10 Comedians Everyone Lost Respect For

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actually I was hacked no I'm kidding you're kidding uh you haven't lost your sense of humor welcome to watch Mojo and today we're looking at comedians whose mouth and or misdeeds cause them to lose some or all of their supporters so you just have to accept it it's all and anybody who's been through anything will tell you that acceptance is how you survive any Carlos Mania Mania has earned a pretty negative reputation in comedy this bad publicity hasn't been the result of his own jokes either though his Hurricane Katrina comments didn't help rather menia is disliked because of the plethora of jokes he's been accused of plagiarizing I can't anymore I can't spend time on that anymore I I got to tell people look come and check me out see what I do now see where I'm at now the former host of comedy Central's mind of menia has allegedly stolen material from various other comedians not limited to arri shaffir Bobby Lee and George Lopez We Flash the light so that people know that he's in the audience so you don't do your best I would just do crowd work and then Tommy would get mad at me all the time why are you do your set I'm not going to do my set in front of that guy cuz he was Notorious joke thief and there were Comics a lot of my good buddies would not go on stage if he was in the room after Joe Rogan publicly presented Mania with video evidence of his misdeeds in 2007 the Honduran born comedian became the laughing stock of the comedy world and not in the way he intended some even know him as Carlos Mania I'm somebody important enough that he had to end the show by saying Carlos Mania that's who I am Brendan sha it's hard to lose respect as a comedian when some would say you never had any in the first place what excuse me Brendan sha has enjoyed quite the multifaceted career having found success as a mixed martial artist A podcaster and A standup comedian however not everyone is wild about some of the things job is said behind the mic oh the other thing you should know about Dana meon nobody told me this there's many flaming hot Cheetos all over your house they love them they love them he's generated a lot of criticism for his off-color remarks which is the tractors have deemed unfunny and hateful his material aside the Colorado Native has been accused by many of piggybacking off of other Comics namely Joe Rogan I was super fortunate where I was surrounded by guys like you Ken Bert Tom and it's just like where that I want to be in that party Jim jeffes there's off-color humor but then there's straight up unethical Behavior what I am not for is arguments and lies and unfortunately for Jim jeffri he was caught red-handed engaging in the ladder on his show in 2019 the Australian funny man had acquired a large International fan base with several Netflix specials and even his own Comedy Central talk show but I'm not doing this bit to make friends I need someing action and I know just where to find it but many of his supporters lost their taste for Jeff when he conducted an interview with ABY Yem Jeff edited his conversation with the Jewish right-wing activists to mislead the audience making Yemen look like an aggressive racist to suit jeffy's own narrative Yemen secretly recorded the actual interview to expose jeffy's indiscretion you bloody scumbag Jim you see those rubbish edits through the entire segment I don't even need to show you you get my point this didn't exactly support Jeff's reputation for brutal honesty Chris deia in his earlier years this New Jersey native achieved considerable popularity in the realm of Comedy you like to pull a prank on people on the set of Whitney yeah I can't man here's the deal we live in a society where you got to lock your phone man you got to your phone is more important than your wallet you everyone's got Twitter everyone's got Facebook if you leave your phone unlocked I'm going to Tweet from it for sure in addition to a fruitful standup career deia can be recognized for hosting a number of podcasts popping up in various sitcoms and doing a killer impersonation of Eminem that notably wowed the rapper himself of course I'm all torent I'm driving a Porsche over the floor boards over the four Ps however deah fell out of favor in 2020 when several women and underage girls came forward with claims deah had abused them and or behaved in a predatory fashion I can't go back and I can't I can't fix that part of me that that that hole in me that was trying to be filled with that you know the loneliness on the road or the or the fear that I felt in response to the allegations Deo was dropped by his agents and managers not to mention lambasted by fellow comedians such as Whitney Cummings and Amy Schumer Steven razi usually when comedians reference 9/11 it's in a dark joke while it's a risky topic to joke about that hasn't stopped edgier comics from working it into their material but Steven ran A's bizarre account about surviving the attack wasn't a joke it was a downright line did you out yourself or did uh somebody bust you the times the New York Times New York Times figured this out did you figure out how they figured out that you were lying about your experience during 911 did you ever figure out how they busted you no I don't throughout his career the actor and comedian maintained that he had narrowly escaped death in the South Tower stating that this second chance inspired him to move to Los Angeles and follow his dreams of standup it's not like I moved to Los Angeles with this story with the with the thought of like I'm going to go out and trick everyone out there and tell them this is what it is it wasn't calculated it wasn't calculated at all but after being confronted by a news reporter in 2015 razi admitted that he had fabricated the entire story The entertain world hasn't seen much of R since talk about poor taste I I truly in all