American reacts to Who Invented The Worlds most Important Inventions

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hello how are you thank you for joining me most useful inventions by countries this a video by World TV studio as an American and we're mostly just taught about what almost exclusively just taught about what Americans invented you know so I always find it fascinating to learn about what other people in other countries invented and even sometimes there's misconceptions among Americans like I was under the impression a lot of Americans were under the impression that an American invented the car but Henry Ford just invented you know like the mass production of cars not the car so I don't know I'm just curious to see the most useful inventions by countries all around the world top inventions that change the world cool all right let's see paper that's a pretty big one China invented paper God how did we even function as a society before paper gunpowder new that one magnetic compass China damn China's killing it I did not realize China invented paper gun I mean I knew they invented gunpowder but Compass these are pretty fundamental these are pretty important Italy eyeglasses that's pretty go that's pretty damn important too the flush toilet the UK in 1591 damn people for so long didn't even have flushing toilets thanks UK the pendulum clock the Netherlands I'm going to say surely someone invented something I mean that's iconic it's cool but is there something about a pendulum clock that's special not that I know maybe that's got something is was the pendulum like um used to actually keep the time back in the day or something his idea came from Galileo's observation of pendulums I don't know okay cool the reflecting telescope another big UK invention the steam steam engine wow so is the steam engine the first engine the first crude steam engine Thomas nukan invented improved on savory's design James Watt improved new comm's design which produced the steam engine started the Industrial Revolution no big [Music] deal here we go we got oh by focal Benjamin Franklin by focal lenses that's just where they have a different prescription on top and bottom right come on we got better inventions than that I mean that's a Nifty thing but this discovery is found to be controversial however since there were other inventors of the B so he didn't even invent [Music] it sewing machine the UK is killing it not going to lie sewing machine is freaking iconic as well vaccines the UK once again Italy again on the list the battery aren't there batteries that were found made out of like clay maybe that's fake maybe that was from like a show like the Ancient Aliens show where they try and say people had batteries like ancient Egyptians had batteries and stuff but I've heard that kind of thing that that it was in like a clay bowl and whatever this makes more sense 1800s Italy first battery alesandro Vol Volta cool name for a battery [Music] inventor or is he the reason it's called a vault anyway the railroad once again no big deal UK coming in with an absolutely fundamental invention still used to this day you know what I mean the bicycle of course Germany invented the bicycle very cool invention I always thought bicycles were super cool it's pretty cool how you can take the mechanics of the human body it's just powered by the human body and yet it makes us so much more efficient at least as far as traveling on flat land and you know smooth surfaces it's just you can go you can travel so much faster and even carry things with a bicycle brilliant the machine was the first means of transportation to utilize two wheels simultaneously cool 1818 and they look well I was going to say they look exactly the same but I don't know if this is representing ative of what they looked like probably [Music] not USA the electric motor that's kind of cool okay electric motors mechanical eny by using an electric current I mean I shouldn't say it's kind of cool obviously that's really cool 1821 that long ago let's go USA the refrigerator 18 34 it's just not that long ago you know less than 200 years ago before that food would just spoil you'd have to put salt all over it buried in the ground you know cool good job USA let's go honestly the UK is kicking our butts right now though in this airships that's a cool one I feel like ever since the Hindenburg they kind of they don't get enough love anymore you know um that was a that was a blemish on the airships history cuz they're cool you know I wish I saw more blimps flying around through the air and stuff but I wouldn't want to be on one that exploded um combustion [Music] engine okay that's a huge one France coming in out of nowhere with the airships and the combustion engine Dynamite I always thought China I guess I just conflated gunpowder with dynamite but I thought China invented dynamite kind of ironic a neutral almost pacifist country like Sweden invented dynamite although I guess it's used mostly for Demolition and stuff at least nowadays it's used for many industrial purposes including quaning demolition construction and Mining I don't know how you do construction with dynamite but demolition for sure Alfred Noble that's a big one you gotta you got to admit Alexander grah Bell I don't know why that one sticks in my head Alexander granell something his last last name is Belle and it's like the Bell on the telephone you know it's easy to remember that's a pretty freaking good one good job USA and the light bulb this one is heavily scrutinized you know as far as if that's true but here in America we're absolutely taught Edison Light Bulb television who