Top 10 Hilarious Fight Scenes in Animated Movies

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sometimes cartoons and violence go hand in hand welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top ten hilarious fight scenes in animated movies for this list we're taking a look at the funniest brawls between animated characters in feature-length films [Music] member ten hercules versus necess hercules beside too late while hercules is the strongest man alive he's also a bit of a bumbling doofus a half-assed you to release that young keep moving junior lady the wannabe heroes first battle packs in a fitting mix of action and humor as he faces the River Guardian known as necess mented centaur has apprehended the lovely Meg who isn't thrilled about playing damsel in distress I'm in distress I can handle this have a nice day Herc has trouble finding his footing at first by using his head however he utilizes brain and brawn at the same time [Applause] [Music] Nessa's doesn't go down without a fight but Herc ultimately bests him with the power of slapstick who would have thought somebody with so many horseshoes would be so unlucky Oh rein it in rookie you can get away with mistakes like those in the minor decathlon's but this is the big leap number 9 Mary bue vs. Randall Boggs monsters inc many young children are afraid that monsters may be lurking in their closets man boo is no exception upon arriving in Monstropolis boo discovers not all monsters are scary yet the slimy Randall continues to give her the chills when her beloved kitty friend is threatened however boo confronts her fears and unleashes her inner monster the scene demonstrates that a child's laughter can be more powerful than a child screams as if getting beaten by boo wasn't enough for Randall the camouflaging monster finds an even more merciless foe behind door number two number eight Parr family dinner The Incredibles what are you hungry for Tony right injured well you are said shut up you little insect being a superhero comedy The Incredibles naturally features a few hilarious fight scenes ironically the funniest brawl in the movie is also the most straightforward it's a typical Parr family dinner with Dash and violet at each other's throats Helen trying to maintain peace and Bob reluctant to intervene however part of what makes the scene so funny is how relatable it is the Parrs are no different than your family and aside from the superpower part their abilities add to the comedy as the dining room turns into a war zone once Lucius comes a-knockin though pars maintain their secret identities as a happy family i sub you to drop by number seven po vs. Tai Lung Kung Fu Panda don't tempt me a movie called Kung Fu Panda has to make leeway for some hysterical fights this animated feature doesn't disappoint with a strong balance of kung-fu and comedy while post chopstick battle with Master Shifu was a worthy contender it's our heroes final battle with Tai Lung that really takes the scroll although Tai Lung has a hard time being intimidated by the chubby Panda the Dragon Warrior demonstrates that it's what's underneath that matters most no secret ingredient it's just you their big showdown isn't only well-timed and funny but it also includes some of the most inventive choreography in all of animation I'm the big fat Panda number six business brawl the lego movie sorry Street if you grew up with Lego chances are you spent a lot of time constructing cities and having yellow figurines fight each other the lego movie captures that childlike magic particularly when Lord business unleashes his army of micro managers only for everyman Emmett to rise up as a master builder the climax is full of priceless moments most notably when the cutesy unikitty shows off her dark side [Music] in an unexpected turn however the real battle here turns out to be an emotional struggle between a father and son if the construction guy said something to president business what would he say whether you're a kid or an adult the resolution they reach is certain to get you choked up oh we got a hugger number five Sheriff Woody versus Buzz Lightyear Toy Story Toy Story is one of the greatest buddy pictures animation has ever given us but before Woody and Buzz Lightyear could become best friends they had to work through a few issues I just want you to know that even though you tried to terminate me revenge is not an idea we promote on my planet after woody accidentally knocks buzz out the window the Space Ranger seeks out and confronts the cowboy we're not on my planet are we no although it appears Buzz is willing to let bygones be bygones he finds that revenge is just too tempting tensions run high but the audience can't help but laugh as Woody's head is spun around and buzzes squeaky head is bashed in there's ultimately no winner here as both wind up as lost toys number four Carl Fredricksen vs. Charles F months up up may have one of the saddest openings ever but it also works up to one of the most fun climaxes you'll ever see aside from having talking dogs flying around in airships the scene features a heated battle between two grumpy old men although Carl and Charles are no longer in their prime they still have plenty of life left in them any last words Frederick said come on spit it out with Charles wielding a sword and Carl armed with his trusty walking stick they engage in a duel that's as thrilling as it is hilarious just when it appears that Charles has the upper hand Carl shows just how lethal words can be [Music] number three Castle battle Beauty and the Beast the climax of Beauty and the Beast has everything action tragedy romance and humor the beast servants provide plenty of comic relief as they ambush the intruding town's folk [Music] all the living and animate objects get in on the laughs as mrs. potts offers a spot of tea Lumiere heats things up and codsworth goes medieval even by cartoon logic it's kind of hard to believe the wardrobes bodyslam didn't crack open that one guy's skull once it becomes clear that they're fighting a losing battle the surviving townspeople wisely retreat number two Princess Fiona versus Monsieur Robin Hood's Merry Men Shrek for I am your Saviour the fairy tale world of shrek is full of unlikely warriors an ogre can defeat a fleet of knights an adorable pussycat can be a swashbuckler and a princess can take down Robin Hood following a song that works in a couple of innuendos you probably missed Fiona demonstrates that she's no ordinary princess fending off the merry men with fighting techniques right out of the matrix [Music] not even Friar Tuck is safe from her fists of fury Shrek and Donkey are every bit as shocked as the audience resulting in one of the film's biggest laughs shall we hold the phone before we get to our top pick here are some honorable mentions I waited a long time [Music] why [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's do that [Music] now they're in for a hey call me mister [Applause] [Music] [Music] number one Alex the lion versus Nana Madagascar escaped to Africa the lion may be the most ferocious beast in the animal kingdom but since Alex the lion has spent most of his life being pampered in a zoo he's about as threatening as a kitty in the sequel to Madagascar Alex has another unfortunate run-in with an elderly lady on a safari naina knows how to take a punch and she knows how to pack one too she pummels Alex like a professional wrestler and doesn't even break her sunglasses in the process it's one of the most mismatched fights ever not to mention the funniest animation has to offer do you agree with our list what animated fight cracks you up the most you are free to eat are you for more entertaining top 10s published every day be sure to subscribe to [Music] you
Views: 625,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top 10, lists, Top 5, films, movies, hilarious fight scenes, animated fights, toy story, the lego movie, kung fu panda, monsters inc, hercules, madagascar, shrek, beauty and the beast, up, top 10, watchmojo, watchmojo animated movies, fights in cartoons, fights in animation, Fight Scenes in Animated Movies, fight scenes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2016
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