of my heart wished that I had that voice that I feel like I have now that said hey man take a breath relax people are going to like you people are going to understand who you are when they get to know you you don't need to lie about that take that back Russell Brand although his offbeat sense of humor wasn't for everyone this British star was considerably popular for many years until he wasn't my hair's held up mostly by willpower willpower really I just concentrate and wish it to be so oh it's I applaud you in your work beginning in the early 2000s brand was known for his work on stage and on screen he cracked audiences up in movies like Get Him to the Greek and Forgetting Sarah Marshall turn heads as an MTV presenter in the UK and was even married to pop star Katy Perry for a time it's never a dull moment I'll say that it's kind of like an ongoing EP episode of I Love Lucy that's why I married him because he's just so hilarious but in the fall of 2023 Brand's success came to a screeching halt when a number of complaints about his past predatory behavior surfaced even though bran has vly denied these allegations they certainly didn't do his standing in Hollywood any favors but amidst this Litany of astonishing rather barck attacks are some very serious allegations that I Absolut absolutely refute Lou CK in his Heyday Lou CK was known as one of the darkest and wittiest comics in business this is what people are like now they got their phone and they're like uh it won't give it a second give it's going to space can you give it a second to get back from space Not only did CK achieve a massive following but he impressed critics left and right shooting special after special and winning various accolades including six emys and three Peabody awards then in 2017 multiple people came forward with stories about CK's past inappropriate conduct leading him to release a statement admitting his guilt I would have confronted it and I would have dealt with it then because I have learned that doing nothing saying nothing um that is not helpful in addition to losing the love of numerous fans CK was subsequently dumped by his publicist FX Netflix and un veral among other major bodies the Scandal also caused his soon to be released film I love you Daddy to be pulled sorry that's what's called for called for by me Michael Richards if you're wondering how to destroy your comedy career in 2 minutes ask Michael Richards he's an old Pro Richards won hearts in the 90s as Cosmo Kramer Jerry's wacky but lovable neighbor on Seinfeld I'm making out my will oh I got a big slice of dough for you buddy and you twoo Lane I haven't forgotten you you're looking for a picture of me aren't you you got that straight well he also had a moderately successful run as a stand-up comedian it was his role as Kramer that put him in the spotlight that made it all the more shocking when 2006 rolled around and he directed a vicious racial diet tribe at some hecklers at the Laugh Factory all right you see it shocks you his incredibly awkward apology on the David Letterman show didn't exactly wreak of sincerity either today Richards is arguably just as well known for the Laugh Factory incident as he is for his role on Seinfeld I busted up after that event seven years ago it broke me down it was a selfish uh response I took it too personally Roseanne Bar it's no secret that Roseanne Bar's shtick has always revolved around her obnoxiousness hey how about losing the attitude huh it's this rough Persona that launched bar into Fame in the first place but there's a fine line between joking and downright bigotry and people believe that bar crossed that line not just once but multiple times and that isn't even including her lovely rendition of the national anthem at a baseball game in 1990 which then President Bush referred to as [Applause] [Music] disgraceful 28 years and a boatload of controversies later or essentially annihilated her career when she compared a former Obama administration official to a monkey although bar claimed she hadn't meant to be racist the Tweet was enough to get her Show's reboot cancelled and turn former fans against her I was just like blackballed and uh you know uh just just totally cancelled from um even commenting on what happened before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications Bill Cosby if you grew up watching Fat Albert or The Cosby Show this one probably hurts there you go there you go the Philadelphia born star was a fan favorite for decades until his career took a nose dive in the mid 2010s following multiple sexual assault allegations dozens of women came forward with claims that Cosby had been committing lot acts as far back as 1965 I've never seen anything like this and reality is the situation and I I can't speak not only did this news destroy Cosby's wholesome family image but it led to a well publicized trial a conviction and the revocation of various Awards and honorary degrees Cosby may have been known as America's dad but now he's more the creepy Uncle who's no longer welcome at Thanksgiving which comedian has lost your respect let's discuss it in the comments who here knows who nor McDonald is let's go did you enjoy this video check out these other clips from watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music]
Channel: WatchMojo.com
Views: 58,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bill cosby, cancel culture, canceled, cancelled, career ruining, carlos mencia, chris d'elia, comedian scandals, comedians, comedians everyone lost respect for, comedians who ruined their careers, comedy, controversial comedians, cosby accusations, jim jeffries, kramer, list, louis ck, michael richards, mojo, roseanne, roseanne barr, ruined careers, russell brand, stand up, stephen rannazzisi, top 10, watch mojo, watchMojo
Id: ErqN3thaLLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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