Top 10 Cartoon Fan Theories

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if you did deep enough in any form of media even in cartoons and animated fare you're sure to find some truly mind-blowing explanations about why certain things are the way they are and I can't remember what the cure was [Music] welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top ten fan theories about cartoons sounds fair thank you for this list we've chosen the most popular and jaw-dropping conspiracies on what you may have thought were quirky innocent cartoon shows or animated films I think I need help while you might also find some creepy pastas on here which are horror related legends don't forget to check out our list of the top 10 creepy pastas for a more in-depth look scooby doo post depression Theory the scooby-doo franchise warning this video may possibly ruin your childhood so don't say you weren't warned okay ready Patrick one number 10 law is gadget Inspector Gadget [Music] kicking off our list is a kick right in the heart of this light-hearted cartoon about everyone's favorite robotic detective and what could is a computer without hacked gadgets the theory in question states that dr. claw is actually the real or at least the original Inspector Gadget who supposedly died via an explosion it's time to throw in the spotter his genius knees penny then created a robotic replicas out of grief robots are useless this would explain why clop pretty much always escapes from the villains clutches unscathed he wouldn't want to actually harm his own niece and only wants to destroy his mechanical replacement it also explains why we never actually see dr. claws face wow we're only at number 10 and already we're pushing into some major-league dark territory chief where are you I'll be right there number 9 the Flintstones live in the future the Flintstones stop joking me if you thought bedrocks favorite family was kicking it back in the Stone Age then this theory will make you think again evidence for this one comes from the 1978 TV movie The Jetsons meet the Flintstones where a malfunction with a time machine leads to of animations most beloved families to share the screen I think daddy's got a new favorite now mom how does this support the theory well the time machine was created by Elroy Jetson to bring his family into the future that is further in time than the future in which they already live but what if the machine actually worked fair out of the past all right some kind of crazy flying nuts we know the Jetsons live in the sky and perhaps they're doing that to avoid the nuclear wasteland below that's been brewing into another Stone Age maybe we've gone so far into the future the time is started all over again I wonder if they know any other words that means the Flintstones is actually set in a post-apocalyptic future instead of thousands of years in the past yikes number 8 each Creek is purgatory Edie Edie and Eddie try to contain yourself Betty the adrenaline of irreverence skips like over whelming who didn't love this show growing up its lovable lead characters and their zany adventures were one of the cartoon network's greatest productions I would just amend the curtains my mother every child should start their day by completing the pass set upon them by their parents but did you ever wonder why we never saw their parents and why Edie Edie and Eddie along with all the other kids on the show we're perpetually stuck in the cul-de-sac well this theory says it's because they're all stuck in purgatory no we are not kidding each character apparently died as a child at different points in time and now remains confined to their suburban afterlife for example rolf spends most of his time with farm animals because he died in 1903 feast our eyes on road child chuck wagon eddie is so obsessed with money and wealth because he died during the Great Depression me and Ed loves comic books so much because he died right as their popularity soared near the end of the Second World War a bear blockhead number 7 Charlie Brown is dying of cancer the peanuts franchise he's not Charlie Brown was just an unlucky kid who happened to have a receding hairline actually according to this theory he's got terminal cancer would you like to buy a nice Christmas wreath Merry Christmas anyway sir god bless us everyone not horrific ly dark enough for you the reason he always seemed so down and that life doesn't seem to give him a break is that his adventures and entire life are all an illusion in other words nothing but a dream created out of sadness for his brief existence just can't see me do anything each of his failures is just his own misery manifesting itself try to watch a Charlie Brown special now without feeling hollow inside I think I need help hmm everything I do turns to failure number 6 wall-e doomed the earth wall-e ah isn't he just the cutest thing ever Wally's a lovesick robot that travels the stars to be with the one he loves and has a voice that just makes you want to pinch his metallic cheeks [Music] well what you didn't know about him is that this little bastard actually doomed the planet then you wonder why the planet was covered in garbage at the beginning of the Pixar flick that's because according to this theory wall-e destroyed all the other robots took what he needed from their bodies to fix himself up kept certain items of trash to decorate his home instead of compacting them and left the Robo corpses of his fellow brethren scattered across the wasteland that was once earth [Music] but hey he's so cute chances are you'll love him regardless number five Winnie and friends