Top 10 Funniest Pixar Moments Of All Time

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I love hot food welcome to Miz Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the best moments of Comedy from our favorite Pixar films a butt wow that's a pretty big butt number 10 meeting your family Coco here let me help you thanks I hanging out with the family you've known all your life can be complicated enough but things get a bit harder and wackier when you have to meet all your Undead relatives for the first time in Coco Miguel is able to see and talk to the skeletal ghosts on Day of the Dead after he plays Ernesto deus's guitar he runs into his own dead relatives quite literally knocking one of them completely to bits before meeting the others you're here here here and you can see us their reunion is funny and sweet not all too different from how it might be if you met your long-lost relatives when they were alive hugs and kisses abound remind me how I know you we're your family Mi number nine math is math Incredibles 2 what we waited a long time for Incredibles 2 to come out after the success of the first movie and boy was it worth it we did it oh what did we do everything surrounding Jack Jack's Powers particularly his encounter with a certain raccoon made us roll on the floor [Music] laughing but our pick for this entry is a little more relatable than a baby with superpowers one of the best scenes in the movie comes when Dash asks his father for help with his math homework as any parent who's ever been in a situation like this will know sometimes our education system changes things up on us that's not the way you're supposed to do it dad Mr Incredible may be a superhero but the new way of learning math continues to elude him why would they change math math is math math is math number eight you want cultured swine Toy Story Toy Story is one of the best Pixar franchises around and the first movie has some of our favorite gags buzzl ear Stellar performance pretending to be unable to breathe when he takes off his helmet is one of the best how dare you open a spaceman's helmet on an Uncharted Planet my eyeballs could have been sucked from their sockets but Mr Potato Head gave us something a little more cultured ages three and up it's on my box ages three and up after rearranging his face so that no part of his body's in its proper place Mr Potato Head approaches ham and jokes about being a painting by Pablo Picasso I'm Picasso we happen to think it's quite a funny joke but ham doesn't get the bit simmering with rage Mr potatoe head called calls him an uncultured swine you uncultured swine what are you looking at you hockey puck number seven triple Dent gum Inside Out the song from the Gum commercial you know sometimes we send that one up to headquarters for no reason Inside Out was one of Pixar's best films and it got two things exactly right nobody likes broccoli as a kid what the heck is that broccoli on pizza that's it I'm done and the song that gets stuck in your head is never the one you want there throughout the film the jingle for a brand called triple Dent gum keeps getting stuck inside Riley's head upsetting the emotions who call her head their home in particular anger played beautifully by Louis black cannot stand the [Music] jingle and blows up every time he hears it it's a really funny running gag throughout the film and one that everyone can relate to number six shark therapy Finding Nemo fish are friends not food Finding Nemo is one of Pixar's most emotionally resonant films but it still has plenty of comic moments sprinkled throughout a you guys made me eat whether it be Nemo's journey to touch the butt or dory's ability to speak to whales you what are you doing there are plenty of laughs to be had the funniest sequence in the film however comes from our favorite shark support group I never knew my father when Dory and Marlin first run into Bruce and his friends they are terrified of him hello but Bruce and his band of sharks are a special group one that has taken a vow never to eat fish This Promise of theirs is Noble but eventually goes Super wrong oh o that's good intervention just a boy you all together mate remember fre of friends not food it's delightful to behold up until that turn though number five s no matter how smart a dog may be there's always going to be one thing that will get him back to basics you want a boy Doug the dog is one of the most beloved characters in Up a golden retriever who's able to communicate with humans through a special device while many of his thoughts are a little different than what you might assume a dog thinks about a lot of them are pretty expected my name is Doug I have just met you and I love you and Doug's obsession with squirrels is one of the best when we first meet Doug he starts to explain who he is when all of a sudden he cuts himself off to yell squirrel my master is good and smart his commitment to monitoring the smaller animal is unmatched number four tour guide