Galactic Civilizations 4 Supernova - "In Depth Tutorial" - Ep 1

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hello AR you out there I'm Mark with redo over and you probably don't know who I am but this is Galactic Civilizations 4 Supernova and this is going to be a tutorial series that goes in depth about how this game plays so just give me a few seconds before you click off if you're not sure if you want to watch this or not I'll explain what I fully intend to do so I'm not a professional I don't get paid to do any of this I don't even get paid to make the videos this is purely hobby based I've been playing the game for about one month it came out about four months ago is I I've been trying to learn this rather complex game I've certainly watched plenty of YouTube videos by at least a half a dozen other creators and they've all made great videos but they aren't really telling me how the game works they're just kind of playing through the sessions which is cool I make videos like that too and I watch videos like that but it's not crunchy enough I don't know another way to describe it um there's a lot of stuff I've struggled to understand and once I understood it it would just be like oh no one else in their videos is telling me the I just got to figure it out on my own so I will probably make every weekend an hour video and we'll play a starter game from start to finish what I will do though is that every choice I make I will discuss why and what the number Dynamics are so if you're still with me a minute into this intro and that sounds like what you want then stick here with me or if you're maybe one of a dozen people who watches my content otherwise hello see if you like Galactic Civilization Supernova so um I will Reserve My overall review of this game till I've months from now when I have a good idea of the game I've played all the way through it I am learning if you're watching these with me and there's something you figure out or something I get wrong something I don't know put it in the comments it would legitimately be helpful so I'm not going to pretend to be an expert on this but um I will just point out the things it really this is about me playing the game initially and going I don't get this what's going on I and then once I figured it out going a I wish I'd known that so yeah there we go um this plays a lot different than games like Stellaris in my opinion or master of Oran I got a lot of me stuff and at first I wasn't sure but I really fell in love with it and so that's a big part of the reason why I guess I'm making this series as well is because I think there are a lot of folks out there who might dabble in this for a 3our sit down and then just go eh I don't know but the more I played it the more I liked it so I think it's a legitimate game that I think there going to be a community of people that grows up around um we'll see so new game here we go um I know that there are plenty of pre-made zenos what are there like 20 here and a lot of these have um tie-ins to the Galactic Civilizations one two and three game there's a whole story and history of the Galaxy and so you can play these characters you're familiar with you can certainly do a completely custom one and I think they even have a way to do an AI generated I see all these little videos of people making their little AI generated species and blurbs and artwork that's cool I'm not going to mess with it though I think for simplicity's sake just something we're familiar with is the Baseline as we will just play the Teran Alliance here so over here essentially each species is going to start with two abilities they're all going to get this Colony ship Flagship so those are not abilities I don't know why they're under the abilities but they are so little confusing as you're sorting through all these xenos over here you're going to just notice that everyone has the colony Fleet and the flagship but they have these two different abilities they're going to have a different cultural focus of eight cultural focuses each of the eight cultures has a culture tree I have um read through maybe half of them but I personally haven't even gotten through all the culture trees at this point I haven't haven't looked through all of them so I don't want to say one is better but I can probably guarantee that as you develop your own play style you'll find one of the eight cultures that really works to the way you like to play the game which is not a bad thing although you could still dip into any culture tree so don't feel like you're pigeon hoing Yourself by the culture that you choose at the beginning of the game you don't got to be afraid of that at all there's plenty of wiggle room um I have noticed through diplomacy that you're more likely to have good relations with species that have similar cultural focuses and the ones that are diametrically opposed to you you're going to have less good diplomacy interactions and then for biology there's only a handful of biologies I think they have a an ammonia based uh they have some one for synthetics that don't eat food but like so carbon based here species uses water and hydrocarbons as the basis of their chemistry their populations require food in order to grow so you got you got to farm with with with with these guys here these guys crap I'm inverted there you go okay uh let's jump back over to the Teran there so cultra Focus individualism carbon based it's not going to matter so much and they are voyagers the nice thing is there's tons of tool tips there's tons of icons on everything in the game and it can be a little overwhelming but everything tool tips rather nicely so you do that you can read the stuff you want also so I believe if you hold the shift key and you do need to know this so I've moused over voyagers you can see my cursor here it brings up this popup box I'm going to hold the shift key on my keyboard down and mouse over and then it would allow me to Mouse under other stuff now these are not popping out right now but it allows you to Mouse inside of a window so you can like kind of like nested tool tip boxes so you can really drill down pretty nice feature um it's the hit box on it's a little wonky so sometimes you have to like move your cursor off of a given icon and then move it back on to get the box within a box to to pop up so a little bit of a bug in my opinion stardock but you guys will get it all fixed up so for voyagers here though yeah this is pretty Point Blank uh you get a plus two ship sensor range awesome and you get a plus one to ship moves so a low-end you know ship movement in the game like early on might be a seven or eight hex's you know tiles moved per per turn uh month whatever it is in the game but when you get cooking like at least through the mid game stuff I play to you know you can hit 15 18 20 you you can get like just to give you scale idea so you're going to start around seven or eight and you're going to get to 15 you're going to get to 20 may maybe much more I don't know um and then inspired here this is a an additional leader is available for Recruitment and leadersh cost 25% less to recruit yeah one of your big monetary income expenses uh your galacto credits go towards buying leaders maintain item is not that big of a deal I don't know that there's much of a maintenance thing there associated but yeah early on in the game you're going to spend a vast majority of your income on leaders so with 25% discounts not bad but uh yeah it just breaks it down there you can um Plus One Max recruits minus 25% leader Cost Plus five persuasion this is interesting we might as well just jump into this right now as you sort through all these xenos choosing the one you want to play You're going to notice persuasion deception intimidation what a wonderful nod to the D and D 5e system of social interactions but yeah you don't need to be strong in all of them but you probably want to be strong in one of them and it's going to lead to negotiations if you've got a high intimidation you might might be able to Bluff away a belligerent xenos species that is trying to intimidate you encroach upon you or is going to declare war on you and you're like go for it give us everything you got and and they're like oh oh that is intimidating this person is is dangerous and uh or persuasion you're just like H come on why don't you give be one more durum I'm sure Karma will pay you back and the Galaxy will pay it all back to you in triple fold and they're like wow yeah I like that Karma talk and for no reason this person has persuaded me so and then deception that's just uh yeah you're sneaky sneak and you just lie to people and you're like oh yes peace in