Top 10 Differences Between Managers and Leaders

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hey I like to welcome everyone my name is Scott Williams and I won't take a few moments to talk to you today about how it is that I manage my staff let me tell you the simple answer to how I manage my staff is this I don't I don't manage my staff I lead my staff you know there's been this ongoing debate ongoing argument over managers versus leaders and what particular category that people may fall into and some say after reading countless books and being in a number of different leadership roles in both nonprofit organizations corporations and worked in politics and in ministry I'm tell you I've definitely witnessed the difference between the two and I had the opportunity as a young leader to work for a meeting a gentleman who was a great leader I mean he was the consummate leader and his name was Marvin Weaver he taught me some of the best leadership principles and I really summed them to this acronym that I called back and he again was the consummate leader and so as I'm sitting here thinking about Marvel a did the B for back it's becc but the B was believed I mean he always believed in me he believed in me he believed in others and I'm saying the E was he encouraged me he encouraged me to to be more to do more he was always an encourage the C was is he challenged me he challenged me to dream big to think bigger to do more he challenged me spiritually child me professionally and the last C probably the most important is he corrected me I mean if I got a little bit off balance he always would correct me and bring me back in line and I would say as we as we look at leaders and managers both have their role but in in their simplest form here's a deal leaders develop followers and managers manage people and things and so leaders don't have subordinates because they're in the business again of developing followers in the business developing other leaders or managers on the other hand they have to have some boards it's all about positional equity and telling subordinate Joe or subordinate Sally to go make this widget and make it in this way a leader on the other hand they're not worried about some positional equity or some formal Authority because they know that they're in the business of creating a tribe and developing more leaders and what we have to understand is that the business of following it's voluntary it's a voluntary action out of times managers don't even realize this and so the challenge for most managers they don't realize that they're managing that they're confusing managing with leadership and so I'm going to look at helped us to look at these 10 simple category principles and category comparisons that will compare the difference between a manager and leader and so the first thing when it comes to essence the essence of all of this managers they're all about stability we're a leader on the other hand they're all about change you know when it comes to rules managers make the rules leaders they break the rules you know for the sake of their organization for the sake of what they're leading when it comes to approach you know it's all about for man is all about planning the details we're a leader it's about setting the direction this is where we're going and when it comes to culture managers they execute and we're leaders they shape the culture when it comes to conflict managers oftentimes avoid conflict we're leaders they use conflict as an asset because they understand that there's no movement without friction when it comes to direction and managers like to go down the existing road I'm going to go this way this is comfortable where leaders they like to go down new roads when it comes to credit man managers tend to take credit where leaders they give credit to all those around those who are making it happen when it comes to decisions managers makes the decisions where leaders would generally facilitate the decision they will encourage and create buy-in in a healthy way when it comes to vision managers tail and leaders they sell they sell the vision and direction and this one is really important the last one number 10 when it comes to style managers are generally transactional and what are the transactions to get this from there where are leaders it's about being transformational transforming people transform the organization transforming a culture let me tell you a great self-assessment for you to determine whether or not you're leading or you're managing is to ask this question and the question is this if my position title role or or formal Authority were removed with the people that I'm leading still gladly follow me if you can't answer that question honestly ask those that are the closest to you to give you a candid answer because the reality is that people don't want to be managed they want to be led they want to follow a leader I mean think about you you're sitting there right now you're listening to people you don't get excited about following world managers you don't get excited by following business manager education manager religious managers but you do get excited about following world leaders and business leaders and education leaders and religious leaders managers change things leaders change the world I'm saying this I remember this quote from an Apple commercials a campaign they did in the 1990s a think different campaign it featured in Mel Kaye and Picasso and Gandhi and Einstein and others and the commercial into what this line is said the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that do be a world changer be a leader
Channel: Scott Williams
Views: 1,130,402
Rating: 4.8742466 out of 5
Keywords: leader vs manager, manager - leader, leadership vs management, the nines, manager vs leader, management vs leadership
Id: 8ubRzzirRKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 49sec (349 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2011
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