Top 10 Untold Truths of the Heart Attack Grill

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Who doesn’t love a fast food burger and fries every now and then? The fact that fast food joints such as McDonald's and Burger King do so well is a clear indicator that most people do. Not to mention, most people think that whenever they splurge on burgers and fries from one of these joints, they are eating the least nutritious meal around. They are actually quite wrong, because fast food from those restaurants are actually quite low in calories compared to what is offered at the Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas, Nevada. So prepare to be shocked as we look at the top 10 untold truths of Heart Attack Grill. One Major Oxymoron The Heart Attack Grill was founded in 2005 in Tempe, Arizona by former health nut and personal trainer Jon Basso. He not only owned several fitness studios and Jenny Craig franchises, but he used to preach to everyone he knew about weight loss. He then realized that not everyone could lose weight easily due to their genetic makeup. Along with other challenging situations, he became bitter and jaded about the weight loss industry. He then decided it was time to go 180 and began by listening to stories from his clients about how they cheated on their diets. Basso also loved the idea of serving food that was so bad for you that it would be shocking! After being inspired by writing a marketing essay about gym studios in conjunction with the fascination of how his former clients cheated on their diets, the Heart Attack Grill was born. Basso created a hospital themed restaurant where the waitresses pose as nurses. When they take your orders, they act as if they are taking down your prescriptions! There were several franchises in Arizona and in Dallas, Texas, however, those did not work out. So if you want to go to the Heart Attack Grill, then you’ll have to go to Las Vegas, Nevada where this is the only one. Basso's message to those who eat there is to eat at your own risk! People Over 350 Lbs Eat Free Those who want to eat at the Heart Attack Grill must be prepared for the fact that they are going to get weighed before they enter the restaurant by a nurse/waitress on a livestock scale. Remember, this is a hospital-themed restaurant so you will be instructed to step on the scale before entering just like you would when you actually go see your doctor. And here is the kicker. If you weigh 350 lbs or more then you will be able to eat for free! With that said, if you weigh 349 lbs or less, then you will have to pay for your meal. And if one of the things on your bucket list is to go to the Heart Attack Grill to eat for free, then you will need to keep gaining weight. If you’re nowhere near the 350 mark, all you need to do is live as much of a sedentary lifestyle as you possibly can while you eat a box of pizza each night, along with other fast food menu items! Keep plenty of candy bars in stock as well. And then before you know it, you will hit your goal of 350 lbs and can now enjoy eating at the Heart Attack Grill for free! Lucky you! Several Deaths Are Tied to the Heart Attack Grill Plenty of jokes about having a heart attack at the Heart Attack Grill go around for obvious reasons. However, several deaths have actually been tied to the restaurant. The spokesperson for the restaurant, Blair River, age 29, weighed 575 lbs at the time he passed away after complications from pneumonia on March 1, 2011. River was a good friend of the owner, Jon Basso, and Basso was saddened that he lost his life at a young age and even acknowledged that his weight may have played a role in not fighting off the pneumonia. The Arizona franchise closed several months after River's death. Additionally, in April 2012, a woman ended up unconscious while eating one of their Double Bypass Burgers. She was also drinking booze and smoking as well. And, here is the ultimate irony. The official Heart Attack Grill spokesperson, John Alleman, who was also a daily patron ended up dying from a sudden heart attack while he was at the bus stop right in front of the restaurant in February of 2013. Alleman was only 52 years old at the time. Also, a year before that, a man was eating a Triple Bypass Burger which is even worse in caloric value than some of the others served there and started having a heart attack. Basso had to call 9-1-1 and the customer was taken to a real hospital! The Vegan Menu Is Cigarettes Fast food joints such as Burger King, McDonald's, Taco Bell, Wendy's and so on will offer salads or some form of vegetarian options on their menus. However, if you were to go to the Heart Attack Grill and ask for a salad or inquire about vegetables being put on your ultimate fattening burgers, you will be laughed at! Well actually they do offer tomato and onion slices but if you are looking to eat anything healthy, other than that, you can forget it. And, if you are a vegetarian or a vegan, then this is not the restaurant for you. There are absolutely no vegetables or healthy options available. Even their all-you-can-eat Flatliner Fries are fried in animal lard, not vegetable oil because again, nothing related to anything healthy is associated with this restaurant. And that also means if you are a vegan or a vegetarian, the only thing you could order from the restaurant that has nothing to do with meat or animal fat are cigarettes. Yes, cigarettes are on the menu. Their Mexican-bottled Coca-Cola is also made of cane sugar, so perhaps vegetarians can enjoy that if they wanted to experience the restaurant. Chances are a vegan or a vegetarian would not want to step one foot in the door. However, if you have a good friend who is a vegetarian and wants to go with you to the Heart Attack Grill, then go and wolf down the Triple Bypass Burger with unlimited Flatliner Fries. All this while your vegetarian friend can smoke a few cigarettes, drink that Mexican-bottled Coca-Cola, and shake their head in complete disbelief. One of the Burgers Is About 20,000 Calories You may have heard that the Quadruple Bypass Burger from the Heart Attack Grill was the worst possible fast food item that anyone could possibly eat. This is because it is made up of four half-pound beef patties, eight American cheese slices as well as 20 pieces of bacon and it adds up to just around 10,000 calories. However, you would be either excited or horrified to know that the Quadruple Bypass Burger is no longer the worst item on the Heart Attack Grill menu. That crown goes to the Octuple Bypass, which, as the name implies, has nearly the double the amount of calories as the Quadruple Bypass Burger! The Octuple Bypass burger is just around 20,000 calories and consists of eight half-pound patties, 40 bacon strips, lots of cheese, chili, and a tomato. By the