Unmatched: Hells Kitchen | Gen Con Preview

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three four spots away i'm still within reigns of you oh yeah how do you get away from bullseye [Music] what's up everybody i'm mike i'm nick we got the brothers murphy's time to go to hell's kitchen at the game oh thank you hell boom you know we've got such a nice buffet here it's delicious everything's a little smoky uh this is the hell's kitchen marble sap for unmatched of course this is like all unmatched sets completely compatible with all unmatched sets indeed this one uh includes we've got daredevil we got bullseye and elektra indeed and in this playthrough we're actually playing all three of the characters we play two different games and we're gonna add in deadpool for the other one because that's another marvel character so we'll we'll fill it out for the second game with that we're gonna play all different characters so you get to see all of them and before we get into overview make sure to like this video comment down below what's your favorite marvel character what else do you want to see in the unmatched universe marvel or not whatever please put it down below and subscribe while you're here at mikey let's get it over let's do it the first bout is daredevil versus elektra let's show you how they work before we get into each hero's specific abilities let's first talk about how unmatched plays in general unmatched is a card based skirmish game each player will take control of a hero and their sidekicks if they have them each hero has a different special ability and a unique deck on their turn the player may take two actions and they may take the same action twice they may take a maneuver action if they do they must draw a card and then they may move their hero in any of their sidekicks up to their movement value listed here players must move space to space along these lines and may not move through opposing fighters as in action the players may also play a scheme card these are these yellow cards and players will carry out the action on the card when it's played the last thing the player may do is attack of course all fighters are either melee or ranged melee fighters can only fight characters directly adjacent to them whereas ranged fighters can hit anything in their zone a zone is all spaces with the same color for example if a ranged character was standing here they can hit all of these spaces when fighting both players will play a card simultaneously there are red attack cards blue defense card and purple versatile cards which can be used as either most cards will also have a special ability that can trigger at different times if a player knocks out another player's hero they win the game okay now let's talk about the heroes you're about to see before we get into the heroes i want to mention the tokens on the board these can each be used once per game to boost an attack or defense or to give you a little bonus okay let's start with the blind defender of hell's kitchen daredevil daredevil plays risky as his special power is that if he has two cards or less he may blind boost attacks or defends blind boosting is discarding the top card of your deck and adding this number here to the value of the card daredevil also has cards that allow him to blind boost again or boost to recover health having few cards is risky and not generally advised but daredevil plays with fire and even has a card that is significantly more powerful if he has no cards in his deck at all next up is one of the best assassins for hire elektra who is joined by the hand and the hand is everywhere elektra's special ability has to do with her getting defeated if she dies she then gets resurrected shuffles her discard pile back into her deck and gains all her health back but now she's mad many of her cards had this red hand symbol on them these symbols only trigger if elektra has been resurrected she's back with a vengeance and she just got stronger real quick elephant in the room i look different now you know why because i've had a kid cause we shot this a long time after nick made a boo-boo in his game i noticed it when we edited there's a car in this in this deck played very wrong and it drastically changed the outcome of that game and then when you have a kid it takes a while to get stuff done so here we are recording the other half of this video and my whole life has changed first i've never had to do that it's a bummer yeah it happens but we got daredevil versus electric first time first time um and they're gonna battle it out my man indeed um so you are first i am on the first player one right you got your cards and everything i do all right so elektra i'm just trying to get i'm just trying honestly i'm trying to get killed you're kind of trying to get killed i'm trying to get resurrected trying to hit a little bit um okay i think i'm gonna maneuver so i'm gonna move three let's go two three yeah i maneuver i'm maneuv pretty good um okay and then actually could i i was here one two let's go next to two your hands i don't like that i have hands everywhere and everywhere um should i let's just maneuver one more time we'll maneuver again and uh let's kind of go back