our time win and then yeah so it's kind of cool social abilities um so the humans have a little bit of persuasion there's nothing wrong with that I'll be honest I have not gotten that deep into the diplomacy part of the game I mainly just like to build up the infrastructure of my Empire and then do some space battles and but um you have to do some diplomacy it it's it comes at you I just haven't mastered it so let's uh hit next okay so every species even the pre-made species are going to pop up this window where you can fully customize even the pre-made species so if you want to play one of the species that is a historical standing within the Galaxy and as part of the Galactic Civilization story line you can do it and then still easily customize it it's right here you you have to hit this window I didn't hit the customization option this is just the next leads to this and you all right I'm going to play the Tern but they're going to be this way I'm going to switch stuff around so let's look over it real quickly you can um edit anything you want um one tricky thing is you you can't click out like so you're like okay I I'm going to edit the terance alliances that that's what I want to be called the alliances but then when you click out or you hit exit doesn't do nothing you have to hit the check box right here it's not super obvious that's why I pointed out because I was just like how do I close this window gosh darn it I said God damn it but uh I don't want to swear I don't want to swear too much here we go abilities this is nice so I pointed out everyone gets the calling ship everyone gets the flagship so can't get rid of that but you do get to choose one of two abilities you notice here when I clicked on voyagers it brought up two drop- down menus these menus contain the exact same abilities there's about 45 of them um you can't choose the same one twice obviously but yeah so here's adaptable on top then if I go to the inspired adaptable is also on the top of this one so they're they're not different holy crap can you just let's hit accept oh my fudge sickle I have never tried that before you may be able to double dip folks oo does anyone know let me know in the comments if you I'm not fishing for comments like illegitimately I'm not like oh give me interaction like will this work I don't know I'm making a onh hour tutorial video right now so I don't think I have time to experiment with it but wow some of the things I could see like just the way they read wouldn't do anything so in this case adaptable you can colonize extreme worlds you're not going to get double colonized extreme worlds there's only one type of extreme world however Let's find let's let's fish for another one here real quick let's see where's one here we go ancient you get a plus one to Max enacted policies so like you start with one policy and then I think it go up to seven so we click on Ancient can I click on Ancient again and then hit check would that give me plus two enacted policies you wouldn't want that at the start of the game to be really quite honest because you I think you only start with like one good one and there's other ones that are trade-off policies okay policies no we'll we'll talk about policies we we get to the policy tab okay let's just get through this and we'll get to the gam play here okay so let's not be too idiotic about this so let's just switch this back to crap I don't know um yeah sorry I'm not really trying to make a ancient cart here we'll do certain okay plus two influence growth on all of our worlds sure why not it's Point Blank easy to understand influence is going to be our sphere of influence around our colonies and our star bases and other facilities within our sector of the Galaxy and as our influence spreads we can do more things there and we can have other benefits within our sphere of influence so let's find another one let's switch from certain to one of these gives us a bonus to defend within our sphere of influence I think is how they describe it so let's see if we can find that experien starf and hive mind hi mind ships in your terrain gain additional hit points per con control no not that one see loyal intuitive paranoid bureaucrats I'm not going to read through all these right now because this isn't this would be an entire one hour video by itself to go through 45 of these which I might do if people are interested we just we could just chew through the list and break it down and talk about it but um yeah what was it resilience resilient let's see Shi No Okay unrelenting no just keep looking colonies cultures no Vigilant star bases have larger areas of effect enemy ships are slowed and players gain attack bonuses while in the area of a star base oh that's interesting that's kind of like what I was getting at though um 10% damage H Watcher gosh oh wow that's kind of cool nocturnal radiated telepath Raiders genocide Scout Fleet wow this is just some cool stuff um wealthy no I don't want the universal translator to start with I know this is a little bit boring here folks um I'm just I probably shouldn't have adjusted this at all here we go fertile plus 25% growth to all your worlds grants plus two citizens on home World simple to understand so we're going to get a bonus to influence and a bonus to our pop growth there you go um and we should be able to see the effects of it look at how those calculations work out uh I'll just quickly pop down the drop- down menu for the cultural Focus eight of them totalitarianism pacifism nihilism collectivism progressivism individualism egalitarianism and traditionalism so we're just going to be the individualism sure this is fine and then carbon based here's are biology carbon based aquatic silicon based synthetic ammonia based so there's only five of them but they are just mean different things and I think it might affect how you compete over planetary PR preference resources potentially I think it could reduce conflict or increase conflict if you're all looking for the same thing like I know for like ammonia base they like toxic worlds polluted worlds much more so with volatile gases and all that kind of complex nitrogen compounds this ammonia yeah yeah ammonia is made out of like what four nitrogens does anyone know what the hell is ammonia made out of it's like hydrogen oxygen am no is it just oxygen and nitrogen is that what ammonia is we'll stop talking about it now okay over here you can choose some different ship Styles all sorts of cool stuff so many cool ship Styles we'll just leave it as it is Boom check change your history you could change your little leader face the background the foreground so like all these these windows ship colors UI colors map color totally customizable it's pretty sweet um you're starting home World your planet type so there you go desert terrestrial Paradise jungle AB Boreal Mountain yeah it's all good fun all good fun um right now the humans start as explorers someone just started doing yard work in my neighborhood that sucks hold on I'm just going to watch the I'm just going to watch the bar here so it's not loud enough to trigger my mic to record but it's possible while I'm talking and you can hear it that sucks but I'm not going to stop we're just going to push through I'll need to do these earlier in the morning so clever is obviously just going to give you straight up research now this is one of these interesting things about the game is that you have icons you have words so here I have a science speaker I have the word clever and you're like going okay that's about science or research well what does clever do it gives you research which over here has the same icon is research slightly different color but it gives you 10% research you're saying why is clever not research plus one question mark it all kind of makes sense think of this like the wow icons the game World of Warcraft wow where your items your spells your abilities your your chance to attack your cooldowns everything is represented by an icon tile that you drop somewhere on your UI all these little icons and the different words you just kind of get a feel for what they do now do I wish that stardock was a little more consistent in the color schemes and the icons followed through more I do it is almost word in icon salad that was one of my initial Impressions the first couple of days that I was playing the game was just like good God there's 80 icons there's so many different terms but it's not infinite there's a lot of them but it's not infinite and the ones you need to learn you you will you you'll get it you'll get it so um here's a great example militant which is the closed red fist here yields yields control