Top 10 Celebs with the Highest IQ

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you speak very good french graas welcome to watch Mojo and today we're looking at high IQ celebrities in modern times based on existing evidence and various reports from different Outlets also we aren't claiming these are the smartest celebs this is just about the numbers you're not someone who started off wanting to be in movies did you no you got a degree in is it chemical engineering chemical engineering yeah number 10 mayam biic well the main characters on The Big Bang Theory except for Penny are all gen is at least one of the actors playing them is as well or at least according to her reported IQ score of somewhere between 153 and 160 really is that what you think yes that's what I think and I'm super smart so it's probably true my molic played a neurobiologist on the show but in real life the actress has a doctorate in Neuroscience which she got at UCLA a fact that was actually referenced on the show prior to be becoming a cast member you know what's apparently very smart is the girl who play TV's blossom she got a PhD in Neuroscience or something and for the record we would definitely want mayam biic on our physics bll team I really want to eat this banana but it's stuck inside this bamboo puzzle box number nine Sharon Stone while numerous actresses turned down the role of Katherine trell in 1992's Basic Instinct Sharon Stone was smart enough to say yes to the role that would make her a star why have you waved your eye to an attorney Mr M why did you think I wouldn't want one and speaking of smart Miss Stone doesn't just get high marks for her beauty and acting ability Stone has a beautiful brain as well you were the best assignment I ever had really one that had her starting grade two when she was just 5 years old and one that has given her an IQ score that is reported to be somewhere in the low to mid 150s well I think everybody likes imperfections because let's face it nobody's perfect number eight Conan O'Brien when it comes to being funny hosting late night talk shows and even doing an invisible string dance there's no doubting the fact that Conan O'Brien is exceptionally gifted oh what the hell look right here snuck pass and past part of sneak but those words could also be used to describe his placement on the IQ scale for those unaware of the scale the exceptionally gifted range begins at 160 and goes all the way to 179 what shocks me about an electron in a Penning trap is that most amplitude collapses are accompanied by a phase flip O'Brien who was valedictorian of his high school class and graduated Magna Kum Lada from Harvard University in 1985 has an IQ that stands at 160 We Gather here today to agree that I am the real original Conan number seven Dolph lungren Dolph lungren is a perfect example of don't judge a book by his cover or more precisely don't judge an actor's IQ by the characters they play he he lungren made his name as a martial artist and action star and is always been known more for his big muscles than his big brain nobody knows that I studied chemical engineering or that I've got an IQ of 160 because I'm just too powerful but did you know that he speaks fluent English and Swedish and can speak a little French German Italian Japanese and Spanish as well he also has a master's degree in chemical engineering and received a full bright scholarship to MIT although he left to become an actor his IQ is reported to be 160 um well I had a scholarship to MIT in Boston and uh wanted to finish there and get a PhD and maybe go to Harvard or something number six Matt Damon Matt Damon didn't just play a wicked smart guy in Goodwill Hunting he is one we aren't saying that Damon could have solved the math problems that Will Hunting does in the movie and Damon wouldn't say that either sorry but he did write the very first draft of the script that would become Goodwill Hunting for a theater course he was taking at the prestigious Harvard University would have been nice to catch that game though I know bud is going to hit a home run and as for his IQ well we have seen it listed at 100 43 most places report Damon to be sporting an even more impressive 160 IQ whose idea was this that is clearly not my idea number five Ashton kusher well many of the characters he's played have IQs that we can only assume would be lucky to hit High double digits Ashton Kutcher himself has an IQ well past 100 oh just a classic case of hand stuck in vase yep the guy who played Michael Kelo and the dude that couldn't find his car has an IQ that's higher than most of you Dude Where's My Car where's your car dude unless your IQ is 161 because according to most reports kers comes in at 160 although we've also seen sources claim it's only 154 either way it's quite an impressive number and no you aren't being punked being able to create an Impulse within a consumer to do something is in art form number four Quenton Tarantino have you ever met a high school dropout with an 163 IQ well if you met Quenton Tarantino then yes you have although some reports list Tarantino with an 160 IQ rather than 163 what is the secret to Tarantino dialogue um I just get the characters talking to each other he was living in Los Angeles at the time when he decided that narbon High School in Harbor City just wasn't for him you can go on a whole thing a lot of the classic movies I saw I saw lot on late night television he had a number of jobs before eventually making it to Sundance with Reservoir Dogs and launching himself to Fame and a directing career that Rivals many of the best to ever do it the clown murders that is absolutely right number three Rowan ainson electrical engineering isn't very funny but it is what Rowan ainson devoted much of his time to before taking the comedic path we are all familiar with before there was Black Adder and before there was Mr Bean there was ainson graduating with a Bachelor of Science in electrical and electronic engineering and he followed that up with a master's of Science degree in electrical engineering from the Queens College Oxford so what's his IQ you ask would you be impressed if we told you it was 170 well if so you'll be even more impressed when we tell you Atkinson's IQ is actually reported to be 178 what is your name wble what is 2 + 2 oh Wubble Wubble number two James Woods what did you get on your SATs if you answered 157 9 then you have something in common with after James Woods all right just stop all right okay Woods studied at MIT and was on a path to become an eye surgeon but dropped out before graduating in order to do the whole acting thing based on that massively impressive SAT score reports have Woods's IQ at 180 or 184 depending on who you ask and to put that high number in a little context Einstein's IQ has been estimated by many to have been around 160 I don't know if this makes any sense you know what I'll decide if it makes any sense or not okay before we unveil our top pick here are a few honorable mentions Jim Carrey The Dumb and Dumber star has a reported IQ of 153 Austria Austria well then good day mate Goldie han han is in menza with her 140 plus IQ okay I'll take it from here go on get upstairs Den mckel denica mckel has an 154 or IQ and a mathematical Theory named after her Pi is equal to 3.1415 you had to pick chaikovsky for this you couldn't have picked like When the Saints Go Marching In Aisha Tyler Tyler is beautiful funny talented and rocking a reported 156 IQ yeah yeah yeah so you know but you call it a problem I call it a solution Lisa kudro kudo's reported IQ is 154 insert your own phebe joke here C and Ice oh I get to in charge of Cups and Ice all right before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one Brian May how many rock guitar astrophysicists are there we don't know but we do know there's at least one of them and that man is Brian May we will Rolling Stone ranked him as the 33rd greatest guitarist of all time and a Guitar World readers poll ranked him at number two but neither of those numbers is as impressive as the number 180 which happens to be May's reported IQ we've even seen some sources listed a tad higher to 181 and that astrophysicist thing ain't no gimmick either not only does may have a PhD in the field he's also worked with NASA as a science team collaborator it's NASA ladies and gentlemen taking us out into the very edges of the solar system to Pluto and Beyond and he wrote We Will Rock You and Fat Bottom Girls enough said which of these high iq's surprised you the most let us know in the comments what is 15 + 17 32 yeah did you enjoy this video check out these other clips from watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our l videos
Views: 25,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Conan O'Brien, Rowan Atkinson, brian may, celeb, celebrities, celebrities with the highest iqs, celebrity, celebrity with the highest iq, celebs, celebs with the highest iqs, highest iq, intelligent, iq, james woods, list, matt damon, mayim bialik, mojo, most intelligent celebrities, sharon stone, smart celebrities, smartest celebrities, smartest celebs, top 10, watch mojo, watchMojo
Id: hkBrjDL1h2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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