did wait what country did it what country did [Music] it where's the flag it could be said that the invention of the television came about with hard work and research of multiple scientists and innovators oh it cannot be given to an individual how the world has changed you know what that's that's got to be one of the most crazy inventions ever as far as going back if you could go back in time and show people look you can look into this box and see other people and humans and events that happened in the past you can you can watch them unbelievable where we are today Carl Benz there it is the automobile that's what it looked like wow so it was like a horse and buggy but just the buggy look how simple that looks it's even got like a chain like a bicycle [Music] so Germany invented the bicycle and the car motion picture camera U UK and US 1888 the radio I always found radio I mean I find all kinds of Wireless signals weird you know it's like that all these radio signals are going through the air like they're in this room with me if I turned on a radio I could intercept radio waves from miles and miles and miles and miles away hundreds of miles if it's an AM signal right something weird about that to me modern air conditioning so that's why the United States I mean compared to the rest of the world it's like the rest of the world just isn't as on board with air conditioning as we are it seems like but part of that reason might be because someone here invented it Willis good job Willis I for one love it and I know tons of places have AC around the world but in America every building has AC every building every house for the most part airplanes oh that's it that's a cool one the right Brothers you definitely learn about this in school here in America what an awesome invention gosh I mean just the fact that the air moving above it on the above the wing goes faster than the air under the wing and that just makes it lift into the air it's that simple beautiful [Music] thing radar ooh this must have been invented during a war 4 190 I can't see if that says 04 or 01 electric washing machine okay I mean I guess that is important I would hate to handwash clothes so good job USA electric traffic Light USA again Band-Aid USA coming in hard that's kind of boring though it's like a sticker on your skin that's that barely qualifies as an invention in my opinion I mean that's kind of an insult to Earl so I take it back it's an invention it's just barely it's a sticker with a pad on it and biotics so they invented vaccines and antibiotics damn good job UK magnitude scale or what like earthquakes the RoR scale yeah okay that's a cool thing USA Germany man a lot of UK Germany USA modern computer really okay okay Conrad Zeus that's another one that would of course be under a lot of um scrutiny cuz so many people had their hands in inventing the computer but this is the modern computer Conrad Zeus I'm surprised I don't know that name off the top of my head you know what I mean 1941 and then the whole world changed since then huh good good job Conrad and that's a huge one for Germany my [Music] God nuclear reactor I did not know the US someone here invented that Netherlands again home hemo dialysis I've never I did is that any different than just dialysis where they put they transfuse your blood and stuff I guess that's just a full word for it that's a that's an important thing they got going there good job Netherlands [Music] Willam what did Alan Turing invent that's what I'm thinking about right now because it said you know said that other guy invented the computer Alan Turing invented I would have said he invented the computer but microwave oven they get a bad wrap you know if anything's cooked in the microwave you usually think it's crap but they're pretty cool the fact that you can heat something up in mere seconds without even using like a flame or you know a a source of [Music] heat lasers USA the internet no big deal guys just the internet but that's another thing well that was invented at some college right an early form of the internet was invented by the aret when scientists and Military experts were concerned that a Soviet attack could Wipe Out the nation's system of telephones man the internet guys the internet [Music] we are living in the future is all I'm thinking right now [Music] email genetic finger printing what does that mean processing forensic scientists to identify individuals according to their fingerprints what does that got to do with genetics I am sorry I don't understand genetic [Music] fingerprinting www Tim burner Lee yes indeed iconic I thought it was Al Gore the internet is a series of tubes the first PC virus Pakistan what out of nowhere out of left field Pakistan coming in these guys amjad far ruk January 1986 the first virus written for Windows based PCS was born simply known as brain two brothers that's pretty badass they were only 17 and 24 years old not going to lie it's pretty [Music] badass if only computers couldn't get viruses speaking of [Music] virus there's no way that's on here did Donald Trump make this video this is hilarious China invented I feel like it's a joke like yeah I can't even you know I got nothing to say about that they invented it I see you world TV that's funny that's controversial yeah I got nothing to say about that anyway that was fun that was really cool good job World um I'll see you guys tomorrow okay goodbye
Channel: Ryan Wuzer
Views: 200,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: american reacts to europe
Id: DWOmboD68Hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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