Top 10 Biggest Old Hollywood Scandals

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somebody was Keeping a Secret and with each secret he kept this man's power increased welcome to Ms Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 old Hollywood scandals what's the scoop was it Hearst was it Chaplin was it Davies what happened for this list we're looking at reported stories and facts that suggest that while this was Hollywood's Golden Age behind the scenes it was anything but which old Hollywood Scandal have we scandalously omitted let us know in the comments number 10. the way Tallulah Bankhead lived her life if Bankhead were around today she'd be the celebrity we'd all be keeping up with and how come when I climbed into this Lifeboat you were the only one in it all dressed up like you know you were going someplace I was going someplace I was going into a Lifeboat her personal life garnered plenty of attention especially her candidness in discussing sex and sexuality the actress boasted many male and female partners and apparently once accepted a film role just to bed after Gary Cooper do you love me I have loved you Bankhead had four abortions and was 31 when she had a hysterectomy the MI5 also investigated her alleged entanglements with male Eaton students additionally she was very open about her substance use it's worth noting that the actress came from a distinguished political family in Alabama although she ruffled many feathers she was too busy living her best life to care when Miss Bankhead is Bored Miss Bankhead would let you know number nine Clark Gable's secret love child while filming the 1935 flick Call of the Wild Gable's co-star Loretta Young became pregnant rumoredly with his child they went on location one of the largest snowstorms hit and the whole company was snowed in so my mother and father had a very long time to get to know each other and fall in love however Gable was married then and young worried that if the studio found out they'd force her to terminate and ruin both their careers young disappeared for a while and kept the baby hidden for about 19 months eventually claiming to have adopted the child however the infant shared her dad's features and young even had her ears surgically pinned back to hide the likeness and when I was small if I went in public with her I always wore bonnets so my ears were covered years later Young's daughter-in-law Linda Lewis shared that a 1998 episode of Larry King live LED young to understand that her child had been conceived during a non-consensual interaction I wish you hadn't number eight Peg and whistle AKA Hollywood Sign girl struggled with the pressures of Hollywood she was always the cautionary Tale the idea that Hollywood can chew you up and spit you out and not really be fair in September of 1932 a woman went hiking near the famous Hollywood Sign she came across a jacket a shoe and a purse containing a note sadly she soon spotted the lifeless owner of the items British actress Peg Entwistle further down the mountain I'm afraid I am a coward I am sorry for everything initially a Broadway actress and whistle headed to Los Angeles after scoring roles in Romney Brent's play The Mad hopes and later the feature 13 women the latter of which marked her posthumous film debut shortly after being told that RKO wouldn't be renewing her contract Entwistle told her uncle who she was living with that she was going to the drugstore and then meeting some friends instead she climbed the Hollywood sign and tragically ended her life she was subsequently nicknamed the Hollywood Sign Girl by tabloids some say that Lana Del Rey's song less for Life whose lyrics begin [Music] of the Hollywood sign is a direct reference to Peg and whistle number seven J Edgar Hoover kept tabs on celebrities having the top job in the FBI comes with significant power and responsibility Mr Hoover apparently prioritized keeping tabs on anyone he deemed might hold quote-unquote Un-American AKA communist values if you hung modern art on your walls had a multi-racial Social Circle or signed petitions against nuclear weapons you might just have been a communist sure it's the FBI's job to protect their country but not all of Hoover's intentions were supposedly rooted in patriotism apparently he kept personal files on high profile individuals to use as blackmail what he was eager to do was let the person in the power position know he knew what they were doing wrong in some cases he allegedly even deliberately leaked information some notable subjects include Charlie Chaplin Marilyn Monroe Walt Disney and Marlena Dietrich he it wasn't just Hollywood a-listers he tracked either leading some to believe this fodder helped him hold on to his job for so long the files were destroyed very quickly after his passing saying at least 25 binders and 35 boxes were put in the basement monitored by employee Annie fields no one knows what became of them number six fatal working conditions as you may have guessed health and safety were not exactly top priorities back in the day oh why do I bother look at these idiots the movie making world of 1925 to 1930 was reportedly linked to almost 11 000 injuries 55 of which were fatal in California Howard Hughes director of the 1930 flick Hells Angels one of the film's aerial shots to be both believable and spectacular and paid a great deal to pull it off and no we don't just mean the millions of dollars it cost why the hell do they look so slow this isn't what it was like up there they look like a bunch of goddamn models Hughes an aviation Enthusiast and record-breaking pilot decided to perform one of the film's most dangerous stunts himself this resulted in a fractured skull and he had to undergo surgery however a mechanic and three stunt Pilots paid the ultimate price for hughes's vision you may be directing this movie Howard but what you're asking we can't do it don't tell me I can't do it don't tell me it can't be done the gyro forces are too much here you send these planes into simultaneous barrels climax of the picture Frank all right you make it work number five William Randolph hearst's yacht party ends in tragedy in 1924 prolific Hollywood silent filmmaker Thomas H ince died after attending William Randolph hearst's yacht party rumors began to swirl around the mysterious circumstances of his untimely demise we know he's dead that's the one fact that we know but since there's so many different stories I mean it's pretty much like the movie clue one account suggests that Hearst believed his partner Marion Davies was also involved with the silent movie Legend Charlie Chaplin side note she had also reportedly been linked to ins in jealousy Hearst intended to shoot chaplain but got the wrong guy and there is [Music] and someone got shot and it was ins we're sure that story sold many papers but it's probably untrue the more likely story is that ants suffered from ill health and perhaps this night of raucous partying was too much for his weak heart to Bear Thomas didn't die of natural Gods wait no yeah