plus 30 which has a goldish yellow scales icon and you go what the f stardock why does a red militant icon just give me a bonus to my yellow scales control value what I don't know what to say um I don't know what to say it's it's odd it's a critique I'm critiquing I'm backseat game designing right now but it does it a lot it doesn't mean the game's not fun to play it just means it is dense to get a handle on because of because the shenanigans like like that right there just push through push through okay long story short what we've got selected right now are explorers great that gives us a plus two to our sensor range and a plus two to ship range now explorers here is similar in how it reads to the ability up here that we were looking at earlier that was voyagers Voyager plus two to sensor range plus one ship move and down here explorers goes plus one plus two to ship range plus two to sensor range that's right you could double dip and those are not the same thing so you being an Explorer plus one yields these benefits you having the racial ability of Voyager gives these you see in the the blue here right here plus two to ship sensor range All Ships plus one to move now in the game when you're looking at a ship you will see the sensor icon this blue one and you'll see the ship move icon this one um yeah by the way anytime I'm within a menu such as this drop down and I tool text the Voyager popup I can hold my shift button and then move my mouse into this box and then well I can point out things but I can also make uh tool tips within that popup so it's it's you can essentially do nested tool tips if you hold the shift key down it's a little cloy the hit box is a little messed up but in general it does work so shift key hold to Mouse into something within a popup because a lot of times you'll be like mousing on a popup and you'll be like reading about it and you're like it gives me these four abilities what do those four abilities do because it's just the name so you got to hold shift and then you can Mouse on that thing and kind of drill down all the way so shift key hold it while you're mousing it helps okay um but yeah so you see how the abilities are in many ways similar to what you can do over here on your traits so these are traits which we purchase with points I will deselect the current three traits you start with three points interesting thing about this game is you can deliberately go in and take minus two detriment these red boxes you can just click and if you'll note here you can take all of them there is not a maximum or minimum for a total of up to 29 Points what that means is you can drastically wait or alter the way a a custom race or a modified um official race plays species race whatever whatever we calling these civilization civilization there you go um it's nuts it's nuts so for instance you could be like you know what I don't I am not going to use any sort of diplomacy so therefore I will um have I'm going to have minus two intimidation I'm going to have minus two likable for my diplomacy I don't care about that I'm going to have minus two to my deception and I'm going to have minus two to my persuasion I'm going to get rid of all of those so let me just give this example this would be like a no diplomacy uh civilization they're not likable so minus three to diplomacy they have a minus 25 deception they have a minus 25 to persuasion and they have a minus 25 to intimidation they're not good at any social interaction with other civilizations however with the initial three total points I had I now have 15 points that's a lot of points here folks and as we're looking at this you have a couple of different options you down here you have miners bureaucrats Farmers there's only a sing single pip box plus 25% food production I click it cost me one point bureaucrat this is a plus one control a month sure I want that there you go one point miners increase uh plus 50% raw production from asteroid mining not all production note that that is car you may not be able to see it behind my face box but that's what it's saying from asteroids only but let's click that so you can see here great I've got 12 points left and I've now just Dunk Dunk Dunk giving myself bonuses to these other things that will help me grow my Empire let's say we don't want to be quite this extreme let's take our unlikable one deception one we're bad liar we're unconvincing and we're Meek there we go so I took a slightly less um extreme version of the low diplomacy I still got eight points left though i' I've got these three bonuses so let's see what else do we want here um yeah but you have essentially a minus two pip a minus one pip a plus one pip and a plus two pip that's what these these four colors are about and of course you don't have to take any if if none of them are selected you're just in the middle no detriment no bonus no points no trait pick points so again these are civilization traits we're talking about right now so what else would we want well I want to be clever of course I want a plus 10% of my research sweet click it militant um this is interesting militant as far as I can tell just gives you increases your starting control you start with 100 control or 120 or something just to give you a scale so a plus 30 or a minus 10 or a minus 20 oh God those aren't bad at all actually okay so we're we're we're just talking through right we're trying to like understand the game I believe you start with 100 control by default I've never exhausted my control ever um so how about we just take a minus two to our control for two two extra points so instead of 100 I'll be at 80 you gain control every turn though like it just it grows slowly you know plus one plus two plus three somewhere in that range slowly creeping up so I'm just saying like so instead of 100 I get 80 that's to me is no difference so if I can click on that and get two more points yes 100% dipping into that sucker I found it's not that controls not useful you just need that much of it so defin definite tip here sorry I'm inverted God dang it okay explorers um yeah sure let's do a plus two to ship range and sensor range ship range is not the same as movement or sensor range so let's talk about how the ships work this is a little bit important we'll get a look at it though your ships are going to be able to move a certain number of tiles a turn their sensor range is how far how many tiles out from them they see as they move meaning you don't have to take your ship to every tile you can fog fog of War that's your sense range is your fog of War revealing and the ship range is how far your ship can Journey from your controlled area of influence meaning the vicinity of your your planets and your star bases so you can't just Cruise all the way across the sector the Galaxy's broken up into sector so sectors are pretty good chunks you can't just go from one end to the other with most of your ships probes have unlimited range but they can't do anything except reveal the fog of War they can't they can't ex explore anomalies they can't fight they can't do anything they can only push back the fog of War FYI so um yeah so we could just take a point of uh that sure what the heck brutal this is for your soldiering this is for invading planets or resisting invasion of planets we'll just leave that off we don't care urbanite population cap plus 25 sure let's do it um that just means like your pop your planet can have 10 pops Max uh in in a good Planet it's going to start around like five pop Max around there four five6 um you put a capital building it's going to add plus five to it or something so you get to 10 so your your better planets are going to go well beyond 10 pops so plus 20 25% is going to give you one two or three extra pops on every planet every planet that's not a bad thing so yeah we'll do that um Rich yeah I like Rich uh yeah listen you do have to pay taxes you have a tax rate which affects your morale of all your people you want money you're going to need it you can turn down your tax rate and increase your morale and we'll get into that oh God we we're we're half an hour into this video I hope everyone's having fun I know I am I'm just talking I'm excited about the game but we'll get into it we're going to get into all these tabs it's going to take many videos maybe I'll make more than one this weekend honestly just to get like get us going into the game play cover all the windows yeah let me know if anyone watches this I'm making this on a Saturday morning the lawn work is stopped outside the window thank God if you guys like this and you're interested in it just let me know and again I got like 12 fans so it's like I don't