Top 10 Fruits You've Never Heard Of Part 8

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from local fruit off the coast of Africa to fruit found deep in the jungles of Indonesia we count down the top ten fruits you've never heard of part eight number ten King coconut this football-shaped yellow coconut is uncommon but delicious much sweeter than a normal coconut the king coconut is unique in that it doesn't have a husk often referred to as coconut for drinking the golden coconut is full of not only coconut water but coconut milk as well growing particularly in Southeast Asia the king coconut is native to sri lanka these coconuts grow in clusters of as many as 20 on a single tree and take around seven or eight months to grow before they're ready to be enjoyed then Billy as it's known locally in Sri Lanka has multiple different sub varieties with the most popular in being red dwarf the ran thumb Billy variety is smaller and contains 40 nuts in a bunch the flesh of these coconuts can range from white to a rich pink color full of electrolytes b-complex vitamins potassium calcium magnesium sodium and phosphate the king coconuts liquid can be used to treat kidney and urinary tract issues the water of a king coconut has more potassium than a banana and more magnesium and calcium than an orange cooling and refreshing to the body the coconuts juice is a recommended addition to pregnant or a nursing mothers diet number nine panna discs on Adeus or red fruit looking like a giant cob of red corn the panna Diaz canidius is a plant in the pendant family consumed primarily in papa Indonesia the locals called them Baja Merhi or red fruit it also goes by the name of screw spine Kwon soo coke late Oil pandan or red pandanus traditionally believed to be a good supplement as skin and eye medicine the red fruit can also be used as worm treatment there are 30 varieties of red food with only four of them having high economic value being the Merhi panjang or a long red the Merhi pendick or short red coke plate or brown and cumin or yellow each red fruit has their own designated uses such as the long run which is most commonly used in traditional medicine this variety can measure up to 3.3 feet or 100 centimeters long and weighs sixteen point five pounds or seven point five kilograms the crimson color of the red fruit indicates it being rich in beta-carotene but also shown effectiveness at helping treating aids cancer hepatitis diabetes osteoporosis lupus as well as lowering uric acid in the body improving brain function lowering cholesterol and improving eye disorders the Native Highlanders of Papua New Guinea call this fruit Murata fruit for which they make a ketchup like sauce called Marisha sauce red fruit is typically chopped up into pieces then roasted boiled or cooked in stone oven they're prepared by splitting them open wrapping them in leaves and sometimes even cooked in an earth oven an earth oven is one created by stacking rocks clay and mud into a dome and then burning a hot fire inside giving a hot place near the fire to cook food the pulp and seeds are then extracted from the corn like cob core and mashed with water this mixture is strained resulting in a thick red sauce some people directly sucked the edible metal carp right off the stalk thrown in the popper regions of Indonesia this fruit takes three years to bear after planting not one you'll likely find at the grocery store maybe it's time to book a trip to the Indonesian jungle number eight juanny predominantly grown in the wild forests of Eastern Borneo the whiny fruit is larger than a mango with green tea yellowish brown fruit with white flesh inside found also on the island of Bali this fruit is one that needs to be sought out to be had as you won't find this jungle fruit in the city east calaman tan is the main place to find the wonnie they grow on a huge tree measuring 40 feet or 12 meters tall the towers over the Borneo jungle these fruit almost look like potatoes hanging off the tree they dangle down on a main branch which is attached by a single stem being much more abundant in the 1980s and the 1990s money was found in towns and cities around Borneo but today are rare find the trees only produce fruit once a year with locals saying sometimes only once every three years the texture of the flush is similar to that of a mango it smells like jackfruit and tastes sweet and acidic the tree sap should be avoided as it causes itching but that deter you from enjoying this fruit that is high in fiber and aids with good digestion number seven velvet apple this fuzzy fruit also known as butter fruit ma bolo or kama Gong is native to the Philippines a close relative to the persimmon this fruit varies between yellow to reddish brown this fruit has a very creamy edible flesh with a repulsive smell to it what does this fruit smell like take a guess its most popularly described as smelling like rotten cheese or cat feces mmm yummy with all that said people do eat these raw but also use them in drinks desserts and cooked in dishes like pie this stinky fruit boosts immune system increases red blood cell count eliminates gastrointestinal issues and constipation it has also been shown to reduce inflammation prevent chronic diseases reduce the speed of aging and increase hair growth develop a tappa was rich in potassium iron calcium vitamin c na b vitamins fiber and protein number six Callaghan immune see'em this Chinese bush fruit is so unknown that it doesn't even have an English name grown on a perennial low growing shrub from 13 to 31 inches or 35 to 80 centimeters in height this bush has small leaves scraggly branches and a unique little fruit the fruit itself is less than half an inch or 10 millimeters long by one quarter of an inch or seven millimeters wide the Cala Gungans ium grows on rocky limestone slopes as well as in gravel and clay soil it's native to China Russia and use becca Stan more specifically the buck harsh regions alaikum and Karakum tian shan and mongolia this fruit also grows in the sahara in North Africa after it was introduced they're high in calcium magnesium and sodium this fruit flowers in April develops a red oval shaped fruit then turns brown as it develops a paper bag around it the shrub will continuously produce fruit making it highly valuable for locals and animal life living around it number five quince once cultivated in ancient Babylon the quince was once sacred to Aphrodite it is said that the Greek Brides would chew on a piece of quince before entering the bridal chamber to ensure having fresh sweet breath given to monarchs and aristocrats during the Middle Ages the quince was a part of the royal culinary events nostradamus even has several recipes written in his book using the quince quince is grown around the world with the majority of places being around Eastern Europe turkey is the top producer of the fruit with China being the world's second largest this yellowish green fruit is one typically eaten cooked raw it can be very tart but it's best consumed with chili and