Top 10 Controversial Games Removed from Steam

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some games just don't belong on a store shelf be it physical or digital welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 controversial games removed from Steam before we begin we publish new videos every day so be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos for this list we're looking at a handful of games that had so many problems they were forced to be pulled from the steam store pages keep in mind were only considering games that have had official releases so active shooter escapes the list by the skin of its teeth some even creating a petition on demanding the video game be pulled the petition garnered hundreds of thousands of signatures number 10 abstract as him [Music] after hearing about this little incident we've grown a little more cautious of buying cheap games abstract ISM was a simple platformer that aimed to market toward players looking for an easy game on the contrary there was more inside of the games files turns out the game was part of a scheme to turn players computers into cryptocurrency mines designed to scam players with fake DLC for other games developer Ocala Union tried passing these files off as necessities to start the game but this wasn't fooling anybody and the game was swiftly delisted minutes after the news broke [Music] number nine pickled Rick [Music] just because it's a joke played out by thousands doesn't mean you can make a game out of it especially if the joke involves a copyrighted character in November 2017 a developer by the name of a debería uploaded a beat'em up game called pickled rick piggybacking off the pickle rick joke from a certain sci-fi cartoon can you move can you fly wouldn't be much of a pickle if I could despite getting attention from some big-name youtubers there Jeff was quickly given a notice from Steam that his game was to be removed due to copyright infringement Baird you have argued that the game fell under fair use claiming the game was a parody regardless the game was taken down on pickle rack number eight darkspore barely has there been a time where a game is so bad that the publisher has to pull the game themselves such was the case with EA's action RPG Darkspore [Applause] when the game launched it was plagued with bugs that would cause players to lose their saved characters that is if you could even log in oh and did we mention the game required a constant online connection just like SimCity two years after release EA finally announced it would be delisting the game from steam while assuring fans it would return sometime in the future spoiler alert it hasn't unknown number seven double-oh-seven legends this was perhaps bonds worst outing since the Timothy Dalton days in an effort to ride the coattails of goldeneyes successful remaster Activision released double-oh-seven legends and it was nothing more than a highlight reel of iconic bond moments I'll beat in the form of a terrible video game gone to mi6 I think there's more to Goldfinger's operation than we thought I'm going to investigate combat was unbelievably boring and tedious and the entire experience was about a shoddy as die another day could you believe they wanted to charge $60 for this Activision released no statement on the game's removal which led many to believe the games failure caused the publisher to delist all double-oh-seven games from Steam it's a plausible theory that may not be confirmed for a long time can I help you I want to know what you're up to with Goldfinger that's none of your business number 6 racoon hero steam greenlight wasn't exactly a great platformer for indie developers and it was easy to exploit some of the flaws in the system for example users could upload as many games as they wanted to without any fees or consequences one such convict of this deed was a puzzle game called raccoon hero within two weeks of the first game raccoon hero spawned four sequels adding to the already massive flood of horrendous games clogging steam it was also found out for being an asset flip basically this was a game that was copied and pasted number five right to hell retribution even though it's been five years we're still shaking our heads right to hell retribution was one of the worst games of 2013 and for good reason bugs bugs bugs bugs awkward sex scene bugs bugs bugs another awkward sex scene and the cycle continues publisher Deep Silver never released an official statement for its removal but we can only assume one thing no one was buying it because everyone knew how awful it was and it wasn't even laughably bad swear to God I'd rather be polishing boots and sit through this crap number four Wild Buster Heroes of Titan it's not often that you'll come across an MMORPG that looks surprisingly solid which is what makes this all the more disappointing yes some of these kids might be something some day did they keep their eyes on the game and stay out of my way the game wasn't pulled because of being abysmal in quality or suffering technical issues nothing as damning as some of the other entries on this list instead it was pulled because developer in Cell games was caught manipulating review scores employees of insel games were asked by their CEO in an email to buy the game and post positive review scores on Steam where else they may not have a job when the news broke steam terminated in Cell Games Steam account and removed wild buster from the store what a shame [Music] number three day one Gary's incident and here we have one of the most infamous games to ever disgrace the platform after the late John Bain aka totalbiscuit criticized day one Gary's incident for its Bunge state and terrible quality developer wild game studio filed a DMCA takedown on the video in an effort to silence him this did the exact opposite prompting bata upload another video showing the takedown while delivering more criticism today I'd like to talk to you about someone that's not interested in consumer protection created a game that any sane person would consider a terrible purchase the public outcry that followed would force wild games to retract the takedown soon after this incident wild games was caught manipulating the game score on Metacritic be a big accounts no statement was made on the game's removal but these scandals were probably its undoing number two Paran article activity para nautical activity may be available to purchase but for a time the game was removed and it was because of a few venomous tweets after its October 2014 launch the game's lead developer Mike Malbec became frustrated with valve for mislabeling the game under early access amidst his frustration he posted a series of angry tweets towards valve including a death threat against valve CEO Gabe Newell you can guess what happened next para nautical activity was sold to a different developer digerati who would add more to the game before releasing it to the public again in February of 2015 since the incident Malbec has expressed regret in his actions no [ __ ] [Music] number one anything made by digital homicide [Music] digital homicide hasn't become just a joke among Steam users they're the laughingstock of the games industry throughout the company's two year lifespan founders James and Robert bromine shelled out dozens and dozens of games ranging from absolutely broken and sloppily cobbled together to outright offensive and juvenile content the company would soon crumble from their inability to take criticism during their infamous lawsuit against Jim sterling the Romans attempted to sue over 100 Steam users on the grounds of personal injury over negative comments steam promptly responded by taking down their entire catalog and terminating their account and since October 2016 the company is no more thank God for Jim sterling do you agree with our picks check out these other great clips from WatchMojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music]
Views: 830,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video games, banned video games, banned games, banned steam games, banned from steam, digital homicide, piccled ricc, abstractism, darkspore, 007 legends, ride to hell retribution, paranautical activity, top 10, watchmojo, watch mojo, list, controversial games, watchmojo controversial, watchmojo gaming
Id: mcUnFdIf5Bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 28 2018
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