here actually oops all right you're up hmm [Music] all right i'm going to menu [Music] i can move everyone two so i'm going to go one two one two one two one and two now let's move electra one up like so okay i'm gonna maneuver again um and let's see i guess i can just one one i love that hand out here boop boop just gets you a wee bit surrounded okay all right take it away oh okay um okay okay what's she doing right no one can see me i'm being very still right now the audience is like a t-rex that's bad just doing some perusals just perusing okay in the meantime i'm gonna play through adversity so i can move daryl up for four spaces he may move through opposing fighters deal one damage to each opposing fighter daredevil moves through i am gonna go one two three and four and i will kill this hand this hand and deal one damage to elektra wait wait no what just because you decided to look at the thingy thing all right i don't love that i mean i guess i kind of i didn't think he had that move in yet so that's on me that's on me um ouch and then i will attack elektra with de davo okay der derver uh all right all right flip i'm gonna play intercept okay so i hit for three i defend for three and then after combat move uh daredevil up to two spaces so this card is better if mikey is resurrected i'll move i'll go hmm let's go here all right oh that's really sit down will ya all righty i will maneuvre and i'm gonna go one two one two one there and then i'm going to attack uh daredevil with electron okay phi heat that actually is great for me no it isn't really it is so i'm gonna do six damage uh to your two defenses four then my afro combat electro takes three damage but i guess i won't i guess i won't oh man do you like the resurrection side but like i'm not in a rush what a bad time i'm not gonna lie i was hoping to tease out that faint wow and it works wow that's amazing yup cancel all effects on your opponent's card which isn't i guess i have to then i don't want to no i guess if i have to that's a bummer and that's a bummer and you got whooped on for four damage yeah wreck nerd that's my turn man okay um shoot i'm gonna maneuver i'm trying to say if i want to move maneuvre yeah i'll go one two three i don't like how quick you are at all yeah hmm [Music] shoot shoot i'm gonna um maneuver again okay and i'm gonna move here hmm okay check out the signs here real quick [Music] i don't know why that song is apparently the theme song for this one it just doesn't doesn't it make you think you know i'm a maneuver nick i'm gonna go one here one two here and then i'm going to attack daredevil with elektra okay onslaught continues man all right hands of red i have played four attacked your three defense after fight loss of combat which i was kind of hoping to i will deal two damage to uh to a fighter adjacent to daredevil i was kind of hoping to get surrounded by the hand so i could take them out that's my question i'm not sure do i want to take out the hand or i want to do i want to hit electric up to you getting the hand that all the hand is going to come back out when you get resurrected so i can dig i will hit electra all right i'm going to return a hand out uh for two damage yes okay so i did more damage back i was like i think i can take this hit my uh after comments i can return a defeated hand to a space and electra's zone so i will put them in they're in two zones i'll go back here yes all right awesome awesome awesome i am mama boxed in here though well okay i will attack thought about not getting indeed i will attack uh i'll take elektra with dirty okay okay boom saint group clan nick immediately electra may swap spaces with a hand if she does that hand is now the defender okay that's the person you're attacking you thought i was elected the whole time okay so i hit that hand for i guess two then um so bomb they go uh i can discard the top of my deck and i will recover health uh equal to its boost value it's only one which has been and it's a faint boom boom i was hoping that would be like a two or three but yeah what are you gonna do all right okay so that's one second and i'll maneuver and get out of this little corner spot i'm gonna go one two three um okay so i guess i'll use this scheme right here so we have an electrified electrified floor so deal one damage to each each fighter in your zone so you could oh i am yep just for one just for one but it's a little different that's an action though you know a little action and i'm going to maneuver take a card here okay and i will go one two one two one i'm gonna play breather so you can choose attack attack defense or versatile card from my discard pilot and return it to my hands and take this take a knee card back into my hand um get a breather take a knee just about yeah you know and then let's uh i'll tack this hand okay all right ninjutsu all right so oh three to three okay so after combat after coming same thing i was just a blind let's try to heal a little bit more that's two that's good getting my health up a little bit okay all right no damage done and after combo i can place my fighter in any space and i'm just to pop back behind you here interesting okay all right for me i'm going to