Top 10 eBike Accessories (2024 Must Haves!)

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what's going on everyone welcome back to the channel today we're going to be taking a look at my top 10 e-bike accessories now i own a few other things but these are items that i take on every single trip that i go on now if you own an e-scooter regular scooter or even a regular bicycle most likely you're gonna find something in here that you want and need so let me go ahead and set these aside and go over them with you one by one all right so first up we have the tri-bit stormbox micro portable bluetooth speaker this has a eight hour battery life and has this strap on the back so it's designed to go around your bicycle handlebars or even like the strap of your book bag when i first bought it i was putting this on the down tube of my bike and this strap here was being overextended so it was holding but it was like really really stretching it out so it wasn't working very well but when i did that this would fly off a few times because like i said the trap was overextended and this thing has hit the road maybe two or three times you can see over here it got a little beat up at the material there this front top is popped off once and even then this thing has still held up great no issues at all this goes for about 45 bucks they just release a new model of this which goes a little bit louder has longer battery life and better sound so if you want something better go with the micro 2 version but if you want something cheaper this one's still a great speaker this is basically their version of the bose soundlink micro i've heard the micro and this sounds just as good if not better one thing i really like about it is on back it has this vent here this is like where the base comes out so when you put this on your handlebar the base actually travels through the handlebar and you can feel some of the vibration in the bike when you're riding so basically it turns your bike into like a giant subwoofer and it's just a really nice effect it really uh adds to the music while you're writing at number two we have the jbl click this is a multimedia controller that goes on your handlebars when i was looking for a way easier way to control my music i looked on best buy amazon all that all the options out there were basically low budget very cheap not waterproof controllers that all ranged from about 10 20 bucks and overall they all had bad reviews luckily around the time this had just come out and i stumbled upon it i was a little sticker shock at first because at 45 bucks this is quite pricey for what it is but for how well it works this has been one of my favorite purchases for the bike this one is still in the box because i just purchased the second one to use on my motorcycle but let me go ahead and get the one that i use on my bike so similar to the speaker has a little strap in the back it has two little notches one of your handlebars fatter one if you have a skinnier handlebar up front has uh two main things one is a rotating dial this is what you use for volume up and down and then the center here has a big clicky button this you use to answer calls reject calls track forward track back and then play or pause basically to pause it you click it once track forward click it twice and then track back you click it three times once you use it for a while it's real simple and it just becomes second nature and how you control your music number three we have the folky lock compact this is a folding lock that weighs 2.2 pounds and goes for about 80 to 85 bucks so it's not the cheapest lock out there but it's also not the most expensive either what i really like about this lock is it's folding shape i really hate having to carry around a lock and that big heavy cable in my small bag of having my bike so this one kind of clips on the down tube take it out and the whole thing just really unfolds like that there is a company abus that makes a lock very comparable to this one i don't remember what the price of theirs is but this one had a few more features so i decided to go with this one in the end all right so if you're buying a bicycle lock just know that no lock is gonna stop a thief if they are determined enough to grab your bike but with that being said you want to do what you can to try to scare them away from your bike or slow them down so if they see your bike with a lock like this and they see another bike with a small cable lock they're gonna skip yours and go to the small cable lock because that's gonna be much easier to steal those of you that follow the lockpick lawyer on youtube for some odd reason he has not done a test on this one i'm not sure if it's uh a legal matter or he just hasn't got around to it so i don't know how it holds up to like someone really pro like him but in everyday world it should be great all right so if you want a good lock definitely recommend the foldy lock like i said it goes about 80 85 bucks right now it's 85 bucks but just recently foldy lock just released a new lock which is called the foldy lock forever this one's 120 bucks but this one is supposed to be a lot heftier a lot better build on the scale of how locks are rated the other one is a silver this one is a gold and this one basically compares to the abyss 6500 and if you keep up the lockpick lawyer like i said the 6500 is a lock that he highly recommends that's one of like the most thief deterrent locks out there for bikes and this one is supposed to have even better features than that one so like i said i don't know why he doesn't test these but overall this looks like probably one of the best bicycle blocks out there right now number four we have the wsd cam bike alarm this one is still in the box because i bought this one for my wife but she doesn't really ride her bike anywhere like to a store she mostly just goes on a ride on the trail goes straight back home so she never really has a use for this alarm so it's pretty much been sitting in the box for about a year now so inside this is the actual unit real small compact uh this doesn't have any attachment points so basically you're supposed to either attach it with an adhesive or zip tie it somewhere the easiest thing to do i'll say zip tie it maybe under the down tube or try to find a spot that's not too noticeable and like i said earlier if someone really wants to steal your bike they're going to steal it no matter what you do but for the 17 that this costs is something you might as well get i mean you paid 1500 plus for your e-bike what's another under 20 bucks to potentially save your bike from being stolen