan area fairfax county again is right across the potomac river from washington it surrounds arlington and alexandria virginia and it's pretty good size this is another one where a lot of government bigwigs call home fairfax county has some beautiful homes and you can find prices all over the map depending on where you go this is a big place you could find homes for as low as 350 000 on up to 4 million most the really nice ones are going to go for somewhere around 750 000 to a million dollars this is one of the more beautiful areas to live in virginia actually pretty much the whole country some of these neighborhoods here are just amazing type of neighborhoods you really only see in movies the median household income in fairfax county is 127 866 dollars annually number four san mateo county california back to the other side of the country we go and the golden state california san mateo county is just south of san francisco which is a city and its own county it's also got part of the north end of what's called silicon valley this county has some towns you've probably heard of daly city san bruno half moon bay menlo park redwood city city of san mateo and it's also where you'll find the san francisco international airport this is where all the high-end tech workers live and it's one of the first places people talk about when they say prices have gone up too much on real estate and everything else because of those tech workers the home prices here are ridiculous there's a new construction there right now seven bedrooms 13 baths it's going for 64 million dollars most the homes here are around five to eight million dollars with the occasional one that pops up over like 15 million matter of fact i'm looking right now on just on zillow and there is a whole bunch that are like 12 million 5 million 8 million 8 million 16 million and these are like in the city this isn't like out on the beach on a cliff overlooking the pacific ocean no this is in traffic like right outside your door 29 million dollars for one five bedroom eight bath ridiculous no wonder people complain about the prices in san mateo county the median household income in san mateo county is one hundred twenty eight thousand ninety one dollars a year number three santa clara county california right next door we got santa clara county santa clara includes the rest of silicon valley san jose this town of santa clara where levi's stadium is where the 49ers play cupertino's in here a whole bunch of really sunnyvale all those places you hear about when someone's ranting a raven about the dot-com people these are all the words you hear at the typical starbucks there startup valuation sunnyvale cupertino facebook i make 300 000 and i can't afford rent if you want to buy a home in santa clara county it's a lot more reasonable than san mateo i mean sort of you can find homes here for under 750 000. they're few and far between it's like looking at where's waldo book on zillow they don't have many of the crazy expensive like those 64 million and 25 million but most i'd say about 80 percent of the homes here are over a million dollars with about sixty percent of them being over two million dollars and what sucks about this those homes aren't anything special they're normal suburban homes like your neighbors right there you have a backyard you have a front yard you maybe have two bathrooms and three bedrooms your house was built in 1970 and your grass is dead because california's in the middle of a drought that's been going on for like 100 years the median household income in santa clara county is 130 890 dollars a year number two falls church virginia back to virginia we go and falls church anyone from the area that doesn't know the technicalities of this one is gonna say that's just a town it is it's its own town it's an independent town not in a county it used to be part of fairfax county until 1948. like san francisco it's its own city and its own county but for statistical purposes the u.s department of commerce the bureau of economic analysis combines the city of falls church with fairfax city and fairfax county that's just to make the paperwork easier i guess falls church is the smallest incorporated municipality in the commonwealth of virginia and the smallest county equivalent municipality in the united states falls church isn't that big but they've got a ton of places for sale right now condominiums start off around 300 000 and work their way up but if you want a single family home you could find older decent ones for about six hundred and fifty thousand dollars now they go all the way up way up over two million dollars but a majority of them are going to stay under a million dollars i'd say at least that's right now and what's for sale right now now that is expensive but compared to some of the other places on this list that's not terrible the median household income in falls church virginia is 146 922 according to the u.s census bureau all right before we get to number one don't forget we have another channel called on this day there's a link down below also if you have time at the end of this video there's suggested videos youtube's really focusing on that right now and if you've got time watch another one really helps out all right on to number one and number one loudoun county virginia back to northern virginia we go and the exciting county of loudoun loudon is probably one of the best choices to live if you got to live in northern virginia loudoun county is just north of fairfax county and it's right near one of the coolest towns in west virginia harper's very the north side of loudoun county is where the potomac river and the shenandoah river meet at harpers very louden county is home to dulles international airport well there's a small sliver of dulles that is actually in fairfax county normally they'd move it around so it's all in one county but no they're doing it different here now loudoun county has really nice homes in a really nice area but the cool thing is their homes on average the selling price not median the average selling price is almost a hundred thousand dollars less than it is in fairfax county and they're right next to each other fairfax county the average home sells for about 960 thousand dollars where in loudoun county it's about eight hundred and seventy thousand you can find plenty of nice homes in this county for under six hundred thousand you can still find some that are in the 450 area as well sure they do have the typical ones that go well over two million dollars but a majority of them you're gonna find out will be around 700 to about 500 000 they got a ton of homes for sale right now townhomes will go for around five to three hundred thousand that goes for condos too but a single family home it's probably gonna be over six hundred thousand at a minimum median household income in loudoun county is one hundred forty seven thousand one hundred and eleven dollars annually all right that's today's video hope you guys enjoyed it hope you got some information out of it now go out have a great day and be nice to each other
Channel: World According To Briggs
Views: 191,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: richest, wealthiest, where to live in America, world according to Briggs, United States, Ranked, Lists, Best States, Best Cities, Travel Education, USA, US States, Richest places to live, wealthiest country in the world, wealthiest neighborhoods in america, Real estate, Income, us cities, richest states in america, rich americans, wealthiest states in america, richest states, where to live, wealthiest people in the world, wealthiest cities in america, real estate exam 2022
Id: LyxgxgktyGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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