8 Most Wanted Lost Objects In The World

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hi it's katrina from ancient cities that were destroyed to precious jewels worth millions here are eight of the most wanted objects in the world [Music] number eight faberge eggs in 2015 a man desperately in need of money purchased a bunch of metal objects hoping to be able to sell them for a quick profit in the pile was an egg that he thought could possibly sell for 500 when he looked up the item online he was shocked to see a picture of his egg there in an article in britain's daily telegraph newspaper describing a frantic search for the object the third imperial easter egg made by faberge for the russian royal family and estimated to be worth 20 million pounds or 33 million dollars faberge expert kieran mccarthy was shocked when the man who wishes to remain anonymous showed up at his jewelry shop with images of the holy grail work of art the romanovs began their extravagant royal easter egg tradition when tsar alexander iii hired peter carl faberge master goldsmith in 1885 to make a special present for his wife empress maria feodorovna was a former danish princess and her husband wanted to make something creative it started with the hen egg a magical gift that looked deceptively plain but inside were a few surprises when you opened the egg it revealed a golden yolk and inside the yolk was a golden hen on golden straw hidden in the hen was a small diamond crown that held an even smaller ruby pendant this charming creation of creativity and craftsmanship was the beginning of 50 faberge eggs commissioned each year by the romanov family tsar alexander iii and nicholas ii no two were ever alike and each one had a meaningful surprise inside another 19 were commissioned as gifts for other special occasions most of them were constructed from silver gold and other fine jewels there were velvet cases black enamel miniatures of carriages and palaces but everything changed with the arrival of the russian revolution in 1917. tsar nicholas was forced to abdicate and the family was executed the following year so what happened to the incredible imperial eggs they were packed up along with other royal valuables and put in storage in the kremlin the bolsheviks began selling them to international buyers to raise money most of the eggs are accounted for however eight imperial eggs are missing mystery surrounds them and faberge experts are following clues to try and track them down they have only been seen by an elite few and whoever can get their hands on one is sure to make a fortune well into the millions most experts believe that five were destroyed but there might be some still out there unrecognized for the craftsmanship and history that they hide inside number 7. honjo masamune masamune is generally cited as the best swordsmith that japan had ever seen and the so-called hanzo masamune sword is considered to be his magnum opus masamune lived from 1264 to 1343 a.d in the sagami province of japan where he produced arguably the finest staggers and swords in the world however the hanzo masamune went missing at some point after world war ii although it might still be out there somewhere once a rival swordsmith named muramasa demanded an atypical duel from masamune they would dip their swords under the water and see what happened at first muramasa said he'd won because his sword cut up everything it encountered but a monk who walked onto the scene disagreed while muramasa's sword chopped up everything it was evil because it cut up things indiscriminately masamune's sword on the other hand only cut leaves and sticks while living things were repelled by it the monk said that masamune was the winner because his sword was benevolent and therefore superior the hanzo sword was considered masamune's finest achievement it was said to be so sharp that the tip of its blade was as thin as a single atom because of this samurai warriors prized the sword and it shifted between their hands for hundreds of years until it ended up with the tokugawa family in 1939 however they handed over their swords to the u.s after world war ii and it hasn't been seen since the location of the legendary sword remains a mystery number six treasures of nimrud the assyrian empire was a major regional power in mesopotamia starting in the second millennium and grew larger and more powerful until it became one of the world's earliest empires in the first millennium bc the ancient city of nimrud served as the seat of the assyrian empire in the 13th century bc and a few hundred years later it became the capital of the neo-assyrian empire considered by some scholars to be the first true empire in world history the city of nimrud had been excavated little by little since the 1800s it was famous for statues of winged beasts with the head of a human along with large stone panels intricately carved with stories of kings lions gods and battle scenes that decorated long lost palaces however in 2015 the city and treasures of nimrod were captured by is forces in 2015 and they did everything they could to raise the ancient site to the ground they took particular action to completely annihilate as many of its cultural relics as they could given that nimrod is 3 300 years old and bore some of the most precious pieces of history within its borders officials at unesco declared this attack a war crime the bulldozing of nimrod was especially shocking because it is one of the most important archaeological sites not just in mesopotamia but the world said isan phethy director of the iraqi architect society only about 15 percent of nimrud has been excavated leaving many treasures now lost the site may hide more discoveries underground but until things stabilize all archaeologists can do is wait to be able to investigate what has made it through the destruction artifacts held at various museums around the world have now become even more precious number 5. mask of a fawn michelangelo's mask of a fawn is a marble mask with a storied history and a mysterious end it starts as you might expect with michelangelo di lodovico buono roti simoni or just michelangelo who was one of the most revered artists of all time famous for painting the sistine chapel and carving the famous statue of david as a teenager he was a struggling artist but he was in the right place at the right time lorenzo de medici was the head of florence at the time and he loved art when he saw michelangelo's talent he became his patron and sent him off to art school michelangelo's very first sculpture at art school was the verifiably terrifying mask of a fawn a fawn is a figure in roman mythology which is a strange mix between a human and a goat lorenzo was taken by this sculpture at first but thought that this old fawn had too many teeth michelangelo responded by breaking off one of the sculpture's upper teeth this is precisely what made lorenzo so intrigued by this young artist such a rebel sadly