Top 10 GameCube Games | The Completionist

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the time has come again for me to pick a console out of a hat and drew all over it's games I couldn't get enough of that one here we go a Nintendo GameCube oh hell yeah I am so ready oh wait no hold on no I man there are so many amazing games that are not gonna make my list so for that I am truly sorry but not sorry because having too many games is never a fault that turn this entry console is a champion when the game key was first announced at space world 2000 a bevy of tech demo showing off in 10 those characters dazzled us some would leave nowhere looked in a funk and truly bizarre mouths party others would lead to outrage like when we all thought we would be getting an awesome adult link and Ganondorf clash that ultimately led to the underwhelming response to wind wakers art style and some tech demos led to downright confusion about where was this rumored Mario 128 that just turned out to be pigment the controller was perfect compared to its predecessor the games were easy to handle the hardware was definitely not bulky at all it was affordable and fit for every household and that Gameboy player attachment was ASIS this baby in my heart was born to play welcome to my top 10 Nintendo purple cube games this list is solely based on my experiences with each game and I'd love to hear your favorites and the comments down below [Music] now I'm not gonna lie Here I am always down for Mario I think my channel pretty clearly reflects that but I have a soft spot for the younger Mario brother and Luigi's Mansion put all green mario front and center but busting ghosts in a launch title how weird and wild and so appropriately Luigi thus began the further evolution of the scaredy-cat second fiddle to Mario in the best possible way exploring in Luigi's Mansion is a blast with all of its wildly different ghosts and creative puzzles graphically this game's aged gracefully but at the time was beyond dazzling with its lighting effects there is a ton of artful finagling with Luigi's flash play interacting with the setting and asked for the music which while there isn't a ton of every tune is haunting and magnificent and Luigi anxiously hums along in such an endearing way now I am super excited for this third installment coming to switch like what is going on there we going to a haunted hotel Mario look I've been needing some R&R so book me a room baby because I am ready to bust more ghosts it makes me feel good Nintendo gets knocked as a kiddie developer a lot of the time and I'll agree that I'm making the GameCube have a handle like a lunchbox definitely didn't help at all a turtle darkness sanity's Requiem however show that Nintendo was fit for adults too in a big way look at that big all them on the box that games mature no kids allowed developed by Silicon Knights eternal darkness is developed by Silicon Knights eternal darkness is a survival horror experience akin to Resident Evil with its tank controls undead Horrors and yes even a spooky mansion but that's where the similarities end the storyline takes place across the world and over two millennia and oh yeah incorporated the wonderfully creative sanity meter the sanity meter which initially started out as a glitch is what made Eternal Darkness stand apart from so many other horror games at the time you could be roaming around roam calm as can be until suddenly you're sinking into the floor or you'd cast a healing spell in a monastery only to have it explode right in your face or with sanity too low when you're gonna save the game the display would show your file getting erased and that's just scratching the surface of some crazy effects in store if your sanity got too low and your character started to lose it and while Meganium italy may feel a bit clunky now and although we never got a spiritual successor rest in peace shadows of the Eternals eternal darkness sanity's requiem still offers some solid twisted and mature thrills on this cute purple cube in many ways the game cubes launch was quite experimental no main Mario title and when we finally got one Mario had gadgets linked got a visual makeover and Samus got handed off to a video game studio based in Texas called retro studios and they were tasked with taking our space bounty hunter into the third dimension Metroid Prime came out eight years after Super Metroid a game hailed by many as one of greatest games of all time retro Studios had their work cut out for them though from the incredibly cinematic opening and foreboding distress signal to fighting a parasite queen while bumping into meta-ridley - losing your powers forcing you down to the alien surface of talent for it was easy to see Metro prime would not disappoint Metroid is all about isolation and Metroid Prime embraces that fully with haunting atmospheres abandoned laboratories and faison Minds that raise more questions than answers aesthetically Metroid Prime is a triumph it still looks and sounds incredible each location in the game feel distinct and the creature designs are awesome familiar tunes were reinvented for example Mac more caverns was a remix of the norfair theme in addition we got new entries like fen jarana drips a truly serene palette cleanser but most importantly the gameplay is tight and responsive and makes this first-person adventure work really well we occasionally halt entire company meetings as Brett provides killer nonverbal accompaniments for some of these classic Metroid Prime tracks give them a little taste Brett all right