Top 10 Food Scandals You Completely Forgot About

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but there is a fear that as we lift the lid off the food industry we may discover more than we bargained for welcome to watch Mojo and today we're looking at controversies revolving around restaurants fast food chains and food brands that might have escaped your memory once we remind you you might think twice before eating your next meal we've been asking Subway questions about their chicken we sent them our DNA results got no clear answers number 10 why Bubble Yum is so chewy hitting the scene in 1975 it wasn't long until Bubble Yum was being chewed in schoolyards Across America how about this Bubble Yum H says super yum this must be new Bubble Yum huh looks good maybe I'll try a piece by its second year on the market a rumor started to spread regarding the secret ingredient that gave the bubble gum its soft chewy property spider eggs today we we have to talk about crusty brand chugo gum likee substance we knew it contained spider eggs but the Haun virus well that really came out of left field in Florida manufacturer Lifesavers hired private detectives to track down the story Source but no luck in any case gossip was popping on the playgrounds from New York to Los Angeles another rumor claimed that the gum caused cancer while reports vary on how much this affected sales Lifesavers was compelled to take out ads dispelling the rumor that seemed to do the trick as Bubble Yum remains a childhood favorite with the spider rumor now a distant memory what's better than Bubble Yum now yummier Bubble Yum number nine shezan sauce Revolt the past few years have been so chaotic that it's easy to forget a simpler time when azuan sauce shortage was the most prominent controversy it's chaos out of McDonald's over of all things sesan sauce customers crowded the counter demanding the sesan dipping sauce for their McNuggets in 1998 McDonald's added szan sauce to the menu as a tie-in for Disney's Mulan the limited time item fell Into Obscurity until Rick and Morty referenced it in 2017 they they created a new sauce for the McNuggets called sesan sauce and it's delicious and they got rid of it and now it's gone this is the only place we're going to be able to try it is in my memory the buzz inspired McDonald's to resurrect Saw 6 months later but they made two massive miscalculations it' only be available for one day and restricted to select locations which were given about 20 packets each fans acted about as Civ as you'd expect with one Los angelis location calling the cops on 300 customers demanding their sauce the sauce has since returned a few times but in larger quantities bear with me with this breaking news sesan sauce is coming back at McDonald number eight the Red &m Scare long before Tucker Carlson was Waging War against the M&M's the colorful candy was at the center of another ridiculous Scandal M&M's will not be satisfied until every last cartoon character is deeply unappealing and totally androgynous from 1976 to 1987 you might have noticed that the color red was missing from the M&M's lineup that's because the FDA banned the use of red dye number two although the red M&M's used red d number three and number 40 the candies manufacturer discontinued the color due to confusion and concern but even without the Reds Americans continued to think M&M's were out of this world and in the 1980s they were right M&M's orbited the Earth with the astronaut orange was introduced as a replacement but consumers remained nostalgic for red occasionally red returned for Holiday packages leading people to write why do I have to buy a whole year's supply after 11 years red fin finally returned as an official color ironically going on to become the Brand's Central spokes candy the reds are being brought back from the dead due to popular demand and the manufacturers feeling that the red dye scare has faded from The public's mind number seven disgusting Domino's people in April 2009 Domino's Pizza went viral for all the wrong and most disgusting reasons in five videos that were posted on YouTube Domino's employee Michael Anthony Setzer used used his nose and buttocks to seemingly desecrate pizza toppings two Domino's Pizza workers in North Carolina are in big trouble with the food police and the real police for making this video and posting it on YouTube his coworker SL accomplice Christy Linn Hammond announced that the pies would be sent out the two underestimated the power of the internet as the videos soon gained millions of views and attention from the Press of course we know that their take the people in the video said well this was all a joke and they say they never serve the food getting fired wasn't even the more serious repercussion charged with a felony for food contamination both would do jail time and be forced to pay fees her former cooworker Michael Sater didn't want to talk either do you want to defend yourself at all not today he ran from Court after both made their initial appearances before a judge on felony charges for tampering with food Domino's eventually recovered from this PR nightmare but considering how many people continue to ruin their lives on social media this cautionary tale shouldn't be forgotten number six radioactive oatmeal oatmeal is a healthy way to start the day assuming it isn't radioactive abandoned as a child Fred Boyce was one of many sent to what is now called the Walter E fernald Developmental Center an establishment for people with developmental disabilities as you might have guessed the children weren't treated with the dignity they deserved these boys did not know uh what was being given to them nor did their parents aspiring for a better life Boyce joined the science club which was entitled to a free breakfast little did the students know that their oatmeal contained radioactive tracers and they were given uh Radioactive calcium and other uh radioisotopes every morning in their in their oatmeal it was either mixed into the oatmeal or in the milk feds to more than 70 kids this experiment was part of a quotee unquote nutritional study that MIT and Quaker Oats sponsored although this happened in the 40s and 50s it wouldn't come to light until the '90s when Boyce and others affected received a sizable settlement these boys grew in Dem man and did not find out what had been done to them till the '90s number five Subway chicken now with 50% chicken whether it's a 6-in chicken teriyaki sub or a foot long long chicken breast it's only natural for Subway patrons to assume that the chicken in a chicken sandwich is 100% well chicken why mess with the sweet onion Teriyaki Chuck Man this ain't messing it's perfecting with marinated chicken and double cheese sweet and savory kind of like you and me Chuck imagine their surprise when a Canadian news program conducted