Top 10 German Inventions That Changed The World (BRITISH REACTION)

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when my viewers asked me if I can make a reaction  to this video it's the top 10 German inventions   that changed the world so I'm not really too  sure of any German inventions I'm sure once   I watch this I I'll know what they are but  uh I'm from Scotland and as someone who's   Scottish I'm very proud of the inventions  that we've had things like golf penicillin   I think we've got a good claim to television  and telephone too uh so I'm really interested   to see the German inventions let's check this  out you can see how they changed the world foreign there's no better decision than investing in high  quality German inventions especially if you want   something that will make your life easier there is  a huge number of German inventions on the market   however it can be difficult to find the right  one we have put together a list of the top 10   inventions in this video to assist you in finding  the best German inventions hey guys welcome to my   channel I'm here with another exciting and  informative video let's get into the video   number 10 diesel engine the diesel engine  is invented in Germany now that's a hugely   important invention man definitely that's  something that pretty much everything uses   these days I mean actually I'm from Scotland as I  mentioned we invented this steam engine so there's   a bit of a connection there but obviously a  diesel engine is much more prevalent today   amongst the top German inventions the diesel  engine invented the pressure ignited heat engine   which went on to become the predominant power  source for large Industries the diesel engine   named after Rudolph diesel after getting  his degree in Engineering in 1880 diesel   returned to Paris when he designed and built a  modern refrigeration and ice plant experimenting   with steam and ammonia Vapor diesel eventually  settled on an oil-based fuel that was injected   at the end of compression and ignited by the  high temperature resulting from compression   in 1896 diesel demonstrated an engine with an  unheard of 75 efficiency and although refined   many times over the years the diesel engine that  we used today is essentially Diesel's 1896 design   wow diesel envisioned his engine being used by  individuals and small companies to compete with   larger companies in areas such as farming  and construction today the diesel engine is   indispensable in the transport and Construction  Industries exactly that's crazy that is   I don't think it can be overstated how important  the diesel engine is to everybody's life everyday   life at the moment this really did change this is  a an invention it was even though it was over 100   years ago it still affects every single person's  life at the moment and yeah before we go on tell   me what you think the most important German  invention ever is and if those any of it are   not on this list please tell me in the comments  number nine Bunsen burner the Bunsen burner was   invented out of need and opportunity in 1852 the  University of Heidelberg wanted to hire noted   chemist Robert Bunsen to help their chemistry  Department to lure him they promised to build a   new chemistry laboratory like many European cities  at that time Heidelberg was installing cold gas   lines for Street and house lighting the designers  of the new laboratory took advantage of the new   gas lines and planned to install gas not only  for illumination but for Laboratory experiments   as well the new laboratory opened in 1855 with 50  Bunsen burners ready for students and researchers   to use in 1857 Bunsen published a paper describing  his burner design and Laboratories around the   world began to adopt his Superior burner design  you think about that as well something as simple   as a Brunson burner obviously we talked about  the diesel engine and how important it is to   every single person's everyday life the brimstone  burner is so important to write all the greatest   scientists in the world would have used a Bunsen  burner would have been part of their education   it's really probably something that some of the  greatest Minds in the world have used uh and it's   invented in Germany fantastic electron microscope  mentions of the 20th century is the electron   microscope it allows objects to be magnified  up to 10 million times and it has literally   changed how we see the world in 1931 the German  physicist earns ruska and the electrical engineer   Max Knoll created the first working electron  microscope good collaborations weren't able to   magnify as much as an optical microscope but by  the late 1930s ruska and null had significantly   improved the devices and electron microscope uses  electrostatic and electromagnetic lenses to form   an image by controlling an electron beam that is  focused on a Target object it allows objects as   small as a single atom to be viewed work on the  electron microscope halted during World War II   after the war scientists from all around the world  began working on improving and refining ruska and   Knowles design they created the scanning electron  microscope which detects electron emissions from   a Target allowing scientists to see more objects  than is possible with ruska and Noel's design they   also created the reflection electron microscope  which detects elastically scattered electrons   so already we're seeing not only Germany's  contribution just to the general world but   Germany's contribution specifically to science  is huge this allows scientists to see how   particles interact with other matter number seven  printing pressing from movable type was invented   by Johannes Gutenberg sometime around 1456 the  scope of the invention included the creation of a   metal alloy that melted easily and cooled quickly  which was used to form durable reusable type and   oil-based ink that was thick enough to adhere  to the metal type then transferred to paper or   Vellum and a press the Press needed to apply firm  even pressure to the printing surface and it was   likely adapted from existing Vine oil or paper  presses Gutenberg was born in the German Town of   Maines and became skilled in metal working by 1450  Gutenberg received a loan from a financier named   Johann fust to continue his printing experiments  when Gutenberg was slow to repay the loan first   sued and won control of the type and press it was  under fuss named that the first printed works the   42 Line bible and a psalter were released the  first printed Babel yeah I guess so yeah so   we talked about the importance of Germany German  inventions so science but it just shows also for   literature that can that is the biggest the  biggest contribution to