checklist for a fun game one loss to collect check - a unique and vibrant location check three a brand new omnipresent McKenney that is versatile and fun as hell check Plus Super Mario Sunshine fulfills my list and then some but honestly I didn't always appreciate it the way I did until now Mario Sunshine clearly has an abundance of admirable qualities that make it one of the greatest of the GameCube era it takes everything good about Mario 64 and takes it to 11 there's an abundance of coins and shines to collect and for taking place entirely on a tropical island there's a lot of level variety and who can forget those incredible secret platforming levels with the killer remix of the Mario theme on top of an already exceptional original tune some people might complain about flood being kind of strange and annoying to rely on for the entire game including me I believe that at times but the flood is adorable with this kind of flutter fly in the sky I can go twice as high kind of quality you know like Reading Rainbow I'm thirty that show still good fight me in the comments plus you finally get to ride Yoshi in all of their glorious and tropically themed glory the floral video she is Yoshi right if there isn't just one Yoshi or the Yoshi in this and OGE oh she doesn't dissolve into water like like why does Nintendo have certain creatures dissolved when they touch water the be soon mario galaxy the freaking Inklings in splatoon what does this Japanese company have against water do they think it's evil why would [Music] all right yeah no I get it waters evil except when cleaning things up let's use the evil for good and get a shine back in the day the Mario RPGs were nothing short of fantastic help to this day Super Mario RPG is still my all-time favorite Mario games so when Mario took to an all new RPG adventure on the Gamecube you know all the way from to surprise everyone is for him to get crafty paper crafty that is for him to be on the cutting edge Paper Mario the thousand-year door might just be the most bang for your buck when it comes to the Mario RPGs this game is huge between a creative aesthetic and engaging battle system a colorful set of characters and a compelling story it's hard to say what the best part of Paper Mario thousand-year door really is this game has definitely become a cult classic in recent years and honestly I can see why I spent hours with this game and I was constantly surprised at what the game threw at me during my entire playthrough but here my warning play this game but do not complete this game if you want to enjoy this game do not collect everything in the game please it's an absolute nightmare and well you know if you want to hear more of my completionist viewpoints you can just head over to this video and watch my review of it right now but don't leave yet watch this video first Resident Evil has been through many different game styles from tank controls to third-person to straight-up VR nightmares while maintaining certain characters and motifs Capcom largely changes up the formula for each installment the gamecube remake for the original release on the ps1 was a huge improvement the gameplay was improved the puzzles were tweaked and certain setting and story elements were polished a bit further for a nostalgia ridden gamer such as myself the improvement was a sexy new look down memory lane just on principle the evolution of graphics upped the ante on scare factor older graphics in the past had a real uphill battle on trying to create the feeling of horror or terror giant hulking triangular demons aren't necessarily nightmare fuel maybe more like diesel fuel boom god of dinosaurs roasted literally but really thank you for powering cars anyway honestly the remake was definitely unnecessary evil and a lot of you guys out there know how I feel about the basement theme from the original game honestly any time anyone will let me just play this music track in an episode of my show I will always encourage it so without further ado ladies and gentlemen the basement track from Resident Evil director's cut on ps1 it did not make the remake all but if they've remade this in HD how funny would that be um before I had one hell of a time completing super smash brothers melee this summer this game is a beast Nintendo made damn sure they packed that game with hours and hours and hours and let's be honest days of content it's nice to step back and reflect on when Smash Brothers release on the Nintendo GameCube yes there is a strange polarization of people still playing the game competitively and those that don't understand why it's still around if you disregard that just taking in what melee has meant for me and gamers everywhere is truly miraculous the game defined a generation it brought friends together hopefully more than brings them apart and it's been a welcoming realm for every type of gamer competitive and casual melee set the stage for games and sequels to follow and improve with the well blazed trail I spent a hundred thirty-five hours completing this bad boy and there is no telling how many hours I've spent on the game in my lifetime yeah there's no completion bonus but every action serves the player to its own right melee was meant to be taken in overtime to harness your abilities sleep on new strategies conquer previous bests and revisit time and time again I am losing my mind anticipation for reliving those feelings anew with ultimate previous was not an ad for Super Smash for this ultimate and does not necessitate the views of that one video memory community or subsequent