Top 10 Discontinued Fast Food Items We Want Brought Back NOW (Part 3)

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i have krusty burgers no tomato sorry  sir we no longer serve krusty burgers   in the world of fast food to say that change  is common is quite an understatement people   may come and people may go but so do some of our  favorite menu items here are some more of the top   10 discontinued fast food items we want brought  back now part three mcdonald's big and tasty   this is a tasty burger the fierce competition  and ongoing feud between mcdonald's and burger   king didn't start yesterday since the beginning  of both fast food chains they have been competing   for the ultimate best burger title when one comes  up with a new menu item it's not long before the   other follows the lead and brings out a whole new  product strangely bearing resemblances and this   is exactly what happened with the big and tasty  by mcdonald's mcdonald's homeboy has a beauty   this beast was created allegedly in response to  burger king's attempt to copy the big mac with   its very original big king the big and tasty was  supposed to mimic a whopper and had all the basic   ingredients as well and it was the same size as a  whopper too even though it was a bit of a mess to   eat it was actually very tasty and very cheap it  used to sell for only 99 cents but as time passed   it got smaller and more pricey which all led to  the big and tasty's demise if mcdonald's was to   bring back this tasty burger to the menu and keep  its original size we would be more than grateful   but we can't exactly say the same for burger king  what are you waiting for huh burger king ribs   one real i sure am hungry burger king seemed  to have wanted its own baby back ribs when they   came out with a very successful limited time menu  item the very delicious pork ribs needless to say   they were a huge hit and how could they not have  been people go crazy over burger king and over   ribs so what do you get when you mix those two  together paradise i can hear the hallelujah chorus   or at least a very lucrative menu item so  lucrative in fact that burger king actually ran   out a week before the 2010 promotion was supposed  to end the chain sold over 10 million ribs isn't   that a big enough sign that people loved these  and that they should be brought back then again   maybe that's what we should do then these very  elite and rather expensive ribs more than seven   dollars per order were glazed to perfection  with just enough sauce to satiate any mcrib   fans who felt neglected by its departure while  some people argued that they were just a tad too   salty then let's face it kind of expensive burger  king ribs still deserve kudos for being completely   tasty and should have a spot on the regular menu  just stock more of the ribs this time bk if you   make them they will come i want my baby back baby  back baby back i want my baby back baby that ribs   popeyes cookie dough chicken tenders when you're  on a chicken bender grab a box of chicken tenders   wait what chicken tenders and cookie dough do  not seem like two terms you would put together   in a sentence it sounds like a pretty wacky  and absurd combination that would send any   dietitian running for the hills it was a weird  and yet kind of intriguing creation which is why   it only lasted a month on popeye's menu the  sweet and crunchy tenders released in 2017   featured marinated chicken breast tenders that  were coated in a sweet shortbread cookie breading   to give a sweet taste and crunchy texture  while this may sound like a not so sober   late night hunger experiment these little sweet  tenders were not half bad if not delicious they   had a sicker crunchier shell than regular chicken  tenders and had just a little hint of sweetness   to them obviously people were skeptical at first  it was after all chicken coated in cookie dough   but it ultimately won people over most people said  that this heavenly concoction reminded them of   chicken and waffles minus the maple syrup and  that they were pleasantly surprised by how these   little outcasts turned out and that's why we want  it back i want you back taco bell volcano burrito have you ever taken a bite out of something  spicy and realized it wasn't only spicy but   extremely delicious so much in fact that you  couldn't stop taking bite after bite even though   everything inside of you screamed for you to  stop well that's how most people felt when   they tried the volcano burrito at taco bell this  fiery burrito was introduced in may 2009 and was   piggybacking on the success of taco bell's volcano  taco back in 2008 people were immediately hooked   all thanks to the very peppery lava sauce not  only was it spicier than other taco bell sauces   that says i say meat aboard but it just had that  little something extra you can't quite put your   finger on actually you could put your finger on