Geography Now! Germany REACTION

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welcome back to boring reviews boring land blasphemer hello foreign [Music] welcome back to Born reviews thank you Jody there and we are excited for another geography Now video Joy which one we're checking out today Germany my um great grandmother who I never met was full-blooded German oh watch out I know it's the only German we got in our family I got some germ blood in my ancestry I'm not sure where she's well well more versed with her ancestry than I am but we're excited to check this out because this is one of the countries with a whole lot of history to it right a whole lot of different things going on a lot of great people from the country of Germany as far as the history books all that kind of stuff concerned and so we're excited to learn about if you're excited for our reaction to this please don't forget to like subscribe and hit that notification Bell so you're aware of our next upload of videos I thought you were gonna say this country's got a lot of um what's our controversy well I mean a lot of countries ours included have a lot of controversy um involved in their history but no I mean you got to give respect to Germany and you got to give respect to uh the things that they've done through the centuries and through history and whatnot so please like she had said please don't forget to subscribe we've had over 90 of our viewers not subscribed for watching our videos please do us a favor and subscribe if you appreciate the content like she asked please all right here we go all right leader hosen schnitzel beer bratwurst order bread and beer complicated history beer no humor EDM and gummy bears that will kind of like give you diarrhea but it's like worth it oh those are such horrible stereotypes that every German is so sick and tired of hearing gummy bear I love gummy bears diarrhea hey everyone I'm your host Barbie so we've conquered Belgium's Castle jump through Denmark's Lagoon dance through France's forest and now we've made it to the final boss of the EU Kingpin Germany level one begin level one ah you know why I'm smiling yep Germany has a lot of territorial anomalies we'll get into that in a little bit but first Germany is located in central western Europe bordered by United States for sure forget little Luxembourg with small coasts on the North and Baltic Seas which they own about 50 small Islands now Germany like the US is a federal republic which has 16 smaller States or bundeslanda each with its own Constitution three of which are cities Hamburg and Bremen which is actually kind of like two cities including bremerhead we have our own state competition fun side note lower Saxony is actually geographically situated further north than regular Saxony now let's jump into the fox say now we already discussed that yum holds large elevation Railway enclaves with Belgium and Austria however there's a few more the entire town of busingen is surrounded by Switzerland whereas part of the Constance is cut off by the Rhine River and surrounded by Switzerland however immediately across the river a small patch of empty land on the German side actually belongs to Switzerland finally they split the island of uzedham with Poland in the north Germany is interesting because every state in the country has its own distinct culture dialect history food traditions I mean bavarians will be quite drastically different from best league holsteiners McLean verpalman will be different from sawland this all has to do with ancient and recent history basically in the quickest way I can summarize this Germanic tribes Roman wars Charlemagne Three Kingdoms this guy varies in Italian creating a whole new mess called the Holy Roman Empire made up of 300 smaller separate Kingdom states and dukedoms which had nothing to do with Romans Teutonic Knights brandenburgs became Prussia habsburgs became austrians lithuanians and poles made their own thing whereas the hungarians joined the Austrian Wars Wars battles battles Napoleon comes over and messes everything up and finally German nationalism surges and in 1871 Otto von Bismarck creates the first proto-german unified State and then they're all like oh dang we came late to this game we gotta Scramble for some colonies and that's how all of these countries at one point spoke German oh and also keep in mind like 300 years before this a German Banking Company obtained Colonial rights to Venezuela for like 20 years they were looking for the lost city of El Dorado so technically you can kind of say Germans colonized the Americas but it wasn't like a nationalized conquest thing fast forward even more and then you get World War One the monarchy ends Treaty of Versailles they lose land Nazis come in World War II Germany splits in two for about 40 years and then finally we get the Germany we have today East Germany consisting of these states is today still quite different from the rest of Germany as it was first occupied and influenced by the Soviet Union they are generally not as well off economically as the rest of the country as you can still see the blocky soviet-style buildings sprawled throughout the regions in fact the city of Berlin was split in half and the west side was actually an enclave of West Germany only accessible by train and Highway can even cease from a satellite image that divide East Berlin still uses the yellowish tinted sulfur vapor light bulbs whereas the West still uses fluorescent and Mercury Arc white tinted light bulbs now the funny thing is although Berlin is the largest city in Germany the busiest airports are actually Frankfurt Munich Dusseldorf with Berlin tegel ranking at number four otherwise some top notable landmarks and spots would be the Brandenburg gate the Valhalla Cologne Cathedral the unminster church the