entities therein this is also a door a call to action for you or anyone to go watch the completion this episode on super special is mainly but honestly it's a really great episode please check it out and feel free super smash that like button and this up button and the notification button support the official release also here's an obligatory Fox reference oh yeah most of the games in the list were games that I played when they originally came out however I didn't play the legend himself the Wind Waker until this year I know I know I was thrown off by the visuals and the seemingly more cutesy aesthetic so much of my love for the 3d Zelda's came from the n64 releases and I didn't want to tarnish my perspective on the series by playing a game meant for children I now realize how horribly wrong I was this game is tight the combat is the next evolution in z-targeting the soundtrack is some of the best songs the entire series and the visuals stand up to most modern games due in part to the cel-shaded direction that they took in this game every aspect of this game is artfully crafted to create an experience that is truly one-of-a-kind I can easily say that this game is one of my favourite GameCube games and also belongs in the upper echelon of Zelda games honestly after breath of the wild I decided winwaker is the awkward kid brother that you cannot help but love change my mind plus this game lets me live out my fantasy of being a pirate sailing the open seas getting into sword fights with scallywags looting all the booty I can get my hands on hahahaha yeah a pirate's life for me when you think of a Nintendo console you may actually think of The Legend of Zelda Kirby Pokemon freaking Fire Emblem in today's day and age but for me it's gotta be Mario Kart and the Gamecube was home to the best Mario Kart game there ever was Mario karts goddamn double - grab some friends choose a character combination and get to racing it's that simple and it's super fun I mean you can play as Baby Mario whose signature move is getting tatted around by a big-ass Chain Chomp more specifically this Mario Kart game allows you to pick two characters instead of just one so if you can't choose between Princess Peach and Princess Daisy screw it why not both go on a princess Palooza for all anyone cares I just wish Nintendo would bring back his mechanic and their more recent - Mario Kart games you would be tight Frasier and I would team up as baby Mario and Koopa let's go Resident Evil for the epitome of game changer for the Resident Evil franchise before this we as an audience knew two simple facts about Resident Evil zombies and the third-person view would tank controls yep you know the ones I'm talking about so going into the fourth iteration of the franchise you can imagine the surprise when we were met with an over-the-shoulder camera perspective with no tank controls to speak of it made Resident Evil an entirely different beast would you brings me to my next point the zombies they're a cross between 28 days later and I am Legend humanoid things these zombies are not quite dead and rotting but not quite alive either confusing maybe but terrifying absolutely both of these elements gave this fourth game I want to be a brand new life this familiar yet refreshing new spin on the formula made for a vast improvement and change of pace that the Resident Evil franchise really needed but Resident Evil 4 wasn't just all about Leon s Kennedy tackling hordes of las ganado z' and all of their evil leaders they were also the incredible mercenaries mode which I played for countless hours with friends night after night when the game came out zan and I would rock out the Twisted Sisters come on and feel the Noize and go as long as we could before time ran out or we managed to get ourselves beheaded with a chainsaw and it looked a lot like this and then there was a Simon ADA where you got a more bite-sized side story featuring Ada Wong which was challenging and awesome in its own right everything about Resident Evil 4 was made with such care and consideration for both the franchise and its players so the answer the age-old question what do you fly in it would be recipe before every time Capcom releases it I love it that frickin much what are you selling alright merchants the bits over go away is that all strange yep I just alright I'm gonna end this now ok you take care buddy you and your creepy-ass cloak and thus I and another video example of my never-ending love for Nintendo the history of gaming is fleshing itself out nicely and I cannot wait to see what's in store for the future of gaming thanks for sticking it out to the anti-air and if you enjoy saw go ahead and check under those top ten that I've done and none of this would be possible without the office support by viewers like you so thank you very much I'll see you guys next time come back any time
Channel: The Completionist
Views: 737,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top 10 GameCube Games, best gamecube games, best games on gamecube, gamecube, nintendo, top 10, super smash bros, super mario sunshine, mario sunshine. super smash bros melee, smash bros melee, top ten gamecube games, mario, game cube, luigi's mansion, nintendo gamecube, games, video games, eternal darkness, top 10 games peanutbuttergame, pbg, best games, gaming, top 10 wii games, nintendo games, metroid prime, the completionist, completionist, jirard khalil, windwaker, wind waker
Id: H4yQwdlW4_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2018
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