Top 10 Fire Cooking Items - What You REALLY Need

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welcome back to fight a fork my name's Harry his name's Fred and today we're gonna go through my top ten recommended items for your campfire cook now this is specifically for campfire cooking so we're not including stuff that you need to light a fire with this is assuming you have a fire it's lit and you want to cook on it it's also not your generic cooking item so it doesn't include your cups and sauces and crockery and all that kind of stuff that we assume you've already got this is for your campfire cooking and specific items that make it easier to cook on a campfire but which is often quite different to stuff you need on a gas burner sorry from being distracted there a whole bunch of eagles here and they're very interested in Fred's for it and Fred's very interested in them so yeah anyway now there's going to be a link to every single item or at least a version of it in the description below I'm going to do a us link and Australian link because they're obviously very different if you're in the rest of the world I'm sorry but at least it'll give you you know the names of the things to Google now item number one is the humble welding glove welding gloves are phenomenally useful protecting your hands from fire I suggest going to Bunnings I think the fancy ones at Bunnings are twelve bucks and they're not fancy ones are ten dollars fifty so yeah not the most expensive items in the world but we'll save your hands makes cooking on a fire so much easy you can move coals around you can move your cookware around all that kind of stuff look if you grab a giant lump of coal and you hold it your hand it will burn you anything will but at least it'll give you a few seconds to quickly you know hot potato it over somewhere else so very very important along that same heat protection sort of theme are these things extra-long utensils just barbecue utensils get a decent quality set don't get aluminium these are a nonstick which I probably wouldn't go for again I probably just go for a stainless look they keep you away from the fire they make it so much easier if you're trying to use little short spatulas and things it becomes a nightmare these things are very useful but you need to use welding gloves you need to be right in there close for the nine times out of ten that is going to be the thing I reach for before that next a shovel this is I use this one for the little fire pit is sometimes for big fires but if I have a giant fire then you definitely want like a look good long handled shovel this is an a tool from the Army and these are about as good as you can get very very very important also has multiple uses as we all know you know burying things next on the list a grill plate and not just any grill plate a good grill plate I am a massive fan of grill plates with rigid legs this is a front runner one I used to recommend these until they changed the legs to aluminium and now they melt in the fire so overall it's a really good concept but don't recommend him anymore unfortunately before this I had a grill plate that I welded up myself because I was so sick of folding grill plates you just knock them a little bit you move that log and the things fall over or something like this doesn't matter how much you knock it it's never gonna it's never gonna fall over so definitely definitely if you can possibly get one get a rigid one the stuff that we can carry to make touring easier now if there is ever one of those items that I would actually consider to be a survival item if you've got nothing else you really need a sharp knife in the bush now I have a range of knives in fact I have a mild obsession with knives my most used knife is this and a chef's knife the chef's knife looks like this rounded blade good for sort of that sort of action really really useful definitely recommend at least one of those and these are that's that's my favorite life that just is and while we're on the topic of knives kind of a bonus item yeah sharpener bring a sharpener nothing worse than a dull knife in the bush next is something that I think is incredibly important and to me was an absolute game changer the first time I used a camp oven it totally changed the way I looked at camping it is no longer meant that everything had to go on a frypan or on a grill plate suddenly I could actually roast things like I do at home now I use a sponge steel in fact I you use as much spun steel as humanly possible it's very hard to get in America you can get it though you there also known as dutch ovens and they're usually cast-iron so this thing I'm going to do a whole run-through on how to actually use one of these properly but if you watch my videos every recipe I talk about exactly how the heat distribution should work this is a game changer the next item is I'm not really sure what the proper names are these are but basically a barbecue grill some people call them Brys there are lots of different names for them or bright baskets sorry and this is a nas bride this is definitely my favorite of all the different varietals and I've had this for quite a while and I absolutely love it it