need a 100 people you just like if two people are like can you make another video this week and I'll be like what the hell I'll come home from work one night this week we'll sit down for an hour we'll get another video done up quicker I don't want to overload and bore people but I want to get through it I want to get people playing the game with me so we can have Community talking about it talking about strategies and other cool stuff I haven't seen that yet I don't know what people think of this game yet whatever okay um yeah listen I'm to I'm to take the uh two Pips into or it's actually going to be three Pips no two okay that's plus 15 gross income nice what else do we got influence growth yeah influence again is your sphere of influence around your planets and your star bases it matters you can flip entire planets by completely encasing them an alien xenop planet in your sphere of influence and over enough turns it's possible to flip them and you'll just you'll just win the planet never firing a shot it just becomes your and there's nothing these zenos can do about it it's not bad influence isn't bad um I could actually see taking Rich to a one and take an one an influence there fast that's ship move you could certainly um explore really really quick in the game I've never found a great need to do that personally um and that is similar so explorers gives you ship range and sensor range where as fast as your ship movement as I was explaining those are the three factors for the for your how your ship's going to work cre planetary defense um jeez this is really just oh gosh would you look at that how odd so this is one another one of those weird stardock things I have the civilization trait courageous which in the positive Pips gives me planetary defense bonuses planetary defense bonus but on the negatives gives me resistance detriments resistance detriments if that is not convoluted inclui as F stardock what the heck guys I'm trying to be nice here but you you must understand why that is confusing to users it just what what it's one trait it just does different things depending on which direction you go that's not how anything in the world Works folks so sorry G to breathe it down we going to breathe down the hate and the rage okay let's keep going uh yeah we took our detriments to intimidation productiveness produ production yeah let's take a plus 10 to manufacturing that's not going to hurt manufac is important that's how you build all your structures terraforming on your planets it really it really does matter um modifies how quickly improvements can be built on your planets now does that mean that this productive plus one temp % bonus to manufacturing which has a similar icon there increases how much production you have on your stard dos your your your your ship building stard docks and orbit of your planets we probably want to look at that I'm not sure I'm not sure honestly because the tool tip here says built on your planets not on your star loocks in space so and you build on your planets and you build at your stards we'll get into it I understand it to some degree but um we'll we'll we'll select it we'll find out and then let's see veteran here was going to be experience bonuses interesting I'll tell you what this is this is another interesting thing so check this one out veteran is going to be how quickly your ships gain experienced now check this out for two Pips you can get a 100% bonus for one pip you can get a 75% bonus that's a massive bonus for one positive PIP IT it really is it's not 50 and then 100 it's 75 and then 100 you would never pop the extra pip to get the 25% again I'm looking at this just going did your design guy like was there a note like laid into the game where someone's like oh we got to adjust this and someone's like yeah okay and they just type type and 50 got changed to 75 but then 100 should have been changed to 125 question because the values of these Pips get really bizarre it makes it hard to makes it hard to evaluate things ESP especially with like some of these where you're going from a one pip for 10% or two Pips for 15 the second pip is much less valuable and maybe that's what they're going for is you get less bang for the buck the harder you try and drive into an ability so I guess that's what they're doing here now on the other side of that uh what were we looking at here veteran experience bonus minus 20 experience bonus minus 40 so I only say that because for a minus one pip you lose dare I say one or 20 that is how percents work you lose a fifth of your experience gains but for that's for minus one pip but for plus one pip you gain dare I say three4 of your experience it's a massive Gap there I don't want to mess with my experience necessarily so I I don't think I'm going to take a negative pip but hey so we're saying our experience is just going to be balanced this is for our ships how how our ships grow You Can level up your individual ships you don't actually get that many ships in the game to be really honest but so look at look at what we did we we clicked on almost everything there's only a few that we've left at zero and we've really modified and we're leaning into a style of gameplay in this case I used four detriments to diplomacy features not crippling us but just making it so we won't have any advantages at it certainly and uh and I took the uh the detriment to my militant to my control here because that's a minus 20 to control not a minus to to your starting control it's not a percentage at all and I have a feeling they're going to patch this because why would you not just get rid of 20 of your 100 starting influence like you you'll Bank hundreds of them as the game progresses hundreds multiple hundreds at a time so a 20 is just like it's cents on the dollar I don't even know I don't even know how to describe it but that's a definite take those negative2 get those two Pips so yeah I like this to me this is like bonuses to production research income um mining food production influence gains it's bonus to everything folks so I don't see why you wouldn't choose something like this in my in my opinion next where are we at here we're 35 minutes in we'll at least go for uh an hour yeah maybe a little more okay so we'll hit re set defaults I think this is defaulted but I'll hit reset yeah okay so difficulty we are going to play on easy we're we're just going to talk and talk and we might do experiments not I I mean do I want to win sure we all want to win but I'm not worried about that yet someday we'll try and do some crazy hard super impressive challenge game plays but the game's so new there's no need to like go to the extremes to push the edges of the game just trying to learn it here game pacing normal research rate you know gains to research normal obviously minor races occasional hostile entities occasional civilization proximity not too close yeah right you don't want your neighbors right on top of you over here Galaxy size small number of sectors binary meaning just two sectors I've actually been fiddling around with playing in just one sector because the sector is essentially just it's it's like a area on the Galaxy here that you're bound within and then you need to like hit like a a hyper Lane to get to another sector say kind of it's it's um gated by Technologies you need to get so you can dominate your sector and then go reach out to others but yeah you can easily play a one sector game like a you know and have a great time with it with a half a dozen zenos and you just battle over your sector and you you conquer the Galaxy that way so great way to start but we'll do two sectors just so we can make sure those Technologies are relevant and and learn about them together um star frequency occasional habitable planets occasional extreme planets occasional and resources these would be like uh strategic resources that you'll find sprinkle throughout the sectors occasional so that's the default that's what we'll play with obviously you could drastically alter the type of game suit it to your civilization trait picks by scaling these different things you know maybe you play that uh ammonia based uh xenos species so you crank up extreme planets and turn down habitable planets maybe that would give you a huge Advantage I don't know yeah possibly maybe you take the plus whatever on that the mining like we did and then you turn your resources up to Max because you you mine those Resources with with mining stations so maybe that would give you a huge Advantage well I don't know okay let's hit next oh there was an advanced settings down there um and it's got things like how can you win can you win by influence so by