Top 10 Incredible Prehistoric Sea Monsters

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you wouldn't want to meet these beasts in a dark alley never mind the bottom of the ocean welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top ten terrifying prehistoric sea monsters before we begin we publish new videos every day so be sure to subscribe for more great content for this list will be ranking the most fearsome and frightening creatures that once roamed the depths of the prehistoric seeds jaws may have made you afraid to get back in the water but these giant extinct beasts could give you nightmares for weeks you're gonna need a bigger potion number 10 elasmosaurus the first sea monster on our list hails from the family of pleaseƶ Sora's marine reptiles that were known for their wide bodies and long extended mix the elasmosaurus was an extremely large variation of a pleaseƶ sore that lived primarily during the Late Cretaceous period of evolution so long was the neck on this variation that analyze my soros was rarely able to raise its head above water for any extended period of time instead this slow swimming sea monster preferred to stock its prey from below often springing upon schools of fish while concealed beneath the deep and dark ocean waves [Music] number nine Dacus horas if you're looking for a clue as to what the temperament of the datasource was like when this extinct carnivore roamed the Jurassic and Cretaceous oceans then just look at what its name means in English fighter lizard the data source possessed rows of sharp and serrated teeth that made good upon this title giving this beast a jaw structure similar to that of a killer whale as a result many marine biologists believe the data source to be one of the apex predators of its day ripping and tearing chunks out of just about anything that was unfortunate enough to be caught within its jaws number eight cretoxyrhina sharks than the oldest creatures on the planet from Thailand the lookout mako sharks and back off hammerheads for this prehistoric shark was one of the biggest and baddest beasts during the Cretaceous period fossils of cretoxyrhina were first discovered during the mid-1800s and provide images of a fearsome and frightening species of shark that earned its nickname of Ginsu shark thanks to its mouthful of razor-sharp teeth cretoxyrhina was one of if not the largest predatory shark of its time with very few natural predators to its name indeed giant marine reptiles and other sea creatures of all kinds fell victim to this efficient killing machine essentially placing cretoxyrhina at the very top of the food chain during its time on earth number 7 shasta soros have you ever wondered which species of marine lizard was the biggest of the big well then look no further than the shasta Saurus which exists today as the largest discovered marine reptile on record the shasta soros hails from the family of reptiles known as ik Thea Soares and were toothless beasts who rarely delved into extremely deep water preferring instead to feed closer to the surface one can only imagine what it was like to behold the sight of this creature in the flesh as the shasta Saurus ranged from 25 to 69 feet long depending on the species in other words watch out number six basilosaurus although the suffix to this next creature implies that the basilosaurus was a reptile further research has actually proven it to be a prehistoric species of whale nevertheless the name stuck and probably for the best as basilosaurus possesses a frightening look far different than many of its modern cousins maybe it's the creatures long snout full of sharp teeth or the slithering eel esque quality to its physique [Music] or maybe it's the fact that basilosaurus was fond of chopping down upon the skulls of its prey with amazingly impressive force crushing bone and chewing up flesh with the greatest of ease whichever reason you choose basilosaurus wins almost every time number 5 tylosaurus it was during the twilight years of the cretaceous period when a marine lizard species known as mosasaur took hold as one of the most common hunters of the era tylosaurus serves as one of the most frightening examples of these mosasaurs thanks to its incredible size and fiercely aggressive nature to accommodate its many tastes it sported an extra set of teeth in the roof of its mouth the creatures long rounded snout was often used as a battering ram of sorts during battle with the tylosaurus serving as the sort of equal-opportunity predator which fed upon birds fish and sharks alike they typically hunted in shallow waters and were not beyond leaping above the waves to catch a low-flying or flightless bird or two with the tylosaurus toothy grin likely serving as the preys last frightful sight before death number 4 pliosaurus fungi also known as predator X twice as big as most Jurassic ocean predators [Music] this is predator x 2006 signified the fossilized discovery of a new species of marine lizard one that was nicknamed Predator X the remains placed predator X in the family of pliosaurus extremely large predatory lizards that thrived in European and South American waters during the late Jurassic period given the taxonomic name pliosaurus fungi in 2012 it was one of the largest Playa sores on record with artist renderings painting a frightening portrait of a large headed razor tooth monster that likely prowled the icy waters of the coasts of Scandinavia in 2008 in an island in the High Arctic a fossil was dug out of the frozen earth its skull alone was nearly twice that of t-rex although the remains of Predator X are partial and don't create a complete portrait of what this monster looked like the images of this muscular sea killer remain a scary sight indeed number 3 Mosasaurus [Applause] we've already mentioned the tylosaurus is one of the scariest examples from the prehistoric mosasaur family but what about it's even bigger and badder cousin the Mosasaurus the beasts appearance almost looks like something out of Jurassic Park with its large eyes pointed snout and huge teeth giving it a nightmarish and monstrous appearance the Mosasaurus didn't possess incredible eyesight however and didn't often delve too deep when looking for food instead these creatures took to shallow waters for their prey attacking smaller fish turtles and mollusks with ruthless and relentless precision number two Liopleurodon the next sea monster on our list may possess a name that translates to smooth sided teeth but there is nothing easy or relaxed about the Liopleurodon indeed there was little that could stand up against this apex predator that prowled european waters during the Jurassic period thanks to Liopleurodon ZnO nonsense capacity for killing the Lyell auradon was a strong propulsive swimmer and likely pounced upon its prey with an ambush type approach probably striking before any form of fray knew what hit them one specific species of Liopleurodon known as el Farex has even been measured at over 20 feet making this sea monster the stuff of which all bad dreams are made like Laura Dhin at 150 tons it is the largest and most powerful carnivore ever to live on the planet before we haunt those dreams with our number1 sea creature here are some honorable mentions [Music] number one Megalodon [Applause] it's name means big tooth and with good reason as the prehistoric sea monster known as the Megalodon was one of the most iconic and frightening species of shark to ever roam the earth likely an historical counterpoint for the sharknado movie series this beast was feared for its near mythological level of kill potential so strong and impactful was Megalodon upon its local aquatic communities that entire ecosystems could be affected by how this apex predator chose to hunt its food indeed both the great white and mako sharks oh this primordial beast a debt for their own fearsome pedigree with the Megalodon serving as the og of prehistoric shark badasses do you agree with our picks check out these other great clips from WatchMojo and subscribe for new videos every day [Music]
Views: 2,061,828
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Keywords: top 10, list, top 5, prehistoric sea creatures, prehistoric sea monsters, dinosaurs, prehistoric animals, sea creatures, marine predators, monsters, marine mammals, sea monsters, animals, scary animals, Liopleurodon, megalodon, Dakosaurus, Elasmosaurus, Shastasaurus, Cretoxyrhina, Basilosaurus, Tylosaurus, Pliosaurus Funkei, Predator X, Mosasaurus, watchmojo, top ten, best, worst, largest prehistoric sea creature, mythical sea creatures, deadly predators
Id: qPZV68aXHuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2017
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