mental disorders the Winnie the Pooh franchise he's winning [Music] the classic tales of poohbear and his friends are beloved by children and adults everywhere this makes things especially lovely considering this theory in which the timeless characters have each been diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder goes like this who is impulsive with obsessive fixations so Poole ate and ate and ate and ate and ate and a piglet has general anxiety oh dear even my shadow is smaller Tigger has ADHD why that's what Tiggers do best owl is dyslexic hmm I can't imagine that he's changed that much rabbit has OCD and not surprisingly he or is a major depressive somebody [Music] suddenly the tails of a teddy bear with a love for honey are sounding a wee bit bleaker for Timmy's on antidepressants The Fairly OddParents I don't see a smiling face here comes another kick to the childhood while you may have thought that Timmy Turner was a lucky little boy with fairy godparents that could grant his every wish hello Timmy shall we go for a ride what you were actually seeing was a metaphor for Timmy taking antidepressants to ensure he made it through the day we're playing dodgeball it's drive's versus wets think fast how does this make sense well this theory states that this scenario is possible because the godparents only appear when Timmy's life starts to take a tumble but they aren't around when he doesn't need them the freedom fighter on top of this too much use of their magic is shown to have disastrous results on Timmy personally for other people's property but hey at least it's better than the alternative theory that they're just being imagined by a sexually abused boy yeah we're not going anywhere near that one Wow number three comatose ash the Pokemon franchise and I hereby declare to the Pokemon of the world I will be a Pokemon master a lot of entries on this list involve the fantastical elements of their respective shows being nothing more than figments of the imagination I did it well this one deals with an entire world being made up in the mind of a comatose Ash Ketchum you really see no way we did it together one theorist makes the point that the tone of Pokemon became much lighter after ash was struck by lightning in an earlier episode [Music] ever since then Team Rocket became much less menacing and the ten-year-old can somehow traverse freely in the world without consequence the fact that there are multiple nurse joys and officer Jenny's plus countless other examples seems to support the idea that is dreamed to become a Pokemon master may actually just be a dream after all [Music] number two all in Angelica's imagination Rugrats I'm just gonna say it true she's the most beautiful little girl I've ever seen no question about it little brother speaking of dreams in this fan theory it turns out that all those adorable babies on Rugrats were nothing more than projections of a three-year-olds psychological breakdown we all thought Angelica was just moody because of her age and spoiled upbringing but here it said that her attitude is actually due to the traumatic events of the Rugrats deaths maybe that's what you should do apparently Chucky died with his mother in a crash which is why his father is always overly worried about him we'll breathe it a daksha's whew sigh Charles drinking the radioactive waste I Charles and Tommy was stillborn which is why uncle Stu is constantly making toys I eat for the son he never had could be as for the devil twins they were just a projection of an aborted baby so Angelica projected them as identical twins since the gender remained unknown [Music] if all that's true then this little girl is gonna need therapy lots and lots of therapy [Music] before our number one pick destroys what's left of your childhood here are some honorable mentions someone left me some money for a perm I'm passing out another flier to remind you about parents tournament weekend catch him number one allegory for the Holocaust Toy Story 3 there was no doubt that the third installment of the Toy Story franchise was definitely the darkest however we bet that you wouldn't have guessed that the oscar-winning computer animated movie also seems to have some unsettling parallels to the Holocaust yeah I know it looks bad but guys you gotta believe me with that frame of reference it's scarily easy to see the similarities between the two first off the toys are forced to leave their home and then find themselves at Sunnyside daycare where they are imprisoned and routinely mistreated and injured near the film's climax there's a scene that looks like they're all about to perish in an incinerator together if you replace a few of those key characters and locations with Jews the Nazis and concentration camps during World War two then you have a fan theory that might just be dead on but if you break our rules step out of line try to check out early well you're just hurting yourself do you agree with our list some of these primitive people are small and experi which fan theory got your head spinning I got stung right here where I can keep an eye on it with the wildering top 10s published every day be sure to subscribe to [Music]
Views: 3,594,767
Rating: 4.7734022 out of 5
Keywords: Cartoon (TV Genre), Theory (Quotation Subject), television, cartoons, films, fan theories, rugrats, pokemon, fairly oddparents, winnie the pooh, toy story 3, inspector gadget, peach creek, the flinstones, peanuts, wall-e, top 10, watchmojo, Animated Cartoon (TV Genre)
Id: lF0d6xr7-7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2015
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