default I think that's turned off we'll jump in just so you guys can see it just so you know it's here here you go uh advanced settings Tech trading Tech brokering disable AI civilization surrendering surrendered colonies no F and no fog of War within your borders yeah so uh the ones that are off here is um right now ai civilizations can surrender I've read a few comments here and there that maybe you want to disable that so that the enemies that you want to conquer don't just capitulate and be like we give up and you're like ah I really wanted to exterminate you to the last Zeno scum maybe that's just how you like to play I don't know 40K anyone just kidding uh or disabled Tech trading whatever these are the defaults so we're going to leave it for now you folks can dig into it more later and the one Victory condition that is not enabled interestingly we point point this out we can Conquest we like to Conquest we can Alliance win we can month limit win and we can Prestige win but we can't influence win it is turned off I don't know maybe influence like overpower is just an easy way because it does allow you to flip planets wholesale you get it all without firing a shot so in a sense I could see if you just beefed up your influence like mad and you bent everything you had to influence and you built like um star bases that are communication ones which spread your influence specifically you could just influence Rush the Galaxy and maybe that's why that's off by default I don't know but again those are the defaults we will leave them as you will find them in your game lit back and we will hit next this is the final thing you can custom choose your opponents here that you want to to meet with here I see see five of seven players for the Galaxy of our size um the nice thing is that you can just easily tool tip over and just check them out I have heard recommend recommended from other content creators you creating content here try not to make content I try and just play the game legitimately as a fan and I like to hear myself talk so that's a it's it's not it's not C I'm not making anything here folks I'm just recording myself talking to myself so have a mix of belligerent zenos passive zenos the nice guys the bad guys and the guys in between make a little mix you could very deliberately go through the pre-made zenos list over here and choose friends and play as one type of game you could also very deliberately go through here and pick all the the bad guys all the villains and you're the you're the one person standing against all of them they'll fight with each other and they'll fight with you and it could be brutal non-stop Warfare I am sure so you can really customize this as you want but yeah so let's see here these guys are aggressive expansionists and I'm going to hold shift here again so I can Mouse into this to show you so that's how I'm keeping this popup here is by holding shift aggressive expansionist cruel a got it all okay um here we go your singularity these are the um hell synthetics synthetics scientific cruel expansionist so the cruel expansionist that's that's what I'm looking for here we go this is the tan regime they're opportunistic xenophobic okay we have the feston hunt they're ravenous and friendly no aggressive and cruel okay that's a problem that's a really bad combination of things to have a neighbor cruelty aggressiveness and ravenousness okay when you're the food source and then over here we have the altarian Republic they are fashionable and hot yes that's right no okay no they're actually ancient empathic spiritual and peaceful okay this sexy sexy Dom ladies anyone no sorry I'm getting weird now uh and I have embarrassed myself but still objectively nice makeup am I right okay so so I'm looking at this going yeah we've got like sort of a median ground xenophobic opportunistic I could see this being an interesting the Tans being someone a civilization that's not afraid to like go out and get stuff but they're not going to be necessarily militaristically driven so what can we do let's see I think we could pluck one of these away here let's get rid of the dren let's see yeah let's see we just click it yeah so I clicked on them they're gone so I'd say we have the Y and the Fest run or the baddies the alarians are peaceful I sorry the alarians are peaceful the Tans are I'm going to say a middle ground let's pick another middle grounder here Navigator scientific xenophobic yeah so let's throw them and we'll throw them as a as a middle ground because they're xenophobic I I don't think they'll lean one way or another and let's find one more peaceful let's find the Mims are peaceful scientific fertile okay there we go they're adorable there we go so we've we've we've we've divided it up evenly we've got two aggressives two peaceful and two in the middles I think that'll be a great game crowded crowded little Galaxy start game I got my extremely cold cup of coffee because I've been talking for 40 minutes and it is nasty damn okay little intro thing I don't know if you guys can hear any of the sound effects on this I'm seeing my little sound bar for the game you guys hear that don't sweat it we don't need to watch all this you guys can watch those I clicked off there I'm trying to turn up the game background a little I don't want it to dominate with my voice but I guess for now I'd let you guys hear what they're saying okay um and then see let's move my little face box I'm so professional let's move it over here yeah like right there see if that stays out of the way so this is your little turn thing down here so um this is your initial intro blurb your explorers and hostile Universe BL okay okay you guys may get some of the voiceover stuff in the the back you may hear a little bit of the game music definitely let me know in comments going forward if our noise levels I do my my sound balancing for the different games I I play for YouTube but um they're all different they're all different we'll see okay so you're going to start your game let's be logical about it let's go through all the initial stuff you need to do on turn one turn two of a game we will break down the tabs at the bottom let's look at the screen first of all okay so up here top left you have your resources these first four are your primary resources your control points um your manufacturing your research and your income these are essentially empire-wide resources now over here are your strategic resources you will gather the in varying degrees consume them often times you can buy and sell them food is unique because you more or less bring it in and put it out every single week so the food it's showing you there is your surplus of food but you don't accumulate it you really don't and you can't buy it or sell it so you just want to keep that food number above zero simple no problem one or two three four whatever it allows you every time you grow a population that number is going to go down by one you'll need to figure out how to produce more food simple over here we have modules these are a consumable Starbase modification thing you build a star base it's going to be a military communication or mining three types of star bases and then you can upgrade them make them better mining make them more heavily defended make the communication broadcast greater as you gain Technologies but each modification you do to a star base is going to take one of these modules you'll make more you'll earn more you could trade for them them via diplomacy you can't buy them on the market though FYI but yeah you get more modules every module you add to a star base I'm going to tell you right now is going to slightly increase your tax burden they aren't faux free forever so bear that in mind you can build up some sweet ass star bases but it cost s okay so that's this top area right here is your research bar super simple you can just click into this and to start with to the research this is I'm not going to worry about the little hover guy um that reminds me of um what what is one of the VR headsets astrobots right isn't it astrobots has like a little guy that looks super similar to that it's it's a great game I like VR but it makes me nauseous so stay out of it okay here we go you are going to want to start with colonial policies de facto it takes one turn to research and you need it so this is going to be the first thing you research every game there's no reason to not do this um it is and you can see here let's just break it down we're in the research tab let's talk research Tab while we're here so these are researches that your scientists have a special Insight it's a 50% research bonus so anything that shows up in