Top 10 Film Villains Who Had Justifiable Motives

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you know what we can kinda see where they're coming from welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top ten film villains who had justifiable motives before we begin we publish new videos every day so be sure to subscribe for more great content for this list we'll be looking at various movie villains who may have actually had a point or at least sympathetic and understandable motives for doing what they did number 10 syndrome The Incredibles there are many things that Pixar excels at and creating memorable villains is definitely one of them syndrome was once a fan of mr. incredible but after being rejected by him spends the next few years scheming his revenge can you fly fly home buddy I work alone his ultimate goal is to become a hero in the eyes of the public and sell his powerful inventions in turn making everyone a superhero and negating the term in the process how do you think I got rich I invented weapons and now I have a weapon that only I could defeat sure it's for entirely selfish reasons but you can't deny that making everyone a superhero really isn't so bad would you turn down some of those crazy inventions if offered didn't think so and with everyone super no one will be number 9 vulture spider-man homecoming whether he's playing in comic book hero or the villain Michael Keaton shines I bought trucks for this job I don't know no crew these guys have a family I have my house I'm sorry sir there's nothing I can do his vulture is arguably one of the strongest recent comic book villains at least on screen and the characters success stems from both Keaton's performance and the writing behind him after being hired to clean up the Battle of New York his business is run out by Tony Stark forcing him to steal and sell the salvaged alien weapons on the black market world's changing it's time we changed too he doesn't want to rule the world like most comic book villains he just wants a comfortable life for his family and he will do anything to have it including selling alien weapons for money his people peed those people up there the rich and the powerful they do whatever they want guys like us you me he'll care bonus number eight cipher the matrix just imagine this for a second you're living your life peacefully and then some mysterious guy shows up informs you that you're just a glorified battery for a race of angry machines and that your entire reality was a simulation to keep you pacified welcome to the real world he frees you and you now live in a hunk of Steel and eat mush all day you'd probably want to out to cipher gives up Morpheus to Agent Smith and in exchange he gets to plug back into the matrix and have his memory wiped I'm tired Trinity I'm tired this war I have fighting tired this ship in short he gets to go back to his normal existence that wasn't that something he would want as well as they say ignorance is bliss after nine years you know what I realized ignorance is bliss number seven Raoul Silva Skyfall Silva doesn't want to rule the world via ice shooting satellite or whatever he just wants some good old-fashioned revenge who send you off to me knowing you are not ready knowing you would likely die mommy was very bad after hacking into top-secret Chinese files without authorization Silva is sacrificed in exchange for the release of numerous other operatives following five months of torture he attempts to kill himself by a cyanide capsule which horribly disfigured him but fails to take his life rarely is a James Bond villain so complex but then again these newest installments aren't like most James Bond movies well we don't agree with his actions we can certainly see why he would desire revenge being abandoned by your agency is bad enough but that face adds serious insult to injury number 6 Roy batty Blade Runner not only does he give one of the most moving soliloquies in cinematic history he is also arguably one of the mediums most sympathetic villains Roy is a replicant and to limit their emotional responses they are given only four years to live deciding that this was not nearly enough Roy travels to earth to meet his creator dr. Tyrell in the hopes of obtaining a longer lifespan what seems to be the problem gay that's it that's all he simply wanted to live for more than four years and he and his accomplices were subsequently hunted down for it yeah we can see how he'd be a little ticked off time enough number five old Joe looper we know old Joe is a child murderer and yes he is a complete monster for it after his loop is ordered closed by the Rainmaker the rainmakers men accidentally killed Joe's wife in response Joe sends himself back in time to kill the Rainmaker as a boy Terminator style to prevent his wife from being killed in the future she never meets you she's safe you understand we don't have to give her up I'm not gonna give her up while killing young children is completely abhorrent clearly doesn't enjoy doing it he's simply acting out of perceived necessity and the sheer love he has for his wife and that's certainly at least a little sympathetic [Music] number four Andrew Detmer Chronicle Chronicle follows a similar vein of kerry andrew is a loner who has a rough life both at school and at home relentlessly bullied by students and abused by his alcoholic father I went through a camera what did you see just you being a loser add to the fact that his loving mother is painfully dying of cancer and you've got an emotional bomb waiting to go off when Andrew obtains superpowers however he sees himself as an apex predator and begins to use these forces for evil including ripping teeth out of his bully's mouths and violently lashing out at his father and like Carrie the message is clear maybe we should treat each other a little better lest someone snap and then apex predator number 3 Magua the last of the Mohicans though the novel painted an even more nuanced and complex picture of this character the film adaptation still did an admirable job in helping us understand Magua and his motives and like many other villains he has revenge on his mind his entire village was burned to the ground by the British his children were killed and he was taken as a slave by another tribe Maya's children were killed by the English I was taking a slave in his mind all his misfortunes stem from the gray hair ie the British Magua would put his children under the knife [Music] while that may not warrant all the violence that Magua caused we can certainly understand how such pain and grief served as grounds for revenge in his eyes number two Koba Planet of the Apes franchise Koba hi I'm well torturer can certainly do terrible things to the mind of a man or an ape before Caesars rise Koba was moved from lab to lab and was subjected to countless tests and forms of abuse throughout his life due to his endless torture at the hands of humans he soon grew an intense hatred towards them which in turn led him to becoming a genocidal maniac who wanted the entire human race eliminated while he may have gone a bit extremist we can't help but feel sympathy towards his plight and inhumane upbringing season week number one magneto x-men franchise this is where your power was born and this is where your people was slaughtered magneto is less villain and more tragic anti villain not only because he is complex but also because he's played by Ian McKellen and Michael Fassbender and it's impossible to hate those guys magneto is a passionate crusader for the rights of mutants and will do anything to protect his species from discrimination or extinction even if that means going on the offensive who will you stand with the humans or us with the background not only as a mutant but as a Jew magneto knows firsthand how cruel humans can be towards those they perceive as others and aims to prevent another terrible outcome for those of his kind while his actions may not be Noble his heart is in the right place doesn't it ever wake you up in the middle of the night a feeling and one day they'll come for you and your children do you agree with our picks check out these other great clips from watch mojo and subscribe for new videos every day
Views: 3,562,066
Rating: 4.7991529 out of 5
Keywords: Top 10, list, top 5, watchmojo, top ten, best, worst, top film villains with justifiable motives, top movie villains with understandable motives, movie villains, sympathetic villains, syndrome, the incredibles, cypher, the matrix, the vulture, spider-man homecoming, spider-man, roy batty, rutger hauer, blade runner, raoul silva, james bond, skyfall, old joe, looper
Id: iosbgSqbInk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Sat May 05 2018
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