completely changed the way I viewed cooking dinner for lots of people particularly when I have you know some veggies and some mate and you know five steaks and whatever using one of these just suddenly takes away that risk of losing something you can just grab the whole lot at once turn it over check it pull it out have a look move it around instead of dealing with everything over the fire and turning each one especially when there's a really big fire so you just do it all as one unit and I tell you what it has been a game-changer the next one it's something you might not expect a wok now I like a folding handle what I've used all different types and the folding handles just a bit more space efficient they're inexpensive they balance beautifully on a fire because they're much more forgiving if you're on an angle it's great for just putting straight on the coals very hard to spill things out of they are just really really useful they're not the most space efficient thing but when I started bringing this I stopped bringing a whole bunch of other things like higher side with fry pans and things like that because I carry this I don't carry a skillet usually or a little frypan this is all I carry it's also much lighter than a cast-iron frypan now the next one is the humble Billy by the way never get an aluminium Billy they are a waste of time they melt the fire really fast you'll see inside they've got these little drain holes that makes it fantastic for draining pasture rice all that kind of stuff I just find you boil your tear you blow your water for washing up all that sort of stuff if they're really really versatile and I just love them yeah kind of Majan life without a billion bucks in my kit on the fire next on the list is something that I didn't think would be half as valuable as it turned out to be and that is a bucket now I've done crabs crayfish big pot big pots of pasture big pots of rice all that kind of stuff as well as heading up my washing up water heading up my shower water just this thing is incredibly versatile and when I'm not using it I just store my stuff in it now you have to get a stainless steel one the galvanizing will burn off you get a gal one a mild steel one or a painted one obviously will not last in the fire this is a marine bucket so I got from a marine store they can be quite expensive I've seen them as I've said them close to 100 bucks for a bloody bucket which is ridiculous I got this one special for $18 so when I did I bought four keep an eye on special you should be able to eat one for twenty to thirty bucks and they are just so so useful and that's it that's the list except it's not you can say that there's more time down the bottom there yeah I'm gonna got a few little bonus items that aren't essential but I do love them okay and they are jaffa lions or pi ions as they say in America these things are awesome they weigh a little bit but I mean who doesn't love a really good toasty or dessert or whatever in a Jaffa lon they are the bomb definitely get one a wire brush get a wire brush for cleaning off your hot plates you know this is all covered and crap stuff rusts when it goes on fire stuff gets dirty this thing is worth its weight in gold I know I haven't included it in as part of the main bit basically because this is not a cleaning video but it is really useful get one and finally again not essential but damn it's useful heat proof table I don't I do have a little side table that's not heat proof but everything else I own is heat proof so I've got this horrible old table that I do all of my cooking videos on at home and some out in the bush and the reason I haven't got rid of it is because I can't find anything else that's good and heat proof and isn't $800 and that's also why I've got stainless in the back of my cruiser because I love this means that if I did just have a plastic table off to the side we can still use this and put all my dirty stuff on it put my hot stuff on it I fill up fish on here I do my electrical work I do you know rebuild an axle do whatever because at the end of the day it's three one six stainless I can wipe it off if I really need to I can I can actually just take a wire brush to it and bring it right back anyway that's it from me for today if you want to see more like this please let me know what you want more are down below I've got some I think some pretty cool ideas for new videos and you know top tens and my favorite things my least favorite things that sort of stuff but if you have any strong requests chuck them in the comments below and I'll see in the next one Cheers
Channel: Fire to Fork
Views: 42,991
Rating: 4.9770904 out of 5
Keywords: Fire to Fork, Camping, Cooking, fire cooking, fire, western australia, overlanding, Toyota Landcruiser, fire 2 fork, Harry Fisher, catch and cook, steak, recipe, gourmet, kimberley, camp cooking, food porn, food, off road, 4x4, dog, rescue dog, chef, aussie, dutch oven, camp oven, cast iron, Gear Junkie, cooking gear, beginners camp cooking, easy advice, cheap gear, quality gear, fire cooking gear, camping gear
Id: D_iBf_-Pn-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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