he did not thomasons did not die of murder he died of natural causes nice try Number Four The Mysterious circumstances of George Reeves's death according to LAPD reports on June 16 1959 the Superman actor suffered a fatal gun wound the official report stated that it was self-inflicted after hanging up his superhero cape Reeves apparently struggled personally while looking for work but George that's all you were good for 10 year olds and shut-ins that was the best you were ever going to be I knew that why didn't you however many believed there was Foul Play and some pointed fingers at his fiancee Lenore lemon lemon and her guests reportedly waited 45 minutes before calling the cops after hearing The Gunshot actor Fred crane supposedly stated that lemon returned to the room saying quote tell them I was down here another theory is that Hollywood bigwig Eddie Mannix ordered a hit on Reeves who allegedly had an affair with his wife Tony Lanier but with no fingerprints on the weapon this mystery remains unsolved you have anything to tell me about what anything I need to have a story ready for number three Charlie Chaplin Chaplin was married four times and two of his Brides were minors his second wife Lolita McMurray AKA Lita gray was in her mid-teens when they started dating he was very taken with me he had his cameraman photographed me in the position of the famous painting The Age of Innocence he thought that I resembled that little girl in the oil painting they quickly married in 1924 to avoid a scandal and keep chaplain out of prison after she became pregnant in 1927 during their divorce proceedings gray claimed that Chaplin had tried to force her into an abortion she also described the quote revolting degrading and offensive way he treated her I think Charlie's real love was his character that he created really and anything that appeared to threaten that would bring out the worst in the Man Gray was awarded the then unusually large divorce settlement of 825 thousand dollars and Chaplin's career never really recovered this wasn't his only Scandal either in the early 1950s the actor moved to Switzerland after the U.S denied him re-entry over his political beliefs I would like to have told them that the sooner I was rid of that hate beleaguered atmosphere the better that I was Fed Up of America's insults and moral purposity number two mgm's treatment of Judy Garland my crime for Judy Garland appeared in dozens of movies for MGM back then child labor laws were not really adhered to instead the studio forced her to take pet pills to keep her energized during long shoots these were also used to control her weight I'm honestly very hungry those will take the edge off no I got Halper it'll give you something for that later while filming The Wizard of Oz various Studio Executives would body shame the actress driving her further toward a Reliance on these substances Garland won a special Academy Award for her performance as Dorothy Gale and was launched into stardom becoming her generation's girl next door but at what cost supposedly this was the Catalyst for the substance use disorder that would tragically take her life maybe everybody wanted a piece of Judy maybe it's just true to yourself when you have someone with that much talent the exploitation of it becomes part of the adulation before we unveil our top pick here are some honorable mentions the infamous Debbie Reynolds Eddie Fisher and Elizabeth Taylor love triangle how would you feel if your husband and close friend were hooking up behind your back after she got a new husband and threw him out um we actually had a discussion about it and that's over 30 some years ago and now I think you know you move on in life it seems that the men leaving the women stick together Marilyn Monroe and the Kennedy Brothers It's believed that Monroe was involved with John and Robert Kennedy but the lack of evidence has raised a few eyebrows as far as the actual records being removed you were aware of that from your colleagues yeah right this had occurred yeah did happen right if I was there at the time when she died Alfred Hitchcock's treatment of Tippy hedron the actress believes the movie maker tried to punish her for rejecting his moves on her he replaced mechanical birds with real ones in that famous attack scene from The Birds that's not fake blood she really was pecked in the face by the birds he told me he'd ruined my career I said do what you have to do I don't care child star Jackie Coogan sued his parents for keeping his millions in income for themselves after legal fees he was left with 126 thousand dollars but his case prompted the California child actors Bill employers are required to set aside 15 of a Miner's earnings into a trust account or if the parent fails to set up the trust account themselves to deposit it with the actors fund of America or AFA also under current law all of the miners earnings belong to the minor Walt Disney takes Nazi propaganda Creator Leni Riefenstahl on a tour of the Disney lot he was in the minority of those who didn't boycott her visit and even showed her Fantasia storyboards continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one multiple stars were coerced into terminating pregnancies back in the day it was almost like an unspoken rule that the birth of a child meant the death of a career at the end of having a child without a father would present a public relations problem for the studio The Aquatic pictures do very nicely for us Ava Gardner who terminated two pregnancies wrote in her 1990 autobiography quote MGM had all sorts of penalty Clauses about their Stars having babies this procedure was not yet legal to the average American woman yet film studios readily used them to control their female stars or as one unnamed Source put it quote abortions were our birth control apparently in some cases they also added Clauses giving them the right to decide when or even whether Their Stars could marry you see so it really was a wicked wicked contract Betty Davis Joan Crawford Judy Garland Dorothy Dandridge and more were all victims of the Studio's rules and I had two marriages it just goes to Studio a lot of money to bust them up well we had have those and all one was to a minor mob figure Vince was not minor do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from Miz Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos foreign
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 411,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drama, Film, Movies, best movies, bette davis, charles chaplin, clark gable, controversies, george reeves, golden age, hollywood, hollywood sign girl, howard hughes, j edgar hoover, judy garland, list, loretta young, mgm, mojo, msmojo, old hollywood, old hollywood controversies, old hollywood scandals, peg entwistle, scandals, tallulah bankhead, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo, william randolph hearst
Id: PUCwKo9erMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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