maneuver okay um and then i'm gonna play mesmerize so i can choose an opponent that'll be you and look at their hand let me see them cards and they gain an action boo mm-hmm i'm too crazy there cheeky um okay i'm gonna attack daredevil with my bonus action with elektra now you know that i know what you have indeed i'm gonna play my psy it's nothing has no effect it's just a four versus two it's a little too damager obviously that would have cancelled effect but nothing on there there's nothing there it's just a sigh just a pokey stick just a pokestack indeed all right uh i'll maneuver okay [Music] and i will attack man i'll attack hmm i'll attack electra okay okay we'll play cloak and shadow cast all effects on your card so it's mikey's faint essentially so that's fine uh after kind of move daredevil to up to two spaces i couldn't move anyway so i was not we do the effects on that card anyway so i hate you for one then how dare you all right electrostatic three health yep all right oh we're halfway there gonna maneuver [Music] um i'm gonna go one two one two and i'm gonna maneuver again and not move go ahead okay i'll maneuver okay i'm gonna go one two three good and i'll attack electra okay okay intercept alrighty so so i can blind boost this attack and also i forgot my ability i never mentioned it if you have two or fewer cards in your hand you may blind boost his attacker defense i don't have two of your cards but nonetheless uh okay so that's gonna be extra two so it's gonna be four does do damage that's good need that an intercept will only have an effect if i am resurrected which i'm not quite yet just whittling away weedling away whittling pink pink pink um okay i am going to attack my turn i'm going to attack daredevil with a hand okay the hand plays the fist um so it's three to three so no damage i'm not going to do my thing because i did not lose combat you're right you didn't all right so i can deal one damage to your attacking fighter if you do return this card to your hand and gain one action because you want to kill the hand you can knock them out you can sacrifice do it yeah i will um what to do interesting i am not going to do that okay i'm not gonna do that but i will attack uh daredevil with elektra okay oh it's a little two-piece little whirlwind kicking a bunch all right onto user okay i will [Music] maneuver uh and then i will attack elektra [Music] sorry sorry sorry do this one sorry okay all right bam cloaked in shadow okay so if i oh okay so i can still do this though so i have two or fewer cards in my hands i got blind boosters this essentially allows me to do a second blind boost supposed to be three more oh that will not yeah i gotta i gotta get i also need electra to die so i can come back i lose oh no oh no oh jk electro resurrected but first i remove everything from the board and then i become electra resurrected no yeah yeah all right basically all those red effects now i have to do they're not even you can they must um so what happens now mikey so flipping my health dial shuffling my discard pile back into my deck of cards because elektra has a smaller deck of cards because you get yours all back yep and then uh at the start of my next turn i go back onto the board um uh place electron all hand back onto the board with each fighter in a different zone got spread out spread out now so is your turnover that was your first that was my first action so i will maneuver okay um and let's just kind of come back to oh let's actually let's go here let's see i'm gonna go here start my turn different zones i'll go here here here and here all different zones okay all right you're up first thing i'm gonna do she's back is i'm gonna do secret documents i'll do the scheme right here discard my hand i have just the one card anyway and i'll draw three cards get some more cards in my good call um and then let's see you're on the plus two don't love that part i will maneuver and one two one two all right okay take it away man take it away take it away take it away take it away i'm gonna maneuver i bet you would um and let's go one two three yeah yeah yeah and then i'll attack my electro electro i'll do a horowind just two defense okay so this one i can uh just kind of top my discard the top card my deck and recover health equal to that so i'll be two i wish and i take one damage and then what does your hand ability do now um deal one damage to each adjacent opposing fighter slapped get yourself slapped may you find yourself most slapped all right um let's see i'm gonna maneuver [Music] and i'll go one two one like so bring that person one two around through there and then i will attack the uh daredevil with a hand okay i'm sorry we'll rewind sorry um i'll attack with elektra so i'm not gonna move be there six music assassin now that i am resurrected i take no damage when it's normally taken three nick fainted that last time yeah six biggies oh that was rough yep not good all right me yes sir all right i'm gonna use breathe so i'm gonna get a card from my discard pile back into my hand all right let's do that um and then i'm just gonna actually play another breathe i'll take another kind i'm back into my hand i respect my respect no respect