here of these three boxes you're going to get twice as fast is additional candidates you choose over here that don't give you a 50% research bonus to learn them so you don't have to come up and these are kind of guided by what you've chosen more recently so it's saying yeah your scientists worked on these Avenues recently so they're more prepared to quickly research the next thing and it allows you to follow threads it is essentially you're you're following a root path right but you don't have to stay on it you can jump off of it come over here choose other things it's just you should always try to choose from this just because it's a massive efficiency so you should always choose this you will unlock this by the way by assigning a technology minister you'll get that third option chosen from here it'll it this tile will open up so but for the time being colonial policies so depending on which of these we choose you can see down here this is the selected one so I can choose Subspace scanning or I can come over here and choose artificial gravity and it shows it down here so this area is the technology you're currently working on these are the Technologies available let's jump back over to Colonial policy sorry that is a cold coffee burp and that is horrible I am a monster okay we got the planetary generator you can see within this like tool tip I can Mouse over these things and then I'm looking at the planetary generator can I Mouse over so I'm going to hold shift can I get in here and yes so you see there tool tip within a tool tip it's going to break stuff down but yeah um listen we want to do this because unlocks the civilization screen and allows us to assign policies yeah we have an entire tab that is grayed out right now because we don't have this colonial policies yet all these Technologies are going to unlock policies um they're going to unlock new research paths they're going to unlock ship designs they're going to unlock buildings they're going to uh unlock everything they literally can unlock menus that are locked on the game you know so they're broken down by policy enacted here so if I Mouse oh let's see there we go tool tip so here is a planetary generator it's a manufacturing Improvement it's a building okay this one here policy assignment available is a policy will gain why is my tool tip being oh wow that's being clui as F dude well Max en active policy just opens up sorry research districts oh this is leads to these researches okay long story short you always choose colonial policies first you need to so we're going to hit done oh and actually let me jump back in there real quickly technology Library technology Navigator divided by engineering colonization Warfare governance so you can actually see all the Technologies now depending on your species and your civilization you will have generally the same but you will have some technologies in these trees that are unique to just your civilization so not everyone has the same Tech trees just so you know we will hit uh back okay we'll hit done up here now you can see that yes this is our progress bar it's going to be one month but you'll see this fill up for things that take multiple months so super simple we've covered the research thing awesome we're at 51 minutes let's keep going here now um next area this is just showing you whatever you have highlighted so right now we have the TSA Discovery it's one of our ships but if I click on our planet Earth you can see this shows me Earth if I click on a space station it shows me the space station if I click on an anom it doesn't show me anything so but yeah essentially you just select it's going to show you whatever you got down here phone is ringing in the background I apologize let's keep going up here on this corner this is sort of your info tab this is top right here so this first one is your advisors and this is just an old Galactic Civilization thing where you have different people saying do this do this do this and it's just kind of fun you don't have to do any of these it's really just I think a call back to the old versions of the game cool uh and it's not unhelpful it's not it'll tell you sometimes to be like dude there's a good Planet you need to go colonize this planet and you're like oh there is oh I didn't even notice you didn't notice because one of your little probe ships they're automated running off all around and it doesn't necessarily tell you every time they find something they are truly revealing the fog of War without you seeing it so these guys can be helpful so don't ignore it but I can click through the tabs up here this is the summary of the B balance of power uh is we find other xenos species their names will be listed below or among ours so it it'll have all the names here Taran you know mimat whatever and the balance of power bar chart which is completely blue will be divided up between us so if the we have 60% of the power and this mots have 40% it'll show our blue here at 60% and the remaining 40 will be pink for the Mima whatever it is and as you find more and more zenos this bar chart will be divided up between all of you but it's a quick way to glance up and see how you're doing relative to everyone else it's a super simple bar graph bar graph whatever the it's a super simple chart to see where you stand and then beyond that your civilization rank nice and simple production research military might influence income economic power and approval meaning how happier your people are and first through whatever how many of however many of you there are in this case I think there's seven of us so yeah that's where we're sitting it's really nice we have one core world no colonies total populations 10 it's awesome snapshot let's jump to planets this shows you your core worlds it shows you your colonies that are not core worlds we'll get into that and it shows you planets you've discovered that are uncolonized it's everything you need this is a really handy way to find plan that you have that you didn't notice that your probes found and you come in here you're like oh oh that's a poor world I won't worry about or you might find a level 26 excellent world and you're like holy I I didn't realize that was there I better get a colony ship sent off so check this occasionally and you can sort by all these different little tabes here so if you want to see which of my planets has the best influence to add a influence mod to like a onetime influence bonus to the planet you could be like okay I'm going to heat this 10% bonus on top of my best influence Planet so you just sort by influence boom you find your planet simple uh ships fleets yeah this is going to fill up you'll eventually get to a dozen ships potentially to multiple dozens of ships but in general I don't find the ship glut is too bad managing fleets and stuff is is relatively easy to do um I imagine a huge Galaxy late game it could go into hundreds and hundreds of ships but so far i' I probably maxed out maybe like 24 30 ships somewhere in that range and then finally over here this is your star bases shipyards sorted separately from Star bases star bases subdivided into military communication and Mining you can just quickly see through them click on different ones see what they're doing um level them up using the modules as you need to okay let's move on to the next section of the oh by by the way up here you have your uh uh Prestige victory yeah you can win by a Prestige Victory by the way that was one of the win options is you you do enough of these cool you f you fill up this bar here um uh sorry shift I'm pointing at the screen you can't see what I'm pointing out this bar you fill it up you win the game by Prestige by just doing cool special missions um I think it ties in down here Galactic challenges you open that up and you can give yourself special missions or you can completely ignore them I've never done a single Galactic challenge yet but it's a whole different avenue of playing the game you know these are like complex multi-step missions uh kind of like I I imagine more of a storytelling mode sort of thing while you're still playing the normal game so that's cool at any rate and then and then this is the star date you can see we're in the year 2307 and and that'll Advance okay down here in the lower right is your uh next item Tab and it'll eventually turn into the standard play button Arrow which means next turn advance to the next turn but before it lets you do that it will take you through do you have an idle Planet that's not building do you have an idle Shipyard that's not building do you have an anomaly that you've just discovered and it's going to give you choices you got