this iconic piece of artwork met a mysterious end in world war ii it was transferred to the castello di bopi a castle in tuscany in august 1944 a group of german soldiers stole this along with other art and loaded it away never to be seen again given that art historians are pretty sure that this was the original mask of a fawn this is a pretty big blow if you ever visit the bargello museum in italy you will see a cast of the head of this famous work of art number 4. the amber room the amber room was once one of the most ornate treasures on the planet it was a room constructed using several tons of amber for friedrich the first the first king of prussia who then gifted it to peter the great over time it was installed in the catherine palace and pushkin the 180 square foot room contained six tons of amber and other semi-precious stones including amber panels backed by gold leaf altogether the room was worth over 142 million dollars in today's money there are photographs of its interior and it was certainly glorious all of its walls were covered in beautiful amber panels lined with gold it was so beautiful that onlookers declared it one of the eight wonders of the world however world war ii wasn't kind to the amber room when operation barbarossa commenced in june 1941 three million nazi soldiers invaded the soviet union and looted tens of thousands of art treasures including the amber room it was then dismantled and put in storage in 1943 since then it has been lost no one knows where all of its beautiful paneling is but most believe it was destroyed during a bombing raid one of the room's mosaic panels was recovered in 1997 from the son of a deceased german soldier who was trying to sell it however he was unaware of the panel's origins and the investigation ended there however some still hold out hope that the amber room may still be out there waiting to be found number three fountain when the artist marcel duchamp unveiled his piece fountain people were either shocked or confused it's just a urinal with somebody else's signature on it but duchamp was trying to make a point about the nature of art he wanted to tell the world that anything could be art if you thought about it so in 1917 he was excited to submit his artwork to the society of independent artists who claim that they would display anything if the artist paid six dollars even they rejected its display they thought that the artwork was pretty much pointless and crude at that duchamp was not able to display his artwork at that exhibition much to his dismay he got his friend to take pictures of it and convinced other journalists to write news stories about the point he was trying to make it ended up being an incredibly important piece in art history however after that happened the artwork mysteriously disappeared where could this artwork have gone off to no one can say for sure but given that the piece was literally a urinal with a name on it it's not hard to imagine that someone might have thought nothing of it and thrown it away i mean who wants a urinal sitting around anyway nowadays replicas of fountain are worth upwards of 2.5 million dollars so if anyone can find the original they might just have a lottery ticket in their hands number two florentine diamond some 500 years ago excavators in a mine in india uncovered one of the most magnificent diamonds that the world has ever seen the florentine diamond once everything was said and done the find amazed the world it is a whopping 137.27 carats on its own that would make this diamond worth an unspeakable amount of money but it now would be worth even more than its carrot value because it's been missing since 1918. how did a diamond this large and famous go missing it's hard to imagine people just misplacing it well it's hard to separate fact from fiction in this story suffice it to say that the diamond has experienced a long and complicated history one story goes that it was charles the bold who lost it in battle after which it was picked up by a foot soldier but it's exchanged hands from kings to laymen and more some say that pope julius ii even had it at one point it was in the possession of charles the first the last emperor of austria he fled with it to switzerland after world war one however it was stolen in 1918 along with a bunch of other expensive jewelry where it was then transported to south africa some say that it was brought to the us and sold under a different name but all of these stories are just that who knows it may still be sitting on some battlefield waiting for someone to pick it up number one the ark of the covenant the ark of the covenant is arguably the most wanted and sought-after relic on the planet the ark of the covenant is according to legend a gold-plated chest that purportedly contains the ten commandments which were inscribed upon by moses some scriptures say that it contained even more relics like a rod that moses's brother carried with him the ark is incredibly important to most of the major religions in the world the story goes that the ark was created after the israelites left egypt and were living in the sinai desert it was a holy object for them and it was always hidden from view and it's been said that god spoke to moses by talking in between the two cherubs on its face a number of miraculous events have been attributed to its powers it helped the israelites in battle and at one point it's said to have even stopped the river jordan from flowing when others stole it they allegedly broke out with terrible diseases forcing them to return it however when the babylonians captured jerusalem in 587 bc the ark never resurfaced some say that it was hidden deep inside of a cave by prophet jeremiah but others think that it's elsewhere people claim it's hidden in jerusalem ethiopia new guinea the list could go on and on but perhaps this is on purpose the book of revelations writes that no one will ever see the ark again until the end of the world i guess we'll have to wait and hopefully for a long long time thanks for watching everybody check your storage and your grandma's attic just in case there might be a diamond or a faberge egg in there what object on this list would you most like to see rediscovered let me know in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already see you soon bye
Channel: Origins Explained
Views: 115,080
Rating: 4.8753839 out of 5
Keywords: lost treasures, lost treasure, hidden treasure, treasure hunting, most expensive, rare items, treasure map, most wanted, buried treasure, valuable treasures, rarest items, in the world, origins explained, famous lost treasures, world treasures, golden owl, lost artifacts, hidden treasures, hidden artifacts, buried treasures, fabergé eggs, most valuable, lost hidden treasures, most wanted items, most wanted artifacts, top, top 10, origins explained top 10
Id: 7GcjNc0Q0Lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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