alrighty um this time i will for real do this and then attack with the hand all right ninjitsu three verse three three verse three so yeah i didn't lose combat so i don't get i kind of want same i think the same exact two yeah yeah right all right so you place your fighter in any space i will once again put them back there okay me yes sir i'll maneuver i bet you will um man i guess i'll just go here i'm again kind of boxed in i'll maneuver again that's it all right i will play mesmerize let me look at the hand real quick let me see what you got working on man okay okay right rad and i gain an action um i will maneuver and then attack because i get that bonus action um actually you know what i'm just going to maneuver again draw a card okay i'm going to stay where i am yeah like you double check the rulebook i have no deck anymore okay so just every turn you take a damage is that what it is i think it's every time you would need to draw a card but let's double check this is also kind of where you want to be kind of yeah that's that's kind of my thing is i like to be low on cards basically so yes sir yes every time i have to draw a card i take two damage which is rough because every time i need to move is a lot um yeah which is not great honestly um i will uh attack the hand next to me okay okay boom and then i get to move two spaces that's a good way to get around boom yes that's the only way and i'll attack alert all right i'll do my cloaked in shadow yeah i know there's no way i i knew you're going to do it but there's nothing i can do that's actually doubly bad because i don't get to draw the cards back into my hand but oh well yeah that's very very bad for me i was like well he knows this is going to come so you were able to look my hand there's nothing i can do about it yeah um all right nick i'm going to attack um daredevil with electra all right all right i'm gonna do hands of red so forward damage to three defense and i can return a defeated hand to a space in elektra's zone which will be just right back i found my plus one that with the sorry with the uh folding chair this will be five to three no worries and then if i lost the combat deal two damage to an adjacent fighter i'll deal to electra oh all right we're both pretty uh pretty tenderized yeah all right that is i think me except one action or two that was one no there's one action yeah yeah um oh i'm a maneuver okay i'm staying here all right um i will attack elektra all right all right boom all right cloaked in shatter i am out of cards completely oh so i think i just lose i think you are beyond excited i think i just lose beyond exhaust you can't handle it nick i'm just gonna do it for fun attacking with a sigh yeah i was in a really bad situation where like i i only had one of those cars and then you ever look at my hand i was like the second look at my hands like i'm done there's no way because you're not gonna notice you know that like i'm running out of time in shadow so i was like i'm playing it for the next yeah exactly and i thought about playing something else beforehand but i was like i was worried that you had two and i was like okay i might be i might be able to get it out here now but i was like i just don't think i'm gonna last that long and so that was i i got resurrected a good time because i i played i think all my clothes and shadows and i got them all back yeah i was happy to draw them again secondly my hand i was like it's over there's no way because you're just gonna know it's coming and like you probably knew it was coming regardless because that's kind of the entire point of getting rid of your hand is is so that you can use those really big cards but also your opponent knows presumably knows you have those cards and so yeah i was like oh that's not gonna be good that's not going to be good and the problem is when because you did that this card also allows me to shuffle the top four cards my deck so it gives you more time since you cancelled all the text on it i was like well i can't do that now so i was like oh i literally done there's no way there's absolutely no way at this point that won't do uh gg nonetheless my god um and uh yeah get wrecked boom the first fighter in our second bout is colin farrell i mean i mean bullseye bullseye doesn't miss normally ranged characters can only hit enemies in their zone but bullseye's power is that he can hit enemies from up to five spaces away ignoring zones completely some of his cards help him move to make it harder to get away but many reward him for staying in place and are stronger if he already won combat this turn he's got the range so he doesn't need to move very often good luck getting away from bullseye now hell's kitchen only has three characters so we decided to have goofball versus goofball and have bullseye go up against the merc with the mouth the one and only deadpool deadpool doesn't have much health but why would you need it when you can regenerate every time deadpool attacks he gains one health back and he's always breaking the fourth wall so he's gone into other unmatched sets stole the hero's cards and drawn on them like a kindergartner there's honestly not much else to say about this hero