Top 10 Exclusive McDonald's International Menu Items

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[Music] order up for these special McDonald's Creations welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 exclusive McDonald's international menu items for this list we're looking at internationally based McDonald's menu items that are popular for their unique nature inventive recipes and much loved taste by International we mean anywhere in the world that has at least one McDonald's restaurant we are not disqualifying any item that is no longer available but we are including items that are available in more than one location number 10 Fen Canada McDonald's french fries in a hot tub of KFC gravy it happens to be called poutin in Montreal what's better than a delicious box of gravy and Fries a delicious box of gravy and fries with Quebec cheese curds melted in and around them of course the legendary poutine is invented in Quebec since the 1950s pin has been available in Quebec Canada and it has since expanded across the country and of course McDonald's decided to create its own spin on the classic fast food dish usually priced at approximately $3.99 it's a customer favorite and is as appetizing as its photo looks on the menu while Canada has had other McDonald's Specialties such as the the M Lobster it's the pin which was initially only available in Quebec that has experienced such strong demand that it expanded to menus Across the Nation in 2013 had smoked meat and we got a deal patri approved smoke meat poutine with pickles and mustard you don't get more Montreal number nine cheese katsu Burger Japan cheese Kat served up in McDonald's restaurant around Japan this burger sure packs a flavorsome punch consisting of deep fried breaded pork cutlets filled with processed cheese salad and tonkatsu sauce it's another example of McDonald's inventiveness originally available for a limited time in Japan it was revived due to popular demand the next year it's not your typical McDonald's burger as it experiments with different flavors and ingredient combinations but just one look and one taste makes it clear why the people wanted the cheese KATU Burger back on the [Music] menu number eight the MC rice Burger Southeast asiac rice ever wanted to order a calorie friendly Burger the MC rice sandwich is the answer as its two buns are made completely of rice in the form of rice cakes chicken mayo veggies rice and get this genius available in parts of Southeast Asia the MC rice Burger is marketed as a healthier menu alternative weighing in at roughly 378 calories compared to the 529 of a Big Mac it also features a choice between a beef or chicken patty salad and mayonnaise the taipe times even reported 5 million of them had been sold after its first 6 months not too shabby for a burger without bread the new McDonald's MC rice Burger modern rice for modern times number seven create your taste Australia and America what will your Gourmet creation be today Swiss and Parmesan on your all Angus beef in 2014 Australian McDonald's took customer control to a whole new level and gave them the chance to create their own meals at the create your taste kiosk while we could have gone with the Beloved Mick osberger as the Aussie favorite we thought the create your taste option is more serving of a spot here why slowly being implemented across New Zealand the United States and the United Kingdom It's Quickly making a mark on the fast food world with the help of a touchscreen you can customize your burger with a variety of ingredients ranging from the type of bun to the types of cheese special sauces and more oh and your order is brought out to you by a waiter whether you're dining at the Resto or taking it to go introducing create your taste how very un McDonald's number six the miarma Israel guess what they call the the Peter bread with turkey meat what M mix take two slices of flatbread put some barbecued and kosher turkey meat inside add some toini and pickles and you've created a miarma accompanied by a TV ad that parody Pulp Fiction this sandwich is a popular menu item in its home country of Israel as a large quantity of the Israeli consumer Market isn't permitted to eat other types of meat with respect to their religious beliefs this product has performed very well as an alternative to the regular beef burger it's a hint of Arabic flavor and yours to savor while it's close in style to Morocco's mcarabia which features various vegetables sauce and two grilled chicken patties enclosed between Arabic flatbread the name of this Israeli sandwich is much more fun to say m Sharma M Sharma 100% turkey meat with pickles and tahina [Music] number five Bree nuggets Russia man these shits is Right yo these are not your normal kind of nuggets they're creamy crunchy and gooey all at the same time did we mention they're filled with delicious breach chees found in Russian McDonald's restaurants these nuggets can arrive with a side of sauce and yes said sauce might even be Berry Jam am the Bree nuggets are breaded and deep fried and are sure to satisfy with a crispy outside and golden brown color to go it's a sweet and savory fix allinone that sure looks as delicious as it tastes oh look at that crunchy and all melted inside number four the pizza mcpuff India this crafty invention is another one of India's popular McDonald's offerings crunchy Brown dough coats a delicious combination of tomato sauce onions cheese beans bell peppers carrots and melted mozzarella this Savory option was designed to cater to vegetarians as it doesn't feature meat inside thanks to its explosion of flavor and overall inventiveness and because it's vegetarian friendly the pizza mcpuff wins a spot on our list number three The Cordon blur Burger Poland McDonald's gets fancy in Poland with this classy invention taking a world famous meal and transforming it into a fast food Burger the cordon blue Burger is unique from bun to bun we start off with the delicious top bun which has onions cooked into its surface the inside boasts a combination of bacon and cheese along with mayonnaise a delicious fried beef patty and a ham stuffed fried chicken patty on top with such appetizing flavors on offer it's no wonder the Polish loved this product so much during its run number two dos nbg Germany love the taste of a juicy brought worst sausage then imagine three of them inside a soft wide bun covered in mustard meet the nbg a pure example of McDonald's marketing genius in creating a menu item out of a well-loved national food interesting fact Japan adopted this strategy as well as seen with the success of their Mega teriyaki burger and the country also notably hosted the nbg's direct cousin the German sausage chicken burger but back to the topic at hand need something to wash the NN Burger down while you're in Germany bring your ID to the counter and order some mcbeer I'm loving it in Canada you can't do this so no thank you very much before we order up our top pick here are some honorable [Music] mentions [Music] number one the chicken Maharaja Mac India do you know at the Mumbai McDonald's you can't get a Big Mac all you can get is the chicken Maharaja Mac India boasts a culturally Rich McDonald's menu with the chicken Maharaja Mac being no exception Standing Tall in popularity among other well-loved Indian McDonald's items such as the vegetarian McCurry Pan and the spicy paneer wrap the chicken Maharaja Mac caters to those of the Hindu Faith by not containing any beef featuring two grilled chicken patties onions tomatoes Smoky mayonnaise and cheddar cheese it's no secret why this is a well executed asset to the McDonald's menu and our number one pick do you agree with our list McDonald what international McDonald's food item is your favorite for more delicious top 10 published everyday be sure to subscribe to and I eating it now mhm [Music]
Views: 3,704,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: McDonald's (Business Operation), Food (TV Genre), lifestyle, food, leisure, mcdonalds, international menu items, poutine, cheese katsu burger, mcrice burger, create your taste, mcshawarma, chicken maharaja mac, das numburger, cordon bleu burger, pizza mcpuff, brie nuggets, top 10, watchmojo
Id: 4va_DtpAMHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2015
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