Hilarious Cat CHASES Dog 😯 | FUNNIEST Animals and Pets

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foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thank you are you gonna do it [Music] blue [Music] okay thank you [Music] [Laughter] bad [Laughter] who knows wake up [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] thank you foreign [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] she's doing it again she's gonna be an ear doctor [Music] oh my God [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all right oh my God [Laughter] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] are you holding his hand look [Music] up [Music] now what's up thank you [Music] [Laughter] foreign [Music] [Applause] thank you what's on your head up don't worry isn't it [Music] turn around again [Music] foreign [Music] foreign that was my own fault do office [Music] nope for Fury no okay thank you oh no no oh diamonds come through this way yeah you oh oh there you go you learned it that's so cute you're just a smart one aren't you okay howling okay okay okay hey what are you doing you funny old Raven he's a good boy he likes that don't you you like that Peter oh my God good job [Applause] oh my God oh Jump by jump bye-bye [Music] [Music] stop [Music] what are you doing foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] George Clooney quit [Music] I love you Al for fixing my feet great exciting down the stairs everybody [Applause] [Music] thank you all right [Music] it's gonna move a little wolf to right it's going to be quick it's on its way I think Ellie likes the way it looks Paul she really likes it and there it goes center of the cup that's a birdie to go to nine under in the retriever [Music] [Music] go move [Music] foreign here we go teamwork guys teamwork [Music] she put it in [Music] he's so happy I'm so happy to hear my baby foreign [Laughter] good boy buddy you're a good boy you're so smart unbelievable no what are you doing so now I can't even put stuff up there I'm looking right at you [Music] laughs [Music] go get her warbird [Laughter] hi hey hey what is this I wish you could be a little dramatic hey [Music] so I work for Amazon please explain to me what I'm supposed to do in this situation I opened my back door and somebody's dog crawled in my front seat I like it uh I don't know what I'm supposed to do right now you're very pretty but you need to get out of my front seat that's it hey Sean DeShawn [Music] you're kidding yeah his leg is stuck are you kidding me how long have you idiots been like this foreign thank you [Music] [Music] well hi what's she doing that's awesome yeah latte you look like you could use a latte okay is that door good okay good this way this is too cute I've never seen this [Music] do you want to get it [Music] good catch [Music] oh my God you're not gonna let her come upstairs that's not nice you got a rusher you gotta Rush right by him come on you gotta hurry be brave come on be brave okay and wait it out come on come on you can do it come on come on you can do it go backwards if you have to there you go there you go oh oh it's so scary okay now hurry jump in Mommy's bed oh go first oh [Music] my God get up guys all right sir [Music] thank you she drags her around by his car hey ain't careful you gotta let her get up sweetie Maggie Maggie oh oh poor baby foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Laughter] let me see it that's it [Music] um are you okay hahaha it's a peacock attacking itself in the mirror yay Cotton's turn oh thank you Stan is such a broader a broader I got your nose I'm gonna put it back I'm gonna put it back there you go it's bad it's all it's all done [Music] [Music] [Music] you're so cute [Music] [Applause] oh thank you [Music] how many times out no no ow stop it no out what are you doing I'm not even touching you oh he's so cute do you talk I know okay laughs happy [Music] foreign [Music] was it you I don't care how much you bite me I'm still cutting your nails you like to scratch look look at this you like scratching here we go oh thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] you kill me [Music] anymore yep [Music] okay so every time I try to attempt some drinking water yo I can't even make a video you guys I knew you were coming how you doing foreign [Music] because it's so fun [Applause] don't make him come come here oh my goodness come here what did you do what did you do oh yes oh my God he's so mad look at me honey you in trouble who did that honey honey who did that huh did you do that that's not nice nope not nice finally done with that put that up am I am I being too loud I'm sorry do I need to turn the music down too [Music] [Laughter] that is hilarious though yeah [Music] what did you do what did you do who was the naughty dog did you eat kale you giving a triple kiss [Music] everybody [Music] right bye bye bye meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow bring it here bring it here good job bring it to me there you go good job look at this oh my God is that funny storm You're Never Gonna Catch It you realize that it's physically impossible she's doing really good when I brought him the first time he just barked and barked how embarrassing thank you I think he's just taunting you foreign hello hello knock it off thank you what right now um [Music] it's raining [Music] come on foreign [Music] oh my God you're lucky you're too cute stop it [Music] oh my God I can't even be mad all right no no no no say it was fine [Music] outside [Music] oh my God [Music] Murphy you have to be quiet Murphy I have to type good job good job [Music] foreign I gave you a chewy I gave Kiko a chewy you ate Kiko's chewy so what do we say when we steal someone else's chewy what do we say do you know yes we say we're sorry you're gonna you're gonna is he stuck oh no he's following me like won't be his mother are You My Mother wow he's keeping up with us is he gonna follow us all the way to big beach Dancy come on let me come here I'm like foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign did you rip up that napkin and eat the cookie that was inside did you eat the cookie let me see those claws oh oh did you eat a cookie so Metro thinks his food isn't ever good enough it needs to be dressed up so I learned this little trick on the internet oh lucky dog lucky dog oh man [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign look at that guy [Music] oh poor buddy he's so scared cop right here there he is there he is they got him oh no no no no no no no we're buddy he's so scared come here buddy [Music] [Music] do you know whose sheep this is it's Yoshi do you know this is for you this is your present next from the topic guys um [Music] have a good day you can't sleep with this one a little mother [Music] oh yeah we don't do that put her down please we don't do that happy for me dang it no I see he hates it I'm trying to get used to it I can take you outside because I can take you outside [Music]
Channel: The Pet Collective
Views: 5,278,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the pet collective, pet collective, animals, funny, funny videos, cat, cats, dog, dogs, funny animal, try not to laugh, jukin media, funny animal videos
Id: 5tmooNMJTi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 57sec (3657 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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