Top 10 Dogs That Can Be Left Alone

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dogs love to be around with their family and spent time playing games and cuddly as a dog owner you know that it is one of the best feelings when you come home and they are already waiting for you with their tail wiggling when getting a dog you should be able to spend enough time with your pet so they get the activity and love they need but we also have our jobs and other duties that need to be done that said there are some dog breeds that don't need as much time as others and can be left alone for longer periods in this video we introduced ten dog breeds said know how to spend time on their own if you find this video helpful it would be great if you subscribe to our Channel and help us spread our laughs and information about dogs to more curious dog lovers number 10s at hound one of the most popular hound dogs basset hounds make me laugh charming companions for pet owners all over the world though they're known for their stubbornness basset hounds also extremely devoted and loyal and they're typically milk magnate and agreeable at home which is why they make excellent family pets and they're sending and trekking ability is uncanny the Bassets nose is considered second only to the bloodhound basset hounds have the tendency to overheat therefore should be given plenty of exercise to keep him healthy normally a lazy breed this dog should be taken on regulated walks and should be allowed a free roam in a safe fenced-in area when you have time for them after leaving them alone for some hours number nine French Bulldog the French border of Frenchie is a sturdy compact doggy with a large head short snout and bad luck years this breed is lively loveable and playful overall the French Bulldog is a cute affectionate dog that makes a wonderful pet for all kinds of families this hilarious little dog makes a wonderful playmate in this very energetic alert and flimsy this group does require a lot of human attention with life this is not a Canon agreed and should always be kept in our family environment given proper socialization the French Bulldog can do well with other dogs but should not be around small children as they do not tolerate rough play number eight Chihuahua the Chihuahua is a tiny but confident dog could last to give and receive attention despite its petite and frail appearance the breed is quite bold even brazen it's wide eyes and big ears are its other distinctive features the ears are usually erect and very large in relation to its small head and body a chihuahua has a unique personality and can be quite affectionate loyal companion dog they're very individualistic highly intelligent breed and each of their own unique personality so only a few generalizations can be made they're commonly referred to as a chi are energetic and graceful and display human-like expression the lifespan is the longest of any sized dog number 7 sharp eye the Chinese shar-pei dog is an ancient unique and rare breed with their wrinkled skin blue-black points and breasts like code they certainly stand out from the crowd they are not necessarily a breed for novice owners lower these very intelligent dogs are known for being independent aloof and guarded with strangers with their families while not known for wanting to snuggle on your lap they can be fiercely loyal and protected the Chinese sharp eye is an intelligent dignified and calm dog but can also be very alert making an ideal for God or watchdog he is a strong protective instinct so this bridge should be well socialized an early age to avoid shyness or from being overprotective number six boat area bull terrier sometimes called police are dogs of medium to large-sized of muscular athletic bodies one of the Bull Terriers most memorable physical features is the rounded front foots head some may feel that volleys Arthur Okun but this screen is highly affectionate playful and even beefy the bull terrier is often called a kitten a boxy he's a lively breed but can also be lazy in quiet at times a very muscular and well-built breed this dog has a very sweet disposition and can be very affectionate this dog requires an experienced handler Esther can become dominant without the right training and socialization the bull terrier is a very polite way that is naturally obedient and loves training when spending time with his master number five cultural the children was a stoic and independent all people is known for its Bo like appearance they possess the unique characteristic of having a blue-black tone though the breed sometimes has a reputation for being aggressive most chose a loyal calm dogs that make excellent companions the chocho is a true masterpiece of dignity and beauty they are keenly intelligent have an independent spirit and display a dignified demeanor they are extremely aloof and discerning due to their high intelligence and independence if no problem of being alone for longer times number four Akita Inu the Akita is a large noble loyal and chorus top of Japanese descent in general the Akita is deliberate strong-willed and quite although he will bark when it thinks necessary while the ikeda can be surprisingly sweet and affection of a family members this breed s su it's an experienced owner the whole without young children or other dogs Akitas a large sturdy and muscular the causa wept which makes them excellent swimmers therefore reserved manner and carry themselves with great dignity they are powerful and allure responsive and courageous they make an excellent protector as well as a valued companion they don't need every second of your attention and can keep themselves busy for a longer period number three the Boston Terrier the Boston Terriers often affectionately nicknamed the American gentleman as a result of their markings that are reminiscent of a tuxedo they're a breed that is known for being full of energy fun-loving often sunny and very affectionate as of any dog it is important that the Boston Terrier is fed on a high-quality appropriately fortunate diet they're known for being rather food obsessed so care must be taken to ensure they do not get overweight the Boston Terriers compact sturdy and small but is not delicate of rage on this breed has a kind and gentle nature they are lively high-spirited and playful this depe talk is a delightful combination of determination strength balance and gracefulness with the right training and socialization they can be left alone for a while number two a miniature schnauzer the Miniature Schnauzers are bold and active little dog that can trace its origins back to the 50th and Tory in Germany and a crossbreed between Poulos and alpha entrance this breed which are separate from standard and giant schnauzers has distinctive features in the square sturdy built the personality of diminished notes and makes it a face t alert dog and loyal companion and miniatures notes as one of many considered to be hypoallergenic dog boots may be suitable for those who are merely or moderately allergic to dogs as they don't chat much so when coming home after long working day you will find a happy dog that had a perfect day on its own but now wants to play with you number one ascend G the Basenji is among the most distinct of all dog breeds particularly since it has been identified wire DNA to have descended from the gray wolf this small elegant dog is probably best known for its lack of barking however the breed was sometimes whine and make noises that resemble yodeling Basenji which was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1943 is a muscular dog but is also very lean and agile this breed is quite intelligent with a proud manner and curious nature but can be hard to train to respond to comments many people consider the person G to be a Cadillac dog they're much like cats being very clean and grooming himself on occasion they know how to spend time on their own and they're not mad at you when you come home later after long working day know that every dog needs enough attention exercise and mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy and you shouldn't get a dog if you don't have enough time only when you just cannot spend every second with them then these 10 dog sweets can suit much better into your family than dog treats with more needs so which dog do you think makes the Battle of the best dog wits that can be left alone that's completely up to you let us know in the comments which would you prefer and tell us if you're going to buy your first dog soon we would love to hear your story and if you're interested in top brain training or dog household training check out their descriptions if you like our videos it would make our day if you subscribe to our channel to learn more about dogs in the future [Music]
Channel: Dog World
Views: 425,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top 10 Dogs That Can Be Left Alone, dog that can be left alone, best dog that can be left alone, leave dog home alone, leave dog home alone for 8 hours, leave dog home alone for 12 hours, leave dog home alone while at work, leave home alone, leave dog home alone all day, basset hound, french bulldog, chihuahua, shar pei, bull terrier, chowchow, chow chow, akita inu, boston terrier, miniature schnauzer, basenji, dog, dogs, dog breeds, dog videos, dog video, dog breed, dog world
Id: ojfeV_h5uj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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