Top 10 DEKU Facts You Didn't Know! (My Hero Academia / Boku no Hero Academia Izuku Midoriya Facts)

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[Music] what up guys goes on here for anime uproar and today we're going to be looking at the top 10 facts you probably didn't know about azúcar midoriya aka Deku the protagonist of my hero academia Deku is the lovable crybaby we follow as he trains desperately and works towards his dream of becoming the greatest hero we get to watch his journey from quark less and hopeless cry-baby to the strongest hero and that's really what I love about this show its underlying optimism it's view that anyone can make their dreams come true if they are willing to work tirelessly and put their blood sweat and tears into it if a quark less wimp can become the greatest hero then you the viewer can make your dreams come true as well if you're willing to hustle that is today I'm going to be telling you about some interesting facts about this inspirational figure that you probably don't know facts which will hopefully add to your appreciation of our plain-looking protagonist if you haven't already be sure to subscribe for more videos like this one and if you want to see more my hero academia or fact videos make sure to Detroit smash that like button to let me know also feel free to drop any suggestions you have in the comment section and it may just be the next video you see all right now without any further ado let's do this number one let's start with some basic information about deku deku is 166 centimeters tall or 5 foot 5 inches which seems kind of short for a superhero but to put things in perspective Levi's humanity strongest and kulit soldier from attack on Titan is only 5 foot 3 so that's definitely not going to hold Deku back however since that ku is still young he's probably still got a fair bit of growing to do I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out to be as tall and buff as all might himself Deku was born on July 15th a birthday he shares was Ichigo from Bleach another Shonen manga and anime that was extremely popular at its peak now let's just hope that fellow Ana tuber super eyepatch rule doesn't have to make a fall of my hero academia video in the future number 2 dec was 14 years old when the series first start and he is currently 16 years old in the manga according to an interview with the mangaka Kohei horikoshi we can also expect a bigger time-skip in the future as we've seen in other Shonen anime like Dragonball Naruto and one-piece hoodie course she was always interested in hero origin stories which is part of the reason that my hero academia is located in a school setting we'll get to the other reason later however he doesn't want to just talk about the origin story he has already thought about what these UA students would be like as pro heroes he would be excited to do a second part something like Naruto Shippuden for my hero academia and according to horikoshi we can expect a darker more mature tone for this continuation number three is Akuma Doria was originally an adult salesman called jack midoriya he was the main character of a one-shot manga called my hero that horikoshi wrote because of Jack's feeble body he couldn't hope to get a hero license so he joined the hero weapon manufacturing company because that was the only way he could get his hands on the weapons he would need to be a hero and fight evildoers Jack is a mixture of Deku and all night he is hopeful and hardworking like Deku but he also coughs a blood regularly like all my does in his feeble form this is a great story and I strongly recommend that you check it out the main reason horikoshi chose to switch the main character's age and the setting is because he really wanted to have a successful manga Inchon and jump but shounen jump readers usually between 13 and 17 years old would have had a hard time relating to an adult protagonist number 4 the character of yuzu kuma Doria and his story was very much the result of Hiroko she his mood and mental state after the cancellation of one of his previous manga you see my hero academia was not horikoshi his first work to be publishing shown and drum he had two other works published previously including Omega Doki Zoo and barrage the latter having a very short run due to its lack of popularity at this point but eco she was very depressed and doubting whether or not he had what it took to be a successful manga he was starting to think that he just wasn't born with the talent needed to be among Kaka much like a zoo cool wasn't born what the quirk needed to be a hero so what he caught she decided to put things he liked on previous works into his new manga which would be filled with optimism to help himself get over his own depression he really liked working on the one-shot my hero so he decided to bring back the main character and the world in many ways you can see horikoshi situation reflected in deku deku also doubts himself he wants to be a hero so bad he is willing to work so hard but he doesn't have a natural quirk that would allow for this dream to come true and yet he doesn't want to give up on his dream and eventually runs into all my who gives him his own course and all of a sudden Deku comes to realize that he can be the greatest hero if he is willing to hustle his butt off similarly Shonen drum game hero cost you another chance and lo and behold my hero academia turned out to be a smash hit pun intended I hope that you guys like me can draw inspiration from both Deku story and hero coffee story whether you want to be the Pirate King the Hokage the greatest hero or even a full-time youtuber as the immortal bard mmm once said you can do anything you set your mind to man I don't know how to turn into a motivational speech but anyways let's get back to the fact number 5 after everything we learned so far it may not surprise you that that ku came first place in the first line here academia popularity poll it may seem common sense that the main character will come in first place but this is not always the case for example Levi always comes in first place rather than Aaron in attack on Titan popularity