to make a decision about the anomaly do we Harvest it do we leave it be do we give it to you know whatever this all the roleplay stuff and it are there ships that are idle so it will not let you advance the turn until you've addressed everything you can also tab through you can cycle so look that's tabbing through the different ships that are sitting idle here's a shipyard that's idle you see how that happened I'll hit done um I'll hit done I'll back out of there but it it's going to allow you to quickly it'll lead you through everything you need to do so you're not wasting too much now it's not completely holding your hand you can be exploring manually with like your your flagships like your your USS Enterprises you know doing cool space missions and if they finish a mission you might not realize that they're just sitting there you got to get them moving on to the next mission so it doesn't hold your hand completely but it it's pretty fail safe you don't fall through the cracks easily which I appreciate so we're going to leave my face box down here though because I think it's roughly it's roughly out of the way so um let's keep going here and then finally this is really important this bottom middle section the the the bottom left as we said that's just the information screen where you can see the different things Mouse over right it's quick quick info but this is is a big part of it here currently the civilization tab is grayed out the leaders tab is grayed out it requires Colonial Leadership Council project which we're going to get here very quickly the culture progression welcome to the cultural progress screen this is is the culture trees you can click on each one boom boom boom boom yeah now check this out you can have ideology discounts and citizens in your civilization that have the trait that relates they can be a nihilist you can have a citizen who's a totalitarian you can have a you you get it so some of these benefits say for every citizen you have that is a passive if you choose this one you'll gain a plus two to diplomacy I'm just making that up but it it can work that way so by cycling through these eight ideologies you can quickly see what percentage so here we are totalitarianism no traditionalism 14% of our 10 citizens meaning one of them one of them is a total is a traditionalist bear that in mind uh do we have any others let's see no progressivist no passivist no n oh one nihilist so you see just by random we have a nihilist there are things you can do in the game that will push your citizens or specifically say you gain two citizens that have this trait or two of your citizens gain this trait so you can push your population one way or another um we have uh yeah so ultimately though once you start down one of these chains you will gain a discount in that chain now right now we have no culture points interestingly I have yet to find the thing that tells you how much culture points you develop per turn essentially we're going to get a plus one as soon as we put down our what is it our capital building we get one and you can get I've gotten as many as two there was some technology or whatever the hell I got that gave me an extra culture Point per turn but I have yet to see a way to see what is contributing to your culture points it's bizarre stardock what the heck why in this screen here in this little paragraph area is there not a thing you can Mouse over that shows you where your culture points are coming from please if it can be more than one then we need to know where they're coming from so we can track how we're getting them not note to manufacture okay at any rate we have no culture points yet and this very first one here you can see we'll cost us 12 points right uh here 12 culture points we have insufficient culture points to purchase it yet and then what were we were we traditionalist we're one of these let's see 12 I'm just I'm just cycling through I thought one of these can't remember what we are oh here we are we're individualists as Tern and you'll notice I bring it up because you can see it only cost us nine cultural points to buy into this tree because we have an ideological 25% discount to individualism cuz that's what we are and as you play the game you can make choices that will make you more nihilistic more Progressive more totalitarian is yes totalitarian is on there more traditional whatever the fudge and so you can shift this percentage up here and move it around or you can drill into it and always be like individualism individualism all the time and it'll allow you to travel and progress through this individualism tree much more quickly if you drill down on it but you're never locked out of any of them although they can get pretty damn pricey as the culture requirements grow culture Point require IR grow we'll hit done so we can't buy anything there yet um we're going to keep going we're going to try and cover all the tabs here um executive orders this is a nice one this is very simple right now we have three executive orders we can do to activate an executive order you must spend control points up here control cost 33 points credit cost zero in this case cool down 12 turns the turns means the turns up here when you hit the turn button in advance so all these have a cool down cool down of 30 cool down of 18 the number of executive orders you can do will grow as you research and gain abilities in the game you'll unlock more of these I think I've gotten up to maybe like seven or eight of them again haven't gotten that far into the game yet um but this is what I was saying if you look on here this is 33 control 15 control 45 control we have 80 we would have started with 100 and we're gaining a plus two per turn cuz we're bureaucratic plus one which gives us that plus two one of our traits this was one of our civilization traits so you're sitting there going well gez I want to start clicking on all these it's like yeah you'll burn through it really really quick if you if we clicked all three these which we could do we could we could do each of these until we've burnt everything up we could spend 33 spend 45 then we'd be out of culture points at that point but you don't necessarily want to do every one of these every time you can do it even when the cool down pops you don't just Spam these why because look at this if I print money my approval will drop by 10% so I will spend 45 control which is a resource I have it's meant to be spent it will take me essentially 18 months for this to be used again I will gain 500 income that's a nice bonus it's nice you know it's not huge but it's pretty decent get me a leader or two but it'll cost me minus 10% approval from all my citizens for approximately a year for about 10 turns so it's a tradeoff I don't want to print money every single time I can print money because it'll make my people unhappy every time I print money so it it's not like control I I haven't seen a massive need for an overabundance of it yet I really haven't um we look over over here telescope telescope we're going to use the telescope kids um but yeah let's do an example let's do telescope takeover we're going to grab a telescope from a private Corporation and it'll allow us to reveal an area the map so uh let's do it we're going to click it you'll notice up here our control will drop from 80 to 65 spend it yes we have a final verification we're going to scroll out and you see I have a little Target area so check this out folks let's Zoom all the way out there's your Galaxy yeah this is our sector it is literally a circular area within the Galaxy with these stars that we are playing inside of right now we're playing in a binary sector Galaxy meaning there's one more of these circles somewhere in the Galaxy as youve yet undiscovered there will be zenos in it waiting for us so there's some zenos in here with us now there'll be other zenos in the other sector as well we'll be able to travel to it but as we zoom in by the way this quarter Arc up here represents your influence control and you can see for our area that we know of we have full control over the areas we're aware of in our sector but as we find other zenos they'll start creeping in and this Pi Arc will change a p Arc yeah that's what it is um and there it'll be colorcoded and so when you've discovered five of the xenos there'll be five colors on here and you can see how much of the sector you control what that means is at the macro level if you have say you're playing on a Galaxy with eight sectors you can look at one and very quickly say I have 100% control of the sector i' I've I've explored the entire sector and it's all blue it's mine there's no xenos presence so I'm