he's just really weird and plays that way the old classic matchup bullseye versus deadpool goofball versus goofball goofball versus goofball man we had to bring deadpool in from another set give bullseye a little something to fight against i am first player i am bullseye i'm going to let it rip with a maneuver getting hyped i am oh i'm going to go a one two one two three four now the cool thing about bullseye as you saw yeah i don't care about no zones you could just hit me from here i'm going to attack that sounds tough i'm going to yes and i'm just trying to think of how i want uh to do this so i am going to attack deadpool with bullseye um okay all righty boom boom all right what you doing uh so during combat i can boost this attack if i don't boost i can uh draw a card but i will boost it for two so my total attack is five okay so i'm blocking for two and i'm doing and for my next move and so after combat i can deal two damage to the opposing fighter or move my fighter up to three spaces do i want to get closer to you you are a melee person i am but i don't know oh but i do kind of want to just hit you if i can that's true let's go ahead i'm just gonna hate for two damage yeah yeah that's actually kind of great i did three so i mean it's pretty equal then yeah i do not have much health although i when i made these i regenerate health all the time so i do not to my knowledge so yes i'm just not that strong but uh hopefully i can just whoop on you hopefully i'm gonna maneuver okay i'm gonna move right here all right um and then i'm going to attack so i'm going to use this right here the map so my next attack can target any space so even though i'm not adjacent to you i can target any space with this scheme token and i'm going to attack of course bullseye because we are 1v1 tactical retreat oh so three all right so i'm hitting for five ouch all right so then after combat i deal one damage to the opposing fighter if we own the deadpool unmatched set what should we do which we do god why can we borrow friends you know so i do one more damage i guess so yeah okay then i can uh place bullseye in a space that shares no zones in my current space so i will flip over here okay and then after i attack his deadpool i always recover one health so just got that i don't know just so we're gonna get correct man so silly been hit for five already um okay me yep all right man let's go i'm going to attack a deadpool using a fire hydrant when in doubt throw a fire hydrant at someone's fast that yeah that's you are very strong you can just pick it up um i'm gonna throw cards and stuff for a living but i could just throw like anvils and stuff i wanted i just like darts and stuff it's more thematic okay you ready boom so i'll do timeout whoa whoa whoa so i get a call timeout and i can look through my deck and pick a card i can play right now i can discard this card and play this one i like it i mean i hate it but i like it um uh i plan to hit for four sorry uh i started by where i am so uh i'm attacking for seven right now because i haven't moved or rather it's not that i have a move i'm in the space i started my turn in yes uh so it's five plus the two from the fire hydrant oh my stars okay i am going to do uh you're gonna do the getting wrecked yeah i'll do this one okay i've been hacked so my passwords are out there so it's five uh five um so two damage two damage but then you get to look at my hand and have me discard something but i was like let's just not take a humongous hit considering i do get to recover health a lot but i also don't have that much health yeah that's cool though into this faint which is faint not faint so it's you you you play possum and recover some health uh okay so that is that cool um i'm going to attack for a second time on deadpool you haven't moved yet no all right all right oh that's actually a good time to have played that because i was going to since i already won an attack i get to ignore your card's value so one way or another at least you didn't earn a card because i was gonna hit you for four regardless that's not good not necessarily yeah but your the value of your card would have been zero so yes nine to three we're getting squishy yeah we're both kind of glass candy here um okay i am going to maneuver okay oh god you can hit from so far away too i'll be slanging stuff at you um delicious and then so i can maneuver i'll go one two um and then i'm gonna place so wheat i can move to a space in a yellowish zone and then move to a different space in a yellowish zone so i'll kind of go like because it's kind of yellowish yellowish yeah i agree all right oh that's so funny um okay i get away from you regroup a little bit yeah all right i'm going to maneuver for two and then just use this first aid kit patch up uh get to health and draw a card love that okay okay go ahead i'm gonna play uh uh dumpster dive and deadpool so i can shuffle five cards for my discard pile into my deck and then recover one health so get some cards back hmm okay um and then and then i will play huh faint i will tip over my character and make a fail and i can recover two health and reset my figure dang okay let's see hit so hard okay three four spots away