Adorable 3-Year-Old Periodic Table Expert Brielle

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That girls forehead is gonna burst.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/HuntingSpoon 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

that is scary, huh.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/bsd8andahalf_1 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2015 🗫︎ replies
- Our next guest can recite the entire Periodic Table, so she's either really smart or just a complete show-off. From Salinas, California, please welcome three-year-old Brielle and her mom, Carrie. Hi, Brielle. - Hi. - I kept seeing you in the hallway out there. Did you see me in the hallway? - Yes. - And then I ran away. Yeah. Okay, so you're three years old, and you know the whole Period Table. How did you learn? When did you start learning all that? - Uh... - How old were you? - Three years old. - You're three years old now. When did she start getting interested in this? - We actually got flash cards for her in April. - Uh-huh, in April? - So, it's been about--yeah. It's been about six months or so. - And-- - Yeah, we hardly ever spend time doing it. She can learn just so quickly. - Can--can you read? - No, not yet, but I'm sounding out words. [applause] - Yeah. - Me too. [laughter] What else do you like to learn about? - I know all my states and capitals. - All your states and capitals. - And I also...know... the Periodic Table of Elements. - Yes. - And... I know all my countries in Europe and Africa. And also the presidents. - You're making me feel bad about myself. [laughter] Wow, and the presidents, too. Who's your favorite president? - Barack Obama because... [applause] He was president when I was born. - He was president when you were born. Yes. I have shoes that are older than you. But...okay. So here-- I'm gonna show you some, and you're gonna tell us what this is. What is that? - Geranium. - Geranium. Um...what is this? - K, potassium. - K, potassium. You want to tell me some facts about that? - Yes. It's in bananas. - Found in bananas. - And that's why bananas also helps our nose function. That means it sends our brain information to our muscles. - Wow. [applause] You must eat lots of bananas. And this is? - Iodine. - Iodine. - It kills bacteria. - Yes, it does kill bacteria. And this is? - Chlorine. - Chlorine. And this is? - Strontium. It's in fireworks to make them loud. And it also used in dark paints. - What is strontium? What is it? - Strontium. - Sorry. Um... [laughter] What is this? - Phosphorus. - Phosphorus. They all look alike to me. I don't know what-- and what is phosphorus? Tell me about that. - It's a chameleon. - It is a chameleon. Why is that? - That means it can be different colors. - That's right. - Black or white. When it's white, it's least stable, and also burns under water. - It burns under water? - Isn't that crazy? [laughter and applause] - It is crazy. It is crazy. And this is? - Tantalum. [indistinct] And if you have a map, I can show you. - I still wouldn't know what... How do you remember-- you're three years old. How do you remember all this? - My new brain just remembers. [laughter and applause] - Your little brain just remembers? I think it's a big brain. I think it's a big brain remembered all kinds of things. That's amazing. Okay. Before we go, you named your dog one of the elements, right? - Yes. - What did you name your dog? - Nici. - Nici? Short for what? - Because it's one of my elements. - And which element is that? - The right to say it is Copernicium. - But Nici is short for that? - Yes. - Okay. [laughter] All right, so you love to study, and your favorite color is purple, right? - Yes. - I'm just guessing because of your dress, but I actually knew that, so I got you something, okay? Let's bring it out. All right, you have a little station. Come on over here. - Go with Ellen. Go. - Come on. [applause] - Oh, my goodness. Brielle. - It's a little station that you can study. You have a desk, and you have-- everything is purple on there. Isn't that nice? - Yes. - And there's all kinds of books that you can probably read tonight, and... - Thank you. [laughter]
Channel: TheEllenShow
Views: 36,715,922
Rating: 4.9502115 out of 5
Keywords: elements, Periodic Table (Invention), Science (TV Genre), Brielle, kid, expert, adorable, cute, smart, little, girl, Talk Show (TV Genre), show, daytime, comedy, The Ellen Show (TV Program), sweet, Ellen DeGeneres (Celebrity), countrys, country, funny, hilarious, hysterical, Barack Obama (US President), element, play, area, gift
Id: 7nGz7xgGJzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 10sec (310 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2015
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