it  it was due to the 50 percent more capsaicin it had   in it but still the volcano burrito was stuffed  with a double portion of deliciously seasoned   ground beef a scoop of mexican rice a sprinkle of  crunchy red tortilla strips for texture sour cream   and cheddar cheese to balance it out all in a  nice and cozy 12-inch flour tortilla it was a hit   a real winner which is why its discontinuation  sent a lot of people into a state of confusion   and sadness everybody was asking the same question  why why oh why would they get rid of such a tasty   burrito letters were written petitions were  started but the beloved volcano burrito never   came back and neither did the lava sauce it's not  something we want it's something we need i'm not   scared of any burrito all you did mcdonald's fish  mcbites hey what are those mcdonald's new fish   mcbites chicken nuggets are a staple of american  food those tiny little fried bites are perfect as   a side or a meal so with the tremendous success  the chicken mcnuggets had it was only logical for   mcdonald's to try and recreate that hype all over  again with a brand new product the fish mcbites   the fish mcbites were added as a happy meal  option in 2013. initially a seasonal item   to coincide with lent it ended up on the menu  a little longer due to unexpected popularity   who wouldn't want a bite-sized poppable version  of a filet of fish to dip in tartar sauce despite   its seemingly bursting popularity they were cast  out that very same year people lost interest but   why these were literally every fish and chicken  nuggets lovers dreams combined maybe people in   2013 weren't ready to welcome such a fusion into  their lives it's okay we are we'll take them   there's even a petition online to bring back these  little mcbites of fun but mickey d's doesn't seem   to be listening to the outcry for now the filet  of fish and chicken mcnuggets are raining over the   mcdonald's kingdom but hopefully one day the fish  mcbites will make a triumphant return from sea   to be a part of mcdonald's official menu do you  have some wild fish moves burger king who burrito   you say burrito we say why burrito everyone  deserves to experience what a good burrito   tastes like and everyone deserves to experience  what a famous bk whopper tastes like that was the   inspiration for burger king to create one of the  most iconic fast food fusions ever the whopperito   it was yes you guessed it a burrito and a whopper  combined to create an absolutely delicious single   menu item the wa burrito had basically all the  regular whopper ingredients such as beef although   it was ground beef instead of a patty shredded  lettuce diced tomatoes onions and pickles why   am i talking to a pickle but with a twist it was  all wrapped inside a soft and warm flour tortilla   instead of the traditional ketchup and mayo a  sumptuous queso sauce was the star of the show   and gave the final tex-mex touch to this  innovative burrito introduced in 2016 as   a limited time offer the whopperito didn't  exactly bring unity to avid whopper fans   while some agreed that burger king's creative  take on a burrito was ingenious and inventive   others did not share the same opinion to some a  whopper should stay in its original shape and bun   and a burrito should stay a burrito period but  honestly where's the fun in that why not try   something fun and new to mix things up once in  a while the whopperito is literally the perfect   example of just that without strain too far off  the beaten track hurricane's better eh pizza hut   sicilian lasagna pizza once again my life has been  saved by the miracle of lasagna lasagna and pizza   two beloved and delicious italian food staples  you've probably found yourself in a situation in   which you had to make the heartbreaking decision  of choosing between pizza and lasagna oh however   will you choose it seems like an impossible choice  to make yes which is why pizza hut made your life   easy back in 2006 and came up with a sicilian  lasagna pizza this hybrid was the perfect balance   between a pizza and a lasagna and would bring  joy to whoever was lucky enough to enjoy one   during the brief period it was available it was  like a noodle-less lasagna made with ground beef   parmesan and ricotta cheese and zesty marinara  sauce all layered onto a nice sicilian crust people claimed it reminded them of a chicago deep  dish pizza and described it as being very rich and   hearty the perfect late night comfort food some  other people claimed they were duped by false   advertisement because the sicilian lasagna pizza  wasn't an actual lasagna on a pizza it sounds like   a minor complaint when it comes to an otherwise  delicious concoction however it disappeared and   was never seen again and now we all have to go  back to choosing between pizza and lasagna again   how sad you know it's sadder than this bambi taco  bell grilled stuffed nacho i i want