10 People Who Will NEVER Be Released from Prison

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he received two 60-year sentences and uh you know the tongue lashing of the century welcome to watch Mojo and today we're discussing 10 criminals who will never be released due to the seriousness or heinousness of their actions yes right you killed them all rway you killed them all mhm number 10 hin El Chapo Guzman we looked at our organizational chart and organized all efforts towards Chapo because we were able to Target him from multiple angles once considered the most powerful Narco in the world the former leader of the caloa cartel is currently serving a life sentence plus 30 years in a US Maximum Security Prison his criminal career spans decades during which he oversaw a vast and violent Empire that smuggled immense quantities of illegal substances into the United States his Smugglers aided by Innovative techniques invented by the drug lord himself drugs hidden on boats and in cars but perhaps most notably in tunnels Guzman's notoriety for escaping from high security prisons in Mexico only to be recaptured and finally extradited to the US in 2017 adds to his infamy his fate includes no possibility for parole effectively ensuring he will spend the remainder of his time Behind Bars this is where Chapa Gman escaped from when he was being pursued by Mexican Marines they broke down this door and found they had missed him by 8 minutes number nine johar SV in the months leading up to Marathon day jiar gave ominous hints at Darkness a key figure in the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013 which resulted in the tragic loss of three lives and injured hundreds johar SV will be imprisoned for the rest of his days the attack one of the most shocking acts of violence on American soil in recent history led to a massive Manhunt culminating in sv's capture in 2015 he was convicted on 30 charges including conspiracy and use of a weapon of mass destruction leading to death while his death sentence is still being appealed his imprisonment underscores the severe consequences of perpetrating acts of Terror and highlights the Justice system's commitment to holding individuals accountable for endangering Public Safety and Security Police sources also claimed jiar scrolled a message in the boat where he was hiding that the attack was retribution for Muslim deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan number eight Terry Nicholls those sketches were released as rescue workers work their way through the wreckage of of the mura Federal Building Nichols was hit with multiple sentences for his involvement in the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 one of the deadliest acts of domestic violence in US history this devastating event resulted in the loss of 168 lives and left over 600 individuals injured Nichols was found guilty of conspiring with Timothy McVey to carry out the attack as a crazed Act of protest against the federal government his conviction on Federal and State charges ensures that he will remain incarcerated for the the rest of his time on this planet a testament to the gravity of his terrible actions and their lasting impact on the nation number seven Michael swango in 2000 he met his fate life in prison here in Florence Colorado this former physician turned serial killer was implicated in the deaths of up to 60 patients and colleagues across the United States and Zimbabwe born in 1954 swango graduated from Southern Illinois University School of Medicine despite serious concerns about his competence he worked in various hospitals where unusually high rates of death and illness followed his presence leading to suspicions that he was poisoning patients and co-workers to still find levels even after all of that time and all that degradation it almost had to be due to an external injection arrested in 1997 swango was initially jailed for fraudulently obtaining his medical positions in 2000 he pleaded guilty to murdering three patients and was sent to three consecutive life terms without parole his case highlighted catastrophic lapses in hospital safety and the oversight of medical personnel many who knew him say he could have been great instead 30 years later what happens in Michael swango's mind is still a mystery number six Larry Nasser we talked to nasser's lawyer first thing he said was you know this is a very important man and you're potentially going to ruin his reputation here a former USA Gymnastics national team doctor and osteopathic physician at Michigan State University Nasser is serving an effective until death sentence after being convicted of multiple counts his horrific crimes came to light after hundreds of young athletes spanning decades bravely came forward I'm so horribly sorry that this was like a match to turn into a force fire out of control nasser's conviction on these multiple charges led to a judgment that ensures he will spend the rest of his existence in prison this sickening Saga has had a profound impact On The World of Sports prompting significant discussions about athlete safety the responsibilities of Institutions and the importance of listening to and protecting survivors I also recognize that what I am feeling PS in comparison to the pain trauma and emotional destruction that all of you are feeling number five Keith reneer he got 120 years mom who lives to that long nobody that's the point the founder of Nexium