way, their buns are also fried in lard. This is a true heart attack on a plate. The one thing that many people wonder about this extreme burger is how can you possibly pick that thing up and eat it? Let alone be able to finish it in one sitting! Think about it. If the average adult needs around 2,000 to 2,500 calories a day, then the Octuple Bypass is really meant to keep you sustained for 7 to 10 days! After eating this burger, you probably won’t be hungry again for at least a week! A Spanking If You Don’t Finish If you hear of someone being spanked for not finishing their meal, you would automatically think it was the 1950s and Timmy didn’t eat his broccoli! At the Heart Attack Grill, if you do not finish the calories that were prescribed to you, then the nurse/waitress will not be pleased and she will give you a spanking! You really are expected to finish up that prescription of calories that the doctor ordered for you. However, is the spanking mandatory? No. That is if you are a good patient, then you will be let off the hook. However, the nurse will be quite sad if you still fail to finish your meal. And before you become terrified of going to the Heart Attack Grill due to the strong possibility of failing to finish your meal, don't be. The spanking that patients receive will not hurt. You will be asked if you want the spanking to be hard or mild, and again, if you don't want to be spanked at all, then they will respect that as well. Just remember that the spanking that you would receive at the Heart Attack Grill for not finishing your food is all for fun. Free Wheelchair Service at the Heart Attack Grill The Quadruple Bypass Burger is 9,982 calories. And you know that the Octuple Bypass Burger takes the cake at nearly 20,000 calories. Add any of those burgers to the unlimited Flatliner Fries that are fried in lard along with loads of mozzarella cheese and gravy splattered all over it, and that right there is a recipe for a heart attack. Why stop there when you can increase your risk by having any of those along side the butterfat milkshakes that the Heart Attack Grill proudly offers as well. With that said, anyone who is able to finish those hefty burgers will automatically get wheelchair service by one of the nurse/waitresses. That comes with the order, and if you are successful in going through the "procedure" aka the hefty calorie consumption, then you will be wheeled over from the restaurant right to your car! Doesn't that sound like fun? The service is not included with the Single Bypass and Double Bypass Burgers because those ones are not life-threatening enough to warrant such measures. Get Paid To Appear On Infomercials Have you dreamed about becoming a star? Well, if you go to the Heart Attack Grill, your wish could very well come true! Heart Attack Grill is working with Bad Diet Productions to help them produce rock videos and infomercials. They are looking for extraverted and fun people to go in front of the camera, and they will pay them quite well for this too! They need people to be involved in their projects, and if this is something you have really wanted to do, then this is your chance! How can anyone really turn away from such an exciting opportunity? You go to Vegas, have some fun at the casinos, then try out the Heart Attack Grill on Fremont street. And, you also have a chance to appear on camera while you are getting involved in a Bad Diet Production, and you get paid for it! This opportunity really has to be on everyone’s bucket list. Well, not everyone. Those who are introverts, vegans, vegetarians, health conscious, or camera shy are not going to be the ideal candidates for this opportunity. However, for anyone else, you only live once right? Go and have an Octuple Bypass Burger along with unlimited Flatliner Fries and a butterfat milkshake if you dare! And then go and tell them that you want to be on camera, and get paid for it! That is a once in a lifetime kind of thing! Let’s just ignore the fact that you may have significantly shortened your lifetime in the process. Sharing Is Forbidden As mentioned before, you are expected to finish your food if you go to the Heart Attack Grill. And, you already know that you will be spanked if you fail to finish your "prescription", so it is not a surprise that if you make the commitment to eat at the Heart Attack Grill, you will have to finish what you order. Especially the larger burgers! That’s right, you cannot split or share the larger ones, and this is why if you dare yourself to eat one of their larger burgers, then you really are making that commitment. The only exception is that you are permitted to split the extremely tame 2,500-calorie Single Bypass Burger or the Coronary Dog along with the sides. With that said, if you’re not daring enough to try one of their larger burgers, but you still want to have the experience of eating at one of the most intriguing restaurants around - then you are better off with sticking to the Single Bypass Burger. Because you are allowed to split it and share it with others. However, just remember the nurses won't be pleased and you may still end up with a spanking. An Unexpected Complaint It should not come as a shock to anyone that the Arizona Board of Nursing would file a complaint about the Heart Attack Grill. Think about it. They serve the unhealthiest food around, and any restaurant that offers burgers that are close to 20,000 calories along with unlimited fries that are fried in lard will cause medical associations to file many complaints. However, the Arizona Board of Nursing filed a complaint against the Heart Attack Grill for the fact that their waitresses are dressed in naughty, cleavage-baring, skimpy nurse uniforms in high heels! They believed that this was an insult to the nursing profession. While they may have a point, there are also other obvious medical issues associated with the restaurant. It’s sort of just a weird scene all around. No heart attack concerns with our content! So stick around and tap that screen to check out one of our great videos. And we’d love it if you subscribe to our channel if you haven’t already.
Channel: BabbleTop
Views: 2,766,647
Rating: 4.6743655 out of 5
Keywords: top 10 untold truths of heart attack grill, heart attack grill, truths of heart attack grill, things you didn't know about heart attack grill, heart attack, las vegas, burger, hamburger, grill, food challenge, bypass burger, burgers, cheeseburger, heart attack burger, quadruple bypass burger, restaurant, heart, spanking, food, heart attack grill las vegas, heart attack grill nurses, burger eating challenge, the heart attack grill, heart attack restaurant, eating challenge, top 10, list
Id: z2Zt9nI31Z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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