a DNA test in 2017 finding only 53.6% Chicken in Subway's oven roasted chicken and 42.8% in their chicken strips the rest was mainly comprised of soy we expected 100% chicken Subway's chicken samples have the least amount of chicken DNA and the most amount of fillers compared to the others you're getting these inexpensive fillers that aren't as nutritious for you Subway argued that the report was 100% wrong reaching out to two independent Labs that found less than 1% of soy in the samples provided Subway proceeded to sue CBC Marketplace for $210 million this got press all over the world subway now suing CBC for 210 million claiming the report was defamatory and absolutely false Subway contends that its chicken is 100% white meat the story still wasn't the best look for Subway although it's been widely overshadowed by another Scandal that's still top of mind I have the pants of course these are the uh the infamous uh the infamous jeans that as I said have become pretty much more famous than I am number four fingerlicking lawsuit people often forget that Colonel Sanders was an actual person and not just a fast food mascot looks like you've learned to make great chicken only way to serve our customer right they've also forgotten that time that the colonel took KFC to court although Sanders sold KFC in 1964 he continued to act as its symbol Sanders wasn't pleased that his image was being used to sell new products that he didn't create namely a cheaper recipe that replaced his classic chicken Sanders decided to open a new restaurant Claudia Sanders the Colonel's lady Dinner House for more than 60 years the Claudia Sanders Dinner House has been attracting customers from across the country KFC's parent company hu blind Incorporated pursued legal action but the colonel wasn't one to surrender Sanders retaliated with a $122 million lawsuit against hublin eventually reaching a settlement Sanders went on to sell the Colonel's lady restaurant where his original recipe is still served because this is true Kentucky cooking number three hungry enough to eat a horse Europe's food industry was rocked in 2013 when horse DNA was found in beef burgers and lasagnas across various grocery stores the horse meat controversy began last month horse DNA was found in Burgers stocked by some Supermarket chains including Tesco Iceland and little today the beef Saga has spread affecting firms in the UK Irish Republic Poland and France France at the center of the controversy was ABP food group and its subsidiaries most notably supplier Silver Crest in addition to supermarkets horse meat was linked to Burger King which had over 500 chains in the area Burger King conducted DNA tests that found no traces of ewine in their product although Burger King have said that their burgers weren't contaminated and it was just a precautionary measure however small Trace levels were found in four samples from the silver Crest plant this led to Burger King cutting ties with silverrest which didn't deliberately buy the horse meat according to an investigation to The Runaway coverage of this story they are switching to a different supplier for its British and Irish restaurants purely as a voluntary and precautionary measure while health risks weren't involved the Scandal brought up a serious supply chain problem that more people should still be talking about number two expired meat for sale deceiving ret retailers into purchasing horse meat is one thing selling them out ofd meat is another in 2014 it was reported that Shanghai hushi food company had supplied expired meat products to Burger King KFC McDonald's Papa John's Pizza Hut and Starbucks locations in China Shanghai Authority suspended operations at Shanghai Hy after an investigation by the city's Dragon TV channel it said Hy workers were repackaging and selling chicken and beef pass its use by date the tainted meat also reached other countries such as Japan conducting an undercover investigation a reporter found hoi employees processing meat after touching it without any gloves and dropping it on the floor according to a Wednesday statement from the municipal public Security Bureau Shanghai husa Food Company Limited produced 5,18 crates of meat products using expired or moldy materials by July hushi had lost its key client with the factory ceasing operation amid legal troubles although hushi is chinese-based it should be noted that parent company OSI group was founded in Chicago presenting a global issue this largely forgotten story deserves a longer shelf life their parent brand apologized to Chinese consumers Monday but by Tuesday Starbucks said some of its coffee shops had sold food products using chicken sourced from the us-owned Chinese food supplier before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into settings and switch on your notifications number one fast food killer they say that fast food can be bad for one's Health this took on a new meaning in 1997 when fast food employees were targeted by Paul Dennis Reed Reed was eventually convicted of killing seven restaurant workers in Nashville and Clarksville nicknamed the fast food killer Reed arrived in Nashville in hopes of becoming a country music star instead he went down as an Infamous figure committing multiple robberies and murders between February and April of that year Reed targeted a captain de McDonald's and Baskin Robbins claiming Seven Lives and nearly taking more Reed killed employees at a captain D in Donaldson a McDonald's in Hermitage and a basin Robins in Clarksville these crimes matched Reed's Mo as he previously served 7 years for robbing a Houston Steakhouse upon being captured again Reed received multiple death sentences although he ultimately wasn't executed Reed died in 2013 it's a disturbing dish that remains hard to digest a doctor at Metro General Hospital here in town pronounced Paul Dennis Reed dead just before 6:00 the convicted killer has been off death row and in the hospital for nearly a week now with some serious breathing TR do you remember watching any of these scandals unfold let us know in the comments did you enjoy this video check out these other clips from watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Views: 152,165
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Keywords: Food, KFC, McDonald's, Travel, burger king, business scandals, controversies, controversy, crime, fast food, fast food controversies, fast food facts, fast food killer, fast food lawsuits, fast food scandals, food controversies, food facts, food scandals, list, marketing scandals, mojo, restaurant controversies, restaurant scandals, scandal, scandals, subway, things you forgot, things you forgot about, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo
Id: 2OiC12er0GU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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