a company that reported to offer personal and professional development seminars received a 120-year prison sentence convicted in 2019 on several charges including forced labor conspiracy and racketeering reneer masqueraded as a self-help expert to manipulate control and exploit his followers every single woman who came forward to tell their horror stories feels Vindication the case against him revealed a disturbing pattern including the creation of a secret society within Nexium where women were branded with his initials his conviction underscores the dangers of cult-like organizations and the power dynamics that can lead to exploitation and abuse under the guys of self-improvement I had the kind of love with Keith that was uneasy because I loved him and I was afraid of him number four Joseph James D'Angelo as you see on the top there again he's moved to a new cell I believe and he's got light once again covered with papers known as the Golden State killer D'Angelo was convicted with multiple consecutive life sentences after pleading guilty to 13 counts of murder and numerous other charges his crimes committed during the 1970s and 80s terrorized communities across California you thought he was quite smart did you oh yeah he knew everything about everything that need to be known about law enforcement D'Angelo a former police officer eluded capture for decades until advancements in DNA technology and genealogical research led to his arrest in 2018 his facing Justice in 2020 marked the end of a long and harrowing Saga for the victims and their families bringing some measure of closure to cases that had remained unsolved for over 40 years and I'm Tru sorry everyone I've heard number three Gary Ridgeway you're an evil murdering monstrous cowardly man the Green River Killer confessed to the murder of 49 women making him one of the most prolific serial killers in American history his crimes which took place in the 1980s and 1990s primarily targeted women in the Seattle area many of whom were vulnerable individuals as he approached the door of his truck Jim Doan and I got out and I told him he's under arrest for the murder of several women in King County in 2003 Ridgeway was spared the death penalty in exchange for cooperating with authorities to locate the remains of his victims ultimately leading to his conviction on 48 counts of murder his case is notable for the sheer scale of his monstrousness the years he evaded capture and the impact of his actions on the families of his victims and the broader Community he could have been anybody living next door he was anybody living next door number two Nicholas Cruz you're only 19 D do you know how many years you had ahead of you you know how many years you had years the perpetrator of the margerie Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland Florida in 2018 is doing life without the possibility of parole one of the deadliest school shootings in US history it resulted in the deaths of 17 individuals including students and staff members and left 17 others injured I have no forgiveness in my heart for you you are a monster with no remorse and Every Breath You Take is a breath wasted Cruz's actions spurred a nationwide movement for gun control and school safety reforms led by survivors of the shooting his sentencing in 2022 marked the conclusion of a highly publicized and emotionally charged trial that captivated the nation but I have to live with this every day and brings me nightmares and I can't live with myself sometimes but I try to push through before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one James Holmes the duty judge has made a preliminary determination of probable cause to believe you're committed the offense of first-degree murder which is a Class one felony under Colorado law Holmes is responsible for the 2012 Aurora Colorado movie theater shooting during a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises and is serving 12 life sentences plus 3,318 years this act of violence one of the deadliest shootings in US history resulted in the death of 12 in individuals and injured 70 others this is a guy who is dressed up as the Joker a villain who's going to say I didn't understand that what I was doing was wrong that's not going to be easy Holmes's attacks stunned the nation igniting debates on gun control mental health and the security of public spaces his punishment reflects the magnitude of the tragedy and the lives altered Forever by his actions as well as a grim reminder of the potential for violence in society I want all the jur to know not to feel bad about what happened because we're very happy with the the sentence what other criminals could have made this list let us know in the comments check out these other clips from watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Channel: WatchMojo.com
Views: 276,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Keith Raniere, Larry Nassar, Michael Swango, Nikolas Cruz, crime, crimes, criminal, criminals, death row, drugs, el chapo, gary ridgway, golden state killer, jail, james holmes, killer, life sentence, list, longest sentences, mojo, murderer, people who will never be released from prison, prison, prison sentences, released, released from prison, serial killer, terry nichols, top 10, true crime, true crime stories, watchMojo
Id: K5snzsgDE-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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