i'm still within reigns of you oh yeah it's how do you get away from it's like sinbad when he starts moving super fast you just cannot escape him so bullseye's gonna attack deadpool uh from where i stand eh eh bullseye you know okay that part uh all right so it's a three for all right uh after combat of your opposing fighter was not defeated you were not defeated i deal one damage to a fighter in the opposing fighter zone i'll have you be that yeah that's fair so i blocked the whole thing for five but you get to choose a car that i'm a discard i should have loved but i wanted to not get hit i'm still hurting pretty good here [Music] all right no timeout card for you yeah dang it that's what i wanted it's too useful all right so i'll do that my first action my uh i'll attack again for my second okay all right now the plan to be here so i'm in the spot that i started my tournament so this is value five at times mine's two so that's the oh my god i'm hitting three oh my lord you're so strong so i can hit you for two or move a fighter up to three spaces oh man i thought i think i'm just gonna hit you for two yeah take the damage okay because i i kind of want to get closer to you but i also i want to get more cars going into your turn oh i see yeah so you can move up to here yeah i know but i kind of wanted to well now yeah do you i'm gonna get a card tis your turn um okay and i'm sorry i'm gonna move uh one two okay um and then i'll go one two here okay um i'm going to maneuver i'll go here and um i will attack deadpool okay one two three four yeah okay what's that uh three so after combat look at my opponent's hand and recover one health oh i'm such a dope i meant to attach that but it's too late it's too late yes you cannot that's good because i think i wanna die dang it oh my god what's your hand what what this you have a hand of cards i need to look at it oh yeah oh i'm such a silly billy y'all interesting mistakes were made just one painting now recover one health boom okay what else do you do move vlog is actually four spaces uh he may move through opposing fighters where you can move uh i'm so glad you didn't attach that oh my gosh i made a gray bear y'all that's just a bummer gonna be a short game um exactly four spaces one ideas all right go ahead let it rip man [Music] um i am going to maneuver [Music] and i'm going to boost my maneuver with this so i'll get it so i'm going to go one two three okay um uh and then i will attack um boop all right arrogant but effective all right you're considered to have won this combat interesting indeed so i'm hitting for four and then if there are any other opposing fighters next i'll do three damage to each opposing five there's not any other opposing fighters all right so i do take two damage though and then i i'm considered to have won the combat and i can move two spaces you're in my way so i would go back here okay all right and then i attacked so i will recover one health y'all i just mega goofed i might lose this game as a result that was just so silly yeah you could you could have done it you could've done engine mike i'm going to maneuver because i only had two health and i would have added two and it would have been done skis oh man uh and i will attack deadpool from where i am all right boom i never miss uh three and then my the opponent's name is not on this card so so this is one of where the opponent's name was on this card um then uh its value was four bullseye is not on the card no you have to write it in right on there in the future and i can boost this attack i don't have a card so instead i'll draw a card okay no damage done okay me yes sir i'm going to maneuver all right and now we'll go one two and i'll just maneuver again and we'll go three four okay i'm gonna maneuver go boop boop and then maneuver again go boop boop ooh i am oh no oh now you're on that stupid thing um i'm gonna maneuver uh and i'll go one two one two three guys just know i'm getting you there's no way to get away from you really uh and i will move one more time and i'll go here okay um i'm going to play study the target and draw two cards if i'd won a combat i'd be able to gain an action in a card but i haven't haven't done that yet i'll get some cards in hand and then i will maneuver and go here okay um [Music] i will maneuver and then i'm gonna boost that movement so i can get right up on you okay all right and then i will attack bulls hi [Music] okay okay play ricochet i had to try it so it's two but this is a gay stone card so if i wanted combat i would hit you for eight but had to try it that's right uh so i'll successfully defend and after combat the opposing fighter is not defeated which you aren't you take a damage i did a tax i will gain one health back so oh nice okay nicely done okay is that it yep um i'm gonna attack dare deadpool sorry okay all right boom super faint so immediately cancel all facts and opponent card oh nice um and then i'll get to draw a card after combat all right and i don't win the attack not that it'll have mattered um um then i'm gonna maneuver okay back up over here all right yeah okay um i'll maneuver go away from me standing on that manhole which i don't love but um uh we'll