Top 10 Most Expensive Faberge Eggs In The World

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and our sought-after by collectors governments and museums alike that's why Videla Productions is taking a look at 10 of the most expensive Faberge eggs in the world number 10 the rosebud egg the rosebud egg is a jeweled enameled Easter egg made by Michael perch in under the supervision of Russian jeweler Peter Carl Faberge in 1895 the egg was made for nicholas ii of russia who presented the egg to his wife the egg opens like a bonbon year to reveal a yellow enameled rosebud in which two surprises were originally contained the surprises are missing but they were a golden crown with diamonds and rubies and a ruby pendant in 2004 it was sold as part of the forbes collection for over 100 million dollars but is thought to be worth around 4 million dollars as a single entity number 9 the hen egg the first hen egg or jeweled hen egg is a Tsar imperial Faberge egg the first in a series of 54 jeweled eggs made another supposition of Peter Carl Faberge for the Russian Imperial Family the crafting of the first Imperial egg is attributed to Erik : a Faberge workshop and the egg is made of gold completely coated with opaque white enamel to look like a real eggshell the two halves open to reveal a gold yolk with a matte finish containing a very colored gold hen with ruby eyes which also revealed a diamond and gold crown which contained a ruby pendant both surprises are now missing however the egg is still estimated to be worth around 6 million dollars number 8 the order of st. George egg the order of st. George egg is a jeweled enameled Easter egg made under the supervision of Peter Carr Faberge in 1916 and was made for tsar nicholas ii of russia who presented the egg to his mother made during World War one the order of st. George egg commemorates the order of st. George and its counterpart the steel military egg were given a modest design in keeping with the austerity of World War one the egg was part of the collection sold to a Russian buyer for 100 million dollars and is valued individually at somewhere in the region of 7 million number seven the winter egg was sort of heading into the more famous kind of eggs now and the winter egg is not to be sniffed at the egg left Russia after the Revolution and ended up in the collection of mr. Brian lead book Esquire it was first sold at auction in 1994 at Christie's in Geneva for 506 million dollars the world record at the time for a Faberge item sold at auction the egg sold for nine point six billion dollars in an auction at Christie's in New York City in 2002 it was reported that the buyer was the Emir of Qatar number six the 15th anniversary egg this egg is made of gold green and white enamel decorated with diamonds and rock crystal the surface is divided into 18 panels set with 16 miniatures the eggs design commemorates the 15th anniversary of the combination of nicholas ii on the 26th of May 1896 and was a gift for the wife of tsar nicholas ii once again this egg was purchased by our which russian collector and has a loan value of around but not confirmed 12 million dollars number five lilies-of-the-valley egg culling at number five is lilies-of-the-valley egg which is one of two eggs in the Art Nouveau style the egg is covered in pearls and topped with rose pink enamel on a ghoulish field the egg is supported by Cabriolet legs of green gold leaves with rose-cut diamond dewdrops the gold stem lilies have green enameled leaves and flowers made of gold set with rubies pearls and diamonds it comes as no surprise that the owner of this egg is our Russian billionaire collector and as a single entity the egg is worth 13 million dollars number 4 the orange tree egg also known as the bay tree egg the orange tree egg was made in 1911 and is based on an 18th century French mechanical orange tree in 1917 the egg was confiscated by the rational provisional government and moved to the Kremlin where it was later sold to Immanuel snowman around 1927 turning a tiny lever disguised turning a tiny lever disguised as a fruit hidden among the leaves of the bay tree activates the hinged circular top of the tree and a feathered songbird rises plus it's wings turns its head opens it's big and sings the egg now resides in the Faberge Museum in st. Petersburg Russia and has a total estimated Solo worth of around fifteen million dollars number three the coronation egg this egg is made from gold with translucent line yellow enamel on a Gillis field of starbursts and is in reference to the cloth of gold robe worn by Zarina at her coronation it features bands of greenish gold laurel leaves mounted at each intersection by a gold Imperial double-headed eagle and set with rose diamond on its chest this pan was also drawn from the coronation robe worn by the Empress the egg was made in 1897 and fitted inside a velvet lined compartment and is a precise replica less than four inches long of the 18th century imperial coach that carried Zarina Alexander to her coronation estimates on price put this egg in the region of 18 million dollars number two the Rothschild egg in second place this pink egg is a favorite among Russians for its spectacular design and was created in 1902 on the 8th in December 2014 the Rothschild egg was given to the Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg Russia this occurred during a reception to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the museum however it has been reported that Ivanov donated the egg to the Russian government in 2014 due to some serious tax issues it is one of the few eggs that was not made for the Russian Imperial Family and it had been in the Rothschild family since it was purchased it was one of the most expensive eggs that Faberge had ever made and sold it is thought to be worth up to twenty-five million dollars in today's money number one the third Imperial egg it is the granddaddy of them all and was made in 1887 and subsequently lost years later until it showed up in a flea market in the United States the egg quickly made the headlines across the world and sold to a private collector for an undisclosed price the price was later revealed to be around 33 million dollars in part due to its little-known status in the world of Faberge Kelly actions making this officially the most expensive Faberge egg in the world thanks for watching our video on 10 most expensive Faberge eggs in the world please throw a like on the video to support the series comment down below if you think we missed anything and subscribe for more top 10 videos coming soon
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Keywords: 10 Most Expensive Faberge Eggs, most expensive faberge eggs, faberge eggs most expensive, Faberge Eggs In The World, top 10 faberge eggs, most expensive faberge egg, Expensive Faberge Eggs, faberge eggs news, faberge eggs information, faberge eggs documentary, faberge, faberge eggs info, faberge egg cost, cost of faberge eggs, faberge eggs cost, faberge eggs, 10 expensive things, faberge eggs value, faberge eggs for sale, faberge eggs russia, fabergee
Id: HOtIoAGtq90
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Length: 7min 8sec (428 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2016
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