Top 20 Movie Reveals No One Saw Coming

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this video is brought to you by fantasy island own it on digital now on blu-ray and DVD May 12th plot twist welcome to list we're discussing the most unexpected reveals from film that left viewers speechless and will be including both plot twists and identity reveals considering the nature of this list it probably goes without saying but a major spoiler alert is an order 18 months ago who did something remarkable something not even my superior based on number 20 the Invisible Man becomes visible The Invisible Man I found something they can prove what I'm experiencing they can prove that Adrian is stalking me the most recent entry on this list is the 2020 film adaptation of the Invisible Man based on the 1897 HG Wells novel of the same name starring Elisabeth Moss as Cecilia the title of the film is pretty explanatory of the premise a scientist can Cox a way to become invisible then terrorizes Moss's character in violent and unpredictable ways the catch here is that for the entire film the titular character is presumed to be Cecilia's abusive ex who apparently committed suicide shortly after she left him there you are but that is proven false when after gaining the upper hand and fatally shooting the invisible man Moss's character realizes the Invisible Man was her ex's brother number 19 meeting the parents spider-man homecoming in rescue Peter yeah meeting your date's parents is awkward enough especially when her father is the weapons mastermind that tried to kill you Adrian Toomes also known as vulture tried multiple times to disrupt the status quo and squander spider-man's feeble attempts at retaliation so we guess you could say they knew each other kind of after Peter arrives at his homecoming dates house he is left absolutely speechless when vulture opens the door to welcome him clueless as to Spidey's real identity tooms tries to ease the palpable tension with cheesy dad jokes that only make things more awkward cuz you look pale answer vulture catches on to Peter after a while though but when the family relation is initially revealed it was certainly a jaw-dropping moment no one could have predicted this you know good number 18 Malcolm rivers multiple personalities identity where'd you get that the main plot of the 2003 film identity revolves around dissociative identity disorder previously known as multiple personality disorder which is a condition where an individual harbors two or more different personalities that are empirically distinct from one another Malcolm rivers suffers from this mental illness having created 11 separate identities within himself to cope with childhood trauma you missed your last appointment ever he's unaware of the situation and unable to recognize the mug shot of convicted murderer Malcolm rivers the original man that contains all of his identities so it's particularly shocking when his psychiatrist shows him a mirror and the image of himself that's reflected back is Malcolm rivers as played by Pruitt Taylor Vince ed Wood that is your face subsequently he has a bit of a freakout flashing between Malcolm rivers and Ed Dakota played by John Cusack and everything is gradually explained Malcolm is in the midst of a medical treatment one which forces all his identities to confront one another for the first time number 17 red is Adelaide is red us with his debut feature film get out Jordan Peele announced himself as a potentially game-changing filmmaker one who knows how to keep audiences on their toes his follow-up Us is a thrilling horror movie starring Lupita Nyong'o that pushed the boundaries within the genre to new psychological Heights the story read tells the Wilsons about the girl in her shadow is seriously haunting but also the key foreshadowing for the final twist in the film's final moments Adelaide again recalls the incident from her childhood at the funhouse this time revealing the full picture red attacked Adelaide and left her trapped in the funhouse with the tethered meaning that for the entire movie red was Adelaide and Adelaide was red number 16 people food Soylent Green the best type of plot twist is one that involves cannibalism unfortunately that just so happens to be the reveal in Soylent Green in a dystopian world ravaged by overpopulation and a mass shortage of essential resources like food and water soil and industries provides wafers as a food source one in particular the film's namesake Soylent Green is tasty and nutritious allegedly made from ocean plankton however oceanographic reports proved the oceans had no plankton and upon further investigation it's revealed that Soylent Green is actually made out of human remains meaning anyone who ate the wafer was unintentionally partaking in cannibalism people the film is set in the year 2022 so we can only hope this was not a prediction of the near future number 15 ghost face unmasked scream the biggest twist in this movie was the Drew Barrymore who was marketed as the main lead in the film was only in it for like two seconds just kidding though that was quite the bait and switch [Music] the screen franchisee which began in 1996 and continued for over a decade until 2011 distinguished itself by holding up a mirror to the genre as well as calling out in toying with common horror tropes main characters Sidney Prescott is stalked by the mask wearing killer ghost face and he is seriously creepy well more like they are creepy the huge plot twist comes near the end of the movie when it's revealed that Ghost Face is actually two killers and not just one and it made for a killer reveal watch a few movies take a few notes number 14 the real jigsaw killer saw the dead body is not dead we repeat the dead body is not dead this hugely successful franchise has racked up more than its fair share of twists and turns over the course of numerous sequels but the twist ending of the first film remains arguably the property's greatest to date as the main characters attempt to navigate the cool game of life and death into which they've been thrust against their will it quickly becomes clear that death is far more likely than escape in Psy's final scene after all the tension and bloodshed the dead body in the middle of the room slowly rises up it's a very interesting person his name's John has an inoperable front to the villainess jigsaw killer was hiding in plain sight the whole time number 13 the bunker parasite this Jarah bending film is a wild ride from start to finish directed by pong ho who won four Academy Awards for the film parasite can be described as