uh this has a motion sensor in it so as soon as it feels like your bike's been nudged it'll give off a little uh warning chirp and they do it again then it starts coming it starts blaring out it's a 115 decibels so i'm not going to go ahead and demo that for you because i'm indoors right now and this thing's going to echo everywhere probably making me go deaf so not going to do that but um inside the box similar to a car remote it has the lock unlock uh and then you have one of these buttons i don't remember it's like a panic mode where you press it and it'll just start making noise so someone get away from your bike maybe you're inside the store you can't get to it quick enough hit that button and it'll probably scare them off so for the 17 bucks definitely recommend getting yourself one of these number five we have the tech life portable air inflator when you buy it this is what you get comes with a nice carrying bag inside you got the main unit and then you also have the tube that also fits in the bag for some of the reason the tube was not in my bag right now it sits around my house for the past 45 minutes and i can't find it but i know later on today it'll be somewhere at least expect because that's how it always works but back to the unit what i really like about this is it's rechargeable whenever i buy anything for my bike when i can i always try to make sure i get something with a built-in battery you can charge this with the barrel connector or the usb type a i always use the usb type a so you go ahead and switch it on and then it has an adjustable psi meter so when you go to fill up your bike set it to the psi your tire has turn it on and it'll check your current pressure and inflate it until it reaches the psi you set go ahead and do the same to your other tire then you'll have equal psi in both tires if you don't already make sure you are inflating your tires before every ride you'll be surprised how much air you lose from one ride to another i always refill my tire right before a ride and it's about 67 psi two days later i'll write it again it'll be down to about 55 psi and that's not only bad for your wheel if you're riding on low pressure but you also lose efficiency and sometimes not as good of a ride uh before this i had a ryobi tire inflator but it's just so big and clunky i hated using it this is just a lot easier and more portable to use so definitely recommend this number six we have the canway rechargeable tail light like i said everything i buy i always want it to be rechargeable and this is another item rechargeable my longest ride i did was about five hours and this died somewhere around the four hour mark so safe to say you'll get about four hours on a regular steady mode probably about five to six if you have it on blinking mode overall just like the really sleek look of it kind of goes with the theme of uh having an e-bike and it has a few different modes it has the blinking red mode steady blue mode this is the mode i like most and what i always use in my tail light blinking blue uh blinking blue and red uh this one's definitely illegal to use so if you're riding around definitely don't use that one at least in the usa and then off so pretty simple but overall it's pretty bright and looks good costs about 15 bucks another highly recommended item number seven we have electronic bell from the brand t-wolk same thing i had this on my bike for three years no issues at all it's a rechargeable horn honestly i think the whole entire time i've had it on my bike i've only charged it once it really doesn't use much battery you're only using it when you push the button so the battery pretty much lasts forever do you need an electronic horn no not really but i have an electric bike i figured why not get an electric horn and back real simple it has a power volume up volume down i've never used the power i just leave it on and i had no issues with that right now i have it on the lowest uh volume so i'll go ahead and show you guys what sounds it has it has seven sounds in it before i get to the sounds if you're gonna buy this make sure you buy this exact model i bought one before this one it looks exactly the same but i had some real cheesy sounds in it and none of them sounded like an actual bell so i sent that one back got this one this one has also some cheesy sounds but at least it has some that are usable so i'm happy with it similar to other items i've shown this has a little elastic strap that wraps around your handlebar and then it has this long coil wire i really don't like this part but i just wrap this around the handlebar as well and then i go ahead and strap this next to it so this has seven sounds in it let me go ahead and show you the first one this is the one i use 90 of the time this has a to me a kind part of me kind of sound to it and other ones sound kind of rude like get out of my way so i don't use those too much so first one sounds like a regular kind of bell this is on the lowest mode so this has like six or seven volumes don't have the highest one right now i'm gonna go def so this is the lowest mode let me go ahead and go over some of the rest of them i don't know what that one is i don't like it it sounds very loud and kind of pierces my ears that one's not bad but the same it also has kind of a loud fatiguing sound to it don't use that one either this one i do use often this one comes in handy when you're in traffic more regular cars around a lot noisier environment want to get someone's attention that one does the trick a lot better than the little bell so overall very useful item definitely recommend this one as well number eight we have the victojin front headlight this is a 5000 lumen light and just like the rest also rechargeable typically when i'm using it i am on this here blinking red mode and that must use very very little power because every time i use this i try to charge it to 100 after i get back from a ride about two three hours this is down to about 94 so i'm pretty sure if i use this mode i could probably go for a full day maybe even more without the battery dying i mean if you use it on the full bright mode i'll go ahead and do a demonstration i'll put a video up but i shined out some trees and you can see this is a pretty bright light that mode probably can get about 2-3 hours but overall for the money 25 bucks definitely a great light one of my friends has a more expensive light he paid about 150 for his and it's like one of those fancy bike brands i compared it to this one his was definitely about 40 50 brighter but his also cost six times the cost so if you're a hardcore biker