to eat nachos   and they're bad for me and i should not eat  them and uh i ate them i ate them again judging   by past complaints i think we can all agree that  people usually go bonkers when you mix two iconic   foods together but sometimes one delicious food is  not enough and you just need to match it up with   another tasty treat cue the grilled stuffed  nachos from taco bell it resembled a giant   nacho and contained all of the hearty and tasty  ingredients of a good burrito the flour tortilla   was shaped like a triangle much like the shape of  a nacho chip and was stuffed with seasoned beef   cheesy jalapeno sauce sour cream and crunchy red  strips to again recall the crunch of the nachos   it was simply exquisite and not only because  of the taste but because of the look too you   get all the contentment of eating nachos and you  get the satisfaction of eating it all by yourself   without sharing joey doesn't share food over  the days you had to reluctantly accept someone   poking at your hot nacho plate now it was all  in a giant tortilla you can enjoy on the go and   not feel guilty about keeping it all to yourself  sadly though the specialty item was discontinued   in 2015 and we had to go back to playing nice  and sharing our nachos you can still order it off   the secret menu but it just doesn't quite feel  the same nacho why wendy's fresh stuffed pitas wendy's is a magical place where square burgers  and frosties rule they're basically what the chain   is most known for and what they do best but what  most people might not be aware of is that wendy's   was once the home of some other not-so-successful  items like the fresh-stuffed pitas all the way   back in 1997 wendy's decided to get in on the rap  craze that was taking over the fast food industry   at the time they were marketed as something  different and new for those who grew tired   of the regular lunch options i'm saying that we  need to discuss all our options it was basically   a salad in a tortilla shredded lettuce mixed with  whatever salad ingredients you wanted the most   popular pita was the chicken caesar pita which  was filled with wendy's low-fat caesar dressing   cheese chicken breasts and a whole lot of tasty  veggies while this very original stuffed pita   is no longer available and hasn't been in a long  long time wendy still offers a small side caesar   salad so all you would have to do is order one of  these and stuff it in a pita of course it would   never be exactly the same as the real deal but  hey close enough at the time wendy's decided to   focus their energy on the core of their business  the burgers and the frosties but what if they had   kept the pitas for a little while longer who knows  maybe it could have dethroned the iconic baconator   nah that could never happen it's never gonna  happen pizza hut taco pizza you're talking to   somebody with extraordinarily high taco standards  just to be clear another combination that left   practically everyone in love was when pizza hut  adopted a taco pizza you like pizza and you like   tacos well 1979 was the perfect year for you  as it was the year this iconic clash took place   honestly the only acceptable answer when  it comes to taco pizza should be omg   yes please and thank you at least for the  die hard fans of these two delicious dishes   delicious it was a pizza looking taco  tasting pizza type of deal that had   all of your favorite features of both items all  the good fixings from a classic taco lettuce diced   tomatoes shredded cheddar cheese and ground  beef laid out on a good old pizza crust pizza   hut covered both bases to bring out the best of  both worlds yes it was a bit tricky to eat since   the toppings seem to want to be everywhere but in  your mouth but hey that's the same with every taco   on a pizza or not you take some and lose some  in life and a messy meal seemed like a pretty   reasonable price to pay to enjoy such an iconic  pizza meets taco fusion the real question though   is this will taco bell ever release a pizza taco  that is something we should keep an eye open for   the circle would finally be complete the circle  is now complete we've got more videos on our   menu just tap first time here well click that  subscribe button and ring that notification bell
Channel: BabbleTop
Views: 189,542
Rating: 4.8247995 out of 5
Keywords: top 10 discontinued fast food items we want brought back now, fast food, discontinued food items, discontinued, discontinued food, food we miss, top 10 discontinued foods, discontinued foods, top 10 discontinued food items we miss, discontinued food items we miss, food, junk food, foods, foods we miss, food items we miss, discontinued fast food, food they stoped making, discontinued mcdonalds, discontinued fast food items, foods that stoppped, list, top 10, babbletop, babble top
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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