tallest in the world the Berlin Victory columns and hundreds and hundreds of castles all over the most notable one probably being Neuschwanstein the concept behind Disney's Cinderella Castle Germany also has over 400 zoos more than any other country in the world and of course everybody knows about the Autobahn the highway system in which if you see this sign it means there's no speed limit and it's like that for a huge portion of the roadway and no wonder considering how fast and wide those cultivated Countryside can get time for level two I didn't know about the sign on the AutoBall I just thought the entire Auto Body think of it this way in Germany the more down you go the more up you move basically Germany lies on the Atlantic shelf in the north that starts with the mud flats in the North Sea seriously this island right here is accessible only for a few hours by foot until the tide comes and floods everything then everything just kind of creeps up into the Alps in the South by Bavaria and baden-wurttemberg with the highest mountain located right along the border with Austria France Germany is filled with a vast irrigating network of rivers like the spray Elba vesa Rhine and of course the mighty Danube that starts here about a third of the land is arable and another third is Woodland and after a millennia of civilization Germans have cultivated the crap out of their country most agriculture of course happens in the North Flat Plains and the central regions of the country which is by the way kind of like Europe's Tornado Alley due to its position sandwiched between the Arctic blasts of Scandinavia and the moist warm jet streams of the Mediterranean below Germany can be an atmospheric War Zone in the summer there are more tornadoes on average speaking of flat Farmland Germany is the world's largest rye and Hop producer Germans Absa freaking lutely love their bread there are over 300 different kinds of bread in the country more types than any other country in the world and almost every meal incorporates some kind of slice or small bun or production of bread are still gluten-free nine Germans are heavy meat eaters specifically important they basically know every possible way to cook a pig over 50 different types of sausage exist alongside schnitzel's sauerbraten schwein saxa and at a big party you might find sponsaka beer Reigns Supreme all over as the third largest consumers of beer after the Czech Republic even their president has no problem with public intoxication and Austria Germany is world renowned for their beer which by the way follows the reinheit rule in which they are only allowed to use water hops malt and sometimes yeast nonetheless about 1300 breweries exist pumping out over 5 000 Brands the oldest continuously existing Brewery in the world started by Benedictine monks in 1040 A.D can be found here Germany takes the environment very seriously and for the past two decades has been going on a major Green Revolution as of today they have the largest installed solar power capacity and green infrastructure practices like home installed turbines and solar panels have seen a huge surgeons in the past 10 years forests dominate the southern regions where the landscape gets Hillier and mountainous dear Bears boar foxes Badgers and the national animal the eagle can be found thriving in these cars economically Germany is known mostly official engineer engine and Industry production companies we've all heard of like Volkswagen BMW Mercedes-Benz Porsche Audi Telecom Nivea DHL Bosch Adidas Adidas Puma yeah it's kind of like the whole piece from Brazil remember well we have mud flats tornadoes pork beer mountains all that's missing is People level three it's funny how the videos change through the years now if the EU was a family Germany would kind of be like the dad who got out of rehab reconciled with his wife and kids and is taking his new life very seriously as he is haunted by the Demons of his past every day first of all the country has about 82 million people and is the most populated in the EU second most in Europe after Russia and has the fourth largest nominal GDP in the world about 80 of the country identifies as ethnically German 12 other Europeans mostly polish Italian Dutch and so on Turks make up about 3.5 percent Asians at two percent and the rest are made up of other groups like Africans and Americans also they use the euro they use the C and F Type outlets and they drive on the right side of the road Germany is without a doubt a global Powerhouse it is the strongest economy in the the EU and makes up about 16 percent of the Union's population it's the third largest exporter and importer of goods in the world after the United States Germany is also the second most popular global migration destination Germany experiences a high standard of living tuition-free universities if you get accepted status a mostly government subsidized Universal Health Care System about a quarter is still privatized and state pension for retirement at age 65. now when it comes to language things get a little tricky each state kind of has their own type of German however to get by most Germans learn how to speak Deutsche or high German which is the standard dialect the European Charter however protects the minority Danish Romani sorbian which is like a Slavic based language used along the Czech Polish border and plot Deutsche or low German which has similarities to Dutch and is typically used by the Amish and Mennonite communities across the world in terms of regional distinctions though Germany is kind of divided into five cultural areas Rhineland East and middle Deutschland North Deutschland baden-vertenberg and Bavaria Rhineland is on the west side and has a culture somewhat more influenced by France more Catholics Carnival celebrations are huge out here East