do a lot of night riding you might need one of those but for someone that might get stuck in the dark or just wants to uh raise awareness that they're there this is a much better option one of the features i like on this light the most is it also has a i think it's about 3 000 milliamp rechargeable power bank inside of it so this is a feature i didn't care about when i first bought it but one day i was riding i was about two hours from home realized my phone was dying i had about two percent so i kind of went into panic mode because i conduct a lot of business with my phone then i also need to communicate with my wife and kids at home so fortunately i remember this had the charger in it and i had my usb cable that i put into my bag as well so plug that up i was good to go for another uh it charged my phone to about fifty percent so i was able to get home with some juice plus some so it's not something that i thought i needed but i was really thankful that i had it so it's a good bonus feature because you're always going to have this with you on your bike so whenever you have your light you also got a power bank right there with you as well number nine this one is pretty simple this is the half-knee handlebar bike mirror i bought two of these when i first bought my bike i only ended up using one and i'm good with that so this one just stays in the box uh pretty simple nothing special about it i did buy another mirror before this one that one i didn't like very much because it had a lot of vibrations this one uh doesn't shake very much at all and i'm happy with it i don't know what kind of glass this is or what they put on this glass but this is a extremely clear mirror like if you're familiar with pc gaming when i look at items in back of me on this mirror it looks like it's in 120 hertz like it has that real smooth buttery smooth kind of look to it and it always kind of weirds me out in a good way when i look at it but overall great mirror looking for a mirror for your bike this is the one i recommend last but not least at number 10 we have the endura hungry plus cycling gloves i hadn't had these for long i maybe had these for about two months now but these have been fantastic gloves like i've i've purchased many gloves in the past from amazon they were about 10 20 bucks i think one was about 25 bucks and they all kind of had this kind of generic more stiff gel on them and i thought it was good back then because it it does take away from vibrations in the handlebar and it helps a little bit but overall i wasn't the best i went to eric's bike shop near me i wasn't planning to buy gloves i wandered off into this island i tried these on and these were just night and day difference compared to the other ones i have over there these have more of a it is a gel but it feels more like a pillowy kind of real soft feeling to them like it really absorbs vibrations a whole lot better like i don't know what kind of tech went into this but these are so much more comfortable having these on it feels like having clouds between you and the handlebars and it just really improves your overall ride so these costed 40 bucks on amazon which in my opinion is kind of expensive for gloves especially when i was used to paying 10 20 bucks i mean for some of you hardcore bikers you might spend you know two or three hundred on gloves i don't really know but i'm not a hardcore biker so for me 40 bucks on gloves seem pretty steep but when i tried them on that got erased from my head and i just knew i had to have them so if you're like me and you're thinking uh 40 bucks i'm not sure i would say order them from amazon worst case scenario you don't like them send them back but i can almost guarantee you're gonna keep these because these for me were much better than other gloves i've had and really improved my comfort alright so i know i said this was top 10 but if you stuck around this long i have some bonus items for you this is a real simple item at 6.99 it's just a piece of vinyl and it just says this bike is protected than in large red letters gps tracking so along with the lock along with the alarm this is another item that's real helpful to trying to deter someone from stealing your bike so if i was a thief and i was trying to steal your bike chances are if i stall this sticker gps tracking it's probably going to make me second think twice about it and go and you know it has tracking let me not bother with that bike go to another one my work might not but it's one of those small things that it could work so if you can do it for 6.99 might save your bike why not it's kind of similar to people that don't have home security and they stick that uh adt home security sign in front of their house same thing the burglar sees your house sees the sign oh they have home security it's not worth it let me go to another house so good little thing to have seven bucks why not and closing out this video we have the naruto leaf village headband if you are not familiar with what this is this is from a anime that is basically about these adults and children that are all in a ninja clan and this is what they all have on their heads so this kind of has a two-in-one feature you know it has this band around it so you can get uh keep the sweat out of your eyes kind of like a sweatband more importantly if you put this on while you're writing chances are people are going to see it and they're going to think twice when they think about making some kind of a rude ebike you're cheating kind of comment they're going to see this and then go oh never mind he's naruto leaf village let me go ahead and leave him alone before he messes me up so definitely a good investment keep the annoying people out of your way well thanks for watching guys hopefully these things have been helpful for you hopefully you found something you liked uh if you guys have any more things that you have on your e-bikes or regular bikes that you find essential leave me a comment let me know what it is i'm always interested in picking up new stuff well thanks for watching guys and i'll see you next time
Channel: Eric Hernandez
Views: 57,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eBike, E-Bike, Electronic Bike, Super 73, Aventon, eScooter, Top 10 eBike items, Ebike Accessories, Bike Accessories, Ariel Rider, RadPower, E Bike, Bosch, Juiced Bikes, Specialized, Lectric, Segway, Onyx RCR, Biktrix, Rad Power, Electric Bike, Top bike accessories, Monday Motorbikes, Huck Cycles, Top Bike Accessories
Id: gnxMKL3WLpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2022
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