cerebral funny and thrilling the title parasite is quite telling something that lives off of another is essentially the boil down premise of this movie the Kim family secretly infiltrates the wealthy park family but they aren't the only ones the parks former housekeeper and her husband were keeping secrets too the hidden underground bunker definitely makes for an unexpected twist one that added just the right amount of excitement and tension though as to the question of who the real parasites are that remains up for debate only for the tones of Toby's hunger I'm penny number 12 sacrifice the prestige following the lives of two rival magicians and jeer and Borden this psychological thriller sees each of them creating performances where they were apparently able to transport themselves to different spots on the stage however when Angiers seemingly drowns in an act gone wrong Borden is found at the scene and sentenced to death for the magician's murder I saw someone making their way below stage I follow them it was portals watching mr. nga drown but Angie er didn't really die moments after Borden's execution the executed man shoots ng ER revealing he was a twin the grim final twist comes when Borden realizes just how and gyr pulled off his own act he would clone himself while the original would fall through a trapdoor and drown under the stage a magician never reveals their secret but it would seem that it was actually lies and deception from the start I'm gonna tank all I wanted to do was prove that I was a better magician you didn't leave me alone number 11 what's in the box seven oh what's in the box what's in the box Gwyneth Paltrow's decapitated head of course oh no seriously I took a souvenir her pretty head this classic David Fincher crime thriller had an unforgettably chilling twist detective Somerset in Mills finally apprehend a murderer they were hunting who happens to be a serial killer whose heinous crimes were based on the seven deadly sins gluttony greed sloth lust pride envy and wrath known only is John Doe he gives himself up to the police convincing the detectives to follow his terms of surrender in return for the last two victims John Doe directs them to a remote location and this is where he reveals he had murdered Mills pregnant wife because of his envy of their normal life which incites Mills to kill John Doe in a blind rage becoming the last of the deadly sins wrath number ten Snape's true intentions Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part-2 the eighth and final film adaptation of JK Rowling's Harry Potter series was the anticipated emotional ending over a decade in the making those who read the books knew the twist before the film was released but those who didn't were in for a big shock throughout the series professor Severus Snape played by the late great Alan Rickman was a clear antagonist with a seething hatred for both Harry and his deceased father however in the battle between Voldemort and Hogwarts Voldemort orders Snape to be killed before he dies Snape is able to pass on his memories to Harry which reveal an opponent Lee heart-wrenching portrayal that he had been protecting Harry all along spoke of a boy born at the end of July yes but he thinks it's her son intends to hunt them down no to kill them let's just say that now we can't hear the word always without sobbing Oh number nine who is Andrew lateis shutter island' this Scorsese thriller follows Edward Teddy Daniels a US Marshal investigating a missing patient of the titular Island psychiatric facility sorry doctor you don't happen to have an aspirin do you suffering migraines and hallucinations Daniels becomes increasingly paranoid and believes something is definitely off about the whole thing tremors are getting pretty bad how the hallucinations get out of here teddy this place is gonna be the end of you the plot comes to a head when the staff reveals that Daniels himself is the arsonist he has ultimately been chasing after they were performing an experiment to see if he would recall the events that led him to the facility Teddy Daniels real name is Andrew ladis he killed his wife after she drowned their children not the ugly thing dog experiment is ultimately deemed a failure but Leonardo DeCaprio statement at the end of the film implies he does in fact remember knowing the truth he'd simply rather be lobotomised which would be worse don't live is a monster what a die is a good man number eight a telling handshake unbreakable a horrific train crash that killed 130 people in the blink of an eye leaves one man David Dunn as the sole survivor and shockingly without a single scratch on him Elijah a comic book art dealer tells him about his theory of real superheroes if there's someone like me in the world and I am at one end of the spectrum couldn't that be someone else opposite of me have the other end someone who doesn't get sick doesn't get hurt with the rest of us David realizes he's walked away from more than a few near-death experiences and that he can see people's crimes through physical contact with them unfortunately the twist comes at David's expense when a later handshake with Elijah reveals that he was the mastermind behind various accidents including David's train crash because he was seeking a superhero counterpart to his villain you know what the scariest thing is to not know your place in this world to not know why you're here many years later we get a bonus reveal in the film split which is a sneaky sequel that sees done making an appearance at the very end was it mr. class number seven Tyler Durden also known as the narrator Fight Club ever notice that Edward Norton's character in Fight Club doesn't have a name known only as the narrator his life becomes infinitely more exciting and chaotic after meeting Tyler Durden played by Brad Pitt the first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club they establish a Fight Club together that soon evolves into an anti consumerism organization that condones violence and anarchy the massive twist comes when the narrator tracks down dirt into a different city where he informs him that they are one in the same because we're the same person that's right the brilliant editing throughout the film which included split second spliced frames of Durden and scenes with the narrator haired with this iconic twist firmly established this movie as a cult classic I am smart capable and most importantly I'm free in all the ways that you were not Tyler's not here either way number six an inappropriate relationship Chinatown you see I'm mrs. Evelyn Mulwray you know mr. morays wife