polls and when you're competing with as many awesome characters as there are in my hero academia deck whose achievement is all the more impressive however he did drop one spot in the second popularity poll believe it or not for you anime only fans he was replaced by a very own bully Bakugan who happens to get some great characterization later on in the series let me know who your absolute favorite character is in the comments section below number six is Akuma Doria also known as student number 18 in class 1a ranks 4th in his class when it comes to grades unlike many shown and protagonists think Naruto and Goku especially Goku mediodía is very intelligent and this is shown outside of the classroom even more so than inside of the classroom midoriya is not an ask minded guy who can't wait to rush into his next fight as long as we have known him he has been taking physical and mental notes of every hero student and villain he comes across his mind is always active whether he's analyzing people's moves and coming up with strategies to use against them in the future or whether he is desperately trying to think his way out of a difficult situation in my opinion this is a refreshing change to see in a shounen manga as protagonist and it's one of the things I really like about my hero academia number 7 is Akuma Doria is constantly said to be plain looking in the series and he'd of course she thought he was - which is why when he was redesigning the adult midoriya into teenage midoriya he tried to make him look cooler he was going to have his hair cover one of his eyes kind of like Sanji from one piece but on Deku it just looked like he was begging for a haircut eventually he of course she decided that the planar Deku looked the better and I think that he made the right decision the fact that he's so plain to begin with makes his road to becoming the greatest hero all the more epic number eight as I mentioned in every quirk from class 1-a explained and every word from class 1 be explained you know Co she is very careful and purposeful when it comes to choosing names for his characters the names usually reflect the character's appearance personality and or quirk music whose name is no exception he's Akuma daughter's name includes the kanji for green for valley for coming from a specific place and for long ago midoriya means green and Japanese and it also happens to be the color of Decker's eyes hair and hero costumes I for one would be very confused if it didn't turn out to be his favorite color also when you say someone's green it means that they are a beginner or someone who is inexperienced which definitely applies to Dec these are just some of the ways in which is Akuma dorias character is reflected in his name number 9 now let's turn to use approve nickname deku deku is actually an alternate reading of the country for Zuko and it means useless or someone who can't achieve anything obviously we know that baku go started calling him this when they were still kids in order to insult him however roodaka flips the meaning of the nickname completely she finds it to be inspiring because in Japanese Gotha never give up vibe or a feeling of I can do it there are some changes in the Funimation dub because although these reasons work in Japanese both battle goals and salt and Oh Dada cos interpretation when it makes sense to most English speakers so they made Deku an abbreviation for defenseless easy cool taking the de from the beginning of defenseless and that K u from the ending of azubu in contrast Veronica likes the name because she thinks it would make a great hero name and that it sounds kind of cute immediately midoriya responds sec who it is I personally like the Japanese version more but I get that it might have been a bit jarring if they try to explain Japanese Kanji in the dump then eventually you could choose as a KU as as hero name which reminds me of how Tyrion and Jon Snow from Game of Thrones embrace insulting names and wear them as armor so they can never be used to hurt them and bonus back deck was also a race from The Legend of Zelda who are seen as weak but like Eva cool they can hit pretty hard number 10 now let's talk about that goose quark one for all so far every single known user of one for all has had his or her correlating user number in their name in other words the seventh user of the quark was called Nana which is Japanese for the number seven all might aka Toshi nori yagi is the eighth user and he has the kanji for eighth in his name finally use Ooka Midori ax has qu in his name which can refer to the number nine in Japanese so it almost seems like Deku was destined to inherit the power from the very beginning and there it is guys top ten facts you probably didn't know about that group there are some other interesting facts like the fact that Deku sweat glands are always in overdrive that his favorite food is katsu Don and so on but I think we covered the most important one as always thank you so much for watching guys if you enjoyed this video make sure to Detroit smash that like button I know a lot of you have been accidentally breaking your phones and tablets in this way you've been letting us know in the comments but you know what that's a small price to pay for all my levels of Awesomeness if you haven't already be sure to subscribe for more my hero academia videos like this one and until next time see yeah space cowboys [Music] you [Music]
Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 396,003
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Keywords: top 10, izuku, midoriya, deku, facts, deku facts, 10 deku facts, top 10 deku facts, top 10 facts, 10 facts, 10 facts midoriya, 10 facts izuku midoriya, izuku midoriya, izuku midoriya deku, deku mha, midoriya mha, izuku midoriya mha, my hero academia, boku no hero academia, boku no hero, facts you didn't know, izuku midoriya my hero academia, deku my hero academia, deku boku no hero, my hero academia facts, boku no hero facts, izuku midoriya facts, things you didn't know deku
Id: OyL3IhloLzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2017
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