literature actually   being able to create books the Bible and the  most important books some people may say uh   was due to German people Salter in particular was  magnificently decorated gutenberg's contribution   was recognized however because by 1465 he was  receiving a pension from the Archbishop of Maine's   that included grain wine and clothing radar system  James Clerk Maxwell and his groundbreaking work   on electromagnetism like systems is possible  it was materialized only at the outset of the   20th century the different instruments and gadgets  made use of electromagnetic principles with German   scientist Christian hulsmeyer developing a ship  detection system primarily aimed to guide ships   safely through the sea Haze designing such systems  which allowed the production of small radio energy   pulses was an important step towards the creation  of contemporary radar systems amongst the popular   German inventions in Marine engineering and  aerospace engineering radar systems picked up   quick progress during World War II and where  the key element that steered the Allies towards   success number fifth that see how important radar  is that's not just to a specific specific sector   or specific industry that's just to live Aerospace  to Military and to marine biology marine life   create that I never really thought about the  importance of radar until just hearing that   there but again so important recorder the next  time you listen to music on the go remember to   thank a couple of German inventors the first  practical tape recorder the magnetophon K1   was demonstrated in 1935 during World War II  the Allies became aware of simultaneous radio   broadcasts with unusually high quality they  were aware of the existence of the magnetophon   recorders but they didn't know about the existence  of high frequency bias and PVC backed tape during   the war the Allies captured a number of German  magnetophon recorders from Radio Luxembourg it   was an American audio engineer John Mullen along  with the famous crooner Bing Crosby who really put   magnetic Hope on the map during the closing days  of the war mulund was tasked with learning about   German radio and electronics at a studio in Bad  new home he picked up magnetophon high fidelity   quarters and 50 reels of recording tape  Crosby eventually invested fifty thousand   dollars in the California electronics  company ampacs which became the world   leader in tape recording number four the MP3  music MP3 and for MPEG audio recorder so it   is a standard huge contribution to music files  are made smaller by a factor of 12 with little   or no loss of quality MPEG is an acronym for  Motion Pictures expert group and is a group of   standards for audio and video that are set  by the industry standards organization ISO appeared in 1992 and it was for low bandwidth  later on the high bandwidth compression standard   mpeg-2 was introduced which was good enough  for use with DVD technology MPEG layer 3 or   MP3 involves only audio compression in April 1989  Germany's front Hoffer Institute received a German   patent for mp3 and in 1992 it was integrated  into mpeg-1 in November 1996 MP3 received a   patent in the US and in 1998 frondhofer began  enforcing its patent rights making developers of   MP3 encoders and decoders pay a licensing fee in  the early 1990s fraunhofer tried to create an MP3   player but it wasn't until the late 1990s when  MP3 was integrated into the Windows operating   system with Win app that playing MP3s really  caught on that's interesting number three coffee   filter coffee filter events a Dresden housewife  grabbed her moment in 1908 when contemplating why   her coffee was always over brewed and bitter she  wanted to eliminate the harsh flavor created by   boiling loose grinds or using the traditional  linen technique of brewing coffee when Spate   entered the invention after realizing she could  make a more delightful Cup by filtering away the   loose ground with an improvised paper how the  invention actually came about group cagey now   employs about 3 300 people hence we hope that this  video helped you explore the earliest and greatest   German inventions which brought technological  advancements that blow your mind how these   inventions changed the world number two chip card  the credit card was invented in Germany or in your   wallet too chip and pins SIM cards credit cards  health insurance cards IDs and other anything   else everybody was going cashless sector when  Banks decided that a magnetic strip and signature   wasn't secure enough and looked for alternative  Solutions German Engineers Jurgen detloff and   holmidt got trip developed the microprocessor  cards as early as 1969 and patented them in 1977.   today smart cards and chips are being woven and do  passports in Germany and Belgium social security   cards in Austria and permanent resident cards  issued by the Department of Homeland Security   in the United States here in Malaysia number one  x-ray generator German inventors and thinkers   German inventions really are in every part of our  life covering whole fields of medicine such as   bacteriology Germans are also responsible for some  of the medical inventions we take for granted the   physicist Wilhelm Conrad Von ronchen discovered  x-rays in 1895. since then its use in radiography   has only increased with almost 200 million x-rays  taken each year in the U.S alone to diagnose   everything from broken bones to pneumonia if you  guys like this video so yeah German inventions are   so important to the world the way the word  is today I never knew that I never knew any   of them were from Germany but now I know I feel  very appreciative of German inventors and their   inventions and their their importance to the world  and tell me what you think about all of them what   do you think the most important one is tell me if  there's any other German inventions that are not   on this list I'll be very interested to know and  recommend some other videos for me to watch thanks
Channel: Who Is Mert?
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Keywords: Top 10 German Inventions that changed the world reaction, reaction to Top 10 German Inventions that changed the world, british reaction to Top 10 German Inventions that changed the world, Top 10 German Inventions that changed the world, top 10 inventions from germany that changed the world, german inventions reaction, german invention, german inventions react, british reaction to germany, american reaction to germany, reaction to germany, germany react, german reaction
Id: F3EAzRFyi1k
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Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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