a neo-noir mystery film directed by Roman Polanski Chinatown stars Jack Nicholson as private investigator JJ Jake gibbous after a series of events he looks into the murder of a Department of Water and Power chief engineer leading him to the man's wife Evelyn Mulwray some fishy business is going down but Guinness can't figure it out that is until he catches Evelyn with her dead husband's mistress mrs. Mulwray you've got your husband's girlfriend tied up a theory she's not tied up know what holding her against her will I am NOT after multiple attempts to deduce their relationship the perverted truth comes out Evelyn was raped by her father and her sister is also her daughter also it turns out that Evelyn's father had her husband murdered an incestuous relationship definitely qualifies as a plot twist albeit a disturbing one number 5 dead people the sixth sense admittedly and my Shyamalan has had a bit of a bumpy career directing more than his fair share of flops but when The Sixth Sense hit theaters in 1999 he was being heralded as one of the most promising young storytellers working in the medium the major plot twist has inspired and appeared in many movies including the others which was released just a few years after all of the clues were spelled out plain as day the kid literally tells us that he interacts with the dead looking back it all makes sense but the first viewing was a huge shock to everyone who watched stellar performances by both Bruce Willis and Haley Joel Osment made this plot twist an absolute jaw dropper just practicing my lights number four home sweet home Planet of the Apes imagine waking up on a strange planet almost 2,000 years after your space mission began well that's exactly how Planet of the Apes begins and it only gets Wilder from there shortly after landing astronauts Taylor dodge and Landon are captured by primates who rule the planet the sooner he is exterminated the better it's a question of simian survival they realize humans are imprisoned and enslaved while the Apes chimpanzees and orangutans are the Masters of society a scary concept for sure especially when the primates threatened to lobotomize castrate and kill Taylor he escapes to a forbidden area where the plot twists and truth is finally revealed he's been on earth all along upon seeing a half-buried and demolished Statue of Liberty the man breaks down cursing those responsible for humanity's fall number three the greatest trick the usual suspects I like cops I would have liked to benefit myself but my CP always know you're not telling us everything I know you know something this classic crime film has one of the most thrilling and unpredictable twists to date con artists verbal Kint a survivor of a mass murder on a ship is interrogated for his involvement in it the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist telling agent qui on about the events that led to the massacre virbull narrates a convoluted yet compelling story about various criminals including redfoot kobayashi and the infamous Keyser söze eventually verbal confesses that one of his fellow criminals was behind it all but he would not testify against him that he named close to 50 people guess who we named in the finale Keyser Soze however this doesn't sit right with Creon and a few moments after virbull leaves he realizes the man was bluffing weaving together elements of information from his surroundings in the room to tell his story verbal then disappears without a trace before cou Yan can catch him some guy in California's name is read for a gift from mr. Soze talk to you what about Redford misdirect foot number two I am your father Star Wars Episode five the Empire Strikes Back not only is Star Wars among the most influential entertainment franchises in the world but it also gave us one of the most quoted plot twists in cinematic history it is useless to resist don't let yourself be destroyed as obi-wan in The Empire Strikes Back Vader attempts to convince Luke to join him on the dark side while engaging the young would-be Jedi in a lightsaber duel after cutting off Luke's hand Vader reveals a shocking secret to the seemingly defeated young hero uttering the now iconic words I if it weren't so devastating to Luke it would actually be kind of heartwarming join me and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son either way when the movie came out in 1980 it was one huge plot twist how many of these have you seen and been shocked by including the honorable mentions and number one I have seen 16 and should have seen them all because I love to it's T movies number one is actually so iconic and was so shocking at the time you weren't even allowed to enter the theater after the movie began on orders from the director so let's look through those honorable mentions and then will shock you one last time kami remodeling tells me what is premiere and intentional Moines style show need to amp on allah miyan moist toka Tita Rock'em Sock'em PETA that baby was Edgar and I was the man with the knife I killed Edgar's mother one more thing so is she aware her daughter is still alive before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one Norman Bates is the psycho psycho Alfred Hitchcock's legendary psychological horror film needs no introduction Miss Bates the entire ending is one big twist arguably the greatest and most memorable in cinematic history first reveal mrs. Bates has been dead for the whole movie second reveal Norman is the killer third reveal Norman is mrs. Bates in his mind setting a precedent for plot twists and identity reveals psycho paved the way for hundreds of films for decades to come let's see any ending monologue Norman's inner voice were rather the voice of his mother saying that Norman's innocence will become known because she wouldn't even harm a fly is absolutely chilling this video is brought to you by Fantasy Island own it on digital now on blu-ray and DVD May 12th you
Views: 1,457,038
Rating: 4.8761177 out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Drama, movie reveals, movie reveal, movie ending reveal, movie endings, exciting movie twist, twist, movie ending twist, best movie endings, exciting movie endings, craziest movie twists, thriller, mystery, detective movie, superhero movie twists, superhero movie reveals, sci-fi reveals, sci-fi twists, plot twist, shutter island reveal, the invisible man, spider-man homecoming, the sixth sense, psycho, star wars, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
Id: svPf-nUN9yQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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