lime when cooking quince simmer or poach it until the sweetness comes out quince stores just the same as an apple when it comes to pairing flavors with it nutty earthy flavors go well with this as well as thyme rosemary figs pears apples and nuts prized for its medicinal properties the quince is high in vitamin C fiber potassium copper and iron the quince is very good for intestinal health skin rashes inflammation allergies and promotes good digestion before we go on to number four if you're planning on doing any traveling or going on vacation soon we've recently created a guide to help you bargain for the best deals on fruit and avoid the scams when you're on your own fruit hunting adventures the guide can be found at one red panda calm or just follow the link in the description number four hog plum this fruit also going by the names of Spanish plum red yellow or purple mom bin Bordeaux Cote is a small spotty glossy skin fruit that varies from green to red in color native to tropical regions in the Americas Dakotas most commonly found anywhere from Mexico to Brazil and the Caribbean the hog plum will have a different appearance based on where it's found such as in northern states of Mexico it tends to be more yellow the flesh inside is pale and yellowish and juicy with one pit in the middle much like a cherry has they measure one to two inches or three to five centimetres long with some of them being smaller than that ideal ripeness of the hog plum is firm but has a little bit of give to it when they're squeezed they'll keep fine for up to two weeks in the fridge they're eaten fresh used in jams drinks and desserts the hog plum tastes sweet like you'd expect but it's very creamy almost like a banana with slight acidity coming through from the skin this plum goes well in savory dishes it also pairs well with nuts vanilla plums citrus pineapple and banana they're high in vitamin C niacin calcium potassium phosphorus and is effective at boosting the immune system preventing diabetes migraines hypertension and reducing cholesterol making it a very healthy addition to any diet number three garen Bulo fruit this mexican cactus fruit sometimes called mexican cranberry at first glance will appear to be a blueberry the big giveaway is the giant cactus that they grow on which makes picking these fruit sometimes difficult the spines often stick into humans or animals which are very hard to remove that produce a small greenish yellow flower in July in August which ripens - the reddish purple berries soon afterwards commonly eaten by white-tailed deer turkey and quail this fruit and the cactus they grow on provide many benefits to the desert landscape the Guerin boola fruit are full of juice and tiny seeds the liquid will stain anything it touches much like beet juice this fruits delicious juice tastes like a mix of grape and watermelon when eaten fresh aside from being juiced this fruit is also used in frozen desserts drinks jellies jams and sun-dried they're high in antioxidants and anthocyanin a flavonoid known to immensely boost health the best way to try this fruit is finding a roadside fruit vendor who has him ready in those clear plastic containers number 2 noni fruit this fruit grows on the morinda citrifolia tree a member of the coffee family Southeast Asia and Australia called this fruit home across all the different regions this fruit has over a hundred names used for it the more common ones are Indian mulberry great morinda beech mulberry starvation fruit cheese fruit and vomit fruit if you're wondering the last two names comes from the smell it produces when ripening you can make it past a putrid smell the taste of noni is bitter and unsatisfying despite its unrewarding eating experience this fruit is packed full of nutrition noni fruit is effective at relieving joint pain skin conditions and is also being used to help heal cancer cardiovascular disease and diabetes this new superfood is full of antioxidants vitamin C E zinc calcium potassium and iron recently noni juice has become a popular product in the booming health industry estimates say the noni juice industry is valued at three billion dollars measuring four to seven inches or 10 18 centimeters in size the fruit starts off green turns yellow to almost white as it fully ripens the tree no Negroes on has a very symbiotic relationship with a nature Weaver ants make nests from the leaves of the tree which protects the plant from parasitic insects fruit bats are also drawn to the noni which helps spread the seeds around the land number one chocolate pudding fruit diospyros or block sapote as it's also known is a creamy brown pudding like fruit native to Mexico the Caribbean Central America and Colombia this fruit grows on a large tree that can be 80 feet or 25 meters tall multiple different varieties of this fruit exist all with their own unique features generally the tree that produces these unique fruits takes three to four years from seed to full fruit production while firm the fruit is unripe and needs days to soften up a perfectly ripe chocolate pudding fruit will have a soft wrinkly skin that can easily be punctured with your thumb the inside texture is sometimes described as being tomato like but with the skin being inedible the skin gives a good indication of its ripeness as it turns from an all of yellowish color to dark green when it's ripe the fruit is about the size of an orange with a pot of seeds on the inside that should be scooped out and not eaten looking and tasting like a delicious chocolate pudding this fruit is an obvious choice to be used in desserts and also can be used to make great drinks chocolate mousse ice cream juice and baked goods the black sapote boosts the immune system i health improves digestion and is high in antioxidants vitamin AC prevents constipation and is excellent assisting one with their weight loss goals that you never heard of sony and chocolate pudding to lose weight the benefits don't end there the chocolate pudding fruit helps build strong bones it balances hormones maintains healthy blood pressure levels promotes healthy kidneys and is anti aging I hope you enjoyed this list let us know in the comments below which one of these fruits you haven't heard of and which one do you want to try the most enjoy the content help us out hit that thumbs up button it only takes a second until next one have a good one
Channel: Earth Titan
Views: 2,608,967
Rating: 4.7502365 out of 5
Keywords: top 10 fruits you've never heard of, titan top list, top 10 list, unusual fruits, weird green fruit, weird looking fruit, weird fruit, world fruits, asian fruit, weird fruits, exotic fruits, exotic fruit, fruit exotic, fruit rare, green fruits, tropical fruit, tropical fruits, chocolate pudding fruit, calligonum junceum, hog plum, garambullo, noni fruit, jocote, quince, velvet apple, wanyi, red fruit, pandanus conoideus, king coconut, golden coconut
Id: d6i1CGk6abA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 25 2018
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