going to focus on other sectors that are contested that's what that is it's a great quick graphical way to represent your control of given sectors so that's what that's about that's what I'm going to try and provide through these tutorials is that kind of insight in explanation sorry I'm been talking a lot let's Zoom back in here though so now we're back to the fog of War you have a general idea of the shape of the sector how big it is its Dimensions so in case that's not clear you can see there where the stars are laid out you zoom in a little bit and even through the fog of War you can see the color of the star obviously Stars can be seen from billions of light years away and that's how the Galaxy physics that's how physics work folk but we've only really explored this small area here you can see where the fog of War has been revealed out to this range so there's quite a bit to explore let's use our telescope to see which direction do we want to go towards the middle of the sector and try and make a rush towards the middle which would expose us to more xenos on more sides or do we want to go to one side so check this out if I zoom in I'm seeing some cool stuff over here some resources Mars let's let's imagine we want to hug the edge I I you're right I know the edge is over here I want to see what's down here and hug this Edge so I'm going to zoom in and I'm going to use my telescope to see let's let's do I'm trying to see if I can get to let's let's just do this though boom there we go now look at this nice defined Arc here that is the edge of the sector I'm going to zoom out so you can clearly see how that Maps directly to the edge of the sector let's Zoom back in are there zenos here no I don't see any zenos so I think at this Edge it's away from other people I want to move into this area look what we've got asteroid belts awesome we've got um an economic Relic we can go explore and get and just it's like a treasure it's a loot box so much fun getting these um there's all sorts of capsules all sorts of cool stuff um here is a poor Planet Kratos class two poor so it'll give a little bit of resources but we're we're not going to want to U make it a core World um here is Kratos 4 class 25 amazing this is going to be a core world right and and then kattos 3 will feed into it we got some other little planets Kratos one is dead it's worth nothing Kratos 2 is a 22 amazing not as good as Kratos 4 so this might be our main core world and then we might colonize Kratos 3 and Kratos 2 and have them feed in their smaller amount of resources into the like a system capital and these planets feed in and it'll help Kratos for the core World there grow much more quickly because it's leeching off of these subc colonies will create that's how we're going to do it or we can make both of these decent worlds into core worlds and have two core worlds within the one solar system but then you know they're going to grow more slowly depends on how you want to play and finally over here we have Kratos 5 which is another poor world but what what this will do we'll just talk about it real quick the two minerals the one research the one wealth the two food and the one influence cultural significance will all pour from this world into this world and then theoretically depending on proximity I don't know what Kratos 3 if it will pour into this planet or this planet but yeah you this is kind of cool actually it's it's a little rare to have four resource planets in a around one star I I don't think I've seen that before I've seen up to three but yeah this is a system we want and this could grow and be a Powerhouse really quickly it could far exceed the soul system where Earth is because I don't think Earth has this many H uh resource planets available uh what else do we got over here some more asteroids artifacts precursor anomaly oh artifact look at this oh my god look I can zoom in we can go research this little bizarre guy by the way if I click down left and right Mouse button and hold at the same time it allows me to drag around if I hold down my wheel and move left right I can rotate check that out is that cool it's not even the same on the front and the back and then of course if you wheel in andout you can zoom in and out so to get back I'm going to hold down again the left and right mouse key at the same time and I will drag down get back to here and then I can just um wait let's see oh you can just hold the left Mouse sorry wait wait okay so Mouse wheel Zooms in and out left Mouse lets you scroll left and right you don't need to hold down the left and the right but there was something to change your orientation there's a way to I could have sworn there was a way to change your view of the plane of the Galaxy right how far off the elliptical you are looking that is what I'm not sure about so assum into Earth real tight do that do that huh okay well now I can't remember I can't remember if there's a way to to change the view of angle and we're rotating I'm holding the middle Mouse Feld to rotate oh oh there we go okay I'm holding down the middle Mouse the mouse wheel holding it down and then I can drag up and down but that's as low as I can go it looks like so we'll reorient it about where it was and then we'll zoom out so yeah there you go so bottom line is we spent the 15 control and we gain the ability to use the telescope cool all right right let's keep going let's keep going um God there's so much to cover Data Bank yeah there's a lot in here civilization timeline report stats core worlds treaties um I won't even get into all this just yet this is more um cyber metric data analysis you can play the entire game without going into that tab functionally so but I'm sure it's very useful to understand stuff and then yeah Galactic challenges isn't open yet diplomacy's not open artifacts aren't open we need to research Universal transl yeah the bizaar is not open oh yeah so that that's your uh your trade thing let's um I think we're going to end it right there at an hour and 15 minutes I want to just keep going I think I actually got a soccer game I've got to get to though legitimately it's my day is grinding on maybe I'll sit down later and make a part two and it's not that like again I want to beat folks over the head with like like I I don't I've made plenty of videos hundreds of videos playing games but I'm not trying to like be someone who like every day I I put out video and I've made 3,000 videos that's not it I'm not trying to overdo it I got other going on in my life I've only got so many hours a week I can sit down and play the games to be quite honest but I would like to get the tutorials whether it's going to take two or three episodes to literally just be like we've gotten to turn three we've covered all the basic mechanics of the game and now we can get a deeper analysis more spread out but I don't want people to have to wait three weeks to get through these initial tutorials I think that's reason why I would rather put out three like in a week just boom boom boom and people can watch them and get a real feel for the game or be able to jump right into the game with a little bit of confidence about how shit's going to work and I think that's what we're going to do so we'll end this here at an hour and 15 that's plenty long and we'll make an episode two and probably in episode three for again these initial stages if you watched thank you yeah I hope this is good let me know give me feedback on this one for real real folks um we could take it in all different ways I've role-played some stuff whatever I'm sure you guys have clicked up by now I'm just talking but um yeah let me know if this is the right Tempo the right tone the speed more detail less detail I'm kind of giving you all the detail I can think of my horse is going my my voice is going a horse from the amount of talking I'm doing but um every number every popup box there is stuff to look at and analyze the scope of this game is immense but it plays real smooth and I think the thing that's so special about this game is that you don't need expertise to enjoy it and have fun with it but you can exercise expertise if you want to and get into all the numbers and and min max the F out of this game so a lot of potential there okay folks I'm signing off for now I'll get you that part two take care
Channel: Redo Over
Views: 2,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Letsplay, rpg, gameplay, computer games, tower defense, kingdom rush lore
Id: Cu6GI0e5i54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 18sec (4578 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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