Barbie Toy Story 2 Barbie is one of the new characters introduced into the Toy Story Universe in its second film and and while she doesn't truly come into her own until Toy Story 3 this introduction is one of the franchise's best when the toys go on an adventure to rescue Woody they find themselves stuck at Al's Toy Barn so obviously they need a guide enter tour guide Barbie I'm tour guide Barbie please keep your hands arms and accessories inside the car and no flash photography an uncompromising professional who's an absolute demon behind the wheel jod Benson's Pitch Perfect performance and the other toys reactions to Barbie we get it Mr Potato Head you're a married Spud make this scene not one to miss I'm a married Spud I'm a married Spud I'm a marri for the single fellas number three bloopers A Bug's Life marker when it comes to Pixar movies A Bug's Life seems to be one of the Forgotten entries in the cannon being a ladybug automatically makes me a girl is that it Fly boy huh y she's a Guy francess Lees him alone they have poo poo hands but we love this 1998 CL classic and not just for what happens during the film itself although we can't help but chuckle when heick finally turns into a beautiful butterfly M being oh they're beautiful the wagon's picking off you better start flying but I am flying and from way up here you all look like little ants during the credits of A Bug's Life the audience is treated to bloopers that's right the animated bugs we've been watching act as though they were filming a real liveaction movie and to infinity and beyond I'm sorry I couldn't resist laughing at their mess ups and flubs just like real actors would it's such a great bit and watching it makes us disappointed Pixar didn't feel the need to repeat it with every movie oh I oh oh my eye oh no no seriously I've got berry juice in my eye number two put that thing back where it came from monster Inc put that thing back where it came from or so help me Monsters Inc Rises to a culmination that's one of the most heart-wrenching in Pixar's history before we get to that moment however there's a ton of humor that's mixed into that emotion I was on TV did you see me for instance Sully mistakenly thinking that boo is dead leads to one of the funniest sequences in the film but for this entry we're going to have to go with Mike and Sully's impromptu musical performance when the two are discovered while arguing about what to do with the human child boo Mike thinks on his feet he says the two are practicing for a musical and starts making up ridiculous lyrics on the spot put that thing back where it came from so help me so help me so help me honestly this is a musical we would love to see before we unveil our top pick here are a few honorable mentions Linguini puppet Ratatouille this time the rats in [Music] charge crushed by shopping carts WALL-E WALL-E the clumsiest robot of all [Music] time Three Brothers Brave everyone loves a good prankster brother or [Music] three now I have told you you're not allowed average intelligence Cars 2 Mater with the onliners Tow Mater average intelligence who you with FBI CIA let's just say I'm AAA affiliate inspect this Elemental this water can't handle the [Music] [Music] spice h before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one where's my super suit and finally we arrive at perhaps the most quotable moment in all of Pixar where is my super suit and no we're not talking about edim mode no kets now go on your new suit will be finished before your next assignment some of the best moments in The Incredibles pair superhero moments with domestic problems and this is no different when Frozone is readying up to go fight crime he opens the closet where he keeps his super suit only to find it missing he calls out to his wife to ask her where it is and one of the funniest marital arguments in all of Pixar or film Begins the public is in danger my evening's in danger you tell me where my studio woman we never see frozone's wife but she delivers a stellar performance as a partner who has had enough we are talking about the greater good greater good I am your wife I'm the greatest good you are ever going to get if we missed any of your favorite funny Pixar moments let us know in the comments below you're still a seed but it's a rock I know it's a rock do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from Miz Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 85,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animated, Cartoon, Film, Movies, best movies, brave, cars 2, coco, comedy, elemental, finding nemo, funniest disney moments, funniest pixar moments, funniest pixar moments of all time, funniest pixar movies, funny, incredibles 2, inside out, list, mojo, moments, monssters inc, msmojo, pixar, ratatouille, the incredibles, top 10, toy story, toy story 2, up, wall-e, watch mojo, watchmojo
Id: YMko4oqkwWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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