and middle Germany was the part that used to be its own country for 40 years as it was influenced by the Soviets sorbians can also be found here too Northern Germany has a coastal sea culture that identifies closer with Denmark and the Netherlands they are also known for being kind of quiet and reserved buttenberg hasn't been a swabian culture where they speak a dialect so thick that only about 40 of it is intelligible to other Germans and then you have Bavaria which is where the Americanized stereotypes about Germany came from with Lederhosen dirndl's half-timber beer houses and cuckoo clocks for the record Germans are sick of those stereotypes it's like saying all Americans are Cowboys with Guns and Horses speaking of stereotypes some of the stereotypes in Germany include things like assaxons being very indecisive poor Learners are always bragging about themselves swabians are stingy bavarians drink too much Hessians talk too much holsteiners don't talk enough and so on Words differ from regions too for example in high German you would say olvidazen but in Bavarian you would say in Kush you would say chus and in Rhineland you might say ayus and there's so many compound words to get really long and complicated like Prince Fleischer tickets it's because many words are exactly or ambiguous words that are kind of elongated to give off an extensive meaning Germans have very vivid imaginations and make up words for everything like my favorite word back if I think is it not this time by the way for the record this letter makes a double s sound however spelling reformers have tried to decrease the usage of this letter in recent years which has led to some protests Germans also love dubbing everything from foreign media into German some like this some don't but either way it's here to stay about 60 of the country identifies at least nominally as Christians split between Protestants and Catholics Germany was even the birthplace of the Protestant Reformation split from the Catholic Church by Martin Luther otherwise the rest are mostly agnostic or irreligious with a noticeable community of Muslims mostly from the huge Turkish and Middle Eastern communities at about five percent as well as a few Jews Buddhists and Hindus rounding up the remainder one percent to kind of get a feel of what it's like to be German you kind of have to understand where they've come from after World War II they kind of had a lot of work to do how over it wasn't until the mid 50s and early 60s at the Vietnam or economic Wonder happened to which almost everybody got to work basically this guy envisioned and implemented a social market economy combined with free market capitalism alongside socialist policies that established Fair competition in a welfare state GDP increased by 80 percent Investments by 120 labor forces were utilized to the maximum things started to get better in Germany all children are corralled into General Public Schools until age 10 when they are given the option to enroll in three different types of middle schools gymnasium geared towards focusing on higher linguistic mathematic and science fields for universities a middle ground type of school and hopscula a school that is geared towards helping kids that seem to show promise in specific vocation or trades Germany also has the largest music marketers are you and the third in the world after the US and Japan they love preserving their Heritage and culture through music and art in fact there are around 130 National orchestras mostly supported by public money and artists get a 50 reduction in health insurance through a special type of offer in the legal system one thing that's still kind of supposedly maintains itself in Germany is the mindset of their gangan heights totally butchered that which kind of translates to a lingering sense of guilt from the past Germans have reportedly some of the lowest levels of national pride and unless if you're at a soccer game chances are you will almost never see anyone holding a German flag or waving it in any kind of like patriotic setting it's weird but it's kind of how things are you monster they've made great strides to move on from the past Nazi flags and mind comp are incredibly illegal items to own in Germany and they even have a rule the fox vetsun which basically says you cannot talk trash by denying the past atrocities some people say this infringes on Free Speech others say it's good because it solidifies truth otherwise some notable Germans throughout history include Charlemagne although he was a Frank but I guess it kind of counts Albrecht David Frederick Gutenberg Bach Beethoven Carl Benz Albert Einstein although Americans would like to claim that he moved to the US and became an American Kepler Frederick Schiller Michael Shoemaker Alex Von Humboldt and of course Karl Marx and Frederick angles co-founded Marxism one thing Germans do best would have to be diplomacy to this day the German passport holds the most visa-free Nations out of any other country in the world just beating Sweden therefore you can kind of conclude that Germany kind of knows how to relate to people let's find out how in the final round level four Germany knows how to make friends they have over 220 diplomatic missions abroad and over 350 honorary consoles and have an incredibly High position of authority in the EU their closest African friend would probably beat Namibia as a former German Colony way back in the 19th century Namibia held on relations and to this day German is still a recognized language in Namibia Germans have been supporting and sharing ties both economically and ideologically for over a century India and South Korea are really close friends in Asia India supported both East and West Germany during the Cold War and after reunification they were like even better and Germany is to