go ahead and attack okay bullseye okay boom attack number four okay defender three all right doing a tactical retreat um so i can move to some spaces here there's no zones with my current spot i'll go there okay and i can after combat can move the opposing fighter just one space just one i guess i'll move you i'll move you one closer okay me yes i don't know there was it was now it's kind of like this weird stalemate of us like and hitting blocking and hitting and blocking and hitting i will maneuver i'm sorry that was attack so i got a health back maneuver here then attack and use a manhole cover yeah which i should have done the first time be over all right i'll attack for three and two is five i'm gonna lock him for three and then if i was attacking i would deal one damage to you but i'm not attacked i'm defending all right so just three so you hit for two yep okay all right what else you do um if i'd already won a combat you would discard a card but i had not already won a combat this turn so that is it okay i'll attack okay i'm going to faint oh oh i don't get to draw a card boom i will heat for one though and then i'll recover health because i just attacked um and then i will maneuver but you know let's just stand right there because i'm not going to get away from you okay uh i'm going to attack deadpool okay all right i'll play bull's eyes for my next trick all right so i have two defense uh if there's food on the table this value is five instead there is no food coffee i all right so i i just hit you for two but after comic move bullseye up to a space draw a card and gain an action so i'll just back it up one draw card gain in action so i still have two okay um and i will attack again okay okay boom three i can boost this attack which i will do here's the thing man i should have won earlier i should have won a lot earlier but i just failed boated so i had to redeem myself yeah i had two attack cards didn't have any defense so i was like well i hope you get hit super hard right now that was just i was like i that was so bad yeah you whiffed pretty hard on that one i just wasn't paying attention because you have to you have to sign that before you see what's going on you know like and i was going to had every intention of and i was like oh you forgot that it was just hey you can't right you can't you can okay so i can win you're like no you cannot yeah and his it's funny because his little recover ability is super nice every time you attack you get one that was a problem by the time i got back to attacking you you'd recover and i'm like it's not enough yeah yeah tough good game man what what we split the series yeah this is so goofy i love it it's so fun well it's pretty wild it's hard to get away yeah you can't yeah it's hard to truly escape a nice couple of rumbles in hell's kitchen today oh a couple of house kids you know no big chili chocolates you know so that was boom hell's kitchen kitchen hex kitchen man oh that's hecking good that kitchen that's hacking good those are fun characters man they're really funny unmatched is always unparalleled the art is so incredible the characters always feel so thick back to oliver barrett who did the original which is like a throwback absolutely bull's-eye is just wonky and wild yeah i love that you just can't get away from them super interesting characters uh let's know what you think about this what you think about the hell's kitchen characters what do you think about a marvel character you would love to see in the unmatched it's kind of like the more boots on the ground one it's not like the biggest stores heroes so i know they got some other ones in the i just i don't any match i'm always super excited for indeed so let us know what you think of this one tell us your favorite unmatched character out of all the unmatched characters of which there are many now in the comments below thumb this video up don't forget to subscribe we'll see you next time at the game house bye everybody thank you so much for watching that episode of the game house playing on match unmatches actually made by one of our channel sponsors restoration games which is super super cool make sure to check out our other channel sponsors board game geek and lucky duck games as well and it is the first day of august which means we have a new month sponsor and our month sponsor is e paladin and eve paladin is one of the ogs when we asked e paladin hey how do you want to be shout out he said just make sure that people know that i've been here since the beginning i'm one of the og followers and that is e-paladin thank you so so much for being here the whole time almost five years we've been on youtube here and you've been here the whole time we really appreciate you paladin thank you so so much make sure to check out other game houses over on the right side of your screen there make sure to subscribe like this video share you know what to do it's youtube
Channel: The Brothers Murph
Views: 1,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Uuj66R66zFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 58sec (2938 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 01 2022
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