South Korea what Japan is to France they love to piggyback off of each other's ideas and cultures especially in the automotive industry many South Koreans were sent to Germany after the Korean War to work abroad and study and Germans have been growing in fascination with visiting South Korea the U.S is probably the closest Ally outside of the EU about 30 percent of Americans claim German Heritage and after World War II the Marshall Plan allowed the U.S to give post-war Aid to Germany which helped kick-start the economic recovery Germany was a key figure in the formation of the state of Israel after World War II which after the Holocaust left an obligation to invest in the building up of a Jewish Community turkey is probably the closest Middle Eastern Ally as the Turks make up the largest Asian demographic in Germany although many of them may or may not also identify as Kurds but since Kurds don't have a state of their own they usually go under Turkish passports when immigrating and are documented as such their best friends however would probably be literally all their neighbors the thing is Germany is kind of like Bosnia and Herzegovina in which by default they kind of get friends based off of the regional alliances but varians get along with austrians baden-vertenberg's get along with Switzerland East Germany has good relations with the Slavic countries the Rhine States love Belgium Luxembourg and France and the north side loves the Netherlands and Denmark France though is kind of like the trophy wife of Germany as the two have had an angry start but then eventually fell in love and worked together beautifully France is like the beautiful flashy spokesperson for the EU that stands in the spotlight as Germany stands in the background managing all the money and logistical work in conclusion although Germanic peoples have existed for thousands of years and actually unified German State didn't appear until kind of recently and the brief time that they've been around they've kind of gone through some of the most intense World revolutionizing historical events possibly imagined yet they've come out working hard and building their way up to become a world superpower you gotta give it to them there's something about the Germans and with that final boss level complete stay tuned another African State Germany has ties to Ghana is coming up next but he didn't mention gone at all in this one right there yeah right um I think it's so awesome because Jeremy does have a rough patch just like with World War one and World War II yeah uh before then it doesn't seem like you know there was a lot of shoes but those two definitely like well some tough things but for them to turn around and like have all these amazing relationships and really change things I think that's pretty incredible well and it's not the people it was selected leaders and sometimes you know we don't do research and we follow leaders blindly yeah but but the thing that I'm curious how much of what he said is I mean I'm assuming it's accurate sometimes the comment section from people from whatever country are reacting to will soon this or this but for the most part there's not a lot of Correction but I think that's quite uh quite amazing that Germany I'll just say as a whole doesn't like to think fondly of those darker paths if you will and they don't try to say hey we we almost took over the world for crying out loud you know you guys would always be speaking Germany blah blah I was so close that too or the language he said it can't oh yeah seriously but um but I like that they understand like yeah that was not good and we're not going to speak about it we're not going to talk trash if you can't admit to your our own past or whatever it's sad like you had said that the you know the Patriotic you know support of the country besides in a soccer match or a football match isn't really there but I kind of get it now at what point we live in a world of Second Chances or third chances at what point do people move on I think for the most part people have moved on unless you're in a history class or you're talking about this or that um but the fact that they've completely rescinded mineconf the Nazi flag all that kind of stuff I really do like that and I appreciate that and I learned a lot from this video from geography now so appreciate you yeah that I don't know if he was a president or what they call him but they're a country leader who had changed everything into the financials like that's pretty incredible it sounds like he was exactly where he needed to be at that time to help change that country because the country could have gone in a couple different ways and I'm glad that they went up you know and that it worked out because a lot of Americans are German well and I'm not a history expert but I do like history it's interesting because after World War one where the Germans were blamed for everything and they had to make reparations all that kind of stuff Hitler kind of used that to a certain degree in his you know leadership to kind of fuel the anger for World War II right like how dare they make us through all this kind of stuff like that's that's not who we are and so after World War II maybe so I was going to comment and done the same exact thing but this guy whoever he was whether he was a leader of some kind or whatever decided to focus on the financial things and this or that I really do like that appreciate this video appreciate geography now let us know what you think about this let us know what you think about our reaction to it and come back for more videos tomorrow until next time goodbye
Channel: Boring Reviews
Views: 18,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qPUXd5KA220
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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